Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts

Friday, August 04, 2023

Happiness Challenge - Day 4


My happiness for today is I saw my chiropractor, who put me to rights, and I talked on the phone with my friend. Yay for friends!

I also overslept, which doesn't exactly make me happy but I must've been tired, so there's that.

Also, I am relieved (not happy, but relieved is close) that finally the former president is learning that actions have consequences. While I am not on a jury and it's not up to me to find him innocent or guilty, I have judged his character and I do not find him to be presidential material. How anyone can find him to be worthy of holding that office is beyond me.


Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.

This meme comes from The Gal Herself.

Thursday, August 03, 2023

Happiness Challenge - Day 3

Today I am happy that I have returned to doing Tai Chi with the video I have used for about 20 years. I had stopped doing this some time ago because I grew bored with it, but I started doing it again recently and can tell a difference in my flexibility.

I'm also happy it is raining, because we really needed some moisture on our hayfields so we can get a good third cutting of feed for the cattle.


Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.

This meme comes from The Gal Herself.

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

August Happiness Challenge - Day 2

I missed Day 1, but fortunately this is a no-rules sort of thing. So what am I happy about today?

At the moment, I'm happy it's 6:10 p.m. and the day is almost done. I'm ready for bed already!

I'm also happy that I finished my work and chores.

Happy too that my friends and my brother called me today. And happy I gave away zucchini! (We have more zucchini than we need at the moment.)


Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.

This meme comes from The Gal Herself.

Wednesday, October 05, 2022

A Happiness Manifesto

I'm joining up with Kwizgiver this month for some of the questions she's doing daily.

Today's prompt is to write a happiness manifesto.

Before I started on this, I looked up manifesto (a big, long statement), and happiness.

Most of the sites on happiness conclude that doing is key to happiness. Little is said about simply being. Since we are human beings, not human doings, I consider this to be a greatly overlooked area, and indicative of where we are culturally. If people aren't constantly doing something (that someone else considers important), then there is little justification for their existence.

I don't think a person has to be doing something all the time to justify living. Besides, most of the sites are touting personal accomplishments, not contributions to the general societal welfare, as the necessary requirement for happiness, although doing stuff for other people allegedly is a great contributor to happiness.

Some of the sites move on into law of attraction theory, which is something I find relatively abhorrent. I do think in some instances like begets like, but when one takes that theory to the point where an airplane crashes because everyone on board has a secret death wish, so they were all attracted to this particular flight, I consider this theory one of collections of thoughts that has gone off the rails. Sure, people who like to bowl are going to find one another in a bowling alley. But life is full of randomness, and that needs to be accounted for.

Happiness is not something I aim for, anyway. I aim for content and enough. We have enough, and I am generally content, if not a little unsettled because I haven't any specificity that I feel pushed toward by society. I have already done my time contributing to society - I worked up until I couldn't, I volunteered for multiple organizations, I have donated to charities and supported worthy causes. I have done and the time for doing is over. I'm content simply being, and if I do some things with whatever remains of my life, that's ok, too.

So how does one find this content? Let's take a look.

I have found that it not the vacations that are the big deal in our life. It's the everyday stuff that matters the most. Getting the laundry done, making meals, doing the dishes. Looking out the window. Holding hands with my husband when we are watching TV matters more to me than most anything else.

One key to contentment that I am not well versed in is self-care. Taking care of one's self, physically and mentally, is necessary and important to wellbeing. Exercising, eating well, reading and learning, and physical touch are simple yet key elements of living a good life. This is a lesson I wish I had conquered when I was much younger; it's easier to keep a body healthy than to take one that's about used up and make it stronger. It's not impossible, but it is harder. Sometimes things are hard, but with time it gets easier.

So, feeling well helps with the happiness/content quotient. If the body habitus is unhealthy, it's hard to focus. Not impossible, but it makes things more difficult, and difficult things become a slog sometimes. Slogs do not lead to contentment; that way frequently leads to frustration. 

Sometimes, though, one must slog to find the contentment at the end.

