Showing posts with label Saturday9. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturday9. Show all posts

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Saturday 9: Sunset Strip

Saturday 9: 77 Sunset Strip (1958)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) 77 Sunset Strip was one of TV's early hits, running for six seasons. Before this morning, were you familiar with this show?

A. I had never heard of it before. It's a little before my time, and I'm not a big TV watcher anyway.

2) The show's jazzy theme is punctuated by finger snaps. When you snap your fingers, is the left-handed snap as loud as your right-handed snap?

A. Actually, the left-snap is louder than my right, which is odd because I am right handed. Maybe it is from playing the guitar, which requires left-hand strength to note the frets.

3) The show revolved around Bailey and Spencer Investigations. Stu Bailey and Jeff Spencer were among TV first "private eyes." Who is your all-time favorite TV PI?

A. Sabrina Duncan, played by Kate Jackson, on Charlie's Angels.

4) Their office had "a fancy label," meaning an attractive address, on Los Angeles' Sunset Blvd. Tell us about the prestige area of your neighborhood.

A. That would be the area known as Ashley Plantation. This was once a big farm. In the late 1990s, the land was sold and developers built 40-50 McMansions (like 10-15 rooms) around an 18-hole golf course. The houses cost $500,000 and up. During the Great Recession, I went through and counted over 20 for sale signs. We could see that was going to be an issue - there were rumors of people living in these huge houses with no furniture - long before the recession came. Folks came down from the northern states and found they could buy these big poorly built houses for what it cost to live in a small house up there. But we don't really have the job infrastructure to support that lifestyle. The people who do live there - I have no idea what they do for a living or how they earn enough money to make a house payment. Most people who have been here before Ashley believe that they're using inheritance money to make the purchases, but obviously that's conjecture. It is the premiere subdivision in the county, though.

5) Next door was Dino's Lodge, the real-life restaurant and bar owned by entertainer Dean Martin. Are you a Dean Martin fan?

A. I barely know who he is.

6) The valet at Dino's was Kookie. He was known for his perfect hair, his slang ("ginchy" meant cool, "germsville" was the hospital, "a dark seven" was a bad week) and his desire to someday be a private investigator, like Stu and Jeff. Do you think you'd be a good detective?

A. Probably. I was a good news reporter, and I don't think that investigative journalism is that far away from detective work.

7) Stu and Jeff had a loyal secretary named Suzanne, played by French actress Jacqueline Beer. In real life, she was married to adventurer Thor Heyerdahl, who famously traveled from Peru to French Polynesia by raft. Does 100 days on a raft, sailing the south seas, sound fascinating to you?

A. Not in the least.

8) Clint Eastwood was fan of the show and, in the 1990s, tried unsuccessfully to bring 77 Sunset Strip back. Is there a show from the past you'd like to see "rebooted?"

A. I thought they were going to reboot Cagney & Lacey, and I was interested in seeing that, but apparently it didn't happen. And wouldn't it be fun to see an updated version of The Brady Bunch? Just think of the topics - meth, COVID, drug addiction, video games - endless fun. (That was sarcasm in case you didn't catch it.)

9) Random question: Thinking about the last week, did you nag anyone? Or were you the one who was nagged?

A. Oh, I'm always the nagger. My poor husband had a bad case of gout last weekend and he caught hell over his diet and not taking his medication. Nag, nag, nag.

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Saturday, July 04, 2020

Saturday 9: You're A Grand Old Flag


Unfamiliar with James Cagney's 1942 version of this song? Hear it here.

1) The flag we currently fly, with 50 stars and 13 stripes, was designed by a high school student. When Alaska and Hawaii were added, President Eisenhower invited Americans to submit designs for how best to incorporate the two new states. Ike chose 17-year-old Robert G. Heft's submission from more than 1500 entries. Tell us about a contest you entered and won. (Or really hoped to win.)

A.  I won the Sherwood Anderson Short Story Writing Contest once, and placed second in it another time. The contest was for short stories in the style of Sherwood Anderson, a writer known for some odd works. His most famous book was Winesburg, Ohio. He died near Marion, VA, and the library there sponsored the contest. I don't think they have it anymore.

2) The government also has another of Mr. Heft's designs waiting: one that incorporates a 51st star if another state is added. When you were in school, did you memorize the states and their capitals?

