Sunday, January 29, 2023

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. When did you last sing to yourself?

A. I sing to myself all the time. So like, a minute ago.

2. If you’re male, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re female, would you ever rock really really short hair?

A. I don't want really short hair.

3. What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?

A. Probably my marriage, followed by my work with the newspaper. Somewhere in those thousands (maybe a million?) of words, there must be some truth someplace.

4. What is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?

A. A hug from my brother on Christmas Eve, even though I was sad and crying at the time.

5. If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?

A. Probably not.

6. Do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?

A. I don't have a bucket list.

7. How do you feel about tattoos and piercings?

A. I don't care what other people do to their bodies.

8. Do you feel you had a happy childhood?

A. Nope.

8. When did you last cry in front of another person?

A. Not that long ago.

9. Who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?

A. I'd like to receive a letter from somebody rich telling me they've decided to share their fortune with me. Oh, wait, I get those in my spam folder all the time. How about a letter from just anyone telling me I did a good job when I wrote for the newspaper? The compliments were few and far between.

10. What is your nighttime routine?

A. I go to bed.

11. When was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?

A. That would have been my husband on Wednesday night.

12. If you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?

A. Knowing me, I would say I'm sorry, because I am always apologizing even if I don't know why.

13. What is your opinion on brown eyes?

A. I don't have an opinion on them.

14. Pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.

A. "Jesus wept." It's from the Bible. It means Jesus cried. Personally, it is tied to a memory. When I was 12, my brother was hurt in a farm accident. As my father drove home from the hospital with me in the car (my mother stayed with my brother), my father said, "I'm sorry you had to see your ol' dad cry." And I responded, "That's okay, Daddy. Jesus cried too."

15. What would you title the autobiography of your life so far?

A. Eye of the Lionness: A Survivor's Story


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Saturday 9: On the Atchison, Topeka & the Santa Fe

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Judy Garland sings about the train whistle and wheels. What sounds make you happy?

A. The sound of my husband's voice, the chirping of birds, and the notes from my guitar.
2) She tells us that, since she loves dreaming of train travel, she must have "a little gypsy in her heart." How about you? Do you often dream of visiting faraway places?

A. I dream of it, but I have no illusions of getting there.

3) Judy sings about a future when she's "old and gray and settled down." At what age do you consider a person is old?

A. Apparently now. Almost 60.

4) This song is from the movie, The Harvey Girls. Filming was a time of stress for Judy. She was appearing before the cameras by day (she sprained her ankle in a scene where she slips down a hill), recording the soundtrack by night, and dealing with lawyers regarding her divorce from composer David Rose. Yet watching the movie, none of the tension shows. Do you work well under pressure?

A. I was very good at meeting newspaper deadlines.

5) Judy relaxed on the set by knitting and would make blankets and caps for the children of crew members. Do you knit?

A. I have tried it. I managed a few scarves, but it honestly is not my thing.
6) Judy admitted she had a problem with tardiness. Do you strive to be prompt?

A. I am almost always on time. If I'm late, I generally have a good reason - car trouble, for example.
7) In 1946, when this song was on the radio, cigarette cases were very popular. Since these metal cases were standard issue in the Army during WWII, many soldiers got into the habit of using them and continued to after the war ended. Women often carried fabric or leather cigarette cases that closed with a clasp like a coin purse. In the 1940s, elegant cigarette cases were a fashionable gift but today, they are largely forgotten. Did you ever carry one? Do you know anyone who did?

A. I never carried a cigarette case, nor do I know anyone who did. Although for all I know, one of my grandparents did.
8) Also in 1946, bikinis appeared for the first time on runways in Paris. How often did you don swimwear during 2022?

A. I never donned swimwear in 2022.

9) Random question: Thinking of your past romantic involvements, were you truly in love with one of them, some of them, or all of them?

A. I was only in love with the one I married.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  

Friday, January 27, 2023

Sunset Poems

 A ChatGPT poem about sunset:

The sun dips below the horizon,
A fiery orb of orange and red,
The sky a canvas painted in hues
Of pink, purple, and deep blue spread.

