Saturday, November 20, 2021

Saturday 9: Somewhere

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) This song is from the hit musical West Side Story. It has just been remade by Steven Speilberg. Are you interested in seeing the 2021 version?

A. I'm not sure I ever saw the original, so sure. I'm game to watch a new version.

2) Growing up, Crazy Sam thought this song was called, "A Place for Us." Tell us about a song whose title or lyrics you got wrong or misheard.

A. I used to think that the Do Re Mi song said, Tea, a drink with Jane and Fred, instead of Ti, a drink with jam and bread. I wondered who Jane and Fred were.
3) Barbra Streisand sings of longing for "time to spare, time to learn and time to care." The holidays are often too busy for many of us. With Thanksgiving almost upon us, do you wish you had more time?

A. Not about the holiday. Mostly about getting older.
4) Early in her career, Barbra was pressured to have her nose fixed. She stubbornly refused, and did rather well anyway. Tell us about a time you resisted pressure.

A. My parents sent me off to a college in Tennessee. I didn't stay. It wasn't right for me.
5) In the late 1960s she briefly dated Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, father of current PM Justin Trudeau. Obviously Barbra knew what became of Pierre and his family without having to look them up. Without the advantage of Google, do you know where one of your former loves is in 2021?

A. No. I have an idea where one is, but I'm not even sure he's still alive.
6) One of Barbra's hit movies is The Way We Were, a love story about hopelessly mismatched lovers. Streisand always wanted to do a sequel and worked with a screenwriter on a treatment. Her costar, Robert Redford, refused. He simply was not interested in revisiting his character. Is there a movie series that you especially enjoy?

A. The Lord of the Rings, all three movies.

7) Barbra met her husband, James Brolin, at a dinner thrown by friends. They hit it off immediately, but he had to leave the next day to begin a movie in Ireland, so they began their romance over the phone. Do you enjoy long phone calls? Would you prefer video calls (Zoom)?

A. I prefer a phone call to a zoom call. I don't mind long phone calls; I get a lot of housework done during long phone calls sometimes.

8) On July 1, 1998, two years to the day after their first meeting, Barbra and Brolin married. It used to be that brides were advised against wearing white for their second wedding, but Barbra ignored that, wearing a white beaded gown. Do you believe brides should still avoid white the second time around?

A. I think a bride should wear anything she wants.

9) Random question: Is anyone on your bad side this morning?

A. Yes, but they are just names and avatars in a multiplayer video game. I'm hoping some of them leave my team.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Friday, November 19, 2021

Lunar Eclipse

Last night there was a partial lunar eclipse of the Beaver moon. It was the longest eclipse this century and the first of this length in over 500 years.

I took these shots around 3:45 a.m.  The eclipse lasted 3 hours and 28 minutes and started around 2:18 a.m. The peak was about 4:02 a.m. so I am not far from the peak in these shots.

It was quite cold here and the wind was blowing hard, so I had a difficult time keeping the camera steady even on the tripod, as the wind was shaking it, too. I did not dress warmly enough but I guess a little cold air won't hurt me.

That last one has a little wobble I guess, but I though the lit spot looked a bit like it was making the moon take off so I kept it.


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Thursday Thirteen

Today is my anniversary! We've been married for 38 years.

Here are 13 things about my husband.

1. He's kind and generous. 
He hates to have
his picture taken.

2. He's loyal.

3. He works hard.

4. He is retired from the city fire department, but continues to run a construction company and farm.

5. His hugs are fierce and protective.

6. He likes hunting and NASCAR.

7. He enjoys reading, too, especially Stuart Woods books.

8. He loves the land we live on.

9. He takes good care of his mother.

10. His favorite band is the Rolling Stones.

11. He likes to watch car shows on TV.

12. He is proud of me.

13. He loves me unconditionally.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 731st time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Hunting With My Camera

It's hunting season here in Virginia, which means my man is off on the hinter parts of the farm looking for that elusive buck.

Meanwhile, I took the photos below from the house this morning. This one will live another day.

He's a pretty deer. I'm glad I was the one doing the "shooting" and not my husband.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Moon and Star Trails


Monday, November 15, 2021

Too Poor For Heat

I wrote stories on a variety of issues during my tenure as a news reporter. I covered everything from the local governments (county, towns, even state offices) to endangered mollusks to pet awards and stuff in between.