A. Probably, but I don't recall them all now.

3) Six American flags have been planted on the surface of the moon. Those are undoubtedly the flags farthest from you this morning. Where is an American flag flying near you today?

A. I would guess at the county courthouse, one of the cemeteries, or the VFW post.

4) This version of the song was performed by James Cagney in the 1942 classic, Yankee Doodle Dandy. Have you ever seen it?

A. No.

5) In that film, Cagney portrayed George M. Cohan, the composer of this week's song. In 1940, Cohan was honored by with a Congressional Gold Medal. In presenting him with the award, President Roosevelt specifically thanked Cohan for "You're a Grand Old Flag," "Yankee Doodle Dandy," and "Over There." What's your favorite patriotic song?

A. America the Beautiful or This Land is Your Land.

6) Though a performer his entire life, Cohan disliked listening to recordings of his own voice. How about you? Do you like your singing and/or speaking voice?

A. I sing ok but I speak and sing with a nice southwestern VA twang, I'm afraid. I don't like my speaking voice at all.

7) James Cagney won the Oscar for Best Actor his performance as George M. Cohan. Also nominated that year was Gary Cooper, who portrayed Lou Gehrig in Pride of the Yankees. Tell us about another movie about a great American.

A. I don't watch a lot of movies. The only thing I can think of is the John Adams series that was on HBO some time ago.

8) As a teen, Cagney juggled high school with a variety of jobs, including bell hop and delivery boy, and gave all his earnings to his family. Looking back, Cagney was grateful that he had to begin work early, saying, "I feel sorry for the kid who has too cushy a time of it. Suddenly he has to come face-to-face with the realities of life without his mama and papa to do his thinking for him." Do you agree? 

A. To a degree, yes. I know some kids who've had too cushy a time of it and have found the real world to be a challenge.

9) Cagney had a rebellious streak. His boss, studio head Jack Warner, nicknamed Cagney, "The Professional Againster." Cagney joked that he enjoyed earning the title. What about you? Are you rebellious?

A. I don't think so, but others do not share that opinion. Every time I went to report on the supervisors' meetings, someone invariably said, "Here comes Trouble." I know my parents thought I was rebellious.

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Saturday, June 27, 2020

Saturday 9: Beautiful People

Saturday 9: Beautiful People (2019)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is about the fantasy of being one of the "beautiful people," but how hollow the reality can be. Do you often find yourself envying others for what they have?

A. No. What is the point? I have enough.

2) Ed Sheeran sings that he and his girl don't fit in well because they're "just ourselves." Who among your close friends do you find it easiest to be "just yourself?"

A. Usually the ones who are creative and share similar thoughts politically.

3) The lyrics refer to Hummers and Lamborghinis. What's your dream ride?

A. A Toyota Avalon. Yeah, I dream big.

4) Ed believes in giving back. One cause he supports is No Cold Homes, which helps ensure that everyone in the English city of Bristol has the fuel needed to keep their homes safe and comfortable. Here in the United States, he's raised funds for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Is there a cause that's near and dear to your heart?

A. I give to the local Rescue Mission (takes care of the homeless people), my alma mater, the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, and a few others.

5) Ed's arms are covered in tattoos, so clearly he doesn't suffer from trypanophobia, or a fear of needles. How about you? Do you look away when the doctor gives you a shot?

A. Yes. And I close my eyes.

6) One of Ed's tattoos is a bottle of Heinz Ketchup. What condiments would we find if we peeked into your refrigerator this morning?

A. Mayo, Miracle Whip, Heinz Ketchup, Heinz 57, mustard, salad dressing.

7) Ed is a natural redhead, a trait he shares with only 2% of the population. Does red hair run in your family?

A. No. We're mostly brown-headed and/or gray.

8)  In 2019, when this song was released, the FDA recommended the approval of a drug for treating peanut allergies in children. Do you suffer from any food allergies, or sensitivities?

A. Yes. I am allergic to fish, black pepper, and several other foods. Some of them I can eat if I don't over do it.

9) Random question: What of these do you think is the biggest contributing factor to success -- hard work, luck, or talent?