The world is bathed in a golden light,
As day turns into night,
A symphony of colors play
In the sky, a natural sight.

The clouds, like cotton candy swirls,
Add texture to the scene,
A peaceful calm descends upon us
As the world is bathed in serene.

The chirping birds bid us adieu,
As they seek their resting place,
The gentle sway of trees,
Adds grace to this peaceful space.

As the last rays of sunlight fade,
We bid farewell to the day,
But the memories of this sunset,
Will forever here stay.

My poem about sunset:

The fiery orb paints a swath
of pink and purple as clouds
populate the darkening sky.

Evening begins with spectacular promise
as the gold of the day 
grows dim and sublime.

You take my hand in yours
its warmth like the sun in my palm.
I surrender as you move close
for a kiss.

So, which is better? I won't be upset if you say the AI poem. I took all of five minutes to write mine, after all.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Thursday Thirteen

1. So far, I have determined that my word for 2023 is not calm or peace or anything like that. It is tired. As I told a friend yesterday, I have been tired since our adventure at Christmas, followed by the burst pipes at my little piece of rental property, and the shocking shower episodes. Follow this with my efforts to try to get stuff in order to take to the tax man, add to that what seems to be some kind of lingering sinus thing, my chronic pain issues, some family worries, and not sleeping well, and you get, well, tired.

2. I do hope that is not going to be the speed and mantra of this entire year. If it is, I will be a worn-out frazzled old lady in another month.

3. Earlier, I was reading that there have been Sasquatch sightings in my county. I found a listing for one in the northwestern part of the county (Buchanan for the locals) in 2003. Virginia doesn't have many visits from Sasquatch, although the thing I was reading earlier insisted that an entire family of them lives close by and offers us gifts, if we're on the same frequency.

4. Of course, reading about Sasquatch made me wonder about UFO sightings. Couldn't find but one in my county (over in the same area, in 2005), but lots of folks in the nearby city apparently see odd things in the sky. I saw a UFO once when I was a child, but I've not seen anything since.

5. I have seen ghosts, though. I've seen lots of ghosts. The Googler lists loads of sightings in Virginia, but none in Botetourt. I find that hard to believe. We're an old county. We just had our 250th birthday! Sure, there are ghosts here. (I know, because I've seen them!)

6. But I'm moving off into wackadoodle territory, so let's step back and start this odd musing for Thursday Thirteen over again. Like, where does the word wackadoodle come from? Apparently, it originated in the mid-1800s and meant someone you didn't take seriously. The word ultimately comes from wacky. Calling someone a wackadoodle is an insult, but it's milder than calling a person an idiot, though they basically mean the same thing.

7. Tuesday night, I went out into the cold to look for the green comet. I could not find it. It may be that we had too many high clouds, though I could see the brighter stars. Or it may be that my rural area is no longer as dark as it once was. As a child, I could see the Milky Way at night, but I haven't seen it in some time when I've been out stargazing.

8.  A few minutes ago, I learned about the OASIS Scale, which measures anxiety. It's free and you can find it here. I have anxiety and have experienced panic attacks. I've been known to leave a shopping cart in the middle of Walmart and walk out. Grocery stores are difficult for me, for some reason.

9. The book I found this information in is called Unf#ck Your Brain, by Dr. Faith G. Harper. Her website has some free .pdf downloads for various things if you're interested. I am listening to the book, which is a mistake. The book has good information in it, but it is full of curse words, for one thing, which I didn't think I would mind but frequency of curse words becomes irritating after a while, and for another, the author is the reader, and she doesn't know why she placed periods at the ends of her sentences when she wrote them. I may have been better off to have read this book instead of listening to it.

10. Since listening to this book, I have been rethinking my own use of foul language. I swear a lot, by my own standards, but I generally just say f#ck. I don't use many other words, but I think after listening to this book, I am going to try to limit my own use of profanity. We can consider that a New Year's goal, maybe.

11. Do you ever wonder what we're on this earth for? If it is to learn a lesson about something, then do we die as soon as the lesson is learned? If we have free will, why do we need to learn lessons? Or are we just here?

