Showing posts with label SundayStealing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SundayStealing. Show all posts

Sunday, February 04, 2024

Sunday Stealing

1. What three words best describe you?

A. Smart, kind, and caring, according to my husband.

2. What makes you unique?

A. My personality and my abilities, according to my husband.

3. Who is someone important in your life?

A. According to my husband, him.

4. What is something that always makes you laugh?

A. According to my husband, him.

5. Who is someone who can always cheer you up?

A. According to my husband, him. Also, people doing stupid things in stupid videos.

(OK, husband has left the room.)

6. When was a time you were really proud of yourself?

A. When I received my masters degree in 2012.

7. What is something that is difficult for you?

A. Moving out of my comfort zone.

8. What three places would you love to travel to?

A. Ireland, New Zealand, and Machu Picchu.

9. What is a fun memory you have with your best friend?

A. We saw Barbie together.

10. If you could have dessert for breakfast, what would you eat?

A. Chocolate cake.

11. If you published a book or wrote a movie, what would it be about?

A. Some kind of fantasy with a strong female lead.

12. Which is easier, math or English?

A. English.

13. What three things make you the happiest?

A. Writing something well, playing music, and my husband (not necessarily in that order). (And he's still out of the room.)

14. What is an event in your life that has shaped who you are today?

A. I married.

15. Which is more important, being kind or being honest?

A. Being kind. There is no need to tell someone they look hideous just because it's the honest thing to say.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. What are your plans for February?

A. To stay warm (it's usually a chilly month here), finish up my tax stuff and meet with my accountant, and that's about it.

2. Did you ever have or go to sleepovers as a kid?

A. I went to a few sleepovers, and I had a few. Not many. Being rural and because my mother worked an hour away from home limited such things.

3. Which books would you pick for a book binge?

A. I prefer to read things that are new to me, so I'd pick up some fantasies, maybe something by Juliet Marillier or Lois Bujold or some author new to me, an unread Nora Roberts book, an unread Stephanie Plum book (unfortunately there is only one of those I've not read), something new by David Sedaris, maybe a Neil Gaiman book, somebody's memoir, and whatever else I could find. My Kindle is full of unread books I've downloaded for free; I could spend plenty of time going through those. 

4. What features do you love most about your home?

A. It's one story with no stairs, it's small so it's easy to take care of, and we built it ourselves, with our four hands, so my husband and I know this place inside and out.

5. How often do you try something new?

A. Not as often as I should.

6. What type of sushi is your favorite?

A. I have never had sushi, and since I'm allergic to fish, I don't suppose I ever will.

7. Do you prefer to relax or go on adventures during vacation?

A. We generally tour an area, taking in the tourist spots, museums, stores, etc. My husband isn't much for sitting around.

8. Which colors look best on you?

A. Blue and purple.

9. Do you like brunch?

A. Sure.

10. Do you get stage fright?

A. Yes.

11. Which podcasts do you like at the moment?

A. I don't really listen to podcasts. I listen to audiobooks. Sometimes I listen to Ted Talks.

12. One thing that immediately makes your day better.

A. A phone call from a friend.

13. Which family members are you closest to?

A. My husband and my brother.

14. Something you practice often.

A. My guitar.

15. Are you a light sleeper or a deep sleeper?

A. I'm a light sleeper but a heavy dreamer.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. If you could have a remote control that could pause time, what would you do with it?

A. Nothing. I don't need or want that kind of power.

2. What's the silliest thing you believed as a child that you wish were true now?

A. I wish there really was a Santa Claus.

3. If your life had a theme song that played every time you entered a room, what song would it be?

A. Unwritten, by Natasha Bedingfeild

4. If you were a vegetable, and someone accidentally ate you, what would you want them to say after the first bite?

A. That's a bit like wondering what you'd want someone to say if they cut off your leg. I would want them arrested and jailed. But to take this into fantasy, I would hope if I were a vegetable, I would taste good, so I would want them to say, "yum."

5. If you were a flavor of ice cream, which one would you be, and why?

A. I don't eat ice cream so I am not sure what flavors there are, but I will go with Neapolitan because it's multi-flavored and therefore slightly unpredictable with each bite.