A. Hard work is the biggest factor, but a little luck never hurts.

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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Saturday 9: Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast

Saturday 9: Daddy Don't You Walk So Fast (1972)

. . . Because it's Father's Day weekend.

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is about a little girl who runs after her daddy. When is the last time you ran? Were you trying to get somewhere in a hurry, or playing a sport?

A. Bwahhahaha. Me, run? I can't remember the last time I ran. Trotted a little bit, maybe.

2) This song was a top ten hit for Wayne Newton. Mr. Newton is better known for his TV work, having made more than 150 appearances since 1963. Have you ever been on TV? Or in a YouTube video?

A. I have been on TV. I was interviewed in a news story a year or two ago, and when I was a teenager I appeared on a Saturday morning show where we used puppets and spoke Spanish. I have been in youtube videos that I have made. You can see me playing my guitar and singing if you go back a few days.

3) The road leading to Las Vegas' McCarran International Airport is named Wayne Newton Blvd. in his honor. When is the last time you were at an airport? Were you flying somewhere, picking someone up, or dropping them off?

A. I haven't been to an airport in several years, and I would have been picking up my husband from a business trip.

4) Wayne says Elvis Presley haunts Las Vegas, and believes that The King of Rock and Roll has given him performing and parenting tips from beyond the grave. When did you last see Elvis? On TV, on a t-shirt, poster or magazine cover, or as a ghostly apparition?

A. Wow. That one took me by surprise. I can't remember when I last saw Elvis. Maybe on one of those "let's sell old music" shows that Time Life puts on, perhaps. A few years ago, I bought my dad a bunch of Elvis stamps. He likes Elvis.

5) When Sam walks with her own dad, the problem isn't that he walks fast. It's that he's always stopping to pick up litter he finds on the grass. Litterbugs are his pet peeve. What's your pet peeve?

A. I can only have one? There are so many. I dislike it when people smoke at the doorways of places. The whole point of not having smoking inside is so people don't have to smell secondhand smoke. This is negated if you can't walk into the place without being enveloped in a cloud of nicotine.

6) Sam's own father often traveled for business, and always gave her the complimentary soaps, shampoos or body lotion he got from the hotel. When she went away to college, she used her collection of little bottles and was grateful for all the money they saved her. What's something you've done recently to economize?

A. I've started freezing food, especially meat. I used to purchase things fresh every week but now that I am not shopping as frequently, I am buying in bulk and freezing.

7) It was her father who taught Sam to drive. Are you a better student or teacher?

A. I think I am a better student than a teacher.

8) Sam's father also always asks if her car in "tip top" condition. Most recently he reminded her to test her headlights, tail lights and turn signals while the car is parked to make sure they're all working. Do you have a car maintenance tip to share?

A. Get a husband and let him take care of it. Otherwise, know what how to find the owner's manual for your vehicle so you can figure out what the strange little lights on the dashboard are.

9) Sam's father satisfies his afternoon sugar craving with an almost endless stream of Butter Rum Lifesavers. Do you usually enjoy a between meal snack?

A. I do. Sometimes it is healthy, most times, not so much.

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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Saturday 9: The Rain

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The Cowsills were a family band who had three hit singles. Can you name another group of popular singing siblings?

A. The Osmonds. The Jacksons. The Carpenters.

2) This was their first hit, and it reached #2 on the Billboard charts. It was kept out of the #1 slot by the Monkees and "Daydream Believer." What's your favorite Monkees song?

A. Last Train to Clarksville.

3) After seeing the Cowsill brothers perform with their mother and sister, TV producers were inspired to create the sitcom, The Partridge Family. Did you ever watch it?

A. Of course I watched it. I was in love with David Cassidy just like all the girls my age. He was so hot with that shag haircut and those hippy pants.

4) In the song, the narrator takes a flower from a girl in the park. Are there flowers in your home right now?

A. No. I am allergic to flowers. There are artificial flowers but I don't think that is what the question is asking.

5) He isn't sure if the girl was real, or if he dreamed her. Tell us about a recent dream you had.

A. I dreamed I was lured to a cave in which there was an invisible man who played the guitar, and there was a bed with a golden blanket to sleep in. Animals came there and would talk to you. A deer with a small set of horns came and said his name was Joshua. I told him to not grow his horns large so he wouldn't be shot. For some reason I kept thinking of the Lothlorien Flute. (I don't even know what that is.)