12. I have always had issues with the laws of attraction (especially as laid out in The Secret), because it indicates that one invites disasters into his or her life. For example, if a plane crashes, everyone on that plane had some secret desire to be in a plane crash. Really? Do all of these people who are shot have some secret attraction to bullets? Really? While I can see that it might be valuable to seek out others who think like you, or who have similar interests, I don't think that much of what life throws at you are things you have attracted. Sometimes sh*t is just sh*t, and it stinks (and sometimes a bad word is the best word that works).

13. Growing old is nature's joke on humanity. Or maybe it is payback for the hell we have wrought upon this old Earth. It certainly isn't fun, or funny, though.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 792nd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Where the Deer Rest

In the front of my house is a small glen, hidden from the road and everything else save for the front of my house.

Since we generally are no threat, the deer like to hang out there.

Monday, January 23, 2023

General Update

The Shower

We seemed to have fixed the issue with the shower. It is no longer shocking us, anyway. We had the power company out, and it still shocked me that night but not my husband. We also removed the stainless steel handheld body washer and replaced it with the original brass-covered one, which seemed to help. Finally, we replaced the water heater elements, even though the ones we had in it were new. We had put them in just before Christmas, but I suppose new things don't always work properly.

Whatever it was, the electricity in the shower has stopped. It was a slightly terrifying to step off the bathmat while soaking wet and naked to touch something, though.

Husband's Health

Husband went to the doctor last week for blood work. It was posted to his chart over the weekend. If my bloodwork was that good, my doctor would moonwalk. He has great cholesterol/lipid numbers, his blood sugar issues are under control, and except for the stuff that indicates gout, he is doing great.

Rental House

Our tenant had let one of the pipes burst during the bad freeze over Christmas. I say "let" because he had chosen not to purchase propane to heat the house, even though we'd reminded him since October not to let the pipes freeze. He did. He is moving out at the end of the month. We have new folks lined up to move in mid-month. I have concerns about the two or three weeks it will be empty, as far as keeping it heated so the pipes don't freeze again, but we will figure something out.

What I'm Reading

I'm listening to Unf#ck Your Brain, by Dr. Faith G. Harper. A good reminder of things I already know, although this is the first book I've listened to that is so full of curse words that I found it distasteful after a while. I don't mind cursing occasionally - I curse myself - but she uses it too much, especially for a book. It might not be so bad if I were only reading it.

I'm reading The Jasmine Throne, by Tasha Suri. This is a fantasy, with multiple narrators, and a complex world. I've already discovered I need to read on it every day or I forget who is who doing what.

How I Am

I learned a new cover song, so that's one New Year's goal down. You can hear it here if you haven't listened to it already. 

My chronic pain issues continue; I suspect I need to go back to physical therapy soon. I haven't been since 2019.  My weight is stable, but I am not losing (I haven't been making an effort at that anyway, at the moment, but at least I am not gaining). My ulcer seems healed finally, although certain foods do not agree with me (tomatoes and chocolate, still, are issues). The January blues are hovering around, but I try to chase them off when I notice them. I am cranky around my husband. He's been retired for two years, and I still haven't adjusted to having him home all the time.

My ears have been giving me trouble for months. They hurt, and I have been using a homeopathic mixture, which helps with the pain and has had the benefit of sometimes helping my tinnitus. Since Christmas, when we had no power and the house was very dry, I've had a sinus issue. It's not an infection, but every now and then stuff drains down my throat and I nearly choke on it, and then I hack up a wad of bloody mucus. Since I don't feel bad I haven't checked with my doctor, but this is not normal for me. Dr. Google says its sinusitis. The ear pain may go along with it. Maybe I need to send my doctor a note and ask about it.

I am trying to finish up the taxes for 2022; then I need to reevaluate where I am.

Aside from this blog, I am not writing.

It's the Year of the Rabbit, and I'm a Rabbit. So, it should be time for me to get hoppin'!

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sunday Stealing

1. Pretend you are back in high school . . . what are you doing after school?

A. I am going to band practice. I played guitar in a garage band, and we rehearsed after school several days a week.

2. Do you do homework early or late? Do you really study?

A. I always did my homework. I was a straight A student, graduating 4th in my class. (In college, I graduated with honors.)

