Showing posts with label Saturday9. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturday9. Show all posts

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Saturday 9: Photograph

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Ringo stumbles upon a photograph that reminds him of a lost love. Are there any photos displayed in the room you're in right now?

A. I have a calendar with a picture of yellow flowers on it, a copy of a painting by Van Gogh, a photograph I took of a flower with a honeybee in it, another picture I took of a sunrise over the Peaks of Otter, and a signed picture of Bonnie Raitt and another autographed by Charlie Sheen. I won those somehow over the Internet back in the 1990s and they have been in my office ever since. I don't particularly like Charlie Sheen, but I do like Bonnie Raitt.

2) While there are approximately 180 published songs credited to Lennon-McCartney, this is the only song written by Harrison-Starr. When you think of Ringo's old band, the Beatles, what's the first song that comes to mind?

A. "She's Leaving Home" from the Sergeant Pepper Lonely Heart's Club Band album.
3) George and Ringo wrote this song while on a yacht in the South of France. They, and their wives, had just attended Mick Jagger's wedding to Bianca in Saint Tropez and decided to take a little holiday together. What are your vacation plans for 2025?

A. I have no vacation plans for 2025.
4) At 5'8, Ringo was the shortest Beatle and the only one with blue eyes. How tall are you? What's your eye color?

A. I have about 5'2" tall and my eyes are hazel. They generally have a blue tint to them because I wear a lot of blue.

5) Ringo gave his first wife, Maureen, a one-of-a-kind birthday gift. Frank Sinatra recorded "The Lady Is a Tramp" with special lyrics, written just for her. Do you have anything that's personalized? (It could be a monogram on a scarf, it doesn't have to be as cool as a gift from Frank Sinatra.)

A. I have my press pass from long ago.

6) Ringo appeared as Mr. Conductor on Thomas the Tank Engine. He recorded the narration for the entire first season in just a week. Tell us what you did last week.

A. I went to the grocery store twice, I worried constantly, I did umpteen loads of laundry, fixed dinner every night, talked on the phone with friends, read a lot of news, and cried when no one was around.

7) As a boy in Liverpool, Ringo loved watching American westerns. Do you like cowboy movies/shows?

A. Not particularly. 
8) In 1973, when this song was a hit, former President Lyndon Johnson died. Who was President when you were a kid?

A. Kennedy was killed when I was 6 months old, so then Johnson, then Nixon. I vaguely remember Watergate. I remember Ford being president, and I was a senior in high school the day Ronald Reagan was shot.
9) Random question: When you woke up this morning, did you know the day and date (before looking at your phone)?

A. The day and date wasn't the first thing on my mind, but yes, I knew what the day and date was. I never look at my phone for that information. That's why I have a calendar and a clock hanging on my wall. Yes, I am old school.


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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Saturday 9: Southside Irish

Not familiar with this week's song? Hear it here.
1. This week's song was chosen because it's something of an anthem in Chicagoland around St. Patrick's Day. Can you name another song that makes you think of St. Patrick's Day or Ireland?

A. O Danny Boy.
2. The Irish Choir sings that the "craic" is always best among the Windy City Irish. "Craic" is Irish for "fun" and "high spirits." Are you planning anything fun this weekend?

A. No. We are supposed to have severe bad weather. It's hunker down time.

3. They tell us that their fathers came over from Mayo, Cork and Donegal. Where did your ancestors hail from?

A. My ancestors are mostly European. My father's family has always said they came from Ireland, but my brother's DNA test thing says we're mostly from England.

4. The lyrics mention the rivalry between Chicago's two baseball teams. As Spring Training 2025 draws to a close, how do you feel about your baseball team's chances this season?

A. I don't have a baseball team.
5. The Chicago River is dyed green in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. Does your community do anything to special for the holiday?

A. There is a parade in the nearby city. As far as I know, that's it.
6. While this week's song focuses on the Irish population of Chicago, it's not the U.S. city with the highest percentage of citizens of Irish ancestry. According to the 2020 census, Boston is #1. Have you ever been to Boston?

A. I have never been to Boston.

7. On Monday, which is St. Patrick's Day, do you plan to wear green?

A. If I remember, I will wear green.

8. Clovers are a recognized symbol of St. Patrick's Day, and a four-leaf clover is believed to bring good luck. Have you ever seen a four-leaf clover?