6) At the height of the Cowsills' popularity, they were hired by the American Dairy Association to promote drinking milk. If we were to peek into your refrigerator right now, would we find any milk?

A. Yes.

7) After the band stopped performing together, John Cowsill went on to become a back up musician for the Beach Boys. His job has kept him on the road much of the time. When you travel, do you enjoy staying in hotels, or would you rather stay with friends/family?

A. We always stay in hotels. We prefer not to infringe upon our family. After three days, guests start to be like dead fish - you really want them gone.

8)  In 1967, the year this song was popular, Elvis married Priscilla in Las Vegas. Have you attended any weddings yet this year? Are there any weddings in your future?

A. Not that I am aware of.

9) Random question: Are the bottoms of your feet ticklish?

A. Not really. My husband's are, though.

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Saturday, June 06, 2020

Saturday 9: When Love Goes Wrong

Saturday 9: When Love Goes Wrong (Nothing Goes Right) 1953

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This is from the movie Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Have you seen it?

A. No, I don't think so.

2) The lyrics tell us that, when love goes wrong, "a match won't light." When did you most recently light a match?

A. I can't recall, but it would have been to get rid of the smell of skunk. I don't burn candles generally, but I do strike a match to make the skunk odor go away.

3) The duet is performed at a French sidewalk cafe, where Jane Russell and Marilyn Monroe are (literally) sharing a cup of coffee. With whom did you most recently have coffee?

A. I don't drink coffee. Anyway, it has been so long since I've been out with someone I can't remember who that might have been.

4) The tune was written by prolific composer Hoagy Carmichael. He was influenced by his mother, who earned extra money for the family playing piano during silent movies. Who in your life influenced your career choices?

A. My teachers, mostly. My parents both seemed to think I'd make a good secretary. I didn't agree with them. I despise secretarial work. My idea of a good filing system is a pile of stuff that no one else touches so I know what is where.

5) Jane and Marilyn shared something beyond movie stardom. They were both married to Hall of Famers. Marilyn Monroe was married to Joe DiMaggio, who was inducted into the baseball Hall of Fame in 1955. Jane was married to quarterback Bob Waterfield, inducted into the football Hall of Fame in 1965. Which sport would you rather watch: baseball or football?

A. Football. Speaking of which, my alma mater is undefeated in football. Hasn't lost a game since the college was founded in the 1800s. (It's an all-women college and we don't have a football team. Ha.)

6) Jane and Bob Waterfield were high school sweethearts at Van Nuys High. The Southern California school was used as a set for the 1982 movie, Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Tell us something about your high school.

A. My high school graduating class was about 210 students, and I was fifth in the class. Lord Botetourt High School (LBHS) is one of two high schools in my county and they were both built the same year, 1958, and opened in 1959. As of 2019 it had 69 faculty members serving 1,052 students grades 9-12. The school is named for Norborne Berkeley, 4th Baron Botetourt, the governor of Virginia from 1768 to 1770. Athletic teams are known as the Cavaliers, and the school colors are scarlet and silver. When I went to school, there were fewer students, but not by much. There were two stories with steps, no elevator (I wonder if they ever rectified that). I understand the roof leaks.

7) Marilyn and Joe DiMaggio met on a blind date at a Hollywood restaurant called Villa Nova. Have you ever arranged a blind date? If so, did the couple hit it off and end up dating?

A. I have never arranged a blind date.

8) In 1953, when Gentlemen Prefer Blondes was released, a tornado did severe damage to Waco, TX. Tell us about a major weather event that you endured (tornado, hurricane, flood, blizzard, heat wave, etc.).

A. We had what was called then a thousand-year flood. The most severe flooding in our area occurred on November 4, 1985 when heavy storms from the remnants of Hurricane Juan stalled over the area. There were 10 deaths in and around Roanoke, including three who drove into flooded rivers, and three others who refused to evacuate. My husband, a firefighter, was on duty. I had a doctor's appointment that morning and was downtown. I came out of the doctor's office to find the Roanoke River rising up close my car. I ended up traveling multiple directions to find a way on to the interstate to drive the 20 miles back home. However, I could not find a way into my house for a long time. The road was covered by a mudslide in one direction, flooding in another. Finally I went "the long way around" and made it home to find the basement flooded. I went down and threw the power switch, wading in water to do so, and was probably fortunate that I didn't get electrocuted. My husband eventually called me (no cellphones back then). He had been rescuing people left and right, sticking ladders out for folks to grab onto, pulling people off of rooftops. The communities in my county along the James River suffered tremendous damage and loss. I was 23 years old. Here is a video of the damage.

