Saturday, January 15, 2022

Saturday 9: Bobby's Girl

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Marcie Blane confesses she sits at home, hoping Bobby will call her. Do you owe anyone a phone call or email?

A. No. I'm caught up on all of my correspondence.

2) We know Marcie wants to be Bobby's Girl. Let's play the Google Game and find out what you want. Go to your favorite search engine, keystroke your name and "wants," and then search. (For example: "Samantha wants" led us to a math problem that begins: "Samantha wants to purchase a new dress ... " Crazy Sam was tempted to read on because her wardrobe could use sprucing up.) What does Google tell us you want?

A. In Bing, I want "more than an apology" and in Google, I want "to follow a healthy lifestyle."

3) This hit record was an accident. Marcie Blaine had just graduated from high school and had a few days before she had to take off for her summer job as a camp counselor. A friend asked her to record a couple songs he'd written, just so he could play them for record labels and song publishers. Her friend was hoping somehow an established star would hear the songs, record them and make one of them a hit. Instead, a producer at Seville Records said he wanted not just the songs but especially the unknown girl who was singing them, and Marcie became a recording artist. Tell us about a favor you're very glad you did for a friend.

A. I am always happy to help folks. At the moment, I can't think of anything specific I've done lately since we've all been holed up in our houses because of the pandemic. Although I suppose taking over the fellowship in my multi-player video game because the former leader was having some personal issues might count as a favor. Hopefully he will be back soon, and I can give the game leadership back.

4) By the time summer was over, and Marcie's gig as a counselor was done, she was #3 on the charts. Her record stayed in the "Hot 100" for 19 weeks and, for the second half of 1962, she was the top-selling female singer in the US. What female singer do you listen to most often?

A. I listen to Sheryl Crow and Melissa Etheridge most often. I also like Heart, The Pretenders, Jewel, Alanis Morrisette, Linda Ronstadt, and I'm sure I'm leaving others out.

5) After "Bobby's Girl" took off, she recorded it in German for the European market. Only she didn't speak German, so she sang it phonetically. Can you sing any songs in a language other than English?

A. O Sola Mia!  That's about it. Maybe also bits of "Fere Jaques" which I'm probably not even spelling correctly (Are You Sleeping, Brother John?).

6) Seville rushed Marcie into the studio to make more records. None of them charted higher than #68, and Marcie wasn't having fun. After a year of being a rock 'n roller, she enrolled at Queens College in New York City. What's the most recent class you took?

A. I took a Great Course in abnormal psychology a while back.

7) In 1962, when this song was popular, the most popular baby names were Michael and Lisa. Are there any Michaels or Lisas in your life?

A. Yes, but they are on the periphery of my life, and not actually in it.

8) Also in 1962, Marlene White, the first African American flight attendant for a major US airline, appeared on the cover of Jet magazine. What's the last magazine you flipped through? Was it in print or online?

A. I read Blue Ridge Country magazine and am currently looking at the most recent AARP magazine. Both were in print. I don't really like looking at magazines online.

9) Random Question: After enjoying a long, relaxing weekend, do you find yourself more or less productive on Monday morning?

A. My days all run together; it really doesn't matter what day it is anymore, since my husband retired.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  

Friday, January 14, 2022

Preparing for Snow

With the forecast calling for "plowable snow," my husband in particular has begun his snow preparations.

I went to the grocery store Wednesday, fueled up my car, and made a meatloaf yesterday. That's about the extent of my preparations, except for keeping the laundry completely caught up in case the power goes out.

However, husband has to fuel up the tractors, make sure the plow is on one of the tractors, double check the generators, fuel up his truck, and make sure he has plenty of chewing tobacco on hand. He also decided to go the landfill today.

We do not have a whole house generator. I wish we did, but we do have a portable one that will run the freezer, the fridge, the well pump, and a space heater. We have a grill we can put outside of the garage and cook on, if it comes to that.

So long as the lights stay on, we'll be fine. Even if they don't, we'll be fine.