6. What's the strangest thing you've ever googled or searched for on the internet?

A. I have no idea. I used to be a news reporter and I searched for all sorts of weird stuff from time to time.

7. If your pet could suddenly talk, what do you think it would say to you first?

A. The cows today would say, "put heat in the barn, it's cold out here."

8. If you were a character in a video game, what would be your special move?

A. I would be able to be invisible.

9. What's the most bizarre item you've ever bought online?

A. Compression socks. I have no idea, really.

10. If you could replace the sound of one everyday activity with your own voice, which activity would you choose?

A. I wouldn't choose any. I don't care for the sound of my own voice.

11. If you were a punctuation mark, which one would you be, and how would you punctuate people's sentences?

A. I would be . . . an ellipsis . . . and I would remind . . . people not to use . . . me too much . . . because so many . . . people do.

12. If you could have any celebrity work as your personal assistant for a day, who would it be, and what tasks would you assign them?

A. I would like to have Betty White as my assistant, and we'd just talk.

13. What would be the worst "buy one, get one free" sale item ever?

A. Used chewing gum.

14. If you could trade places with any fictional character from a book or movie, who would it be, and what would you do differently in their story?

A. I would be Scooby Doo and I wouldn't run from the ghosts/monsters/whatever.

15. If you had to live inside a TV show for a month, which show would you pick, and why?

A. Cagney & Lacey. I'd like to be one of those strong, tough women.


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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. What is your favorite part of the day?

A. I like sunrise and sunset for taking photos. I like bedtime when I am tired. I like the hours between 10 and 2 when I have a project to work on.

2. What is something you know a lot about?

A. I know how to write an article. I know how to manage household finances. I know how to stay married for 40 years. 

3. Name an important person in your life.

A. My husband, of course. 

4. What is your favorite recipe?

A. I don't really have one, but it might be the recipe I use for meatloaf. It has no tomato in it.

5. Write about an event that turned out differently than planned.

A. My college graduation in 1993 did not go as I expected. Lots of people came to see me graduate, but then they all left, and I couldn't find anyone, not even my husband, as a massive amount of people milled around the front quad at the college. Finally, I went to the car and stood there crying until my husband showed up. He told me everyone had left as soon as they said my name. His mother was having a luncheon for me, so I had to come home and redo my makeup before I went over there, since I has blubbered all over myself. The luncheon was nice, though.

6. How do you procrastinate?

A. I play on the computer instead of using it for writing.

7. What is the best type of surprise?

A. The kind that doesn't scare the bejeesuz out of you.

8. List music that helps you relax.

A. I like to listen to Sheryl Crow when I am relaxing (her earlier work, not the country stuff). I also like to listen to Bread to relax.

9. Name a thing your life has in excess.

A. Clutter. I need to do some decluttering.

10. Name a book you want to read.

A. Democracy Awakening, by Heather Cox Richardson

11. Name a person you’re always happy to see.

A. My brother.

12. What time do you go to sleep?

A. Sometime after 10 p.m.

13. What word describes the past year?

A. Ok. It was an OK year.

14. What is your favorite household chore?

A. I don't mind folding the laundry.

15. What is one thing you’d like to see?

A. The Great Pyramids. I've always wanted to see them in person.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Sunday, January 07, 2024

Sunday Stealing

I answered these questions last week. The link is here if you want to read them.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sunday Stealing

Not sure what the issue was with Sunday Stealing, but these were the questions that were up when I went to do it. Now there are new ones. I will answer those, too, because well, why not?

What is your . . .

1. Favorite food?

A. Eggs. You can do anything with eggs.

2. Favorite color?

A. A bluish purple.

3. Favorite animal?

A. Dogs. I don't have one because of my allergies, but I like dogs.

4. Favorite thing to do on a cold day?

A. Read a book and drink a cup of hot water.

5. Favorite vacation spot?

A. It used to be Myrtle Beach, SC, but honestly, I am not sure I have one anymore.

6. Favorite TV show?

A. We watch a lot of reruns of The Big Bang Theory, but I'm don't think that's my favorite TV show. I don't really have favorite shows. I have shows I like and shows I don't watch, but I can't say that any of them is my favorite.

7. Favorite mythical creature?

A. Unicorns. They're just so phallic and magical.

8. Favorite fairy tale?

A. I was always partial to Snow White and Rose Red, which has nothing to do with the Disney version of Snow White and the 7 Dwarves. In Snow White and Rose Red, they are two little girls who live alone with their mother. A bear comes to the door during the winter and asks to be warmed by the fire. The family agrees, and the girls grow close to the bear. The bear leaves when the weather warms, saying he has to guard his treasure from an evil dwarf. The girls roam the woods and run across a dwarf and save him three times. The next time they see him, their friend the bear is getting ready to kill him, which he does, and the bear turns into a handsome prince. He marries Snow White and his brother marries Rose Red.