One story that has stuck with me, though, was one I wrote about heating assistance through the Virginia Department of Social Services.

The story dates back to sometime before 2008, so it was during the Bush era. I can't find the article and I wish I could.

I'd like to say things have changed since then, but I'm not sure they have.

We have a thing against poor people in this country. People are poor, allegedly, because of some innate fault within themselves. They made wrong choices, or they're not godly enough, or they simply have bad luck - but whatever the reason, it's their own fault.

That was one of the first things the person I talked to at Social Services made sure I understood. People aren't poor because of socio-economic reasons. I called bullshit on that and didn't write the story that way.

While that was appalling enough, what really got me was the list of things that poor people do that kept them from obtaining assistance.

Having a cellphone was number one on the list. Cellphones weren't quite so necessary prior to 2008, I suppose, but even then they were becoming the number one way people communicated. But if a poor person wanted assistance, they would have to decide if a cellphone was a necessity.

The Social Services representative also gave me a long list of things poor people could do to stay warm in the winter.

One of those was to leave the oven door open after cooking, so the heat would escape in the house. That provides what, maybe 20 minutes of extra heat?

They were expected to keep the thermostat on 65 - that's too cool for most people - and wear layers of clothes, although if they couldn't afford heat I don't know where they were supposed to obtain the clothing. Goodwill, perhaps.

They could also use kerosene heaters, which my husband has told me causes more house fires in winter than anything, even fireplaces. He's also had to put out house fires caused by people using the oven for their only source of heat.

Basically, the poor were expected to burn the furniture in the middle of the room and hope the house, apartment, or mobile home didn't go along with it.

It gets cold in Virginia. We haven't had 0 degrees in a while, but it's not uncommon. It's been 26 degrees here already this month.

The Social Services person even gave me a brochure that listed all of these little things people could do to cut costs and find heat. Of course, I have tossed all of that information, but this story always aggravated me. It was demeaning and distasteful, and while it was successful in that it actually increased donations to the local Social Services office for their heating program, it left a nasty hole in my heart because it felt so mean and hard-hearted.

I can't find similar information on the Virginia Department of Social Services website today. Maybe at some point they changed the program and they no longer advise people to do these things. Maybe now cellphones are considered a necessity.

The attitudes toward the poor, though, are still prevalent. If anything, they're worse, and we have more people who are headed into poverty through no fault of their own. The current inflation woes (which I believe are corporate imposed, as they are posting huge profit margins) only add to the hard times.

I feel fortunate to have a home. We keep the heat low and I use a space heater in the room I'm in. I'm not sure that is the most cost-effective way to heat as a space heater can cost up to $4 a day in electricity, a representative with a power company once told me. I can't type well if my hands are cold.

This has been on my mind this weekend. I'm not sure why this old story has popped into my brain. Maybe the chilly wind and cold temperatures reminded me that there are folks not so lucky out there, people who are living in their cars. Yes, I know, there are plenty of jobs. Most are low-paying. I suspect some of the people living in their cars work these jobs.

No answers here, really. Just a lot of questions, and a desire to warm the world with goodness and love. It doesn't keep the body warm, but maybe it helps somebody feel better in other ways.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Sunday Stealing

Name Your Favorite…

    Place: my house

    Color: blue

    Smell: chocolate chip cookies baking

    Magazine: Reader's Digest

    Texture: creamy chocolate

    Thing to do when bored: read

    Precious stone: amethyst

    Animal: deer

    Time in history: now

    Font: Times New Roman

    Sound: my husband's voice

    Fruit: peaches

    Vegetable: peas

    Store/shop: Staples

    Quote: “If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
                                                                                                                                        ― Toni Morrison

    Historical figure: Mary, Queen of Scots tied with Queen Victoria

    Letter: A

    Memory: Getting married.

    Dessert: At the moment, white cake with white icing.

    Candy: Smarties

    Restaurant: Shakers (local chain)

    Language: English

    Thing to learn about: writing

    Thing about yourself: I'm not stupid.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Saturday 9: Without You

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) Nilsson sings that he can't forget this evening. Did anything happen this evening (or last night, if you're answering during the day) that you expect you'll recall for a long time?