Maybe if everyone has to stay home for a few days because of snow, the covid germs will give it a rest and the hospitals can catch up.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Thursday Thirteen

1. According to a song, some days are diamond, and some days are gold. Some days are more like coal dust and pyrite. I think today is one of those days.

2. In trying to do the right thing, I find that I frequently do the thing that ultimately isn't right for me. It might please the rest of the world, but it doesn't please me. Do you ever do that?

3. The world right now is a scary place. Politically, it's falling apart everywhere, not just here. And then of course, there's Covid. Covid makes is scary to go outside of my house. It would help if other people would stay out of my personal space, at the least, but they don't. They do what they want and get in your face if that is what they want to do. What's up with that?

4. Eating Cheerios without milk tastes a lot like I would imagine eating sawdust would taste. So, I eat Honey Nut Cheerios dry because that at least has a little flavor. It seems to have helped a little with my cholesterol numbers.

5. The next three days are the deep breath before a major weather front moves in and dumps snow. Although it looks a little like snow this morning, I am not expecting any bad weather.

6. Why do I eat my cereal dry? Because I can't drink milk. And who wants to put water on cereal? I have tried almond milk or soy milk in the past. Neither really did it for me.

7. After you've crinkled up a sheet of aluminum foil, no matter how hard you try, you can't make it look like it did when you pulled it out of the box.

8. The long version of Inagodadivida (sp) is over 15 minutes of play time. I put it on when I want to do a fast house cleaning.

9. It is always easier to do the wrong thing than the right thing, at least when it comes to food. For some people, they are angels and choose the grains, the fruit, etc., but for some of us, if the choice is an apple or a candy bar, the candy bar wins.

10. Actually, in my case, neither of those would win. I haven't been able to eat apples since I had my gallbladder removed in 2013, and I still am (mostly) off chocolate. I have discovered I can handle an occasional small piece of dark chocolate, but milk chocolate sets of my tummy troubles terribly.

11. The grocery stores will be packed today, tomorrow, and Saturday as folks go for bread and milk for the big snow. We went yesterday to avoid the crowds.

12. We did not start feeding the birds until late, like after Thanksgiving. For some reason, the birds are not flocking to the feeder. I don't know if it is the weather or the fact that we kept it empty too long. I am disappointed, though, that I am not seeing my feathered friends this year like I did last year, when we first put the feeder up.

13. Guitar picks are all over the place in my office. I carry them with me and they're on my desk, on book case shelves, in guitars. I used to never use guitar picks and played finger style, but lately I've been relearning to use the guitar pick. I've been trying to become a better guitar player. Mediocre is ok, but I'd like to do better. Besides, I have to keep the ol' noggin thinking and working, right?

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 739th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Nonfiction: Stories To Tell

Stories To Tell
By Richard Marx
Copyright 2021
Audio Version
(320 pages print version)

I listened to Richard Marx read his memoir last week. I haven't been reviewing books for a while, but I am going for more nonfiction this year so I hope to write those up. We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, Marx read the book with nice inflection, and sometimes he even sang when he was talking about his song writing work.

For those who don't know, Richard Marx has sold more than 30 million albums. "He is the only male artist whose first seven singles reached the Top 5 on the Billboard charts, and he has written on a number one single in each of the last four decades—an accolade previously only reached by Michael Jackson. He won a 2004 Song of the Year Grammy and has scored fourteen number-one singles, both as a performer and as a songwriter/producer. He is also a committed philanthropist, supporting charitable causes such as the American Cancer Society and the Ronald McDonald House Charities, Mercy For Animals, ASPCA, Humane Society, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, and the charity closest to his heart, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. He lives in Malibu, California, with his wife, Daisy Fuentes."

That paragraph comes from Amazon. Marx did not mention his philanthropy efforts, or if he did it went right by me, so that part actually comes as a surprise. Considering I just finished his memoir, I don't think it should have.

At any rate, if you're into name dropping, this is the book for you. Marx mentions ever star he ever met and worked with, from Elton John to Barbra Streisand to Whitney Houston, etc. He wrote a lot of songs and he has a strong work ethic.