A. I used to find them all the time in the yard, but I seem to have lost the knack for seeing them.

9. Black coffee with whiskey and whipped cream is Irish Coffee. What's your standard coffee order?

A. I don't drink coffee.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Saturday 9: I Can Love Like That

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song is about a girl who grew up on the fairy tale Cinderella. The online teaching platform says Cinderella has been remained popular for centuries because the moral is that kindness is a virtue that will be rewarded. As an adult, do you still believe that's true?

A. I would like to think it is true, but experience tells me otherwise. The mean, the greedy, the corrupt - their karma never comes around.

2) This girl also likes romantic movies. Think of your favorite screen couple. Did they live happily ever after?

A. I'm having trouble coming up with a favorite screen couple. The Von Trapps ended up happily ever after, I guess, from The Sound of Music.

3) While "I Can Love You Like That" was a Top Ten hit here, it reached #1 in the Canada and Zimbabwe. Could you find Zimbabwe on a globe?

A. Probably not without a lot of looking around.

4) The members of this week's group, All-4-One, hail from Mojave, California. July and August are the hottest months in Mojave, when the afternoon temperature hovers between 87º and 97º and often climbs to 100º+. Do you thrive or melt in hot weather?

A. I dislike weather extremes. I like it about 68 or 70 degrees with little wind.

5) After having several hits in the 1990s, All-4-One saw their popularity wane in the new millennium. While they never disbanded – and will be touring throughout 2025 – the members have pursued separate interests. For example, co-founder Delious Kennedy started a YouTube channel featuring interviews with celebrities from the 80s and 90s. Do you spend a lot of time on YouTube? If yes, what do you watch?

A. At the moment, I watch Jackie & Shadow, the eagles in California, feed their young (which is a little bloody and gory, so beware. They are predator birds, after all.). Sometimes I watch the Liberal Redneck, sometimes I watch music videos, sometimes guitar playing videos.

6) In 1995, when this week's song was popular, Michael Jordan "unretired" and returned to the Chicago Bulls. Tell us about a decision you wish you could undo.

A. I wish I had never quit my job in 1984. I was working as a legal secretary, and I left for stupid reasons, and I shouldn't have done that. If I'd stayed with it, we'd have been better off financially. I'd probably never have been a writer and never finished college, but I think it would have been the better route, in hindsight.

7) 1995 saw Pierce Brosnan as James Bond in GoldenEye. 007 was also played by Sean Connery, David Niven, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, and Daniel Craig. Do you have a favorite Bond?

A. Sean Connery is my favorite Bond. The others are all imposters.

8) One of McDonald's best-selling 1995 Happy Meals featured The Power Rangers. 30 years later, those Happy Meal action figures are still available on eBay. Have you recently purchased anything on eBay?

A. I last purchased something on eBay just after Christmas.

9) Random question – Which compliment would please you the most: to be smart, great looking, or likeable?

A. I would like to be complimented on all three, but if I must choose one, then I will be smart.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Saturday 9: My Blue Heaven

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The music for "My Blue Heaven" was written by Walter Donaldson. Mr. Donaldson was a gifted piano player who used his talent to entertain the troops on leave during WWI. What's something you're naturally good at?

A. I'm good at music. I can pick up instruments fairly easily (with the exception of woodwinds and brass these days, my asthma can't handle those). If I can get Twinkle Twinkle Little Star out of something, I can play it.

2) The lyrics were written by George Whiting. He began his career on stage as a song-and-dance man. While touring, he met and fell in love with another singer on the bill. They went on to marry and have three daughters. Have you ever engaged in a workplace romance?

A. I have never engaged in a workplace romance. I have been assaulted at a workplace, but I don't think that counts.

3) In this song, Doris Day sings about a cozy home. Look around the room you're in. What makes it cozy?

A. Since I am in my office, I'm not sure one would call it cozy. It needs a good "heave ho" of all of my old records and things from when I was a news reporter. But the rest of the house is cozy. I decorate with earth tones - browns, off white, greens, with an occasional blue tossed in. We have an open concept living area (we called it a great room in 1987, when the house was built), so we're fashionable in that, I guess. 