3. Do you go to the games? Football? Basketball? What is your favorite to attend?

A. I was in the high school band, so we attended most of the football games. I hated them because it was cold. We occasionally went to the home basketball games but not as often. I seldom attended a game unless I was in band, although I did go back for a home football game in October 1982, a year after I had graduated. I met my husband at that game.

4. Do you go to the dances? Prom? (what'd you wear?)

A. Once or twice, my band played the high school dance, so I was up on stage playing my guitar. I went to prom when I was a sophomore, and I wore a blue gown. I made my date take me by my grandmother's house so I could show her how I looked. My mother told me later that my grandmother cried because I chose to do that. I never went to my own prom.

4. Lunch! What are we having today? What is your favorite lunch?

A. I don't recall school lunches in the 1970s being much to brag about. In elementary school, there was always a little container of milk to drink. In high school, it was pretty much the same. We had not yet reached the point where you could have pizza or pick things from a cart. You went through a line and took whatever they offered, and you ate it or went hungry.

5. What kind of music do you like the best?

A. I like disco, even though most people don't. I also like soft rock, and southern rock. By that, I mean bands like the Eagles, the Allman Brothers, Linda Ronstadt, Bread, Air Supply, etc.

6. Does the radio play in your car and if so what station or kind of music plays?  Does music play in your home often?

A. In high school, I always had my radio on and it was tuned to whatever station played the Top 40 with Kasey Kasem. I listened to music in my room a lot, usually albums or cassettes that I made by copying the tunes from America's Top 40 Countdown.

7. What do you think of the music played in restaurants or stores? Do you find it relaxing or annoying?

A. Today, much of the music played in stores is the music of my high school years and I enjoy hearing it.

8. What part has music played in your life? What kind of music played at your wedding or at parties you have been to?

A. At my wedding, my brother sang, and the songs were Longer, by Dan Fogelberg and The Wedding Song (There is Love), by Peter, Paul, & Mary. A friend of my husband's played guitar. 

9. Is the farm for you? How about a ranch, a village or a city? Which is your choice and why?

A. I grew up on a farm and continue to live on a farm. I'm not sure it was a choice, exactly. The farm kind of came with the fellow I married.

10. A short auto trip for the weekend with friends or a long vacation? Where would you go?

A. Are we still in school? I'm confused with the time period of these questions. Right now, if I could, I would love to take a two-week vacation to Ireland, Scotland, and England.

11. The quiet life at home with a cuppa and TV or a good book or a night out with friends? Which sounds good today?

A. I generally go with the book, but my friends seldom ask me out anyway, nor do I ask them. We're all old homebodies.

12. You have a choice of dinner and a movie or a game of cards and snacks at the neighbors. Where are you going tonight?

A. Dinner and a movie.

13. Is there a hero or character on TV, in a book or a movie . . . or even on all three, that you are especially like? What do you find attractive about them?

A. I liked Supergirl when it was on, but it has ended its run. Kara Danvers, aka Supergirl, was strong yet empathetic and tried to do the right thing. At the moment I am watching Alaska Daily on the ABC app. It's about a journalist trying to uncover why indigenous women go missing and no one follows up on the cases. I empathize with the journalist, although as portrayed by Hillary Swank she's a bit on the brusque side and overconfident.

14.  Was there a book that was better in movie form? How about a movie you thought didn't live up to the book?

A. I think the Lord of the Rings movies by Peter Jackson are better than the books, but generally I try not to compare books with their movies. They're different methods of telling a story, so of course they are not going to be the same.

15. When you choose a book, program or movie which subject it is most likely to be: science fiction, mystery, romance, comedy, documentary, etc.? What draws you to a particular book or movie?

A. I read fantasy, particularly those that have strong female heroines. I also enjoy cozy mysteries, such as Sue Grafton's books. I have read all of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum books except the last one, but they've become terribly formulaic. I like Louise Penny's books, too. I am drawn to books that have strong females in them. I always have been, ever since I began reading Nancy Drew books.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Saturday 9: Kiss

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this week's song, Prince insists there's no particular sign he's more compatible with. Do you take astrology seriously?