He also came from a home of great privilege, and this seems to have eluded him for the most part. He seems to think everyone grew up with a grand piano in the basement and went to a private school. His father was an advertising business jingle writer as well as a renown jazz pianist in Chicago. He had advantages that most of us only dream of. I doubt he ever wanted for a thing in his life. He writes about love and loss because that's universal.

Marx is the same age as I am. He's had both hips replaced (he said that was from jumping from piano during concerts). He also has been experiencing some kind of fever thing that is not Covid but sounds like something that he picked up in South America (which was where he said he'd last been before he became ill). He said he'd been tested for everything, but I wondered if it was a parasite.

The book could have used a better editor. It was published by Simon & Schuster and I would have thought they'd have had someone tell Marx that he repeated himself in various places and used certain phrases ("to this day") too much. As an editor and writer myself, I found those types of things aggravating. I'm surprised he didn't hear it himself as he read his memoir out loud.

Marx hit it big during a period when I wasn't really paying attention to new music. I was too busy having multiple surgeries and trying to finish college and work a part-time job all at the same time to give music much thought from about 1987 to 1993. So that's on me.

If anyone had asked me who Richard Marx was before I read this memoir, I'd have said he was a singer in the late 1980s. I couldn't have named one song.

I can now name one song: Hazard. I remember hearing that one on the radio and liking it. As for the others, they went in and out of my head quickly. Good pop songs, but not memorable. Should've Known Better might be his top song. I went to look for a list of his song and that was the only one I recognized. So, I am afraid my answer to the question of who Richard Marx is would be about the same.

Trashing Richard Marx is not the point of this post. Obviously, he's a multimillionaire with talent and I'm just a tiny little blogger living in the backwoods of Appalachia. It was interesting to listen to his writing process - he hears the music first and then the words - and he seemed puzzled by those who did in other ways (words first, for example). 

I have written songs usually by doing words and music in tandem.

However, I do feel like Marx missed a growth opportunity with his memoir. I'd have liked a little more soul searching and a little less name dropping.

Oh, and maybe a little acknowledgement that women are more than simply pretty legs or 2-D walking automatons that get his motor running.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Chatting With Cows

I think that I shall not know how
one might have a chat with cows.
To hear them moo in sad disdain
a cattle call with no refrain
To see them eat, or chew their cud
their hooved feet covered in Virginia mud
That's the farm life that I see
when cows are all that surround me!

Sunday, January 09, 2022

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. What was the warmest welcome you’ve ever received?

A. I have no idea. I'm not a public speaker or anything. Most people were not happy to see a news reporter.

2. What was the best thing about your youth?

A. That I grew out of it.

3. Who is the most interesting person you’ve ever met?

A. Over the course of my work as a news reporter, I met many interesting people. It would be difficult to pinpoint who was the most interesting. Everyone is interesting to me as we all have a story that is all our own.

4. What is the least you’ve ever worn in public?

A. That would be a two-piece bathing suit when I was a teenager.

5. What was the worst vacation you ever took?

A. We've had several bad vacations. We went to Virginia Beach in 1989, immediately after the Greekfest riots. When we arrived, we found that the power was out on our side of the street, and the hotel was running off a generator. There was no air conditioning and little light. I think we were nearly the only people in the place. We changed hotels to one with electricity. Most of the shops were closed and boarded up. The destruction was much worse than we had anticipated and certainly much worse than the hotel people had led us to believe when we called. We didn't go back to Virginia Beach until a few years ago, and we had a nice time then. We've also had to leave Myrtle Beach early several times, once because I was sick, once because my husband was sick, and maybe four times because of hurricane evacuations.

6. What room in your home do you spend the most time?

A. My office, where my computer and my guitars are.

7. Who made the strongest first impression on you?

A. I hate to say this, but Bob McDonnell, the disgraced former Republican governor of Virginia. When I met him, he was campaigning for a lower office, but I knew then he would be governor. He was very charismatic.

8. What was the most surprising action you’ve ever taken?

A. I suspect my husband would say it was when I went on an impromptu airplane ride with one of the county's wealthiest patrons (a known drunk). He still tells me that wasn't smart. 