9) Random question: You see a filthy puddle. Floating on top are cigarette butts, a leaf, and a $1 bill. Would you bend over and rescue the dollar?

A. Probably not. But I have been known to stop and pick up a penny, so I suppose it would depend upon my frame of mind, whether or not it was raining, if I had a tissue to touch it with, and if Covid was running rampant in the community.

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Saturday, May 30, 2020

Saturday 9: Uncle Albert

Saturday 9: Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey (1971)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) The lyrics tell us Paul believes it's going to rain. How's the weather where you are today?

A. Hot and humid.

2) Paul sings that he is sorry because he hasn't "done a bloody thing all day." What do you hope to accomplish this weekend?

A. My husband will be cutting hay, so I will be taking care of him and the house.

3) He also references butter pie, which is made primarily with potatoes (with onions and, of course, butter). That dish is not popular on this side of the Atlantic. Last time you had potatoes, how were they prepared (baked, mashed, hash browned, french fried ...)?

A. I had French fries at lunch the other day.

4) Linda McCartney is credited as co-writer and performer on this recording. Paul and Linda were partners in real life, too; married 29 years, they raised four children together. They often said they tried never to spend more than a few hours apart. Do you enjoy a lot of togetherness, or do you value your personal time? Has your experience with Covid19 and quarantine changed how you feel about this?

A. I value my personal time. My husband recently retired so we are figuring it out. Fortunately we have a big farm where he can go get lost if I need him to, and I have my office and it has a door. I don't think our experience with Covid 45 has really been a problem, except I can't run off to the grocery store whenever I feel like it.

5) Paul and Linda came from very different backgrounds. His family was lower middle class, lived in Liverpool's public housing and received government aid. She grew up in affluent Scarsdale, the daughter of a wealthy theatrical attorney. Do you think it's more important for a couple to share a common background, or to share common interests?

A. I think it helps to have common interests and a common background. We have both, although we're a little short on the common interests. He works with his hands and I read.

6) Paul is known for his work ethic. At age 78, he's still making music and performing live. What's your favorite Paul McCartney song?

A. Band on the Run.

7) In 1971, when this song was a hit, Bobby Fischer was the world's most famous and highest-rated chess player. Do you play chess?

A. I play but not very well. I haven't played in a long time.

8) England's Princess Anne turned 21 in 1971. The occasion was commemorated by a formal portrait, taken by celebrated fashion photographer Norman Parkinson. Who took the most recent photo of you?

A. I think I took a selfie of my husband and me in our masks for a cousin who asked for one.

9) Random question: Do you find it more satisfying to work with your hands, or your head?

A. With my head. I like a little hand jive every now and then, though. I couldn't play my guitar without my hands.

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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Saturday 9: Battle Hymn

Saturday 9: Battle Hymn of the Republic (1963)

Unfamiliar with Judy Garland's rendition of this week's tune? Hear it here.

Memorial Day is the federal holiday designated to honor American service people who died in battle. 

1) On May 30, 1868, President Grant presided over the Memorial Day observance at Arlington National Cemetery. Have you ever visited Arlington Cemetery?

A. No.

2) On Memorial Day, it is customary to fly the flag at half-staff until noon and then raise it to the top of the staff until sunset. Will you be flying the flag at your home this weekend?

A. No. I don't have a flag pole.

3) Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day, because flowers and ribbons were left on graves of soldiers.  Do you find solace in visiting cemeteries?

A. I like to visit cemeteries to look at the different tombstones and such. I find quiet there. I'm not sure that is the same thing as solace, though.

4) The lyrics to this week's song were written by Julia Ward Howe in 1861. Her inspiration was a White House visit with Abraham Lincoln. In 2020, under normal circumstances, public tours of the White House are available but you must request your ticket in advance from your Member of Congress (House or Senate). When you travel, do you plan your trip weeks before you go? Or do you decide how your days will unfold once you reach your destination?

