Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sunday Stealing - Christmas

1. What is the best Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

A. When I was five, my parents gave me a blue bicycle with a Batgirl doll sitting on the handlebars. Actually, it came from Santa and was under the tree. I didn't know which to be excited about, the bike or Batgirl.

2. What is the worst Christmas gift you’ve ever received?

A. I think it's a tie between a hair dryer and a vacuum, although I was greatly alarmed the year my parents gave me luggage. I thought they were throwing me out of the house.

3. Do you have a favorite Christmas song?

A. O Holy Night is beautiful when it's sung well. But I like to play Hark the Herald Angels sing on the guitar. It has great chord changes.

4. Does your family have any favorite holiday traditions?

A. My brother and I have always opened our presents to each other on Christmas Eve, for as long as I can remember. It was how my parents shut us up and/or calmed us down before the big day.

5. What is your favorite Christmas snack?

A. Fudge.

6. Did you believe in Santa growing up?

A. I was an early non-believer. I stopped believing when I was five. But I pretended for my brother until he stopped believing. He used to sneak into my bedroom around 2 a.m. and wake me up. "Santa Claus has come!" he'd whisper, all excited. I'd climb out of bed and we'd go look at the presents. The next morning when we'd get up, we did not look all that surprised and my father would look at my mother and say, "They got up in the night again."

7. How early do you start decorating?

A. After Thanksgiving. A month of Christmas is enough.

8. Are you an early or last-minute shopper?

A. If I see something throughout the year that I think someone would like, I pick it up, but mostly I start shopping around late August. It's easier on the credit cards, for one thing.

9. Would you rather give or receive gifts?

A. I love to give presents and am always a little irked when I am ordered by someone to stop giving them something. I have had people tell me to stop buying them presents or sending them cards, and I always think, who are you to order me around like that? But I stop. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth, though, and I think it damages the relationship on a subconscious level. If I want to give you something, it's your job to accept it politely and say thank you and not tell me it makes you feel bad because you didn't get me anything. I wasn't expecting anything, you know? I give out of love and caring. But it is nice when someone cares enough to get me something, too.

10. What’s your favorite Christmas movie?

A. I really don't have one. I like the Tim Allen Santa Clause movies, It's a Wonderful Life, most any rendition of A Christmas Carol, and I almost always watch The Lord of the Rings movies during the holidays.

11. What is one of your Christmas memories?

A. My boyfriend gave me cowboy boots for Christmas. I was hoping for a ring. That came along another six months later, though. 

12. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?

A. Yes. It's one of my traditions.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I love your answer to #6!! I don't know your dad but I could hear a "dad voice" saying "They got up in the night again." Great memory!! Also, your answer to #9 caused me to pause and rethink some things!

  2. One of my students gave me the Funko Pop Scott Calvin Santa Clause figure and I proudly put it on my desk every December. I loved that movie!

  3. A vacuum for Christmas? That sounds like an odd gift - unless you actually wanted one.

    My dad pretended to be Father Christmas one year for my younger sisters. I was a non-believer then.





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