9. When was your life most out of control?

A. Probably from about 1987 to 1992, while we were trying to have a child, I was sick all the time with endometriosis and multiple surgeries, and trying to work and go to college at the same time.

10. What would you be best at, were you to change careers?

A. I would like to work in video games. I don't know if I'd be any good at it, but it would be fun to try. Otherwise, if I changed careers, I'd probably try to go from article writing to advertising. The money is better in advertising.

11.  What is the cruelest thing a person has ever said to you?

A. I think I don't want to go there this morning. But, people don't need to tell me I'm overweight. I already know that. It is a cruel thing to say. Not the cruelest thing anyone has said to me, but it is not something I need to hear.

12. What is the best thing you ever won as a prize?

A. My Virginia Press Association awards for writing.

13. What is your strongest argument against capital punishment?

A. I think killing someone who killed someone else lets them off too easily. Life in prison, to be forever at the mercy at others, to have to live in a jail, seems to me a far worse punishment than death, where the suffering is no more. Plus, it's just wrong to take another life.

14. What have you been most ignorant about in life?

A. Other people. I had rose-colored eyeballs for a long time even though I knew there were some people who could be mean and ornery. I just didn't realize how many people are not nice as a default.

15. Where would you most hate to be pierced?

A. My tongue.


I encourage you to visit other participants in 
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, January 08, 2022

Saturday 9: Moody Blue

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song was recorded in the special studio Elvis had built in the Jungle Room of Graceland. During the pandemic, have you made like Elvis and worked from home?

A. I have worked from home for decades.

2) Elvis sings that his girl is completely unpredictable. Which quality to you find more attractive: spontaneity or dependability?

A. Dependability.

3) He only performed the song once in concert. In February 1977, shortly after the record was released, Elvis sang "Moody Blue" live in Charlotte, NC, but had to rely on lyric sheet. Crazy Sam can sympathize because she seems to forget passwords as soon as she sets them. Do you often struggle with your memory?

A. It depends. I forgot what I've gone into a room for quite frequently, but remember words to songs and phrases from books, etc., without effort. 

4) "Moody Blue" was the final hit of Elvis' lifetime, only getting to #31 in the US but reaching #3 in the UK. What's your favorite Elvis song?

A. My Way. Although Sinatra did it first, I grew up hearing Elvis's version.

5) We're focusing on Elvis this week because January 8 would be his 87th birthday. He enjoyed celebrating his birthday by renting the Memphis movie theater and watching the latest movie with an invited group of friends. What's your favorite way to celebrate your birthday?

A. Have lunch with a friend and a little present from my husband.

6) For his 11th birthday, young Elvis asked for a rifle or a bicycle. His mother deemed the gun too dangerous and the bike too expensive and instead gave her son his first guitar. Tell us about a memorable birthday from your youth.

A. This is hard because my birthday and my brother's birthday were close together (just 3 days apart), so our celebrations were not especially singular. Also, I have an uncle who is 1 year younger than I am who was born on my first birthday, and we used to celebrate together too. I recall one year my mother made me a cake shaped like a butterfly. I thought that was pretty cool.

7) Elvis loved horses and kept them in the stable at Graceland. His favorite was a palomino named Rising Sun. To honor both horse and rider, Elvis' daughter has always kept a palomino in the stable whose name includes "sun." The current resident is Tuscan Sun. Known as "Tucky," he's lived at Graceland for more than 20 years now and is a favorite of Alene Alexander, who maintains the stable and reports he has "attitude and knows he's prettier than everybody else." Tell us about an animal who holds a place in your heart.

A. I had a dog for 17 years as an adult, a small mutt that I picked up as a pup at the flea market. Her name was Ginger. She was not very affectionate, but she would be angry with me for days when we went on vacation and left my in-laws to feed her. After I started working from home, I would go to the back door often and beat on it to get her attention, and she'd always come wagging her tail. It was a long time before I stopped looking for her when I came home from shopping. She kept away the groundhogs, the skunks (phew!), and other critters for the time she was alive. We had to keep her outside because of my allergies, though of course I brought her in the garage when the temperatures were very cold. She was part Alaskan Huskie so she rather liked the cold weather and enjoyed playing in the snow. After she passed away, I could not bring myself to have another pet.