4) For four consecutive years, Doris was the most popular film actress in the world, with fans flocking to theaters to see her. Is there an actor or actress whose presence in a movie or TV show makes you say to yourself, "I want to see that?"

A. I used to watch most things that had Sandra Bullock in them. I also was a big fan of Kate Jackson so I watched Charlie's Angels and The Scarecrow and Mrs. King. But now there aren't too many actors or actresses I follow. Lots of times I like them in one role but not in others. Orlando Bloom, for example, is great in Lord of the Rings, but I haven't cared much for him in other roles.

5) For all her film and music success, she found herself broke in the late 1960s. Her husband had mismanaged her fortune, something she didn't discover until after his sudden death. Do you know how much is in your checking account right now? (We're not asking the amount; just whether you know.)

A. I know how much money I have almost right down to the penny.

6) Away from performing, Doris' passion was animal welfare. At one point she shared her home with more than a dozen dogs and went on to establish the Doris Day Animal Foundation. Do any pets share your home?

A. Pets do not live in my house. My husband says the house is for people, the barn is for animals. But we only have cows so that is ok. Cows belong in the barn.

7) In 1955, when this song was a hit, cars came with AM radios, but they were pretty unsophisticated by today's standards. The car needed to be on and "warmed up" a bit before the signal was picked up and that signal could easily be lost if you were bouncing over rough terrain. Today most new cars come with Bluetooth so you can enjoy infotainment through your phone. Do you listen to music, podcasts, audiobooks, etc., as you drive?

A. I like to listen to audiobooks. I listen to them all the time, like when I'm folding clothes or doing other chores, and especially when I'm driving.

8) Also in 1955, the first McDonald's opened. Does your community have a McDonald's?

A. There is a McDonald's at the interstate that runs through the county. It's been there at least 30 years and I've probably eaten there 5 times. I have never been a fan.

9) Random question: How long have you known your newest friend?

A. Hmm. I guess about six years. Her name is Aila. I haven't seen her since before the pandemic, but we talk on the phone. She moved out of the area and so we don't see each other much. But before she left Botetourt, we had lunch about once a month.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Saturday 9: Flowers

Saturday 9: Flowers (2023)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Miley Cyrus sings about gold as though it represents the best. Do you more often wear gold or silver?

A. I tend to wear white gold or silver. My watch is always a mix of silver and gold.
2) She also sings the praises of buying herself flowers. Are there any cut flowers in your home right now?

A. I never have cut flowers in the house. I am allergic.
3) She tells us she's going to paint her nails cherry red. Do you handle your own mani/pedi, do you go to a salon, or do you just let your nails go natural?

A. My nails "go natural," in that I keep them trimmed very short. I don't wear any polish.

4) In 2019, Miley had vocal cord surgery, and her recovery required her to go weeks without uttering a sound. Would it be difficult for you to keep your lips zipped for a week?

A. I expect I would find it difficult to be quiet for a week.

5) Dolly Parton is Miley's godmother, and Miley singles Dolly out as the one who taught her "how to treat people well." Tell us about someone who was a positive influence on you.

A. My friend Cathy is a wonderful role model. She's true to her faith in word and deed.

6) She is a massive Elvis fan and swoons every time she watches Blue Hawaii because he professes his love for Maile, pronounced "Miley." What movie have you watched many times?

A. Under the Tuscan Sun (and you thought I was going to say Lord of the Rings, didn't you).
7) In 2023, when "Flowers" was released, actor Sir Michael Gambon died. Though he distinguished himself performing Shakespeare with the Royal National Theater, he is best known for playing Dumbledore in several Harry Potter movies. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?

A. I am partial to Hermione in the Harry Potter franchise, although I think her ending was messed up. I do not believe she would have married Ronald Weasly.

8) 2023 was a busy year for England's Royal Family, with the crowning of King Charles III and the publication of Prince Harry's memoir, Spare. Do you have a favorite among the Windsors?

A. I do not do much royal family watching, so I have no favorite.

9) Random question: Do your siblings have children? If yes, are you close to them?

A. My brother has a stepson and two children. I am not particularly close to any of them, which I think is unfortunate, but it is what it is. I have a better relationship with my husband's sister's children.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday 9: Cupid

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Sam Cooke enlists the help of Cupid, the Roman god of love, to help him get a girl. In Greek mythology, the god of love and lust has a different name. Do you know what it is?