A. We plan in advance where we're going and then work out the details once we get to our destination.

5) Judy Garland performed this week's song before a live audience as a tribute to President Kennedy, who had been assassinated just weeks before. She knew Kennedy personally and considered this a farewell to a friend. While the performance was difficult for her -- at one point she flubs the lyrics -- she believed it was important, and could perhaps help the country heal. Tell us about a song that reminds you of someone you loved who is no longer with us.

A. Goodbye Norma Jean, by Elton John, reminds me of Marilyn Monroe, and then he rewrote it for the death of Princess Diana.

6) John F. Kennedy served in WWII and was awarded a Navy and Marine Corps medal and a Purple Heart. His brother Joe also served and was awarded the Navy Cross, but he received his citation posthumously, having died during a flying mission over East Suffolk, England. Here at Saturday 9, we consider everyone who serves a hero and want to hear about the veterans and active military members in your life.

A. My father served in Korea but it was after the actual war. My uncle served in Vietnam and my other uncle joined up afterwards but as far as I know he was not in a war. My grandfather served in WWII. I have traced my lineage back to Revolutionary War soldiers.

7) Memorial Day is considered the beginning of the summer season. Will you be enjoying warm weather this weekend?

A. We just had 10 inches of rain in two days. I really hope it is not raining.

8) Berries are especially popular in summer. Which is your favorite: strawberries, blueberries, blackberries or raspberries?

A. Blueberries. Actually, my favorite is a wineberry, which is a type of wild raspberry that grows around here. I don't know if they grow anywhere else. They have a different flavor than a raspberry. They can be hard to find.

9) If you could attend a Memorial Day picnic with any fictional character, which would you choose?

A. Jo March from Little Women.

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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Saturday 9: Always Remember

Saturday 9: Always Remember Us This Way (2018)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Lady Gaga sings about the Arizona sky and California gold. Have you visited many of our western states?

A. I've been through them, but I was 12 years old. We drove from Virginia to California. Some things are better experienced as an adult.

2) She sings that she's overwhelmed and can't find the words to express herself. Do you find it easier to share your feelings verbally or in writing?

A. In writing, unless I'm really on a roll, and then I will curse and use words that I never even knew I knew.

3) Her real name is Stefani Germanotta. She took her stage name from the Queen song, Radio Gaga. Do you have a favorite Queen song?

A. Bohemian Rhapsody, although I'm partial to Crazy Little Thing Called Love because I can play that one on the guitar.

4) Her dad is Joe Germanotta, president of GuestWifi, a company that enables hotels and restaurants to offer high-speed wifi to their customers. Do you consider yourself tech savvy?

A. Not so much anymore. I used to be the one everyone asked questions of when it came to computers, etc., but now some days I long for a young person to help me.

5) Early in her career, Lady Gaga performed songs for a children's audio book called The Portal in the Park. Tell us about the last book you finished -- did you listen to an audiobook, or read a download to an electronic device or a bound book with pages?

A. The last paperback I finished was Skin Game, by Stuart Woods, the last audiobook was The Tale of Despereaux, by Kate DiCamillo, and the book on my Kindle is Lord of the Rings, and I'm now listening to Almost Everything by Anne Lamont and reading a Janet Evanovich's paperbook whose title escapes me but it is Stephanie Plum book number 25. So I am always listening and reading to books on multiple levels.

6) She prefers dogs to cats and tea to coffee. Do you agree with her?

A. Yes.

7) Back in 2015, she appeared at the Academy Awards, performing a medley to celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Sound of Music. The movie's star, Julie Andrews, graciously came onstage to thank Gaga for her show-stopping performance. Whom did you most recently thank?

A. Melissa Etheridge. I thanked her for her concerts she was giving daily. Sadly, her 21-year-old son passed away Wednesday because of an opioid overdose. Obviously the concerts have ceased. I feel badly for her. She was giving so much so freely. There is no protection from the heartaches of life.

8) In 2018, when this song was first released, retailer Toys R Us closed all its stores and went out of business. What's the last toy you purchased?