8) Throughout his life, Elvis had trouble sleeping. As a preteen, he was a sleepwalker. As an adult, he battled insomnia. Is sleep an issue for you?

A. Not at the moment. I've had my times when it was, but right now is not one of them.

9) Random question: Do you wear your shoes in the house?

A. Yes. We have inside shoes and outside shoes. I have a pair of sneakers that I wear inside the house and another pair in the garage that I wear when I leave the house. My husband wears sandals in the house and work boots outside the house.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  

Thursday, January 06, 2022

Thursday Thirteen: What's the Word

I am not setting resolutions this year, but goals. I have in the past chosen a "word" or "motto" for the year, and I have yet to choose one for 2022. Here's a list of a few I am considering.

1. Moderation

2. Dance

3. Sing

4. Be Strong (Strength?)

5. Authentic

6. Listen

7. Calm

8. Creative

9. Learn

10. Say Yes (Risk?)

11. Move (Motion?)

12. Forgive

13. Service

I don't know that any of these will be my "word" of the year. Moderate was my word last year. It may be my word again this year. However, I feel like I need something stronger this year. Something that actually creates change.

Maybe the word is change?

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 738th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Yes, I Also Play the Harmonica

Not only do I play guitar, I also (sort of) play the harmonica.

This is a short video of me playing harmonica to a background of guitar music. The guitar is me strumming rhythm and playing a line of lead on a Boss RC-3 loop station.

The harmonica is a $3 Homer instrument I picked up several years ago at Cracker Barrel. It is in the key of C. The chords I am playing on the guitar are C, F, Dm, and G.

This is actually a real song that I simply went musically all over the place with. Youtube didn't flag it for copyright claims, so the real song must be hidden well enough. Can you guess it?

Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Call It What You Will


This is an "inversion" of the pollution spewing from the cement plant to the west of me. I've seen this before. 

The photos were taken this morning (January 4, 2022) around 10 a.m.

This company likes to pretend it isn't one of the largest sources of air pollution in the area, but those of us who live around here and pay attention know better.

I have posted about this polluter before: photos are here, here, and here, though there are probably more that didn't come up in a search since I've couched my language about it for years.

Monday, January 03, 2022

Year's First Snow

It came from the East, with wild howls and thunder

a snow like a blizzard along the Blue Ridge Mountain row

A squall with malice as trees fell asunder

unable to bear the weight of high winds and snow.

(Yesterday, January 2, it was 70 degrees.)

Sunday, January 02, 2022

Sunday Stealing

1. Something that made you cry this year?

A. One of my best friends died.

2. Something you want to do again next year?

A. Breathe. Have another little spell where we didn't worry about Covid before Delta and then Omicron and the rest of the Greek alphabet turned up. Just a little while not to be concerned.

3. Talk about a new friend you made this year.

A. It's been another year of mostly staying home. I have made a new friend as a pen pal, though.

4. How was your birthday this year?

A. Nothing special.

5. Favorite book you read this year?

A. The book I am reading is usually my favorite book. I don't have a favorite book, but I did start reading Louise Penny and I enjoy her work.

6. What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?

A. I can't think of one.

7. Post a picture from the beginning of the year.

8. Post a picture from the end of the year

9. A memorable meal this year?

A. We ate Chinese a few times as take-out. We can't make a habit of it; too salty and too hard on my stomach. It was nice to have something different to eat, though.

10. What are you excited about for next year?

A. Nothing much. We have no plans, and my husband has a health concern that I suspect will create major upheaval.

11. What’s something you learned this year?

A. I learned that people are more ignorant, meaner, and less civilized than I ever thought.

12. What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?

13. Favorite place you visited this year?

A. The grocery store, I suppose. I didn't go anywhere else.

14. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?