A. I do not. I do know, however, that I am Gemini, with the moon in Sagittarius and Aries Rising (though I am not quite sure what that means). I read my horoscope in the paper, but I generally don't remember it by the time I've turned the page.

2) He tells his prospective lover there's no need to be flirty. Are you a good flirt?

A. No.

3) He refers to the nighttime soap opera Dynasty. Were you a fan?

A. No.

4) "Kiss" was recorded at Sunset Sound Recorders in Hollywood. Built by Walt Disney Studio, it's the studio where the soundtracks to Mary Poppins and 101 Dalmatians were recorded. When you think of Disney movies, what's the first song that comes to mind?

A. I actually have to think about this. Nothing is coming to mind. Some Elton John song from The Lion King? Can You Feel the Love Tonight? Is that it? (I'm not a big Disney fan.)

5) Prince said he was "obsessed" with Mozart and read everything he could find about the master. Do you often read biographies? If yes, who was the last one about?

A. I occasionally read biographies or autobiographies but not as often as I should. The last autobiography I read (or actually listened to) was Dolly Parton: Songteller, unless you want to count David Sedaris's books, then I have read most of his works in the last year. Since they are life essays, I suppose one could call them autobiographical. The last biography I read was TrueVine, by Beth Macy.

6. He loved snacking while watching a movie in the theater and would mix Goobers (chocolate-covered peanuts) with his popcorn. When you go to the movies, do you visit the concession counter?

A. I haven't been to the movies in years. But I have not visited the concession counter in a long time. I sneak in a bottle of water and make do with that.

7) In 1986, when this song was popular, Peewee's Playhouse premiered. While ostensibly for children, this show had many, many adult viewers. Do you ever watch kids' shows today?

A. Sometimes, but it has been a while. Like back in the 1990s, with exceptions for something like Frozen or a Toy Story movie if I should catch it on.

8) Also in 1986, Sears shoppers were painting their interior walls with "Country Clover," a pale beige with a hint of pink. What color is the room you're in right now?

A. It's off-white. All the rooms in my house are off white. Some places call it almond, some call it eggshell, but it's basically just off-white. A creamy whitish color.

9) Random question: Do you enjoy pressing the pedal to the metal and driving fast?

A. I used to, but that was when I was younger and more stupid. I drive more cautiously now.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  

Friday, January 20, 2023

Day After Day

This is my cover of Day After Day, written by Peter Hamm and performed by Badfinger in 1971. I have a soft spot for those light rock/pop ballads.

Anyway, the drums are from the Boss RC-3 Loop Station. Everything else is me playing on my Dean Vendetta electric guitar (and singing of course).

First, I played a strumming rhythm and recorded it. Then I played and sang the song. That means you're watching me add the lead and a bit of a bass line in there at times while this video is playing, along with some single string picking at various points in the song.

I must have practiced this 30 times or more before I was somewhat satisfied. There was more I thought about doing with the guitar lead, but I don't trust myself to record over a first recording on the Looper Station and I was afraid I'd lose what I already had. That's something I need to play with so I am more comfortable making those kinds of additions.

Anyway, here you go.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Thursday Thirteen - My Brother's Birds

For Christmas, I gave my brother a bird feeder that takes pictures of birds and sends them to his phone. He's shared some of them with me. He gave me permission to post them.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Power Men Cometh

Today I have spent hours learning about electricity.

First, a gentleman from a whole-house generator installer came out to give us an estimate on the installation of one of those. I'd rather not have a repeat of the lack of power and heat that we had a few weeks ago. 

It is expensive, though. We will have to think about it. Ultimately, it will be up to my husband to decide, since he would be the one having to deal with generators and such should the power go out again.

Then, a man from the electric company showed up after I called and told them I was being shocked in the shower. He came within an hour of my call, which I had not expected.

Apparently, being shocked in the shower is fairly common. The workman who came was a nice fellow who went above and beyond the call of duty to help us sort out this "ghost," as he called it.