Acceptance is another key to contentment. It is easy to rage against the night, but accepting the darkness sometimes leads to much better sleep. Maybe things aren't going so well at various times; there's not enough time, not enough money, health isn't good, whatever. Sometimes we have to accept these limitations - this year, we won't take a vacation. This year, I won't write a novel. This year, I will deal with chronic pain. The key is not to become the obstacle. For example, I am not chronic pain (even though it feels like it some days). I accept that I have chronic pain and that has limited me. I am accepting those limitations and learning to live a good life within them. That's not an easy thing to do, but I think acceptance of life's myriad of circumstances is needed if one is to be content. Or happy.

Contentment and happiness are personal things, but many people think they should judge others based on their perceptions of what happiness is. If a person is happy working on a railroad, who am I to judge? If another is happy playing golf, what difference does it make to me? I mind my own business and find this is another key to happiness. Not worrying about what others think is huge when it comes to finding contentment. If others judge, that's on them.

Having said all that, I have never thought of myself as one of those marvelously happy people that one occasionally runs across. I've had too difficult a life for that.

But I am ok with being content.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Happiness Challenge - Last Day

I didn't participate every day in August in Gal's Happiness Challenge, but that's ok. There aren't any rules about it.

Finding things to be happy about is not an easy task for me. I can rattle off the essentials - I'm happy I have food, a home, a husband . . . enough . . . but finding something every single day in a life that has become somewhat compartmentalized and stifled for a myriad of reasons I won't go into is not easy.

It generally came down to minutia, really, when it came time to post. I am grateful for the bigger things - don't think I am not - and I don't take for granted how lucky I am to have a loving companion, a place to lay my head, and money with which to purchase food. Sometimes I stop and think about how that alone puts me ahead of about a billion other people in the world, maybe more. That's a sobering thought when the reality is I'm not a monetarily wealthy person. How poor must the rest of the world be? And how sad is that, when I know that wealth does not have to be hoarded, locked up in vaults, or hidden beneath mattresses. 

I feel better when I share, even if that's a donation here and there to whatever charity or non-profit lays claim to my attention. I don't know if others feel a shot of happiness when they open up their wallet, but I do.

So, for my final entry in the August Happiness Challenge, I am finding happy in knowing I am safe, secure, and loved.*

I wish the same for everyone.

Be well and be safe.

Thank you for reading.

*I'm also happy somebody thought to cover raisins with yogurt.*

**I am participating in the August Happiness Challenge hosted by One Gal's Musings.**

Monday, August 29, 2022

Happiness Monday

Today I am happy that my husband has returned to working on his septic tank installation business.

He's been off since mid-June, when he had hip replacement surgery. Today was his first day back at working with the backhoe to dig septic tank holes and ditches. He likes to play in the dirt.

I am also happy that I've been able to play my guitar a little more. I continue to have trouble with my left hand, but it is improving and that is good news.

My blood pressure is not moving quickly to better numbers, but my pulse rate is lower. I will take any improvement in that area.

*I am participating in the August Happiness Challenge hosted by One Gal's Musings.*

Monday, August 22, 2022

Happiness Monday

Happiness for today -

I had a nice phone call with my brother. He's a good fellow and I'm lucky I have him. No one gets me like he does.

A visit from a long-long-long-distance cousin of my husband's yielded a book about some of his lineage going back to the 1600s! Wow. It lists the ship the pater familias came over on in 1744.

A friend's daughter married over the weekend, and the celebration went off well. Momma was tired when I spoke to her this morning to check on her, but very happy.

Life goes on.

*I am participating in the August Happiness Challenge hosted by One Gal's Musings.*

Friday, August 19, 2022

Happiness Friday

Today I am happy that:

  • I picked up my higher dose of my blood pressure medication at the grocery store/pharmacy.
  • The clerk didn't freak out when I irreverently told her I shouldn't need a damn digital coupon to get the advertised sale price on grapes, and instead sold me the grapes for the sale price. I try not to curse in public and that one slipped out. (And really, why should I need to go to the website to download coupons? They're just bilking people. If they can afford to sell the grapes for $0.99 a pound, then sell them for that.)
  • I didn't run over the older person who appeared out of nowhere behind my car as I began to back up to leave the store. (Literally, there were no cars to my right at all, and I'd looked, and my backup camera didn't go beep beep, so where did she come from?)