9. Favorite thing to draw?

A. I don't draw.

10. Favorite scent?

A. Chocolate chip cookies baking.

11. Favorite mode of transportation?

A. Car, I guess.

12. Favorite vegetable?

A. Broccoli.

13. Favorite candy?

A. Chocolate.

14. Favorite sport?

A. I don't have one.

15. Favorite weather?

A. I like a day when it's all sunny, with a brilliant blue sky, and the temperature is about 70 degrees with the slightest of breeze, and the trees are filled out with their green leaves, and birds are chirping all around, with butterflies in the meadow flitting about from flower to flower.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Sunday Stealing

1. Who did you spend time with this year?

A. My husband, mostly. I spent time with my friends on the phone.

2. Anything change with the pets in your life?

A. I don't have pets. I have cows. They calved and we took them to market, just like every year.

3. What was your job like this year? What do you do? Did any roles or assignments change? If you aren’t employed, base this question on your work at home or volunteering.

A. I did my daily household chores. I wrote articles for a local online paper. Nothing much changed, really.

4. What was the best book you read this year?  How many did you read?

A. I have read 62 books (so far) this year. I'm working on 63 & 64. The best book I read was A Man Called Ove, by Frank Backman.

5. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you? Did you feel differently? 

A. I didn't do much of anything on my birthday. I did not feel different. I am not saying how old I was but it was one of those birthdays with a "0" in it.

6. What political or social issue stirred you the most? 

A. Oh heavens. The efforts of the fascists to take over by following Trump, of course, which included (and includes) efforts to ban books by marginalized folk. I feel like I feel into pre-World War II Germany.

7. Who was the most interesting new person you met?

A. My father has a friend named Joe, whom I had met before but had not spent time with. We have been playing music together. He's a great guitar player and could teach me a lot, I think.

8. What changed in your home?

A. Very little. My husband hung two new sets of deer antlers in the garage. That's about it.

9. What have you learned throughout the year? (Other than crafts) Can be a new skill or a life lesson.

A. I have learned that it is none of my business what other people think of me. I used to care, but I have learned not to. I'm too old now to give a damn.

10. What was your favorite outfit for warm weather? Cooler weather?  What do you wear when you dress up? Any new clothes or accessories you really love?

A. No new outfits, no favorites. I just wear jeans and t-shirts. 

11. Did you make or give up on any efforts to be healthier? Diet, water, exercise etc?

A. I lost six pounds and have kept it off.

12. Fave meals, snacks, desserts, restaurants etc? Eat out or eat in?

A. We mostly eat in. I do not have a favorite meal anymore. It used to be sweet and sour shrimp, but I developed a shrimp allergy and the sweet and sour sauce upsets my stomach if I try to eat S/S chicken. I suppose anything chocolate would be a favorite dessert.

13. Did you learn any new crafts or techniques? What was your favorite thing you made?

A. I didn't learn anything new.

14. What are your hopes and dreams for the new year?  (Some suggestions-family, travel, work, lifestyle, hobbies, pets, appearance)

A. I would like to find a part-time job of some kind.

15. What was the best new/new-to-you thing you a) bought b) made c) acquired in some other way?

A. I have a new Fender guitar that my husband gave me for our 40th anniversary.


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Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sunday Stealing - Christmas

1. What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

A. When I was five, my parents gave me a blue bicycle with a Batgirl doll sitting on the handlebars. Actually, it came from Santa and was under the tree. I didn't know which to be excited about, the bike or Batgirl.

2. What is the worst Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

A. I think it's a tie between a hair dryer and a vacuum, although I was greatly alarmed the year my parents gave me luggage. I thought they were throwing me out of the house.

3. Do you have a favorite Christmas song?

A. O Holy Night is beautiful when it's sung well. But I like to play Hark the Herald Angels sing on the guitar. It has great chord changes.

4. Does your family have any favorite holiday traditions?

A. My brother and I have always opened our presents to each other on Christmas Eve, for as long as I can remember. It was how my parents shut us up and/or calmed us down before the big day.

5. What is your favorite Christmas snack?

A. Fudge.

6. Did you believe in Santa growing up?

A. I was an early non-believer. I stopped believing when I was five. But I pretended for my brother until he stopped believing. He used to sneak into my bedroom around 2 a.m. and wake me up. "Santa Claus has come!" he'd whisper, all excited. I'd climb out of bed and we'd go look at the presents. The next morning when we'd get up, we did not look all that surprised and my father would look at my mother and say, "They got up in the night again."