A. I think it was probably a Wonder Woman doll. She's still in her packaging and sits with a few other dolls.

9) Random question: How has social media made your life better?

A. It keeps me in touch with some people, and it gave me the aforementioned concerts, and a few other concerts from other musicians, too. I've also listened to authors read their books, and read news I might not otherwise have seen.

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Saturday, May 09, 2020

Saturday 9: I'll Always Love My Mama

Saturday 9: I'll Always Love My Mama (1973)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's featured artists, The Intruders, sing that they don't know how their mama made it through the week without ever getting a good night's sleep. How did you sleep last night?

A. I slept well. The house was chilly so it was a good night to be snuggled down under the covers.

2) The Intruders performed this song on Soul Train, a syndicated show that ran for more than 3 decades. What show do you try never to miss?

A. Supergirl. At the moment there isn't much on that catches my attention.

3) On Soul Train, the Intruders wore solid black shirts beneath their brightly colored jackets. Black, white, khaki, navy and gray are considered neutral colors, because they go with everything. If we were to check your closet, which would we find you wear most often: black, white, khaki, navy or gray?

A. Navy and black would probably be a tie.

4) Especially for Mother's Day: Access Hollywood named Carol Brady of The Brady Bunch TV's #1 mom. Who is your favorite TV mom?

A. Shirley Partridge. Sorry Carol.

5) Mother Winters always gave Sam peppermint tea to calm her stomach. Do you have any tried-and-true home remedies to share?

A. Zinc for colds, ice for inflammation. That's about it.

6) Sam's mother always tips 15% in restaurants. Sam has worked in food service and is more judgmental, tipping between 10% and 25%, depending on the quality of the service. What's your tipping policy? Are you more like Sam or her mother? How do you handle tips for carry out or delivery during this Covid-19 crisis?

A. I am more like her mother, only I usually tip 20%. The service has to be very bad for me to leave less. We left tips on the online ordering form when we ordered out, or we have given people say, $25 cash for a $20 order and told them to keep the change.

7) When the tip of her shoelace becomes frayed, Sam's mother snips off the end and then paints the tip with clear nail polish. Good as new! Sam thinks that's crazy because you can just buy new laces for less than $2. Are you more frugal like mother or spendthrift like daughter?

A. I am a frugal person, although I don't go as far as putting clear nail polish on my shoelaces.

8) Mother Winters loves how French vanilla smells and burns her Yankee Candles all year around. Do you use scented candles or air fresheners?

A. I do not. I'm allergic to fragrances.

9) Sam is celebrating Mother's Day with her mother's favorite, Hershey Bars. Would you prefer classic milk chocolate, dark chocolate or chocolate with almonds?
A. Classic milk chocolate, please.

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Saturday, May 02, 2020

Saturday 9: Little Things

Saturday 9: Little Things

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Bobby Goldsboro celebrates the "little things" that delight him, like seeing his girl smile. What are some little every day things that reliably lighten your mood?

A. The sun shining, seeing the wildlife outside the house, and a phone call from a friend.

2) Bobby is a lifelong sports fan. While in high school, he came to terms with physical limitations -- slender build, slow speed -- that would prevent him from having a career as a professional athlete. That's when he turned his attention to music. Given your choice, would you rather make your living in music or sports? Explain your decision.

A. I would rather be in music. For one thing, I can already do that. I cannot play sports, however. I am uncoordinated and out of shape.

3) Shortly before "Little Things" was released, Bobby toured England for two weeks, backing up Roy Orbison. They opened for The Beatles. Bobby fondly recalls spending time with Paul McCartney, teaching him how to imitate the croak of an Alabama tree frog. Are you good at imitations (human or otherwise)?

A. Not really.

4) Back in the States, Goldsboro (again with Orbison) opened for the Rolling Stones in New York. Which band did you listen to more recently, the Stones or the Beatles?

A. The Rolling Stones

5) Bobby worked on projects with Burt Reynolds, doing the music for the movie Gator and the TV show Evening Shade. Burt said it was not only Bobby's musical ability but also his wit that made him fun to work with. What qualities do you value in a coworker?

A. A sense of humor, honesty, integrity, and diligence.

6) These days, Bobby spends more time painting than performing music. He regularly donates his artwork to be auctioned off for charity. Have you ever tried your hand at painting?

