Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sunday Stealing

1. What popular TV show do you refuse to watch?

A. I will not watch anything on FX or Fox. I do not watch shows like Law & Order, NCIS, etc. I don't watch hospital shows. I don't like horror, gore, misogyny, or lots of blood (which means I have no idea why I liked Game of Thrones, but I guess there are exceptions particularly for the fantasy genre). I do not watch the shows that feature preachers telling viewers they are going to hell.

2. What pets did you have while growing up?

A. We had dogs, and at one time we also had ducks, chickens, guineas, quail, and some other birds. We also had cattle. We never had cats. My father did not like cats, although he has a cat now. Go figure.

3. What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you?

A. I met my husband, and I married him. He has been the best thing and the luckiest thing that ever happened to me.

4. What are some small things that make your day better?

A. A phone call from a friend or my brother, a present of Tic Tacs from my husband (this seldom happens), writing a good sentence, or playing my guitar.

5. What’s your favorite piece of clothing you own/owned?

A. I guess my "blue thing" which is just a fleece not-sweater cover that keeps me warm. I imagine it has a name but when it comes to fashion I tend to be rather clueless.

6. What’s the most annoying habit other people have?

A. Talking over me. Most people talk over me, like I never said anything or have anything to say.

7. What game or movie universe would you most like to live in?

A. Middle Earth, of course, for movie universe. I know there are Lord of the Rings games too but I think I would like to live in the world of Skyrim (in a world called Tamriel) for that. Although knowing my luck, I'd be eaten by a dragon before I could turn around to see what was coming and wouldn't live long enough to enjoy anything there.

8. What’s the most impressive thing you know how to do?

A. I don't think that anything I do is impressive, but I can make stories out of next to nothing sometimes. Some people might find that impressive.

9. What was the best book or series you’ve read?

A. I've read thousands of books. I do like the Annie of Avalon series by L.M. Montgomery. That's a series that I have read more than once. There are very few books I reread, but I do reread those books.

10. What state or country do you never want to go back to?

A. I have never been anywhere I would not visit again.

11. Where do you usually go when you have time off?

A. Home.

12. What amazing thing did you do that no one was around to see?

A. There was no one around for nearly all of the articles I wrote. I was alone when I wrote them.

13. What is something you think everyone should do at least once in their lives?

A. Say "I love you" to someone, even if it's only a close friend and not a lover. People need to know they are loved.

14. What’s something you’ve been meaning to try but just haven’t gotten around to it?

A. Taking an online class.

15. What is something most people consider a luxury, but you don’t think you could live without?

A. My camera, maybe. Or my guitar. I guess either of those could be luxuries to others.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Saturday 9: Drive to You

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Jewel sings that she can't sleep and is staring at the ceiling. Did you fall asleep easily last night?

A. Yes.

2) She concludes that the only thing to do is drive to her lover's side. Last time you got behind the wheel, where were you headed?

A. The last time I drove, it was to the grocery store.

3) Jewel grew up in Alaska. Have you ever visited our largest state?

A. I have never visited Alaska.

4) She once performed at the Sydney Opera House, which is more than 7,300 miles away from Anchorage. There are no direct commercial flights between those two cities. Given your choice, would you rather spend less on travel but have to change flights, or spend more and fly non-stop to your destination?

A. I would rather spend more and fly non-stop to my destination.

5) Actor Sean Penn developed a crush on Jewel after seeing her perform on TV and attended many of her concerts during her 1995 tour. What's the best concert you ever saw?

A. Elton John.

6) She married Ty Murray, a successful rodeo cowboy. Have you ever attended a rodeo?

A. I used to attend the Loretta Lynn Rodeo with my parents when I was a child. I'm pretty sure that is what it was.

7) In 2006, the year "Drive to You" was released, Al Lewis died. He was best known as Grandpa on The Munsters. It's time for you to declare where you stand on this issue: do you prefer The Munsters or The Addams Family?

A. Both of those shows were just a wee bit before my time, and I don't remember ever watching much of either one. For some time, we could only get one TV channel and if it wasn't on that channel, I didn't see it. I'm afraid I really do not have a dog in this fight.