7. How early do you start decorating?

A. After Thanksgiving. A month of Christmas is enough.

8. Are you an early or last-minute shopper?

A. If I see something throughout the year that I think someone would like, I pick it up, but mostly I start shopping around late August. It's easier on the credit cards, for one thing.

9. Would you rather give or receive gifts?

A. I love to give presents and am always a little irked when I am ordered by someone to stop giving them something. I have had people tell me to stop buying them presents or sending them cards, and I always think, who are you to order me around like that? But I stop. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, though, and I think it damages the relationship on a subconscious level. If I want to give you something, it's your job to accept it politely and say thank you and not tell me it makes you feel bad because you didn't get me anything. I wasn't expecting anything, you know? I give out of love and caring. But it is nice when someone cares enough to get me something, too.

10. What’s your favorite Christmas movie?

A. I really don't have one. I like the Tim Allen Santa Clause movies, It's a Wonderful Life, most any rendition of A Christmas Carol, and I almost always watch The Lord of the Rings movies during the holidays.

11. What is one of your Christmas memories?

A. My boyfriend gave me cowboy boots for Christmas. I was hoping for a ring. That came along another six months later, though. 

12. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?

A. Yes. It's one of my traditions.


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Sunday, December 10, 2023

Sunday Stealing


1. Do you tend to have a guilty conscious?

A. I have a lot of anxiety and I worry a lot. I am not sure what a guilty conscious is, because I am not guilty of anything overly dramatic. I just let little things bother me too much. But I try not to hurt anyone.

2. Do you still have your wisdom teeth?

A. No. Mine were cut out when I was about 16, after my braces were removed. I was quite sick for several days from it.

3. Peanut Butter - creamy or crunchy?

A. Creamy.

4. Get up off your butt. Take 5 steps. Which leg did you start out on?

A. Right.

5. What color is your favorite kitchen utensil?

A. Silver.

6. Did you watch the Michael Jackson memorial/funeral?

A. Not that I recall. That was a while ago. But in general, I don't watch public funerals. I didn't even watch Queen Elizabeth's funeral.

7. Do you know anyone who graduated from high school this year? Were you invited to their graduation party? Did you go?

A. I don't know anyone who graduated from high school this year. So, no parties.

8. White with black stripes or black with white stripes?

A. Who cares?

9. If we were to call your 6th grade teacher, what would they say about you?

A. That I was studious and quiet, and the other kids disliked me because I made straight As.

10. Can you draw a perfect circle?

A. No.

11. What was your favorite scratch & sniff sticker scent?

A. I don't like anything with scents. I am allergic to most of that stuff.

12. How many light switches and electrical outlets are in the room that you are in right now?

A. One light switch, five electrical outlets, not counting the outlets on the extension things.

13. Do you know sign language?

A. No. I always thought it would be a good thing to learn, but I never have.

14. Do you step on cracks in the sidewalk?

A. It's not something I pay attention to, so I suppose so.

15. And the sheets on your bed look like . . .?

A. They're white, crisp, and clean. I change the bed linens every weekend.


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Sunday, December 03, 2023

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?

A. The Lord of the Rings (books and movies), Little Women (book), Fleetwood Mac, Melissa Etheridge and Sheryl Crow (music), Xena: Warrior Princess, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Star Trek: Voyager (TV).

2. Have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? If so, who?

A. David Sedaris, maybe, except I'm not a homosexual man. Or homosexual, for that matter.

3. Do you care about your ethnicity?

A. No.

4. What musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?

A. Melissa Etheridge and Sheryl Crow, but I'm sure there are others, like Juice Newton, Karen Carpenter, Stevie Nicks, Joan Jett, Pat Benetar, etc.

5. Are you an artist?

A. I am not a drawing artist, but I am a fairly creative person.

6. Dog person or cat person?

A. Dog, except I'm allergic to both.

7. Inside or outdoors?

A. Inside, although I enjoy the outdoors. My sinuses don't, though.

8. Five most influential books over your lifetime.

A. 1984, Alas Babylon, The Lord of the Rings, The Children's Bible, Mrs. Osborne the Mop.

9. Would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?

A. Where I am is just fine, although any of those places would be nice to visit.

10. List the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.

A. Messing around on the computer (reading, writing, playing video games), cleaning house, cooking, grocery shopping, sleeping.

