Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Pandemic Journal - Day 53

I threw the bologna at him as he entered the house.

I was making lunch after a visit to the chiropractor, the only place I'd been in a while. I thought I heard a voice.

I listened, then decided it was the washing machine making some kind of noise.

I heard a voice again, and I looked out the window. No vehicles that I could see.

Feeling a little antsy and concerned now, I had a piece of bologna in my hand when the door from the garage opened. I screeched and threw the bologna - at my husband.

He was home about four hours early from a septic tank installation job. When he'd left yesterday morning, he said he wouldn't be back until supper.

"I was making noise in the garage so you'd hear me," he complained as I picked up the bologna.

"I looked outside and I didn't see the truck. I'm short. I can't see around the corner of the window," I replied.

And that is pretty much how things are going as we continue to be careful and maneuver our way through this new reality, the one where politicians lie constantly and have no humanity, and the rest of us are left to fend for ourselves.

It's all a lot of baloney, isn't it?

In other news, I've had a scratchy throat and a good bit of lethargy. It is allergies - the locust are overflowing with blooms and I'm terribly sensitive to them. A rain today will help, I think.

I am flabbergasted and gobsmacked that apparently the government is ready to let people die simply for commerce. Now 100,000 deaths is acceptable. Soon it will be 500,000 will be acceptable, then a million, then 10 million.

People are expendable now, just another commodity to be used up and thrown away.

Fortunately, #45 ceased his daily diatribes last week and the break from his oversized ego was good. My mood improved tremendously.

Locally, we have 30 cases in our county and we've had 3 deaths. That doesn't sound like much, but I can't help wondering how many more would have died if we were not practicing physical separation. Not that many people are - go to any Lowe's or Walmart and they are overflowing with people not giving one another space, not wearing masks, not taking precautions.

I had hoped there would be reflection. We've had time for reflection, but people only "want their lives back" even though they lived from paycheck to paycheck and that way of living wasn't working well, unless you are one of the golden few at the top of the power chain. The majority are not the golden few nor will they be.

It is time for a new and improved New Deal, not a return to 1890. The rich old white men need to get out of the way.

The fat white guys with guns need to get out of the way.

There are better ways to live, and they don't involve them.


  1. Watch out! She's got bologna and she's not afraid to use it!

  2. I can practically see you throwing that bologna. I agree that people are worried about their jobs versus the life and health of others. I am appalled at all of the people complaining that they can't work and yet, it seems that everywhere I go there are now hiring signs. I can't imagine that all those employees need jobs! I am thankful that the nursing home where my daughter works has asked the beauty salon staff to not come back until closer to July. I am thankful that they realize that the hair salon is not an essential part of the nursing home.

  3. I always enjoy the truth in your post. Things will be opening up this Friday but I am going to be very careful where I go. Take care!

  4. It's a funny story now, but at the time, it must have been terrifying!

    You're such a sheeple, Mme. Dew. Believing in science and listening to doctors! Sheesh! Don't you know there'a a deep state determined to take our freedoms? “Where We Go One, We Go All” and “The Storm Is Upon Us!"


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