8) 2006 was a very good one for tennis pro Roger Federer. He reached the finals in all four Grand Slam tournaments and won three. What's the last game you won? (Yes, Wordle counts.)

A. I last won a game of solitaire.

9) Random question: Using one word, how would you describe 2024 so far?

A. Expensive.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Friday, September 20, 2024

In All His Glory

Here's the 5-point buck I've been watching all summer without his velvet, ready to head into the rutting season with his horns.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday Thirteen #875

Here are 13 reasons to like autumn:

1. Beautiful Foliage: The changing colors of leaves create breathtaking landscapes, although this year, with the drought we've had all summer, the leaves are either dropping straight from the trees or changing color early.

2. Cooler Weather: Crisp, refreshing air makes outdoor activities more enjoyable. After two months of blistering 90+ degree days, it's time for a bit of a cool down.

3. Cozy Clothing: Sweaters, scarves, and boots make for warm and stylish outfits. I like the bulky clothes because I can hide in them.

4. Festive Holidays: Halloween and Thanksgiving bring a sense of celebration and togetherness. I love Halloween even though I do nothing to celebrate it.

5. Seasonal Foods: Comfort foods like soups, stews, and apple cider are perfect for chilly days. Cooler days are definitely good soup days. Also, I like apples, and they ripen in the fall.

6. Outdoor Activities: Apple picking, corn mazes, and hayrides are fun autumn traditions. I don't personally partake in them anymore, what with my allergies, but I know lots of folks enjoy these types of things.

7. Fewer Allergies: For many, fall offers relief from the pollen-heavy spring and summer seasons. However, it also means mold, and I'm allergic to mold in abundance.

8. Less Humidity: Cooler temperatures often mean less sticky humidity, creating a pleasant environment. I'm thankful for that.

9. Long Walks: Scenic hikes through colorful forests are peaceful and rejuvenating. It has been a long time since I've gone hiking, but I used to love to take a roam around when I was younger.

10. Festive Decor: Decorating with pumpkins, gourds, and warm colors brings a cozy atmosphere to homes, although I personally go for the evil looking pumpkin faces and witches.

11. Starry Nights: Clear, crisp autumn evenings often make for great stargazing opportunities. There's nothing like looking at the vastness of the night sky to realize how insignificant you really are.

12. Football Season: Fall brings the excitement of football games, whether you’re a fan of playing or watching. We sometimes watch the college games, but not the professional games. Also, I met my husband at a football game, all of those many years ago.

13. Back-to-School Energy: A fresh start for students brings a sense of renewal and focus. I always want to buy notebooks and pencils this time of year.

How about you? Does Autumn mean anything special to you?

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 875th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Osage Orange Tree

This is an Osage orange tree (we sometimes call it a mock orange, but that's incorrect):

The ball looking thing is the Osage orange tree fruit.

A little closer shot.

This tree is not native to Virginia. I'm not sure how our farm came to have Osage orange trees, but we have several. 

This one is right out my office window. It's been there for 35 years, and this is the first time I've noticed the fruit on it that identifies it as an Osage orange.

The Osage orange tree (Maclura pomifera), also known as hedge apple, horse-apple, or bodark, is a unique and interesting tree native to the south-central United States. Here are some key points about it:
  • Appearance: It is a medium-sized deciduous tree, typically growing 30-50 feet tall. The tree has a short trunk, dense, round crown, and stout thorns. Its leaves are dark green, shiny on the upper surface, and paler with some hairs along the veins on the lower surface.
  • Fruit: The tree produces distinctive, large, spherical, bumpy fruits that are bright yellow-green and about 3-6 inches in diameter. Despite its name, the fruit is not related to oranges and is generally not eaten by humans.
  • Uses: Historically, the wood was highly valued by Native Americans for making bows, hence the name “Bois d’Arc” (bow-wood) in French. The tree was also used as a natural fence before the invention of barbed wire due to its dense, thorny growth.
  • Modern Uses: Today, the Osage orange is often used as a windbreak and for erosion control. Its wood is still prized for its durability and resistance to decay.
  • Ecological Role: The tree is considered a pioneering species, often invading exposed soils and overgrazed pastures. It can become locally dominant in such environments.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Contentment - Day 16