A. Not really. I finished listening to a book that I may think about for a bit, and I watched the final episodes of Supergirl, which made me a little sad because I am sorry the show is ending, but I am not going to pine over that for long.

2) In the 1960s, he worked in a very "un-rock-star" job: computer programmer in a bank. Looking over your career, have you more often worked in or out of an office setting?

A. I spent about 1/3 of my working days in an office setting and 2/3 working from home as a freelancer. Corporate world is foreign to me these days, so much has changed.
3) He fibbed to get the job, telling the bank he'd graduated from high school when in reality, he was a drop out. Have you ever fudged a fact on your resume? 

A. I've left off some jobs, or my age, but nothing overly significant. I mean, when I show up with my greying hair they will know I'm old.

4) The bank found out the truth but was so pleased with Nilsson's personality and performance they kept him on. Tell us about a friend or loved one's misbehavior that you have overlooked.

A. I think I'd rather not answer this question today. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

5) Before finding success as a singer, Nilsson was a songwriter. He composed "Cuddly Toy," recorded by the Monkees. Do you have a favorite Monkees song?

A. Last Train to Clarksville. Speaking of the Monkees, there is a documentary about them on Amazon Prime that is quite interesting.
6) In 1976 Nilsson married Una O'Keeffe. They met in a New York restaurant, where she was a waitress. He asked her about her accent -- she was from Dublin -- and a romance ensued. While the waitress and the rock star seemed like an unlikely couple, they remained together until his death in 1994 and had six children. Do you know how your parents (or grandparents) met?

A. My parents met when my father asked if he could hunt worms under my grandparents mulberry tree and my mother went out to help him. I'm not sure how my grandparents met, but they lived in the same community in West Virginia so I suspect they grew up knowing one another.
7) Nilsson was a night owl and found he felt most creative late at night, right before he fell asleep. When are you at your best: morning, noon or night?

A. I am at my best from about 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

8) In 1972, the year "Without You" was a hit, Alice Clark Browne made history as the first African American aerialist to perform with Ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey Circus. Did you ever attend the circus?

A. I went to the circus when I was a child and my parents took me, but I never attended as an adult.
9) Random question -- Think about last week. Would you prefer this week to be more exciting, or more boring?

A. My weeks are generally boring, so I'd like a similar amount of boring with just a touch of exciting, but only a touch.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Friday, November 12, 2021

Talkin' TV

I do not, as a general rule, watch much television. I don't have it on during the day. I turn it on to watch the 6 p.m. news sometimes, but not every night. I usually have it on by 8 and then I read while whatever my husband is watching is on.

He watches a lot of television. He has it blaring constantly when he is home, playing movies with lots of explosions, or car shows where they are banging on metal, or deer hunting shows where they're killing poor little Bambi.

This fall, the only new show I have picked up is La Brae. This is a fantasy about a group of people who fell through time via a time portal created during a sink hole at the La Brae tarpits. I have enjoyed it so far. It's well done and while there are some time travel anomalies that the writers appear to be overlooking, it's easy to follow and the characters are interesting.

Another show I watch is The Voice, which is about mid-season. It's about singers who are competing for one another. I don't do the "America votes" part. I simply watch.

I also watch Survivor, although I'm not sure why. I can't even tell you the people's name on the season this year. I think it's simply habit. I started watching it in season one and never stopped. It's simply what we do on Wednesday night.

Other shows I watch are Stargirl, which just finished its rather short season but has been renewed for a third (it's on the CW), and Supergirl, which also ended completely this week.

Supergirl's last season disappointed me. The writing was slow, the videography cut and paste, and even the two-hour finale was more disjointed than I would have liked. The things that interested me about the show - the relationships between Supergirl (Kara Danvers) and her sister and friends, were set aside in favor of other relationships (her sister and her lover, for example). I would have preferred less of the rest of the cast and more of Supergirl in her last season. Some of this was, I suspect, due to the star, Melissa Benoist, and her pregnancy, as well as the pandemic and ensuing interruptions in filming.

I always liked this show for its message of hope. Even when alien creatures were roaming the streets of National City, Supergirl made me feel like in the end, all would be well, and it generally was. While there were many things about the show I didn't care for, the overall message of hope, peace, and love were welcome during trying times. I don't know of another show that offers those messages. If you, dear reader, are watching something that offers similar messages, please let me know so I can tune in.

