Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Call It What You Will


This is an "inversion" of the pollution spewing from the cement plant to the west of me. I've seen this before. 

The photos were taken this morning (January 4, 2022) around 10 a.m.

This company likes to pretend it isn't one of the largest sources of air pollution in the area, but those of us who live around here and pay attention know better.

I have posted about this polluter before: photos are here, here, and here, though there are probably more that didn't come up in a search since I've couched my language about it for years.


  1. Wow! I went back and read your other entries you posted about it. Did they close any time during the lockdowns and if they did close, did that make the air better? We have a lot of bad quality air days here in Phoenix but I am thankful so far it hasn't caused me any health problems. Sorry it has for you :(


  2. Eeep--that really stands out. We get these inversions too--they leave an ugly layer of woodsmoke and car exhaust over Albuquerque this time of year. They banned woodstoves some years ago, but some people just don't listen. Super glad we're high up on the northwest mesa, basically above all that. I'll take the raging winds over pollution any day!


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