I confess I'm having trouble with the contentment thing. I seem to be a bundle of nerves, having mild panic attacks every time I leave the house. A fellow made a dog toy squeak in the grocery aisle this morning and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

But, it's supposed to rain. We need it to rain. The dust is thick, the trees are already turning colors, or the leaves are simply dropping off. I think it's too late to save the foliage for a lovely Autumn.

The idea of rain makes me content. If I wake to rain in the morning, I will be very content.

Plus, the young woman who helps me with the house cleaning comes tomorrow, so there's that.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Sunday Stealing


1. What takes up too much of your time?

A. Playing on the computer, reading articles and social media, and the laundry.

2. What do you wish you knew more about?

A. Astronomy. I would like to know the constellations better.

3. What’s the best way to start the day?

A. Get up, get a shower, get rolling.

4. What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?

A. I always wanted to solve the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

5. What’s your favorite genre of book or movie?

A. Fantasy, although according to my reading list this year it's not.

6. What’s the farthest you’ve ever been from home?

A. 2,728.5 miles to California and 4,015.1 miles to Paris, France.  Alexa told me the mileage.

7. Where is the most interesting place you’ve been?

A. Paris was incredibly interesting with the museums and architecture and all. I would love to go back now that I am adult. I went when I was a teenager.

8. When was the last time you climbed a tree for fun?

A. I am too old to remember when I last climbed a tree. It would have been over 40 years ago.

9. What do you consider to be your best find?

A. My husband. If you mean an inanimate object, then my best find was my wedding dress, which was marked down from something like $2k to $300 because it had a tear in it. But the tear was right where I needed to have the gown taken in anyway, so that was a great deal. I no longer have my wedding gown because it burned up in a house fire.

10. What’s special about the place where you grew up?

A. I grew up on a farm and on a farm, one learns the circle of life. You also learn how to amuse yourself and look after your brother.

11. What age do you wish you could permanently be?

A. I don't think I would want to live forever or be a permanent age.

12. What fictional place would you most like to go?

A. Middle Earth.

13. Where is the most relaxing place you’ve ever been?

A. One of the best vacations we've had was in Charleston, SC. I don't know that it was more relaxing than anywhere else, but we took our time and enjoyed ourselves.

14. What’s the most interesting piece of art you’ve seen?

A. I don't know the name of it, but in the Louvre in Paris there was a painting where the light detail was exquisite. It fascinated me and I could hardly tear myself from the picture to go on the with the tour. You could see the interior of a woman's hand as the light shown down upon her. I probably would never recognize the painting again, but I can still remember that detail of light upon that woman's hand.

15. Who has impressed you the most with what they have accomplished?

A. I went to college with Beth Macy, who is now a famous author who has written several nonfiction books, one of which was made into a miniseries called Dopesick with Michael Keaton. She has done very well. She stepped out of news writing long before I did and was able to channel her work into longer pieces, something I have not yet been able to do. She is just a little older than I am.

My father also impresses me with his business acumen. He has gone from a shoeshine boy to the owner of a country club and a major corporation.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday 9: Minute by Minute

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) It's easier to keep track of the minutes if your timepiece has a second hand. As you answer these questions, are you wearing a watch, or can you see a clock that has a second hand?

A. I am wearing a watch with a second hand. I also have a clock above my desktop, but it does not have a second hand.

2) In this song, Michael McDonald admits he knows his girl has lied to him. Do you suspect any one of your friends/family has fibbed to you recently?

A. I imagine so. My husband is not good about telling me how he received those cuts and bruises, for example. "I just hit it on something," he says, without telling me he was probably doing something semi-dangerous that maybe he shouldn't have been attempting.

3) McDonald's big break came in 1973 when he joined Steely Dan's touring band. What do you consider your first professional success?