Stargirl is a bit like a junior Supergirl, but this season also felt wrong compared to the first season, and I didn't especially care for it. I attempted to watch Batwoman but could not make it through more than six episodes of Season 2 and simply gave up on it. It was depressing and I found it bothered me a great deal and made me feel mentally off.

I do not watch the news channels much, especially at night, as they upset me. I obtain my news via newspapers, both in print and online, and from the local evening news. Sometimes I watch the opinion heads online the next day but I do that infrequently. I also listen to NPR, the Associated Press, and Reuters on Alexa every morning.

We have attempted to watch Yellowstone but have found it very violent and brutal. I am not into violence and brutality, so I don't know if we will continue to try to watch that. We've watched the first three episodes of the series and neither of us have been overly interested in returning to it.

Some people have the TV on constantly. I can't stand the racket. I would rather listen to music or nothing, depending on what I'm doing. Also, we only have DirecTV and don't do much streaming except for Amazon Prime or HBO Max occasionally. Our internet connection is not that great and I am not a fan of buffering.

There are many other things to do with one's time, anyway.

The click of the keyboard is always a pleasant sound when I'm writing.

What do you watch on TV, dear reader? Tell me what I'm missing.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Thursday Thirteen

This country, the USA, is all about the Freedom To. The freedom to shoot whomever I want in the street. The freedom to breath Covid virus on the old folks if I want to. The freedom to berate officials and act like an idiot. The freedom to lie and call an election stolen when it doesn't go your way (Virginia's recent election is a good example of this - what happened to that voter problem now that Virginia is red, hmm?), The freedom to trample over other people while I make my way to top of the money pile. The freedom to drive like a maniac and run over people. The freedom to march around Charlottesville with lots of very fine people. The freedom to drive without a seatbelt or obey traffic laws. The freedom to believe the earth is flat. The freedom to spew lies on a national TV station with no push back. The freedom to publish hate speech without repercussion. And on and on.

But there is another kind of freedom, and this is Freedom From. This is the type of freedom practiced in many other countries that are just as free and democratic as the US - actually more so (and if I were 25 and not 58, yes, I'd move, so don't tell me to do that, I'm too damn old now). Do you know that in other countries people don't get spam phone calls every day? It's against the law and people have to opt in, not opt out, to get calls, even from companies they do business with. We're backwards here, we have to opt out of everything. A person could spend days trying to opt out of all the ads and crap thrown at us here.

In the bill of rights, we have five "freedom tos" and five "freedom froms." The founding fathers were aware that there are two types of freedom.

Anyway, here is a list of some "freedom froms" that I wish were more prevalent in the United States. Some of them are not such a big deal here but still exist in minute ways. What "freedom froms" would you add?

1. Freedom from unlawful arrest.

2. Freedom from harassment by others.

3. Freedom from poverty.

4. Freedom from illiteracy.

5. Freedom from forced religion.

6. Freedom from being shot or killed.

7. Freedom from fear.

8. Freedom from disease.

9. Freedom from unreasonable search and seizure.

10. Freedom from unusual and cruel punishment.

11. Freedom from oppression.

12. Freedom from war.

13. Freedom from non-living wages.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 730th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Autumn From My Front Door


Monday, November 08, 2021

Autumn By The Creek


Sunday, November 07, 2021

Sunday Stealing

1. How big is your immediate family? Who are the members?

A. My immediate family now is simply me and my husband. But my father is still alive, and I have a brother. My husband's mother is also still with us.

2. Who are you closest to in your family? What kind of relationship do you have with that person? Is it like friendship?

A. I am closest to my husband, and it's a marital relationship. I am also close with my brother, who is like a super special friend.

3. Which day of the year are you most likely to spend with your family?

A. Christmas Eve.

4. As a child, did you go on family trips? What do you remember about those vacations?

A. We went to Myrtle Beach most of the time. I remember mostly sand and sunburn. Then there was the two-week drive across the U.S. to California and back that had as its climax my mother screaming at my father in Nevada to let her out of the car so she could go file for a quickie divorce.