A. Eros, I think. I am disturbed that I am not sure because I once was a whiz at Greek mythology, about 50 years ago.
2) Sam Cooke was inducted as a charter member into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The museum and hall are located in Cleveland, OH. Cleveland is proud of the six major museums featured on its website. When did you most recently visit a museum?

A. I visited the local history museum last. It was months ago.

3) Sam went to Wendall Phillips Academy, the same Chicago high school Nat King Cole attended. Can your high school claim any noteworthy alums?

A. Nobody comes to mind.

4) "Cupid" was released in 1961. One of the major news stories of that year was the death of Ernest Hemingway. Have you read any of his works?

A. I have, but it has been a long time (like college). 
Since February 14 was Valentine's Day...
5) Sweethearts, those small heart-shaped candies printed with messages like "Be Mine" and "Kiss Me," are top sellers this time of year. Did you enjoy them as a child? Do you enjoy them now?

A. I always liked them and would eat a box of them, but I haven't been in the store to buy any.
6) While Valentine's Day is popular in Mexico, it's celebrated a bit differently than it is here. For our neighbors to the south, it's a day for love and friendship, with no distinction between romantic, familial or platonic love. Do you tell your friends you love them? Or do you reserve "I love you" for your partner and family?

A. I tell my friends I love them. I don't think it's something you shouldn't say if you feel it.

7) In Poland, Valentine's Day, or Walentynki, is often celebrated with a gift of "tea and sweets" -- a tin of black tea paired with candy. Do you more often drink tea or coffee?

A. I never drank coffee. I used to drink tea.
8) One of London's top accounting firms did a study and reports that in England, Valentine's Day is a 52%/48% affair. 52% of the participants planned on buying at least one card or gift, while 48% did not expect to spend anything on Valentine's Day. This year, were you one of the 52% or the 48%?

A. I was one of the 48%, but my husband was one of the 52%. Since I'd been sick and then we had ice and snow, I was not able to get out to purchase him anything.

9) A similar study in Rome showed that today's young lovers would prefer to share a romantic experience on Valentine's Day – a stroll through the gardens of Villa Borghese was a popular choice – than exchange gifts. Would you rather do something memorable for Valentine's Day or receive something you can retain as a keepsake?

A. I would just as soon not do anything at all, to be honest. It's a made-up holiday.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Saturday 9: But Beautiful

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) The lyrics encourage us to take a chance on love. What's something you've done recently that took you outside your comfort zone? How did it turn out?

A. I made phone calls to my congress people. I do not like to do this; it makes me very uncomfortable. Even using a script, I did not manage it well. In fact, I told one of my senators to "grow a pair" and do something to stop the steal. It has gotten a little easier with successive calls, but it is not at all something I am comfortable doing.
2) Bing Crosby introduced "But Beautiful" in the 1947 film, Road to Rio. Name another movie song that became a hit.

A. Hopelessly Devoted to You, by Olivia Newton John, from Grease.
3) Bing's leading lady in Road to Rio was Dorothy Lamour. When she was a teenager, she worked as an elevator operator. With the advent of user-operated/push-button elevators, few elevator operator jobs remain. What's another job that was once commonplace, but has virtually disappeared?

A. Secretary. I don't know of anyone who is a secretary anymore.
4) Road to Rio was one of seven Road movies Bing Crosby and Bob Hope made together. They were one the most financially successful comedy teams in history. What movie or TV show always makes you laugh?

A. We watch reruns of The Big Bang Theory a lot.

5) Crosby's given name was Harry but he acquired the nickname "Bing" because as a kid he was a fan of a comic strip character named "Bingo." As a child, did you read the newspaper?

A. I began reading the newspaper when I was four years old, and I still read the newspaper. I'm not sure I understand it any better at 61 than I did at 4.
6) His 1942 version of "White Christmas" is still one of the best-selling records of all time. He was a movie star, nominated three times for the Oscar, winning once. Can you name another performer who has been successful both acting and singing?

A. Dolly Parton.

7) Bing loved golf and enjoyed traveling the world, playing at different courses. If today you were to receive an airline ticket to any city in the world, what destination would you choose? What would you be certain to see/do there?

