Saturday, January 01, 2022

Saturday 9: Promise of a New Day

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
Welcome to the first Saturday 9 of 2022!

1) In this song, Paula Abdul celebrates the promise of a new day. Here at Saturday 9, we're celebrating the promise of a new year. What do you hope 2022 will bring?

A. I'd like a job of some kind. Just a little part-time something, maybe 10 hours a week.
2) She sings that we should see the wisdom from mistakes of the past. What wisdom did you gain in 2021?

A. I learned not to buy another Dell computer, for one thing. I also learned that people lie, are devious, deceptive, clever, and unfortunately very human. We haven't really changed in the last six or seven thousand years.
3) What is something you'd like to spend more time doing in 2022?

A. Writing.
4) Paula Abdul was once a "Laker Girl" and performed at L.A. Laker games. Do you have a favorite NBA team?

A. I do not.
5) In 2009, she hosted RAH!, an elite cheer leading competition.  Do you remember any cheers from your school years?

A. Let's go, Cavaliers, Let's Go!  I think that's about it.
6) While famous for performing, Paula has arguably been more successful for her work behind the scenes, winning an Emmy for her choreography. Are you comfortable being the center of attention? Or would you rather work behind the scenes?

A. I like being behind the scenes. That was one reason I was a good reporter. While I had a byline and people recognized the name, they seldom saw my face. At meetings I was there, but not part of the news, simply reporting it.
7) She taught actor Val Kilmer how to dance for his role as Jim Morrison in the biopic The Doors. What talent, knowledge or advice have you recently shared?

A. I shared some personal advice with a friend.

8) Paula was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2005 and uses a prescription biologic every day to help her cope with pain in her toes. On your last trip to the drug store, did you pick up a prescription, or something else?

A. Something else.

9) Random question: You have been house-hunting for months. You finally find your dream home and are just about to say "yes" when you spot a mouse scurrying across the floor. Would you take the house anyway?

A. Of course. It's just a mouse. I'd have the seller hire an exterminator before I signed a contract, though.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  


  1. If your neighborhood is anything like mine, now is a good time to look for a part-time job. Good luck!

  2. I hope you share more of your writing on this blog. I love your thoughtful, sometimes storytelling, answers to questions.

  3. If your neighborhood is anything like mine, you've chosen a great time to look for a part-time job. Here it seems everyone is hiring! Good luck.

  4. I have thought about working at the library when I retire, I have even thought about that for the summer. I love books. BTW...I thought about you this week when I read The Four Winds. Have you read that one yet? It was so good. I know you like Kristen Hannah. Loved your answers. Have a nice weekend and Happy New Year 2022! ♥

    1. That one is on my reading list. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. Do you want to work online or at a store? I doubt I could find a job outside the house because of my physical limitations. Hubby and I are volunteering at the food pantry at our church. We help bag food that is given away to church members and the community. Happy New Year Anita!

    1. My doctor doesn't want me to work at all, so I would probably need to find remote work.

  6. Enjoyed reading your answers; totally agree with your answer to question #2 about how humans really haven't changed over the many years they have been around.


  7. I hope you can find a part-time job that you enjoy. After having over a year off, I know I am much happier being somewhat busy. Plus, it gives me some purpose and focus when it comes to other things. I can't stay in stretchy pants and procrastinate all day every day and that is a VERY good thing!

    By the way, I am sorry about the state of your mother-in-law's church. Unfortunately, too many churches and Christians reflect the world around them rather than Jesus and what's in the Bible. It's why it took me nearly 10 years to find another church. I think a lot has to do with the heart of the pastor and leadership. My new pastor is absolutely wonderful. Human, but still wonderful and he tries his best to live by the Bible and he is training the leadership to think and act the same way. I have honestly never been in another quite like it. I wish it was different for your mil.


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