A. My first professional success occurred when I had my first article with a byline printed in The Fincastle Herald in 1984. You can see it here, if you want. I recently ran across it.

4) In 1975 he joined The Doobie Brothers. He was originally supposed to be a temporary replacement for Tom Johnston, but he ended up working with the band uninterrupted for seven years. Tell us about something that's happened to you that turned out better than you anticipated.

A. I will have to think about this one. I stay home so much anymore that it's hard to come up with something.

5) In 1986, he guest starred on an episode of The Young and The Restless. Have you ever been hooked on a daytime drama?

A. I watched Dark Shadows when I wasn't supposed to. Later I started watching the Guiding Light during a job layoff, but that ended when I went back to work.

6) Michael and wife Amy raised their family near Nashville, where they had their own pond and a garden they lovingly tended. Do you enjoy yard work?

A. I don't enjoy it now as much as I used to. My allergies are worse and my body is worse, too.

7) In 1979, when "Minute by Minute" was popular, movie star John Wayne died. In 2004, the US Postal Service honored him with a stamp. What was in the last envelope you stamped and dropped in a mailbox?

A. Cards for some relatives who are having birthdays.

8) In 1979, the most popular new car was the Oldsmobile Cutlass. Ads promised drivers the Cutlass could make it easy to get in and out of tight parking spots. Are you good at parallel parking?

A. I am not especially good at parallel parking, no, and will go out of my way to not do it.

9) Random question: Did you know your great-grandparents?

A. Apparently, I knew my great-grandfather, who died in 1969 when I was six years old. I remember absolutely nothing about him, though. His first name was Elkanah, which I find a gob smacking sort of name. I may have met my great grandfather on my father's side when I was about the same age. We went to Florida to see somebody like that. I don't remember much about that, either.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday Thirteen

It's another free-for-all Thursday 13! I have nothing in my brain to write out, so here we go with a little freewheeling thinking.

1. The "Top Ten" music show on AXIOS had a "200 top songs" from the 1970s countdown. I disagreed with a lot of the top 20. They had Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen as the number 1. I don't know what they used for their criteria for top songs.

2. I listen to a lot of 1970s music because that's the era I was a teen in. Once I figured out I could turn the dial on the radio in my bedroom, I got off of that country stuff my parents listened to and was Top 40 with Casey Kasem all the way.

3. My husband, on the other hand, listens to hard rock. His bands are AC/DC, ZZ Top, and the Rolling Stones. Our record collection looks freaky, because we kept our old albums. So, he has all of these hard rock albums and I have The Captain and Tenille.

4. The other day I was sitting at the computer working and I started humming Christmas carols. When I realized what I was doing, I stopped. It's far too early for that!

5. There aren't many Halloween songs. Monster Mash is one. Flying Purple People Eater is a possibility. Perhaps the best one is Michael Jackson's Thriller. It helps to have the video with that one.

6. I have read thousands of books, magazine, and newspaper articles over my lifetime. Most stories are forgettable. I read one book when I was about 20 that involved a heroine who was in a car crash. She was a concert pianist and when she realized the car was going to wreck, she put her hands into her lap to protect them so she could continue to play. But she ended up hitting her head and so she couldn't play anyway. I don't know why that has stuck with me. Maybe because I thought it was not a smart thing to do but I understood why she did it.

7. Changing gears now. What do people do with the little bits of leftover bar soap? I keep them but I don't know what to do with them. It seems a waste to throw them out. Sometimes I smush them together and when it's a big enough blob I use it at the sink to wash my hands, but that can get messy. There must be a real solution to this. No, I haven't searched for an answer, it just popped into my head.

8. Monday, we received our 9th notification of a data breach. That's one a month for this year. Some of these have been healthcare billing companies that we knew nothing about. How do you keep your data safe when you don't even know your dentist or doctor uses a different billing company?

9. We also received a notice from the Pennsylvania Turnpike people that we owed them money for being on the turnpike. Except we have never been on a Pennsylvania Turnpike. And we haven't been out of Virginia since 2019. It's a real notice, I checked, but the license plate is actually an Arizona license plate, not a Virginia one.