A. I would go to Paris. I have been there once, when I was a teenager, and I would love to go back to the Louvre and see the magnificent art there again. I also would like to tour the countryside and see the repairs to Notre Dame.

8) In 1947, when "But Beautiful" was a hit, Farrah Fawcett was born. She became famous for her bathing suit poster, her blonde hair, and a 70s TV show. Without looking it up, do you know the name of that television series?

A. Charlie's Angels. It also starred Jacquelyn Smith and Kate Jackson. Kate Jackson was my favorite.

9) Random question -- Are you someone who makes things happen, or someone things happen to?

A. When I worked for the newspaper, I made a lot of things happen that no one knew about. I liked to do it quietly. Now that I mostly just stay at home, I guess I am someone things happen to.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Saturday 9: Rikki, Don't Lose That Number

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, a man asks a girl to spend more time with him and suggests they go out for a ride together. Do you ever take a leisurely drive, just for relaxation and pleasure? Or do you always have a destination in mind when you get behind the wheel?

A. Occasionally I take a drive to nowhere, but not often. I did it more when I was a teenager than after I married. I usually have a destination now.
2) He repeatedly suggests that she could have a change of heart. What's something you've changed your mind about recently?

A. I used to think there had to be a bottom low. Now I think there is no bottom.

3) This week's featured artists are the duo Steely Dan. They earned the reputation as perfectionists, requiring take after take in the studio until they got their sound just right. Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? Or do you more often find that "good enough is good enough?"

A. I tend to be a perfectionist. Sometimes I finally say, "OK, this is good enough," but more often than not, I am still trying to get it right, whatever that is.
4) The Rikki of the title is a writer/poet who met Steely Dan's Donald Fagan when they were both students at Bard College. He had a crush on her and gave her his number, which she refused to call because she was married. She went on to teach in the English Department at the University of Denver, where her students would probably be surprised to learn she was the inspiration for a famous song. Is there something we would be surprised to learn about you?

A. Yes, but I am not going to tell you what it is. There are reasons why you don't know it already.

5) Another woman who played a role in Steely Dan's success is Barbra Streisand. She recorded one of their early songs, "I Mean to Shine," for her 1971 album, Barbra Joan Streisand. It was her thirteenth album and though 13 is often considered unlucky, it reached #11 on the Billboard charts and was certified as a gold record. Do you have a lucky number?

A. I do not have a lucky number, although if I were to choose one, I think I'd choose the number 8, because if you place it on its side, it is the infinity symbol.
6) In 1974, when this song was a hit, The Magic 8 Ball was still a top-seller at toy stores. It retailed for just $1.99 and promised that all you had to do was gaze at it, concentrate, and wait to learn your fate ... "if you dare!" If you could get an answer to one question about the future, what would you ask?

A. "Will everything be OK?"

7) Also in 1974, Good Times premiered, and the character JJ (played by Jimmy Walker) became a sensation with the catchphrase "Dy-no-mite!" What's another phrase that is forever connected to a TV character?

A. "Live long and prosper." - Spock from Star Trek.

8) 1974 was the year Barry Manilow became a household name with his first major hit, "Mandy." Do you have a favorite Barry Manilow song?

A. I actually like Barry Manilow. Mandy was one of the first songs I learned on the guitar. But I think I Write the Songs may be my favorite.

9) Random question: Imagine a beautiful little church on a hillside. Quiet, with stained glass and lovely pews. Well-maintained grounds with plenty of parking nearby. Seats 150. Perfect for a wedding ... or a funeral, because it's located in a cemetery. Would you consider getting married at a cemetery?

A. I would. I wanted to be married in the woods wearing blue jeans, but that didn't happen. A cemetery would be just as good.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Saturday 9: Summer Song

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) Are you enjoying winter? Or do you daydream about summer?

A. I am not enjoying winter. I have been sick most of January and I am not a fan of the cold weather. I don't like the extreme heat of summer, either, but I can deal with that better than these cold, brittle windy days.
2) In this week's song, trees sway in the breeze. Is it windy where you are today?

A. It is fairly calm as I write this.

3) There's rain outside their window. Have you more recently seen rain or snow?

