Saturday, May 02, 2020

Saturday 9: Little Things

Saturday 9: Little Things

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Bobby Goldsboro celebrates the "little things" that delight him, like seeing his girl smile. What are some little every day things that reliably lighten your mood?

A. The sun shining, seeing the wildlife outside the house, and a phone call from a friend.

2) Bobby is a lifelong sports fan. While in high school, he came to terms with physical limitations -- slender build, slow speed -- that would prevent him from having a career as a professional athlete. That's when he turned his attention to music. Given your choice, would you rather make your living in music or sports? Explain your decision.

A. I would rather be in music. For one thing, I can already do that. I cannot play sports, however. I am uncoordinated and out of shape.

3) Shortly before "Little Things" was released, Bobby toured England for two weeks, backing up Roy Orbison. They opened for The Beatles. Bobby fondly recalls spending time with Paul McCartney, teaching him how to imitate the croak of an Alabama tree frog. Are you good at imitations (human or otherwise)?

A. Not really.

4) Back in the States, Goldsboro (again with Orbison) opened for the Rolling Stones in New York. Which band did you listen to more recently, the Stones or the Beatles?

A. The Rolling Stones

5) Bobby worked on projects with Burt Reynolds, doing the music for the movie Gator and the TV show Evening Shade. Burt said it was not only Bobby's musical ability but also his wit that made him fun to work with. What qualities do you value in a coworker?

A. A sense of humor, honesty, integrity, and diligence.

6) These days, Bobby spends more time painting than performing music. He regularly donates his artwork to be auctioned off for charity. Have you ever tried your hand at painting?

A. No.

7) In 1964, when this song was on the radio, women spent more on styling gels and sprays than they do today. Are you having a good hair day? Or has the pandemic made dealing with your hair something of an adventure?

A. My hair has become an adventure. I have a Covid Cut. I hacked it all off with some scissors in my husband's grooming kit back on April 10 and it's just now grown out to where someone could possibly do something with it. However, I do not feel safe going back to a hair stylist even if the politicians say we can. When Dr. Fauci says it is safe, I will go back a month after that. Until then, I will have it long or hack it off myself.

8) Nationally and internationally, one of 1964's biggest news stories was the marriage of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. The bride wore a yellow dress and white and yellow flowers in her hair. The groom was decked out in a sedate dark suit with a red tie and a yellow boutonniere. What did you wear the last time you got really dressed up?

A. Black. 

9) Random question: Imagine you're stranded on a desert island with a complete stranger. Would you prefer your one and only companion be a man or a woman?

A. A woman. Women are generally more empathetic and better listeners. It would be nice if she were an athletic woman who could climb trees and obtain coconuts, but I will settle for someone who is a pleasant conversationalist.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.


  1. With all the health and financial suffering surrounding us, I'm ashamed to admit that I cannot WAIT to get back to the salon! My hair is just too much right now. My kid sister posted a picture of us that my mom loved, taken when she was just a baby. I found it fascinating that my hair curled and waved then just like it does now.

  2. I know many feel the way you do about going back to normal, then there are those who are chomping at the bit, and then the rest who are somewhere in the middle. I am very curious to see just how we handle reopening as a society.
    I admit, I might take my chances to get my hair cut and colored, but my stylist is a friend I've had since high school and I trust her to follow all of the safety measures and then some.

  3. I’m in NY and there are days I think we will never get back to normal.

    I’m letting my hair grow out.

  4. I got a chuckle out of "COVID cut". I wouldn't dare. My hair is stick straight, and any mistake is immediately noticeable. I would make lots of mistakes, lol.

  5. The sun always makes me happy and it is out today at my house. I am going to go out in a bit and enjoy some time outside.
    My hair is long, so I just put it up. I did get it cut and colored right before everything got shut down though, so it is good. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  6. My hair, too, is too long but I haven't tried my own COVID cut yet. I figure sinced I am not leaving the house, if I don't look in the mirror, who cares?

  7. I kind of froze up on the coworker qualities. You have great suggestions.

  8. You made me laugh with the Covid Cut! Very funny answer.