After some kicking around and digging, he and my husband found the ground rod buried in the dirt outside of the house. He sanded off the grounding wire and reworked it and reconnected it because it was loose. He thought this might be the source of the problem.

This was actually something the electrician we'd had out earlier should have checked, I suppose, but the power company fellow wanted to fix the problem. He lives just down the road, we learned, and he said he was helping out a neighbor.

I like nice men who enjoy their work and want to help. He had a ruddy complexion and was quick to smile. He was stocky and exactly what you'd expect an electric repair guy to look like. He was very polite and called me ma'am.

He also gave me his cell number and told me to call him personally if the issue continued. I appreciate that kind of gesture.

We'll see how it goes in the shower tonight, but my fingers are crossed that we have resolved the issue, and there will be no more shocks in the shower.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Sparks in the Shower

Regular readers may remember that when the power was out over Christmas, we managed to have warm water on Christmas Eve. This happened even though the hot water heater was not hooked to the generator.

After the electricity was restored, my husband and I both received shocks in the shower when we touched a stainless-steel hose on the hand-held piece that goes with the showerhead.

We called an electrician.

He and his crew came out, but he could not replicate the shock. Of course, he wasn't standing naked in wet water in the shower, although he did take off his shoes and stand there in his socks. But his socks weren't wet.

Electricity was leaking from the circuit breaker for the hot water heater, so he replaced that. He also tied another ground wire to something or another.

This appeared to fix the problem.

But last week I received a little zap in the shower. I mentioned it to my husband, who said nothing.

Last night, I received another zap in the shower. This time, I experimented. Grabbing the stainless-steel hose did not cause a zap, but if I put my fingertips gently on the hose, I felt the electricity. I no longer chew my nails, but I keep them clipped short, so the skin there is sensitive.

I called to my husband that there was still electricity in the shower.

He came to me bearing a wad of tissues.

"Why are you handing me tissues?" I asked, toweling off my hair. 

"You said you wanted a tissue."

"No, I said there was electricity in the shower."

He says he doesn't have a hearing problem, but I'll let you, dear reader, figure out how "electricity" became "tissue."

"Anyway, I was shocked in the shower. Had my electric shock treatment, I guess," I kidded.

This time, he admitted that it had shocked him earlier as well. He'd showered before me.

My request for him to call the electrician was met with, "I'll do it when I get time."

Since I like my life and would prefer not to be murdered by my shower, I want him to call sooner rather than later, and if he hasn't called tomorrow, I am calling myself.

In the meantime, I put down a plastic mat in the shower. It's the best I can do to offer some kind of grounding.

Monday, January 16, 2023

ChatGPT - Artificial Intelligence

I created an account and went to the site to see what's up with the ChatGPT research. I've seen reports of students using it to create assignment responses.

I asked the AI to tell me about endometriosis. I thought it was not a highly sought after topic and felt it was a good test for the AI.

Here is its response:

Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue that lines the uterus (the endometrium) grows outside of the uterus, most commonly on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and other tissue in the pelvic region. This tissue continues to behave as it normally would inside the uterus, thickening, breaking down, and bleeding with each menstrual cycle. However, because this tissue is located outside of the uterus, it has no way to exit the body, leading to inflammation, pain, and the formation of scar tissue. Endometriosis can also cause infertility.

Then I asked: How do you cure endometriosis?

Endometriosis treatment options vary depending on the severity of the condition and the patient's individual needs. Some common treatment options include:

Medications: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help alleviate pain, and hormonal medications such as birth control pills can help slow the growth of endometrial tissue.
Surgery: Laparoscopic surgery can be used to remove endometrial tissue and scar tissue, and may also be used to preserve fertility.
Hormonal therapy: GnRH agonists can be used to reduce the symptoms of endometriosis by lowering the levels of estrogen in the body and putting the patient into temporary menopause.
Complementary therapy: Physical therapy, acupuncture, and dietary changes can help alleviate the pain associated with endometriosis.
It's worth noting that while there is no cure for endometriosis, these treatments can help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life. It's important to work with your healthcare provider to find a treatment plan that works best for you.