5. Is there a black sheep in your family? What is different about them?

A. Baaa. Baaa. That would be me. I don't bow to the patriarchy or believe in capitalism or survival of the fittest.

6. Do you know your extended family? How many of them have you met?

A. I have quite an extended family, and I have met more of them than I can count in the time I have to answer this. I have cousins upon cousins and in my community I am related to most people whose family have deep roots here. In fact, my husband and I are 5th cousins, so my father-in-law was also my 4th-cousin once removed (I think I have that right).

7. Have you ever been to a family reunion? How was it?

A. I have been to several. Generally they have been frustrating, because family members who knew one another the best would sit in little huddles and there wasn't much communicating. I made a point of visiting the huddles to try to get to know these people but I eventually gave up and stopped going to the annual reunions. They did not have one this year or last because of Covid.

8. Who are you most proud of among your relatives? Who do you look up to?

A. I am proud of many of my relatives. My father has been an incredibly successful businessman, and my brother has built upon that success and raised a beautiful family as well. He's a smart man, my brother. My aunt who lives in Texas now has been a successful businesswoman, not an easy task because that glass ceiling still exists no matter how much it may have been raised.

9. What characteristics have you inherited from your parents? Do you look like them? Do you behave like they do?

A. I have inherited my father's talent for music, my mother's moodiness, and I hope I don't behave like either of them but I am sure I do.

10. Does your family have any heirlooms? Will you inherit anything that has been in the family a long time?

A. Musical instruments might be our family heirlooms. My grandparents on both sides of the family were not wealthy people and there was little to pass down. Since I have no children, I won't be the one to get it anyway.

11. What happens to old people in your family? Do they live with younger family members or move to a retirement home? How would you prefer to spend your old age?

A. My father lives with his wife. My grandmother, who died in 2017 at the age of 93, had dementia and was in a nursing home. I hope to die before I reach the point where I cannot take care of myself.

12. If you are married, how well do you get along with your in-laws?

A. I get along fine with my mother-in-law. She's a nice person.

13. What do people mean when they say, “you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family”?

A. They mean you're stuck with the people in your family and they're your brother or sister or parent regardless. You can stop speaking and move across the world but they're still your relatives.

14. If you live far away from some members of your family, how do you keep in touch? How often do you communicate?

A. I sometimes talk to my aunt in Texas but not often. We talk on the phone, occasionally we might text.

15. Are you so close to any of your friends that you consider them to be like family?

A. I have at least three friends that I consider my family. Maybe more. I have a big heart and love a lot of people.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, November 06, 2021

Saturday 9: All I Have to Do Is Dream

Unfamiliar with this week's song. Hear it here.

1) Did you dream last night?

A. I dream every night, in living color (and yes, with smells - it never occurred to me that other people didn't smell things in their dreams until the other week). For the last several nights I've been dreaming of being trapped in various and sundry places and ways. I don't always remember the where and why, but I have been waking up with the feeling still with me. Sometimes it's hard to shake it off.

2) In this song, The Everly Brothers dream of kissing "lips of wine." Do you prefer red or white wine?

A. I don't drink. But I think I'd like something like blackberry wine.
3) In 1975, Rolling Stone ranked Phil and Don #1 on their list of the greatest duos of all time. Name another musical twosome.

A. The Captain and Tennille. The Carpenters. 

4) Mike Love has acknowledged the influence The Everly Brothers had on The Beach Boys' harmonies. What's your favorite Beach Boys song?

Good Vibrations.

5) The pressure of touring took its toll on the Everly Brothers' personal relationship, and those stresses spilled onto the stage. They once had a fight in front their audience that ended with Phil smashing his guitar and storming off. Have you ever busted something in anger?

A. Yes.
6) One of Don's friends was author/storyteller Garrison Keillor and that's how the Everly Brothers came to perform on Keillor's radio program, A Prairie Home Companion. Do you often listen to the radio or to podcasts?

A. I listen to both, but mostly I listen to 70's classic rock on Alexa. If I listen to the radio, then it's NPR or a local station in the car. I try to listen to a Ted talk once or twice a week, but there aren't podcasts I regularly follow. I have enough of everyone else's opinions in my life. I don't need any more.
7) The brothers chose to live in different cities and held opposite views on politics. Don said, "Everything is different about us, except when we sing." Do you have siblings? If so, are you more alike or different?