A. No.

15. Will you make New Year's Resolutions for 2022?

A. No. I will just try to live my best life every day. Some days that will look great, some days that will mean I made it out of bed.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, January 01, 2022

Saturday 9: Promise of a New Day

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
Welcome to the first Saturday 9 of 2022!

1) In this song, Paula Abdul celebrates the promise of a new day. Here at Saturday 9, we're celebrating the promise of a new year. What do you hope 2022 will bring?

A. I'd like a job of some kind. Just a little part-time something, maybe 10 hours a week.
2) She sings that we should see the wisdom from mistakes of the past. What wisdom did you gain in 2021?

A. I learned not to buy another Dell computer, for one thing. I also learned that people lie, are devious, deceptive, clever, and unfortunately very human. We haven't really changed in the last six or seven thousand years.
3) What is something you'd like to spend more time doing in 2022?

A. Writing.
4) Paula Abdul was once a "Laker Girl" and performed at L.A. Laker games. Do you have a favorite NBA team?

A. I do not.
5) In 2009, she hosted RAH!, an elite cheer leading competition.  Do you remember any cheers from your school years?

A. Let's go, Cavaliers, Let's Go!  I think that's about it.
6) While famous for performing, Paula has arguably been more successful for her work behind the scenes, winning an Emmy for her choreography. Are you comfortable being the center of attention? Or would you rather work behind the scenes?

A. I like being behind the scenes. That was one reason I was a good reporter. While I had a byline and people recognized the name, they seldom saw my face. At meetings I was there, but not part of the news, simply reporting it.
7) She taught actor Val Kilmer how to dance for his role as Jim Morrison in the biopic The Doors. What talent, knowledge or advice have you recently shared?

A. I shared some personal advice with a friend.

8) Paula was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2005 and uses a prescription biologic every day to help her cope with pain in her toes. On your last trip to the drug store, did you pick up a prescription, or something else?

A. Something else.

9) Random question: You have been house-hunting for months. You finally find your dream home and are just about to say "yes" when you spot a mouse scurrying across the floor. Would you take the house anyway?

A. Of course. It's just a mouse. I'd have the seller hire an exterminator before I signed a contract, though.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  

Friday, December 31, 2021

Going Back to Hippie Me

I had forgotten, really, that I was a 1970s version of a hippie when I was younger.

Once I discovered blue jeans and got away from my mother's version of what a girl should look like, I became the epitome of a young woman who lived in blue jeans and T-shirts. Or blue jeans and blouses.

And hats.

I wore lots of hats.

My brother reminded me of this Christmas Eve, when he presented me with this photo from my past:

That's my brother, my mother, and me.

My father must have taken this shot. According to my brother, it had 1976 on the back, so I would have been 13 years old, and my brother 10. He looks very much like he belongs in The Brady Bunch in this picture.

I, on the other hand, look like a hippie from the far hills, with my jeans, oversized coat, dark glasses, and hat.

We apparently were on a hike. My mother has a walking stick leaning against her, and I have one in my hand. My brother has a knife at his side, perhaps to kill saber toothed tigers with, or some such.

I have no memory of this picture, the hat, or the coat. The glasses, I think, were the kind that darkened in sunlight. 

Dressing like that, though, brings back some flimsy memories. Memories of my mother fretting because I refused to dress up anymore. She hated my hats. 

I hated dressing up more than she hated my hats and blue jeans, I guess. Or maybe she didn't think my wardrobe was worth fighting over after a while.

Now I dress like a frumpy old woman. I think it's time to go back to being a hippie. I shall have to look for hippie clothes for large women.

Mamma Cass pulled it off back in the 1960s, right?

I should be able to figure this out for 2022.

So long as I'm wearing pants. Ain't no way I'm going back to wearing a dress.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Thursday Thirteen

Well, it's the end of the year, so I thought I'd see if I accomplished anything. Here goes:

1. I lost 20 pounds and kept it off.

2. I read or listened to 61 books.

3.I had a poem published in Artemis.

4. I wrote several other poems but did nothing with them yet.

5. I wrote four songs (three with vocals, one instrumental).

6. I made videos of the four songs, which requires some knowledge of movie-making software.
7. I wrote to my new pen pals about once a month.