Then I asked: Can adhesions or scar tissue cause pain?

Yes, adhesions or scar tissue can cause pain. Adhesions are bands of fibrous tissue that can form between tissues and organs, and they can cause pain by pulling on or restricting the movement of organs and other structures. Scar tissue can also cause pain, particularly if it forms around nerves or other sensitive structures.

In the case of endometriosis, adhesions or scar tissue can form as a result of the inflammation caused by the endometrial tissue growing outside the uterus. These adhesions or scar tissue can cause pain by pulling on or restricting the movement of organs and other structures in the pelvic region. They can also cause chronic pelvic pain and dysmenorrhea.

It's important to note that not everyone with endometriosis will experience adhesions or scar tissue, and not everyone with adhesions or scar tissue will experience pain. Additionally, pain caused by adhesions or scar tissue may be treated with surgery, physical therapy and/or medication.

Then I asked: How do you deal with the pain from scar tissue and adhesions?

Dealing with pain caused by scar tissue and adhesions can be challenging, but there are several treatment options available:

Medications: Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate pain, and prescription medications such as muscle relaxants or nerve blockers may also be used.

Physical Therapy: Physical therapy can help relieve pain and improve mobility by stretching and strengthening the muscles and tissues affected by scar tissue and adhesions.

Surgery: Surgery may be necessary to remove scar tissue or adhesions that are causing pain or restricting movement. This may include laparoscopic surgery, which uses small incisions and a camera to remove the scar tissue or adhesions.

Complementary therapies: Acupuncture, massage, and other complementary therapies can help alleviate pain and improve mobility.

Lifestyle changes: Certain lifestyle changes such as avoiding certain positions, using heat or cold therapy, and reducing stress may also help alleviate pain.

Then I asked: Does a hysterectomy help with endometriosis?

A hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) may help alleviate symptoms of endometriosis, particularly if the endometriosis is concentrated in the uterus. However, it is not a guaranteed cure for endometriosis and it depends on the stage and location of the disease.

Removing the uterus and ovaries (oophorectomy) can be an effective way to stop the menstrual cycle and halt the growth of endometrial tissue, which can help alleviate pain and other symptoms. However, endometriosis can also occur on other organs such as the bladder, bowel, and even the lungs. If endometriosis is present in these areas, a hysterectomy alone may not be enough to alleviate symptoms.

Additionally, a hysterectomy is a major surgery and it carries risks and complications, it should be considered as a last resort after trying other treatment options.

It's important to work with your healthcare provider to find the best treatment plan for your individual needs, which may include a combination of medications, surgery, and/or other therapies.

There are no cites, and no case studies. But for a quick article and knowledge on this topic, this is as good as Wikipedia. I know enough about the condition, having had it, to see that the computer has the correct information. With a little tweaking, this could easily be turned into a student essay.

This is a bit scary, but also exciting.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Sunday Stealing

1. What is your favorite accent?

A. Aye Captain, I'm givin' her all she's got! She won't hold together much longer. (Whatever that was that Scotty in Star Trek had. I also like Sean Connery's accent.)

2. What is your favorite animal?

A. Deer, I suppose.

3. What is your favorite band?

A. Gosh, there are so many. I will go with Fleetwood Mac.

4. What is your favorite childhood book?

A. I have two: Miss Osborne the Mop and Anne of Green Gables.

5. What is your favorite color?

A. Blue.

6. What is your favorite drink?

A. I love root beer, although I haven't had any in years.

7. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

A. I haven't had ice cream since I was 12. I imagine it would be chocolate.

8. What is your favorite place on the planet?

A. Home.

9. What is your favorite sandwich?

A. A good egg salad sandwich hits the spot.

10. What is your favorite swear word?

A. F*ck, F*ck, F*ck, F*ck, etc.

11. What is your favorite thing to wear?

A. Jeans and a t-shirt.

12. What is your favorite food to eat on a rainy day?

A. I don't know that I have one, but I'll go with soup.

13. What is your favorite food to eat on a sunny day?

A. Watermelon, if it's hot.

14. What is your favorite number?

A. Eight. If you turn it on its side, it's the infinity sign.

15. What is your favorite snack?

A. Lately I've been eating these rice cakes with a little covering of milk chocolate. They're pretty good.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Saturday 9: Hurting Each Other

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song was written by Gary Geld and Peter Udell, who also wrote 1962's "Sealed with a Kiss." What was in the last envelope you sealed?

