Sunday, December 31, 2023

Sunday Stealing

Not sure what the issue was with Sunday Stealing, but these were the questions that were up when I went to do it. Now there are new ones. I will answer those, too, because well, why not?

What is your . . .

1. Favorite food?

A. Eggs. You can do anything with eggs.

2. Favorite color?

A. A bluish purple.

3. Favorite animal?

A. Dogs. I don't have one because of my allergies, but I like dogs.

4. Favorite thing to do on a cold day?

A. Read a book and drink a cup of hot water.

5. Favorite vacation spot?

A. It used to be Myrtle Beach, SC, but honestly, I am not sure I have one anymore.

6. Favorite TV show?

A. We watch a lot of reruns of The Big Bang Theory, but I'm don't think that's my favorite TV show. I don't really have favorite shows. I have shows I like and shows I don't watch, but I can't say that any of them is my favorite.

7. Favorite mythical creature?

A. Unicorns. They're just so phallic and magical.

8. Favorite fairy tale?

A. I was always partial to Snow White and Rose Red, which has nothing to do with the Disney version of Snow White and the 7 Dwarves. In Snow White and Rose Red, they are two little girls who live alone with their mother. A bear comes to the door during the winter and asks to be warmed by the fire. The family agrees, and the girls grow close to the bear. The bear leaves when the weather warms, saying he has to guard his treasure from an evil dwarf. The girls roam the woods and run across a dwarf and save him three times. The next time they see him, their friend the bear is getting ready to kill him, which he does, and the bear turns into a handsome prince. He marries Snow White and his brother marries Rose Red.

9. Favorite thing to draw?

A. I don't draw.

10. Favorite scent?

A. Chocolate chip cookies baking.

11. Favorite mode of transportation?

A. Car, I guess.

12. Favorite vegetable?

A. Broccoli.

13. Favorite candy?

A. Chocolate.

14. Favorite sport?

A. I don't have one.

15. Favorite weather?

A. I like a day when it's all sunny, with a brilliant blue sky, and the temperature is about 70 degrees with the slightest of breeze, and the trees are filled out with their green leaves, and birds are chirping all around, with butterflies in the meadow flitting about from flower to flower.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. You are correct about eggs: fried, scrambled, poached, deviled...

  2. The comment about eggs is spot on. I can eat them almost anyway they're prepared except raw. That's probably not safe anyway.
    Dogs and books, two of my favorite things too! I wish I could afford more than 3 dogs but at least I do have them. They're such good companions.

  3. Eggs - can't disagree with that. Mrs PM is allergic to them - and she loves them too so it's irritiating for her when I am making an omelette for example.





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