A. We have had snow. We are still in a drought even if the government won't acknowledge it.

4) This week's artists are the duo Chad and Jeremy. As a teen, Chad Stuart was very versatile in the arts. While he enjoyed drawing, he showed real promise in music and won a scholarship to London's Central School of Speech and Drama. When you were a teenager, what were your best classes? 

A. English, history, civics/government. I made As in all of my classes except Phys ed, including Algebra and Trig, wherein I loved my teacher, but I did not consider them my best classes. 

5) Between 1965 and 1966, Chad and Jeremy played British pop stars on a variety of American TV shows, including The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Patty Duke Show, and Batman. Which of those series do you remember?

A. Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Batman!
6) While those TV appearances were good for the duo's record sales, they sowed the seeds of dissent between the friends. Jeremy Clyde realized he enjoyed acting far more than music and began threatening to leave the act. Chad finally got tired of dissuading him. Between Jeremy's dramatic aspirations and contract disputes, they broke up. Later they both admitted they regretted the split, but as Chad said, "we were just kids." Is there an old friend you've drifted away from but miss?

A. There are many people I no longer know whom I miss sometimes, but they don't seem to miss me, so I try not to think about them. The people who are important in my life are here.

7) In 1964, when "A Summer Song" was popular, the #1 movie in the country was Mary Poppins. Have you seen it?

A. I have seen Mary Poppins.

8) One of the biggest news stories of 1964 was Elizabeth Taylor's wedding to Richard Burton. The bride wore yellow, with yellow and white flowers in her hair. The groom wore a dark suit, red tie and yellow boutonniere. What did you wear last time you got dressed up?

A. The last time I dressed up I wore blue pants and a nice top. That's about as dressed up as I get.

9) Random question: When you're in the backseat, do you wear a seatbelt?

A. I do not sit in the backseat because I get carsick, but if I did, I would wear a seatbelt.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Saturday 9: Careless Whisper

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this week's song, George Michael sings that, when it comes to relationships, "there's no comfort in the truth." Have you ever learned something about a friend, lover or relative that you wish you didn't know?

A. OMG yes. I learned something about my dearest friend not less than a month after she died that I wish I had never, ever learned. Because I loved her, I will not repeat it. But I sure wish I didn't know it.

2) Though this was the top song of 1985, George wrote it years before, when he was still working as a dj at a restaurant outside London. He recalled the moment the sax solo popped into his head. It was while he was on the bus on his way to work. If you go to work, how do you get there (car, bus, train, etc.)? If you don't work outside the home, tell us about a trip you make regularly.

A. I regularly go to the grocery store. I drive by car, in my Toyota Camry, and it takes me as long to drive to the store as it does to get the groceries, then I drive back and put them away. It's exciting!
3) The video for this song was very expensive. It was filmed on location all around Miami, including the luxury Grove Towers Condominiums, but then much of it had to be reshot because George didn't like his hair. Are you having a good hair day today?

A. I could use a cut but I've been sick for two weeks and still am sick, so I don't look for that to be happening soon.

4) 1985 was a big year for George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley. As Wham! they had three songs on the charts and became the first Western pop music act to tour China. Have you ever visited China? Would you like to go?

A. I have not visited China. It would be an interesting place to visit, if I had a good tour guide and/or group to go with. I would prefer to have gone when I was younger, though.
5) When he wasn't working, George was a creature of habit. For example, he never tired of Cocoa Puffs for breakfast and roast chicken for Sunday dinner. Is there a menu item you find yourself eating again and again?

A. I eat a mix of plain Cheerios and Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast almost every day. The calories are the same, but the carbs are lower that way. I do not eat my cereal with milk or anything; I eat it dry. We also eat a lot of "chicken and a vegetable" for dinner.

6) George enjoyed living quietly in Highgate, North London. It wasn't until after his death that his neighbors learned he was the "anonymous resident" who had been funding Highgate's Fair in the Square for years. Held in June each year, The Fair is known for its dog show, arts and crafts booths, music and food. Tell us about one of your community's annual events.