A. I have a brother and we are alike in some things but different in others.

8) In 1958, the year this song was a hit, Americans were doing the Cuban dance, the cha-cha-cha. Do you ever dance or sing when you're home alone?

A. Yes.
9) Random question -- Do you believe we each get one true love?

A. No. There are so many different ways to love a person, and we all have so much love to give, if we'd only give it, that I don't think that is true even though I've been with the same guy for 38 years.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Friday, November 05, 2021

Autumn Colors


Thursday, November 04, 2021

Thursday Thirteen - Peace Blog

Dona Nobis Pacem


1. Every November 4, there is a blog blast for peace. I have participated off and on over the years. For more information, visit Blog4Peace.

2. Peace means no violence. In order to have lasting peace, there must be some form of economic equity.

3.  Systemic violence is caused by the gaps of development in countries and communities. To bring the macrocosm down to eye level, if you take a city like Roanoke, there is a division between rich and poor that is well-known and easy to see. 

4. Some antidotes to violence include better education, better health, and growth and prosperity that touches everyone.

5. Some issues require the efforts of a community while others must be met on a global scale. For example, a peaceful country could invest more in infrastructure, health, and research than on military spending (the United States is not by any means a peaceful country).

6. Education would help millions of adults live a different life. There are approximately 773 million illiterate adults in the world. What if we taught one someone else to read? Can you imagine the worlds that would open up? What kind of imaginations that have been given the ability to read and write might be set loose on the world to create a better life?
7. A focus on peace could increase the standard of living for everyone. 

8. A peaceful life allows a person to focus on more than immediate goals. When there is no worry of war or being stabbed in the parking lot (or gunned down in school, or killed by a domestic terrorist), then the mind is able to ruminate on more profitable ideals and goals. A peaceful society cares about other aspects of life besides survival, allowing new standards of living for all to become obtainable.

9. Severe inequity among the citizens in a community leads to lack of peace. In Roanoke, there are shootings nearly every day. Why? Social pressure leads to hatred and frustration, which leads to instability. This leads to violence.

10. In the United states,  0.01% of the population accumulates 11.2% of the total country’s wealth. This inequality does not contribute to peace, because other households live paycheck to paycheck and do not accumulate wealth. This combined with the pressures from social media to have the same things as the next person, even when one can't afford it, can lead to violence.

11. There is no reason why communities and countries cannot be more just and peaceful places to live. The only reason they aren't is because people in power want it that way. Peace is a choice.

12. Tell everyone that peace is the way out of the mess we're in. Hating on one another doesn't do any good; violence is never the answer. 

13. Everyone is important. If the nation and the world is to survive for future generations, then peace must become the standard, not an oddity. What is wrong with living in a peaceful, beautiful world?

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 729th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Virginia Bleeds

My friend called me around lunchtime and wanted to know on a scale of 1 to 10 how "ticked off are you" that Virginia is now a red state.

"I'm not ticked off. I'm sad," I replied.

"Oh." Not the response she expected, apparently. "Why are you sad?"

"Because this means a backward toss to women's rights, for one."

"Because of abortion?"

"Because of a women's right to her own body, mind, and soul. Not only abortion. Eventually women will lose the right to hold property, to carry a credit card, to hold a job. That's the logical conclusion if you follow the path of the conservative effort to create a theological autocracy."

"Well, that's scary," she said.

Damn right it's scary. What is really scary is that I see Conservatives calling the left Fascists and the left calling Conservatives Fascist. And they're both Fascist, but the Conservatives are the ones careening toward a path of oligarchical theological authoritarianism. The Democrats are simply floundering around trying to figure out how to keep some semblance of democracy from running head on into a brick wall, and doing a poor job of salvaging whatever little bit of the Republic may still be intact.

A very long time ago, the movement toward democracy began in Virginia with something called the Fincastle Resolutions. We don't hear about them much, but in 1774, a group of 15 men (white, landholding men, of course), from Fincastle County, Virginia (which doesn't exist anymore), passed resolutions opposing the King of England and sent them on to the Virginia's Delegation to the First Continental Congress that same year. The First Continental Congress met after the Tea Party incident in Boston.