10. Everything has gotten hard. I don't know if that is age, society, or just life in general, but it seems like everything is much harder than it needs to be. Even going to the grocery store creates anxiety anymore.

11. Speaking of groceries, I cannot find good grapes. I bought some about a month ago - they were Welch's - and they were really good. I bought some more of the same brand on Tuesday, and they are awful. I know some people taste test grapes before they buy them, but I never do that. They haven't been washed and who knows what is on them.

12. Thursday really snuck up on me this week. I thought it was Wednesday which is why I'm trying to get out something that is completely disconnected in thought. Sometimes the days just go really fast. Time really does go by quickly as you age.

13. I never thought I would live this long. When I was younger, I thought if I made it to 30 it would be a miracle. And then I made 30. At some point, I stopped worrying about it. I think that happened after my mother died.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 874th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Remembering 9/11

In the days after September 11, 2001, I remember seeing blue skies unmarred by the trails of aircraft, because the planes were grounded. It was eerie to look up and see the sky so blue without the chem trails of planes, the crisscross patterns that indicated people were going on about their day, flying hither and yon without a care.

People were quiet, at first, and helpful, at first. But after a few days, the air changed. I felt anger, hatred, and evil seething in the store when I went after groceries. It has ebbed and flowed over the last 23 years, that feeling that I have when I am in a crowd, but it has never gone away, not since September 12, 2001. For a day - maybe two - we were one nation, pulled together by the horror of what we'd witnessed.

But after that? We were an angry, scared bunch of people, and we've stayed that way. We frayed. We pulled apart. And the distance and the turmoil grew, and in the end, the terrorists won after all, for all that they've been dead for a long time.

In the end, they destroyed us - because we have destroyed ourselves.

We've raised an entire generation in that atmosphere of fear and hate. They don't know anything except fear and hate. That's all they know.

What has it been like for them, growing up in this new world that we allowed to happen, the one where everyone is afraid, and big men must carry guns with little, deadly bullets to compensate for their fears?

I know what it has been like for me to live in this time - it's been basically an ulcer-creating atmosphere. But what must it be like for those young folks, the ones who are now turning 21?

What do they think and feel, having grown up every moment with this disease of the soul, this dark pall that has fallen over this nation?

I remember the blue skies on September 12. I looked up at the blue, blue skies, those brilliant September skies.

And the memories of what we were before, knowing what we could have been, and the thought of those clear blue skies, are what pulls me through.

Today I remember the 343 firefighters who lost their lives on that fateful day, and the numerous others who have died over the years from cancers and demons that day brought on.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Contentment - Day 10

Today has been a bit frazzled, so contentment has been a bit hard worn, but perhaps that makes it all the sweeter.

I found contentment in playing video games. There, I said it. I like to play video games and I'm not the least bit sorry for it. It's a great way to break away from the trials of the day, shut my mind down into a narrow plane of thought, and regenerate for a while.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Contentment - Day 9

We're also having much cooler weather, which is welcome, but still no rain. Our drought is not yet over and it's too late to save the hay for this year. But we could sure use some of those water droplets to help raise the water level for the wells and such.

I finished my 50th book of the year yesterday. When I was younger, I used to read about 100 books a year, but my older eyes tire easier. I find audiobooks compelling because I can multitask while I listen - fold clothes, listen to a book. That makes the chores go faster.

I am glad I am getting in more reading/listening time.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Sunday Stealing

1. What shows do you like?

A. I like Rings of Power, which is based on Tolkien's world, My Lady Jane, also on Amazon Prime, was fun for its 8-episode run, and My Life is Murder on the BBC is not bad. I also watch reruns of The Big Bang Theory, MASH (when they are on), and The Gilded Age (HBO). Going back further I really liked Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Xena: Warrior Princess, Star Trek: Voyager, and Cagney & Lacey

2. What’s your claim to fame?

A. I was a news reporter for about 35 years. My byline will forever be found among the morgue of the local newspaper, for however long that lasts. What I wrote years ago is now the history of my community.