A. They have a festival in Fincastle in September every year. It used to be a huge affair - the streets so clogged with vendors and buyers that you could scarcely move. Thousands of people. Then it started dwindling, died off for a few years, and was resurrected into a much smaller venue than it used to be. It's actually kind of pitiful now, but maybe that's only because I had to go to it every year for years to take photos for the newspaper and have the memories of what it used to be lodged into my eye.
7) According to Car and Driver, when "Careless Whisper" was popular, so was the Chevy Cavalier, a compact car. Nearly 40 years later, the vehicle landscape is very different. There are fewer compacts sold and last year, the most popular Chevy was the Silverado, a light duty truck. Do you drive a car, a truck, or an SUV?

A. I drive a car. My husband has a truck.

8) Also in 1985, Bill Shoemaker's earnings reached $100 million, making him the world's most successful jockey. Do you follow horse racing?

A. I watch the Triple Crown races sometimes, but it is not something I make a point of doing. I liked the movie Secretariat.

9) Random question -- In which race would you do better: the Iditarod, with sled dogs in Nome, or speeding in a race car at the Indy 500?

A. When I was younger, my husband (and other members of my family) used to call me "AJ" as in AJ Foyt, so I guess the Indy 500. I used to have a very heavy foot where the gas was concerned, but I am older now and don't drive quite so fast and recklessly as I once did.

Sometimes when I write the answers to these questions, I wonder where that woman has gone.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Saturday 9: Calendar Girl

Saturday 9: Calendar Girl (1960)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) How will you keep track of your days/weeks in 2025? Do you have a desk planner? A wall calendar? A pocket planner? Do you use the app on your phone?

A. I use the calendar in Outlook 2007, then print out a month to see what I have going on. I also have a wall calendar by my computer, but that's mostly so I can look at it and know what day it is, and because I like the pictures.

2) Consider your typical week. Which day tends to be your busiest?

A. Saturdays tend to be busy because that's the day I change the bed linens and do other major household tasks.
3) This week's artist, Neil Sedaka, is one of pop music's most prolific singer-songwriters, but his first love was classical music. He was so good that he trained at Julliard and won the accolade, "Best New York High School Pianist." Recall one of your passions from your high school years.

A. My passions in high school were about the same as my passions now: writing, reading, and music.

4) Elton John has always enjoyed Sedaka's music and in the 1970s, when Elton was one of the world's top stars, he requested a meeting. If you had the power to contact and then meet anyone in the world, who would you choose?

A. I would choose Margaret Atwood. She certainly seems to have her hands on what's going on and may or may not happen as far as dystopian futures. I like her writing and it would be interesting to learn about her work habits and see how her mind comes up with the stories.

5) Sedaka appeared as the musical guest during the second season of Saturday Night Live. What's the most recent show you watched on TV? Was it live, from your dvr, or did you stream it?

A. The most recent show I watched was from a DVD, and it was Season 5, episodes 1-3 of The West Wing. The West Wing was on Max, but at midnight on January 1, it disappeared, and we were in Season 4. So we bought the DVD set, it arrived, and we started watching it. On Wednesday, I learned that Max brought West Wing back (must've had a LOT of complaints), but by then we had the DVD set and had opened it. I suppose I could have tried to return it but I am not that way. Besides, we still don't have fiber internet and we had a lot of buffering. No buffering on a DVD.

6) His daughter Dara sings on TV and radio commercials. What advertising jingle sticks in your head?

A. The drummers go boom boom! The trombones go zoom zoom! And everybody shouts hooray for Valley Dale! Hooray for Valley Dale all hail it's Valley Dale! Valley Dale sausage! Valley Dale bacon! Valley Dale weiners! Zing zing zing Valley Dale! Hooray for Valley Dale all hail it's Valley Dale.

Valley Dale was a local meat packager in my youth. I don't know if they are still in business. I also don't have the words right.

7) In 1960, when "Calendar Girl" was popular, To Kill a Mockingbird was first published. Have you read it?

A. I have read To Kill a Mockingbird a couple of times, but it has been a while since I last read it.

8) Also in 1960, John F. Kennedy, Jr. was baptized in the Georgetown University Chapel. His godparents were Charles and Martha Bartlett, the couple who introduced his famous parents. Do you have any godchildren?

A. I do not have godchildren.

9) Random question -- Which did you enjoy more: the last week of 2024 or the first week of 2025?