The Fincastle Resolutions basically said the men of this part of Virginia were willing to die if their rights were not obtained from the Crown of Great Britain. Had King George III acquiesced and set things right, they would have been happy to accept that, but under no circumstances were they going to do his unlawful bidding, especially when it came to free exercise of religion, their liberties, and their properties.

We all know the rest of the story. The shot heard 'round the world, the glorious George Washington (also a Virginian), the American Revolution, and then the beginning of a new political experiment, government of men by men, with rights granted by men, and a republic that pretended to be a democracy came into being.

Fitting, isn't it, that here it will also die. I harbor no illusions that this republic will remain standing or whole. In fact, I harbor no illusions that it still exists.

It doesn't.

We are in fact fairly well set upon a fascist road, regardless of party. When power is removed from the people, then fascism is what steps in, and the people are now powerless on both sides.

They just don't know it yet. Many an authoritarian country in this world holds elections and has votes, but it's still an authoritarian, fascist bastion of hate and spittle, and we are nearly there.

Hitler is the best example of a fascist regime, the one we all know something about. In 1933, he created a decree that gave him the power to take over state governments in order to keep Germany safe. This decree said:

"Thus, restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press, on the right of assembly and the right of association, and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communications, and warrants for house-searchers, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed."

We're already there, are we not? And so busy worrying about weird crap like critical race theory that we can't see the scope of what has happened.

Here is how Mussolini explained fascism:

"The maxim that society exists only for the well-being and freedom of the individuals composing it does not seem to be in conformity with nature's plans, which care only for the species and seem ready to sacrifice the individual." 

Basically, safety is what matters. We must be safe

That is why the former guy was so scary. He touted this safety crap everywhere, and only he would make us safe. Mostly he would make us safe from scary immigrants and people of color. He was blindsided by a virus - a mote in his eye that he never saw coming. He did not make us safe from that.

Fascism happens differently in every instance and in every country. However, it all ends the same:  authoritarianism and brutality. The former guy was brutal.

He also didn't simply show up out of nowhere. No, the American brand of fascism has been coming since the 1970s, a slow and slogging march, unrecognizable because of the creeping way it has writhed its way into the brains of the masses.

It actually started with the Moral Majority - also a Virginia invention, I'm afraid - and those loud and energetic nuts who wanted to bring their brand of morality into every facet of life.

They helped create division, and in turn that division has helped create an inability to accept or handle change. The Reagan years brought about the downsizing of important government functions, leading to the privatization and control of aspects of life that should never have left public hands.

Bush I brought us lies about Willie Horton and that creation of other. He legitimized that.

After that came the Clinton years, NAFTA, and the loss of local jobs. Suddenly we had a totally marginalized society, people who felt victimized who weren't used to feeling that way. And they were still scared of that other, whatever that other was.

Newt Gingrich stoked the fires then with hatred via political division and thus the great divisions of Republican Democrat began - and us versus then that lay not in anything tangible, but in a continual brainwashing via Fox News and other media. Lies, everywhere, finger-pointing to the point of gasping laughter, except none of it was funny. So much of our democracy, we didn't know, had been based upon the statesman's unwritten agreement that gentlemen would indeed be gentlemen, not crass boors who would turn, like bulls in glass shops, into something that would break everything it ran up against. And all of it legal, or at least appearing to be so.

Because we lost our statesmen and replaced them with boors, agents of hate and deceit, we have lost the republic.

And the solutions offered now? Republicans smash more government power over everyone's head until those who are paying attention feel as if they've been beaten by the belts of their fathers. Government power such as killing rights for women, stealing the votes by changing the voting laws, creating so many "others" that no one knows who is on what side, creating chaos in the maelstrom of laws and tweets and vindictiveness. The progressives find these abhorrent.

The other side, meanwhile, cracks down with laws for everyone's safety, too,  - take the vaccine, abide by this law on climate change, listen to Uncle Joe. The conservatives find this abhorrent.

So no one agrees on anything. We are a people awash in ideas and no action, or actions without thought of consequences, and no one following through to the logical conclusions of the farces of the day.

Fascism is not simply here because today Virginia is red.

It has been here for years. Virginia bleeds red today because the United States of America is inherently fascist.