3. How often do you play sports?

A. Never.

4. Are you early or late?

A. I am almost always early.

5. What quirks do you have?

A. My quirks include talking to myself, singing to myself, rehearsing conversations in my head that I likely never will have, and almost always turning the car around to make sure I have turned off the computer, curling iron, and stove.

6. How often do you people watch?

A. Not very much these days.

7. What’s your favorite drink?

A. I only drink water. But I would love to have a good A&W root beer.

8. What do you hope never changes?

A. Everything changes. Hoping things stay the same is futile. But in the spirit of answering the question, I will hope that grass stays green.

9. What’s your dream car?

A. I always thought the Toyota Avalon was a beautiful car, but alas, Toyota has stopped making them.

10. Where would you rather be from?

A. I'm happy being from where I am. I am from the farmland, the plow, the screams of old women, the ghosts of mothers who were fey, the feisty lovemaking of a miner, and the dreams of a young girl in love.

11. What songs have you completely memorized?

A. I have no idea. Hundreds of them. Not much of anything new, but the older songs from the 1970s-1990s, those I know a lot of.

12. What would you rate 10/10?

A. My husband.

13. What job would you be terrible at?

A. I would not do well at being a waitress.

14. What skill would you like to master?

A. I would like to relearn Spanish. I had it in high school but had nowhere to use it, so I forgot it.

15. What movie title best describes your life?

A. The Perks of Being a Wallflower (according to CoPilot).


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Saturday 9: Summer in the City

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) Now that Labor Day has passed and kids have returned to school, summer is unofficially over. Looking back, share a highlight from Summer 2024.

A. The highlight of our summer has been drought and heat. We have mostly worried about hay, about feeding the cows, about ensuring they have water and shade. Up until the end of August, it was too hot to have a good time outside. The temperatures are more pleasant now, thankfully, but the drought has done its dirty work. 

2) Though this week's song is about summer, it was recorded in the spring, March to be exact. What's your favorite season?

A. I prefer spring or fall. Cooler temperatures and colorful. Summer would be great except for the heat.

3) Lovin' Spoonful lead singer John Sebastian sings that he's going to meet his lover on the rooftop. When were you last on the roof of your building?

A. Never. I have never been on the roof of my house. I don't remember the last time I was on the roof of any building, actually.

4) The lyrics refer to sidewalks that are "hotter than a match head." What's the last thing you lit with a match?

A. I don't light candles often, but I have some unscented ones that I use sometimes when a skunk gets too close to the house. The smoke helps alleviate the skunk stink.

5) The Lovin' Spoonful was founded by John B. Sebastian and Zal Yanovsky. When the band broke up, Zal opened a restaurant. Tell us about the restaurant you most recently dined at.

A. The most recent restaurant I was in was the Townhouse Tap House in Daleville. They have an excellent salad bar. They have their own garden and grow their own greens. I've never had a fresher salad than the one I get there.

6) John went on to have a solo career. His biggest hit was "Welcome Back," the theme to a popular 70's sitcom. The first line: "Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out . . .". Do you recall what show used "Welcome Back" as its theme?

A. Welcome Back, Kotter. It had John Travolta in it. I did not watch it much.

7) In 1964, when "Summer in the City" was popular, Americans were tuned in to Bewitched. The show centered around Samantha, a witch married to a mortal. Among her supernatural powers were flight, time travel and telekinesis (being able to move objects by twitching her nose). If you could have one of those powers, which would you choose?

A. Telekinesis would be fun. I could move the furniture without help! And then make the vacuum run and get rid of the dust bunnies under it. Or just make the dust roll out from under the furniture. Either way it would be clean.

8) In 1964, AJ Foyt earned the second of his four Indy 500 victories. Do you watch car racing?

A. I do not watch auto racing, but my husband is a big fan of both NASCAR and the Indy series (which is called something else, but I know not what). He watches all kinds of racing, including funny cars and other different kinds. Since I live here and the house is small, I see the racing if I decide to sit in the living room with him and a book.

9) Random question: Is your big toe your longest toe?