In response to a comment yesterday from Kwizgiver, my hand is doing better. It's still swelling, and I have some pain in it, but it's improving. I did not mention it to my doctor yesterday because we were focused on the blood pressure issue, but if it is still troubling me when I see her soon, I will be sure to have her look at it. Thank you for caring and remembering it is bothersome!

*I am participating in the August Happiness Challenge hosted by One Gal's Musings.*

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Happiness Challenge

I have high blood pressure. I've had it for 20 years or more. It has been controlled with medication (and a little by diet). 

Now, though, it's messed up. I'd noted the last few times I was in my doctor's office that it seemed to be running high. Not super high, more like 146/88 high instead of 124/78. And my beats per minute are always over 80. Thump thump thump. My husband's beats per minute are like beat - wait 10 minutes - beat. Well, it's not that bad, but his is about 45 beats per minute. Half of mine.

So today I am happy that I have a doctor I can email numbers to and say, hey, my new blood pressure monitor is scaring me a little with numbers of 168/105. My question wasn't "what do I do," it was, "can this wait until my scheduled appointment with you in two weeks?" To which she responded I could wait so long as I wasn't having any issues.

I am scratching my head a little as to what issues I could be having other than the ones I have, but since she said I could wait and I didn't see anything that indicated alarm on her part, I guess I am in a sort-of-ok-for-the-moment range. I think if she'd thought that something needed immediate attention she'd have called in a drug or told me to double on a medication or had me come in.

Just to be safe, I did tai chi a while ago as I know that has in the past brought my numbers down a little. And I will avoid salt if I can. It's hard to know what has salt in it. It shows up in the strangest places.

Anyway, I am happy I'm still able to write this, though I do feel a bit of concern. And since my doctor is aware of the problem, hopefully when I do see her, she'll have looked over my medications and determined what the next steps should be if she wants to add another blood pressure medication to my mix.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Happiness Challenge

This doesn't necessarily make me happy, but it needs to be done -

I worked on the bookkeeping for the farm and my husband's septic installation business today. I'd gotten behind, mostly because I dislike doing it, but I'm catching it up this week.

So good for me for being responsible!

Also, my friend brought me chocolate covered rice cakes for absolutely no reason at all! That does make me happy, because I am loved, and because, well, chocolate!

(My husband gave me a big smooch this afternoon, too!)

*I am participating in the August Happiness Challenge hosted by One Gal's Musings.*

Monday, August 15, 2022

Happiness Challenge

I am happy today that I talked on the phone with a friend and had a good laugh.

I am also happy because I received a letter.

Additionally, I had a take-out sandwich and didn't have to fix my own sandwich for a change.

Plus, I had a haircut today!

All good happy things. Yay!

Friday, August 12, 2022

Happiness Challenge


Today I am happy because of things that happened yesterday.

I saw the chiropractor and she put my back straight.

A trip to Kroger yielded a pork roast for the weekend, and my husband's Diet Dr. Pepper was on sale.

A friend agreed to help me alter a pair of pants I bought that doesn't fit.

*I am participating in the August Happiness Challenge hosted by One Gal's Musings.*

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Happiness Challenge


The happiness update:

I had a healthy lunch! Yay for salad!

I've had two long chats with people I care about (so far, it's only 2 p.m.!).

I was able to play the guitar a little bit last night. It wasn't great but at least the swelling in my left hand has gone down enough that I felt like I could give it a try.

*I am participating in the August Happiness Challenge hosted by One Gal's Musings.*

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

Happy (and Clean) House

I have someone who comes to clean my house once a month.

It is money well spent.

We started this in 2014, after it became painfully obvious that I couldn't keep up the housework, still try to work, and deal with constant chronic pain all at the same time. We went through a few people before the young woman who cleans for me now took the job. She's been cleaning for me for about seven years.