8. I wrote and published about 36 articles.

9. I took many photographs.

10. I learned the names of birds while I was bird watching.

11.  I was recognized on several occasions for the Botetourt County 250th magazine that I put together and edited in 2019, since the county moved its 2020 celebrations into 2021.

12. I didn't kill or maim anybody.

13. I learned that Dell does not deserve its reputation as a computer provider. They are terrible for home purchases, and I will never buy another one online again.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 737th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Sunday Sunset


Monday, December 27, 2021

Oh, What a Christmas

We had visitors Christmas Eve and saw my mother-in-law on Christmas Day. Aside from that, it was a quiet holiday for us.

Hubby reads the paper while he waits for folks to arrive.

My stepmother and stepsister.

My husband and my father.

A profile shot of my dad.

My dad, stepmother, and stepsister, and my husband's big feet.

My brother and his girlfriend.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. What’s the most important thing about the holidays for you?

A. Seeing family.

2.  What’s the most annoying thing about this time of year.

A. The season starts too early. I don't want to hear Christmas carols at Halloween.

3.  Who do you celebrate the holidays with?

A. My husband, his mother, my brother and his friend, my father and stepmother.

4. Do you travel during the holidays?

A. No.

5. Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts?

A. I like to do both.

6. Who is the hardest person to buy a gift for?

A. It depends. This year my brother was difficult to buy for, as was my husband. Maybe it was not the year for guys.

7. What is your traditional holiday meal?

A. We don't have one.

8. Does your town get decorated for the holidays?

A. Yes.

9. Do you have a Christmas tree?

A. Yes.

10. If you have a tree, what is on top of it?

A. A star.

11. Do you decorate the outside of your house with lights?

A. No. No one can see my house from the road.

12. What is your favorite holiday memory as a child?

A. My brother waking me up at 3 a.m. to tell me Santa had come, and we'd slip in and see what was under the tree. Then we'd go back to bed, and when we didn't look surprised in the morning my parents would look at each other and say, "They got up in the middle of the night." Seems like that happened many times.

13. What is your favorite holiday dessert?

A. Fudge.

14. Do you have a favorite holiday movie?

A. The Lord of the Rings, which is not really a holiday movie trilogy, but it isn't the holidays unless I see at least parts of the movies.

15. What is your favorite holiday tradition?

A. Having my brother over for Christmas Eve and exchanging and opening our presents from one another.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Saturday 9: Happy Holidays!

Saturday 9: Happy Holidays!

1. When Sam Winters (the meme author) was a little girl, she loved giving her annual wish list to Santa. If you could ask Santa for anything at all, right now, what would it be?

A. World peace, less fighting amongst people, etc., would all be very nice, but wishing it away isn't going to make it go away. Santa, alas, is rather materialistic in what he can actually manage, so I will wish for a small 5-year diary, one with just a few lines per day. I saw them when I was younger, even had one, I think, but I haven't seen them in a while and haven't been able to find one.

2. Are you currently on the Naughty or Nice list? How did you get there?

A. I presume I am on the Nice list, since I've not done anything overly naughty.

3. Are you traveling this Christmas? If so, are you going by car, plane or train?

A. Not traveling.

4. Did you buy yourself a gift this year?

A. No.

5. What's your favorite holiday-themed movie or TV special? Have you seen it yet this year?

A. Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer, and I've seen it. I also like Jeff Dunham's Christmas Special - the DVD version, not the one on TV, because it leaves out a lot. The DVD version is hilarious.

6. Which do you prefer: candy canes or gingerbread?

A. Gingerbread.

7. Close your eyes and tell us the first carol that comes to mind.

A. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree is playing on the radio so it's sort of hard to think of something else at the moment. That's not a carol, though, it's just a holiday song. Joy to the World?

8. What's your favorite winter beverage?

A. Water, same as it is every day. In the good ol' days, I used to like hot chocolate.

9. What do you remember most about the 2020 holiday season?

A. Covid. We stood out in the cold on my back porch with various members of my family at certain times, all of masked and huddled in our coats.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.