A. A letter to my cousin. No, wait, I mailed a check in an envelope after that. 

2) In "Hurting Each Other," Karen Carpenter sings she wishes she and her lover could stop making each other cry. Have you most recently shed a tear in the last week, the last month, or longer ago than that?

A. I have shed lots of tears, as recent as yesterday. Over the Christmas weekend, I cried a lot.

3) One of the Carpenters' first records was a cover of the Beatles' "Ticket to Ride." Both Karen and Richard were huge fans and nervous about how the Beatles would react to their version. They were thrilled to learn that Paul McCartney responded by saying Karen had "one of the best female voices in the world." Tell us some news you received recently that brightened your day.

A. I easily found someone to rent the house I inherited from my mother after my tenant gave notice.

4) Karen died in 1983, but her musical partner and big brother Richard is still with us. He has said he grew up a big fan Top 40 radio, listening every morning as he got ready for school and every afternoon while doing homework. When you were a kid, did you like to study with music or the TV on? Or would you prefer quiet?

A. I used to do my homework on the hour-long bus ride home. Otherwise, I did it in my room with music on. I still usually have music on in the background when I'm working. It's either music or quiet. I am not much on having the TV blaring all the time.

5) Karen and Richard spent their teen years in Downey, California. It has the distinction of being home to the nation's oldest, still-operating McDonald's. It's been on the same site on Lakewood Blvd. since 1953. Tell us about a business in your neighborhood that seems to have always been right there, in that spot.

A. The bank in town had been around since 1875 and moved to its current location in 1910. It was called The Bank of Fincastle, but about 18 months ago it sold out to a larger regional bank and now it's called First Bank. I liked it better when it was a local bank.

6) The siblings may have had a squeaky-clean public image, but Richard did have a brush with the law while in Downey. The Carpenter family lived for a time in an apartment complex, and one of their neighbors -- a policeman -- objected to Richard "banging on the piano" at all hours. When did you most recently interact with an officer of the law?

A. The last time would have been when a cow got out in the road, and someone called the Sheriff's Office. A patrol car came out and the police officer (maybe it was animal control) informed me a cow was out. This would have been prior to 2019 because my husband was at work. Together the police officer and I corralled the wayward cow and put her back in the field.

7) In 1972, when this song was popular, Mark Spitz was America's premier Olympian, winning seven Gold Medals. A poster of Spitz wearing his red, white and blue swim trunks and all seven medals was a top seller. Can you recall a poster that decorated your bedroom wall when you were a kid?

A. I used to have this poster on my wall:

8) Also in 1972, Liza Minnelli was encouraging us to "come to the cabaret." Without looking it up, do you know who Liza's famous parents were?

A. Isn't she Judy Garland's daughter? Now I have to go look it up . . . Yes, I'm correct. And director Vincente Minnelli was her father.

9) Random question: Are you a better student or teacher?

A. I am a better student, unless you want to count my efforts at writing so that people understand as an educational endeavor. I always considered it as such, anyway.

I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Thursday Thirteen #790

Some years I pick a word to be my word for the year. So far, nothing has really struck me. Here are 13 I am considering.

1. Imagine/Imagination

2. Breathe (Inhale/Exhale?)

3. Calm

4. Focus

5. Balance

6.  Achieve

7. Mindful/Mindfulness

8. Move/Movement

9. Persevere/Persist

10. Purpose

11. Dedication/Deliberate

12. Thoughtful/Thoughtfulness

13. Well/Wellness (Healthy?)

How about you? Do you have a word for the year? Or the month? Or the day?


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 790th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Too Cute To Eat

My friend T. brought me one of these for Christmas (before the power went out). It was (almost) too cute to eat.

Hard to resist the chocolate, though! Yum.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023