11. Have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?

A. No.

12. Could you live as a hermit?

A. Probably. I practically do anyway, since Covid.

13. Do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?

A. I'm not sure anyone's outside appearance represents who they really are inside. It's certainly not a fair judgment.

14. Three songs that you connect with right now.

A. Rainy Days and Mondays, Vincent (Starry Starry Night), and Landslide.

15. Pick one of your favorite quotes.

A. "So after snow comes fire, and even dragons have their ending." - J.R.R. Tolkien


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Sunday, November 26, 2023

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. How long was your last phone conversation?

A. Just a few minutes. Long enough for my husband to convey information.

2. Have you ever dyed your hair?

A. I used to highlight it when I was younger, but then I started reacting to the dyes and stopped.

3. What do you have on your feet?

A. Socks and tennis shoes.

4. Do people ever mispronounce your name?

A. All of the time. If you call me and mispronounce my last name, you're a telemarketer.

5. Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?

A. From my husband's old workplace.

6. Does any part of your body hurt right now?

A. Yes, my lower back hurts. 

7. Do you drink hard liquor?

A. I do not drink any kind of alcohol.

8. Have you ever read a book in one sitting?

A. Yes.

9. Do you like cats?  Why or why not?

A. I am allergic to cats. I honestly don't know if I would like them or not, as I have never been around them much.

10. Do you like the ocean?

A. It's ok. Nice for a vacation. I don't think I want to live there.

11. Ever think you might have seen a UFO?

A. Yes.

12. Do you type fast?

A. Yes.

13. How long are you usually in the shower for?

A. About 8 minutes.

14. Chinese food or Mexican food?

A. Chinese.

15. Do you read and believe your horoscope?

A. I read it, but I don't believe it.


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Sunday, November 19, 2023

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. People I'd like to thank and why

A. All of my wonderful readers, known and unknown, who have ventured into my world via this blog. And my husband for putting up with me.

2. Something I rebelled against as a kid:

A. My parents (who didn't?). Also, I was not fond of doing the dishes. I still am not fond of washing dishes.

3. What I need to accomplish before the end of the year:

A. Get through Thanksgiving, purchase presents & wrap them, put up a tree, send out Christmas cards, finish up the bookkeeping for the taxes, write more in my blog, find an exercise routine, lose about 100 pounds.

4. Guilty pleasures right now:

A. Playing video games and eating chocolate.

5. Local landmarks:

A. Mill Mountain Star, the entire Town of Fincastle, Roaring Run, the Catholic Church in Roanoke.

6. Cause or purpose I deeply believe in:

A. I deeply believe that justice should serve everyone equally, and not only the wealthy. I am also into historic preservation. Look at us today, not learning from the past.

7. Things I never learned to do:

A. Cook well, ride a horse, fly an airplane, be at ease around other people, master the language of the corporate world, sew a dress.

8. Seasonal traditions I’m always excited for:

A. Mostly I'm just glad when it's all over.

9. Something I’d like to be mentored on:

A. Nutrition and food prep.

10. Exotic animals I wish I could keep as pets:

A. None. Exotic animals should be left alone to live out their lives where they belong.

11. Something normal to me, that might be odd to others:

A. Me.

12. The last book I quit reading and why:

A. Hillbilly Elegy, by J.D. Vance. It was (and is) a very untrue accounting of life in Appalachia. You can't take one family and try to say that's an entire community or area. And this was before he turned into a crazy statesman.

13. Right now, I appreciate . . .

A. My husband, who is fixing lunch today.

14. When “the holiday season” starts for me:

A. Usually after Thanksgiving.

15. Holiday foods and treats I love the most:

A. Fudge, Cella's chocolate covered cherries, Chex mix (although I haven't been able to eat that for a few years now), and Claxton fruitcake.  

16. “Terrible” movies that I actually like:

A. I liked the original Planet of the Apes movies. I know some people don't.

17. Cooking all day for holiday dinner vs. ordering carry-out:

A. It's a personal choice. Do whatever feels right to you.

18. If I were trapped in a holiday movie, I’d pick . . .

A. It's a Wonderful Life.

19. Which holiday tradition I wish lasted all year long:

A. None of them.

20. Favorite books, tv, movies and music this month:

A. I don't really have favorites, though I do try to watch Lord of the Rings during the holiday season, and my husband has to watch Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer before he considers it to be Christmas.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.