A. I would say I enjoyed the last week of 2024 more, because we both hadn't quite come down with the crud that January brought us.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Saturday 9: Something New

Saturday 9: Something New (2017)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

Welcome to the first Saturday 9 of 2025.

1) We're beginning the year with a song about new beginnings. What is something new you'd like to try in 2025?

A. I'd like to find a new massage therapist. Mine retired.

2) The lyrics recall what was said "in the mist of the midnight hour." Where were you when the new year dawned?

A. I was in bed when the clock rolled over. 

3) The Axwell of Axwell and Ingrosso is Axel Hedfors. He began as a drummer and moved on to experimenting musically on the computer, eventually mastering music sequencer software. Do you consider yourself more a technophile like Axwell, who loves technology and digital devices, or more a technophobe, anxious about learning new programs?

A. I enjoy learning new devices and such, but also dislike having to relearn a program I should already know (like a new incarnation of MS Word), so perhaps a cross between the two.

4) His musical partner is Sebastian Ingrosso. Sebastian became interested in dance music when he accompanied his father, a choreographer, to the studio. When you were young, did you ever go to work with either of your parents?

A. I remember my father taking me and my brother with him on some sales call. School was out for some reason and apparently there was no one to keep us; we were quite young. Mostly I remember it was a long ride in mountainous country and my father was not happy we were along for the ride.

5) Axwell & Ingrosso gave their premiere performance at the 2014 Governors Ball Music Festival in New York City and their last concert at the 2017 Ultra Music Fest in Miami. Looking back on 2024, did you attend any outdoor music or theater performances?

A. I did not attend any performances.

6) In 2017, when "Something New" was released, we lost the TV star who could "turn the world on with her smile." Without looking it up, do you know who that is?

A. That would have been Mary Tyler Moore, right?

7) Also in 2017, Today Show anchor Hoda Kotb announced she had adopted her first child. Do you know anyone who is adding to their family in 2025?

A. I do not know of anyone who adding to their family in the upcoming year.

8) Have you made any New Year's resolutions for 2025?

A. I do not make New Year's resolutions, but I have set some small goals, which you can read here.

9) What was the first thing to make you laugh in 2025?

A. I'm not sure that's happened yet.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Saturday 9: Goodbye

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

This song was chosen because it's time to say goodbye to 2024. Thanks for participating in Saturday 9 this year.

1) In this song, Mary Hopkin asks her lover not to let her sleep too late. Did you wake up this morning on your own, did someone wake you, or were you jangled awake by an alarm clock?

A. I was awakened by my husband's alarm clock. I got up, he did not.

2) The lyrics reference "a lonely song." Can you name a song about loneliness?

A. "She's Leaving Home," from the Sergeant Pepper Lonely Hearts Club album by the Beatles.

3) "Goodbye" was written for Mary by Paul McCartney. He was the one who signed her to her first record contract and produced this and all her Apple Records, including her first big hit, "Those Were the Days." Looking back on 2024, who is someone who gave you a helping hand when you needed it?

A. Oh, my friend Teresa definitely helped me out many times.

4) This video shows Mary performing on The Ed Sullivan Show while wearing a miniskirt. Minis were very popular in 1969. Did you embrace a fashion trend in 2024?

A. I never embrace fashion trends. I wouldn't know a fashion trend if it came up to me and recited the entire 12 hours of the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy to me.

5) Also in 1969, the Colts lost to the New York Jets in Super Bowl III. The game is famous because of all the hype leading up to it, including Joe Namath "guaranteeing" the underdog Jets would win. Do you have a special sports memory of 2024?

A. I enjoyed watching Caitlyn Clark play first college basketball and then in the WNBA. She was a joy to watch.

6) What's the farthest from home you traveled in 2024?

A. I doubt I went 100 miles from home. I don't recall any special trips to anywhere. We haven't been on a vacation in years.

7) What was the biggest purchase that you made in 2024?

A. We didn't make a purchase, but had a very expensive tractor repair.

8) What was your favorite book of 2024?

A. Nonfiction: Democracy Awakening, by Heather Cox Richardson. Fiction: Thornhedge, by T. Kingfisher.

9) What are you looking forward to most in 2025?

A. To be honest, not much. Other than a possibility I may actually obtain fiber internet and rid myself of DSL, there aren't many things on the horizon.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.