The house always feels nice after she's been here. I clean and do chores throughout the month, of course, but it's good to have it all done at one time.

When my husband was recuperating from his hip surgery, I asked her if she could swing by and simply run the vacuum for me weekly so we could keep the dust down. Hip surgeries can become infected easily, so I wanted to keep the house as clean as possible for the first weeks of his recovery. She was happy to oblige, running by on her way to another person's house to spend 20 minutes with my vacuum. It took a load off of me to know that she would help me out.

Today was house cleaning day, and my house smells fresh and the floors sparkle.

That makes me happy!

*I am participating in the August Happiness Challenge hosted by One Gal's Musings.*

Monday, August 08, 2022

Little Happies


I'm not especially happy today, but there are little things that have gone right.

My dad called and we had a chat.

My husband took the trash to the dump. That is always a relief!

I wrote a long letter to a friend instead of sending her a birthday card.

*I am participating in the August Happiness Challenge this month!*

Sunday, August 07, 2022

Thirteen Lives

Last night we watched Thirteen Lives, a movie by Ron Howard, on Prime Video. Fortunately the buffering was not bad.

The movie was incredibly good. It starred Viggo Mortenson (aka Aragorn in Lord of the Rings), Colin Ferrell and other people whose names I did not recognize.

It was the story of the rescue of 12 boys and their young coach, who were trapped in a flooded cave in Thailand.

Even though I knew how things turned out, having read much about the 2018 event, I cried at the end.

But watching it with my husband made me happy.

*I'm participating in the August Happiness Challenge this month!*

Friday, August 05, 2022



The loud blast resounded around the warehouse-like grocery store moments after I walked in the store.

I froze.

"It was a balloon, it's alright," someone called. A manager raced by me, calling that he was double-checking that it was, indeed, not a gunshot. (I consider it somewhat heroic that he headed toward the sound.)

The store sells helium balloons, and one had burst. In that cavernous building, it sounded like a .22 caliber gun going off.

It was a loud echo chamber, the noise bouncing off the ceiling like a bird hitting a glass door.

It upset me more than I realized. Mostly, I was upset at my reaction. Some, like me, simply stood, but other people ducked behind vegetable crates.

I was in a section with nowhere to go, nothing to duck behind.

I was vulnerable.

So, I am happy today that I didn't get shot yesterday.

But I am terribly pissed off that this is where we are, that I came home angry, frightened, and upset because a helium balloon burst in the supermarket.

Terrified that I know now that when the gunman enters the store, I'll be among the first to go, because I froze in panic instead of running.

I try to tell myself that on some level I knew it was a balloon, that I had just walked by there, and my subconscious had noted someone using the helium tank.

But the reality is that I froze, and now I wonder if I need to practice not freezing at such sounds, practice hustling my fat ass out of the way, around a corner, falling to the ground knowing that with my bad back and my pudgy body I probably wouldn't get up again without help. I think about how embarrassing that would have been, had I overreacted . . . this time.

Because this time, it wasn't a gunshot.

I am happy about that.

Wednesday, August 03, 2022

FedEx Delivers

My happiness today comes via FedEx and the USPS.

FedEx delivered my order of Q-tips, Zyrtec, and other items so that I can continue my non-visits to stores to obtain such items.

I still go into the grocery store and CVS, but aside from needing to go find some pants soon, I have not missed shopping.

I'd buy the pants online if I thought they'd fit without trying them on.

The USPS brought me a personal letter from a former college professor, who wrote she was "thrilled to get an actual letter in the actual mail," when I wrote to congratulate her on a book publication.

Hurray for home delivery! That makes me happy.

Tuesday, August 02, 2022

A Rainbow!

This morning, my happiness came early when we had a shower and then sun - followed by a long (though not bright) rainbow.

It is hard to have a bad morning with a rainbow outside, no matter how dim it may be.

I am also happy because my husband is out on the tractor mowing hay. He's recovered from his hip surgery and eager to get back to work on the farm. I have asked him to call me every so often to be assure me that he is ok, but he seems to be happily ensconced on his farm tractor and having no issues.

My worries are for naught, it would appear.