Sunday, May 03, 2020

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

I am sick and not feeling well. I'm pretty sure it is allergies and not Covid-19 as I have no fever. I am, however, a bit snappish as I answer these.

1. What is your favorite song lyric? Why?

A. I don't have one. I know hundreds of songs by heart and play them on the guitar. Any of them could be a favorite depending on my mood.

2. Who was the worst teacher you ever had?

A. I don't even know her name. She was supposed to be my 9th grade English teacher, whoever she was. She did not last even six weeks. Then she was replaced by a rotation of substitute teachers. This was the year I was supposed to learn Shakespeare, and I did not because substitute teachers do not teach, they babysit. I mean no offense to substitute teachers (I have been one). I was constantly asking somebody in the Guidance Office to be moved into a real English class but apparently I was slated to be stuck in this one because it was the college track and the others were for the non-college kids or something, I don't know. Anyway, I learned nothing in that class. As a result, my knowledge of Shakespeare is not what it should be.

3. What were 3 things that scared you as a child?

A. My mother, the ghost at the foot of my bed, and a bathtub full of blood.

4. What are 3 things that scare you now?

A. Covid-19, #45 and any Republican who believes money, power, greed and the 2nd Amendment gives them the right to dictate my life, and growing old.

5. Would you rather have the power of time travel or the power to see the future?

A. Time travel. If I can time travel, I can go to the future.

6. Money, power, or good looks – which would you rather have an unlimited supply of?

A. Money. I don't give a rat's ass about how I look and it shows. I don't care about power, either, unless it's the electrical kind. But I do want to pay my bills.

7. Are you jealous of anything?

A. I am not jealous of any thing. I may harbor some jealousy or envy towards folks who are especially talented, or who have been more fortunate than I. But it does not interfere with my life. I don't sit around and think about it, unless asked some question such as this.

8. What makes you feel most loved?

A. Melting into my husband's arms. Or a phone call from a friend when I need it most.

9. Do you believe in soulmates?

A. Didn't we have this question last week? It's a nice idea.

10. What is something that made you laugh?

A. I always laugh with my friends and my husband. But I think this is funny:

11. What were 3 of the happiest days of your life?

A. My wedding day, the day I received my BA, and the day I received my master's degree.

12. What is your biggest flaw?

A. I am a perfectionist. That means sometimes I simply don't do something for fear I'll get it wrong.

13. Who would play you in a movie about your life?

A. Kathy Bates. Twanda!
14. What is something you experienced that you have no explanation for.

A. Pretty much my entire life.

15. What is the saddest book you ever read?

A. Lucy. I don't remember who it was by or if there was more to the name of the book, but a friend gave it to me in the 7th grade. She was trying to convert me from my pagan ways. It was, I suppose, a Christian book. This poor Lucy woman went through deaths of children, losses of husbands, losses of her farm, etc., etc., but still she thought God was going to save her. It was a feminine modern-day Job story. It did not convert me.

16. What is your dream home like?

A. It would be much like my house is now except it would have a music room and a library room.

17. What creature/insect would most creep you out if you found it crawling on you?

A. Any of them.

18. What’s your preferred Monopoly piece?

A. I used to go for the wheelbarrow. I needed it to carry my money.

19. What was your most embarrassing moment?

A. That time I mailed a letter to an attorney for the defendant that was supposed to go to the assisting attorney for the plaintiff, and it outlined all of the defense strategies my boss had for the upcoming trial. Messed that one up good. 

20. Could the earth be flat?

A. This question is a stupid question. The earth is not flat. Astronauts went to the moon. Hilary Clinton does not run a child pornography ring in the back of a laundromat. Covid-19 is not a Democrat scam to make you stay home. Science, people. Learn some science and find your common sense, wherever you left it.

"First, then, make a choice of your political party, on grounds that satisfy your reason if you can, by tradition or by environment or sentiment or impulse if you have not the wit to do better. In any event, make choice. Do not wait until you can find an aggregation of demi-gods or angels; they are scarce - some people think they are even scarcer than they used to be. Perhaps even you might not be comfortable in their midst. And do not expect to find a party that has always been right, or wise or even consistent; that would be scarcer still. Independent judgment and opinion is a glorious thing, on no account to be surrendered by any man; but when one seeks companionship on a large scale, he must be content to join with those who agree with him in most things and not hope to find a company that will agree with him in all things.” - The Honorable John W. Davis, Princeton, 1929 and repeated in a speech by John F. Kennedy, October 23, 1946, in Boston, before he became President of the United States of America

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. How much do I love your answer to 9? SCADS! And not just because it resembles mine. That's a Kennedy speech I'm unfamiliar with! I'm off the JFK Library website to learn more.

  2. Yikes! Those are some pretty specific childhood fears. Have you told us about the ghost at the foot of the bed? And the bathtub full of blood??? What on earth caused that fear?

  3. I love that Monty Python clip - the whole movie is hilarious - as were the shows and other movies.




  4. I loved your answer to #8.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  5. Very interesting answers this week. What in the world made you fear a bathtub of blood???

    I hope you are feeling better today.

  6. Ok, those scary things are.... really scary. Love the Monty Python clip!

  7. I am a recovering perfectionist too. The feat of failing kept me from going into the medical field. The blood in the tub would do me in for sure!


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