A. No.

7) In 1964, when this song was on the radio, women spent more on styling gels and sprays than they do today. Are you having a good hair day? Or has the pandemic made dealing with your hair something of an adventure?

A. My hair has become an adventure. I have a Covid Cut. I hacked it all off with some scissors in my husband's grooming kit back on April 10 and it's just now grown out to where someone could possibly do something with it. However, I do not feel safe going back to a hair stylist even if the politicians say we can. When Dr. Fauci says it is safe, I will go back a month after that. Until then, I will have it long or hack it off myself.

8) Nationally and internationally, one of 1964's biggest news stories was the marriage of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. The bride wore a yellow dress and white and yellow flowers in her hair. The groom was decked out in a sedate dark suit with a red tie and a yellow boutonniere. What did you wear the last time you got really dressed up?

A. Black. 

9) Random question: Imagine you're stranded on a desert island with a complete stranger. Would you prefer your one and only companion be a man or a woman?

A. A woman. Women are generally more empathetic and better listeners. It would be nice if she were an athletic woman who could climb trees and obtain coconuts, but I will settle for someone who is a pleasant conversationalist.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Saturday 9: All Right

Saturday 9: All Right (1983)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it

1) This song has an optimistic message about love: "It gets tough sometimes, but you can give it one more try . . ." Do you tend to take an optimistic look at life?

A. I am a glass is half-full kind of girl. I try to be realistic which leans toward pessimism, I'm afraid.

2) In this song, Christopher Cross sings, "Time and time again I see people so unsure like me . . ." Tell us about a recent time when your confidence could have used a boost.

A. When I was initially caring for my husband after his surgery in November, it was so difficult to take care of his needs. Then I got sick as well with a respiratory thing. I felt like I couldn't do anything right.

3) The Doobie Bros.' Michael McDonald plays on this record. Do you have a favorite Doobie Bros. song?

A. China Grove. Or maybe Long Train Runnin'. Or Ol' Blackwater. One of those three.

4) Though no longer making hits, Christopher Cross still has loyal fans who attend his concerts. Time permitting, he spends time after each show signing autographs. Have you ever asked a celebrity for his/her autograph?

A. Not in a very long time. I have two pictures here that are supposedly autographed, one of Bonnie Raitt and the other is of Charlie Sheen before he went totally nuts. I've had them a good 25 years or more.

Bonnie Raitt (left) and Charlie Sheen. I have no idea if the autographs are original. I won them in a contest in the early days of the Internet.

5) Christopher Cross' dad was an Army doctor stationed at Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, DC. With all the museums and monuments, our nation's capital could be a great place for a kid to grow up . . . except sometimes we take the advantages of our hometown for granted. Tell us about a nearby museum, park, theater, etc., you'll visit again when this period of crisis is over and it's agreed that it's safe to do so.

A. We have a walking trail called the Cherry Blossom Trail that is a nice walk. It is not closed to the public (I don't think), but I have heard that the city folks are using it so much that it is full of people because the city closed the greenway because so many people were on it. What part of "stay home" and "stay six feet away" do people not get?

6) In 1983, when "All Right" was popular, Flashdance was a hit in movie theaters and on the radio. What's the most recent movie you watched? Most recent song you heard on the radio?

A. The most recent movie I watched was Despicable Me, and the most recent song I heard on the radio was To Live Like You Were Dying.

7) Also in 1983, America West Airlines took off, flying between Las Vegas and Phoenix. They went nationwide in 2005 after they merged with US Airways. In 2013, they merged again, this time with American Airlines. Do you collect miles in an airline loyalty program?

A. No. I don't fly.

8) Super Mario Bros. debuted in 1983. Can you name gaming's most famous siblings?

A. Um. No. Do you mean video game siblings, or gaming like tennis, as in the Williams sisters?

9) Random question -- Under hypnosis, you discover you lived three past lives. In the first, you were wealthy beyond your wildest imaginings, thanks to a loveless marriage. In the second, you were a star on the roller derby circuit who had earned the nickname "Smasher." In the third, you were a brilliant mathematician who worked your way through school as an exotic dancer. Which of these would you find most shocking?

A. I don't find any of them shocking. After recent current events, I don't find too much shocking anymore.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.