A. I wonder if everyone else had to look like I did. My big toe and my second toe are about even, but I used the level on my phone, and it shows my big toe is a smidgeon higher.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Friday, September 06, 2024

Contentment - Day 6

I thumbed through old papers this morning, looking for a manual on a piece of machinery my husband couldn't find.

In doing so, I stumbled over an envelope full of photos. I pulled it out and began looking through them. They were pictures of me from school and a large picture of my grandmother as a young girl that I would have sworn was of my mother if not for the name written on the back. And there were pictures of my mom.

The envelope was one of the last things she gave me before she died.

It wasn't the pictures that got to me though - they were just images. What did get to me was the smell.

The envelope smelled not of old paper, but of my mother. A smell that I'd not thought of in many years, and one that even now I cannot describe.

Something like a cross between makeup, hairspray, and light perfume.

Nothing that comes from a bottle.

Just my mom.

Thursday, September 05, 2024

Thursday Thirteen

I do not consider myself someone who takes good care of herself. The other day I was thinking of how much work it is to take care of your own person. It is difficult to take good care of yourself and then add caretaking of others on top of that and wow . . . that's a lot of time to put in. It also takes some skill to take care of someone besides yourself and I think this is definitely undervalued. 

My husband and I do not use the same products for everything, we are definitely a "his and hers" household.

Anyway, here are 13 things I do to take care of me and my beloved:

1. Brush my teeth and make sure we both have new toothbrushes, the toothpaste, and floss that we like.

2. Shower daily and make sure we each have our own unscented soaps we prefer.

3. Wash hair and make sure we each have our own unscented shampoos and conditioners.

4. For me, I require unscented lotion. My husband uses specific stuff on his hands in the winter when they start getting chapped.

5. Clip nails and cuticles. I don't use polish; of course I am allergic to it.

6. See the hair stylist for me. He sees a barber because he likes that hot shave on the back of his neck.

7. Go to the grocery store and (mostly) pass up the bad foods and try to purchase healthy stuff. And then fix it and eat it. This one is especially difficult for me as I dislike cooking. I suspect if I cooked better, we both wouldn't be overweight.

8. Wash clothing and keep it looking nice so as not to scare people when out in public. You feel better when you look your best if you're out. I try not to send him out in wrinkled clothes and same for myself.

9. Put on makeup where applicable. (I no longer do this because I can't find anything that doesn't make my eyes water now, but I used to do this every day.)

10. Exercise in some fashion. I walk on the treadmill.

11. Have down time to rest and regroup, whether that's through reading, meditating, or watching TV.

12. Learn new things to keep the ol' brain working.

13. Change the bed linens once a week so that everything is nice and fresh, and wash the coverings every six weeks or so, unless one of is ill in which case they get washed right away.

There are more things I could list - but it is a glorious chore being human, isn't it?


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 873rd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Losing the Velvet

Last week I posted photos of this buck in velvet. 

Yesterday he was back in the yard, but the velvet is starting to come off. I thought some of my readers might like to see this as it's not something that one sees everyday.

Male deer begin growing antlers in late winter/early spring. The velvet covering feeds the bone and helps keep it safe.

The bucks begin to lose the velvet in late August or early September as the velvet starts to lose its blood flow. It also indicates an increase in testosterone in the male deer. This signals the beginning of the rut, meaning the bucks soon will begin chasing the does as they hit their cycle for procreation.

Beneath the velvet is hard bone that makes up the antlers seen in white tail deer. The antlers are shed January-March, usually, and the process begins all over again.

Here is the buck with full velvet:

And here are photos of the velvet starting to come off on the left side of the deer's antlers. Note the red color of the bone as the velvet begins to shed. Eventually they will turn brown or brownish white.

You can see how much smaller the actual antler is once the velvet begins to come off as indicated in the last photo.

I've seen this shedding of velvet before but not often. This is the first time I recall being able to get photos of it (I took them through a glass door; the deer was about 30 feet away from me.).

Hope you enjoyed the biology lesson.


Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Contentment - Day 3

Today I am content because I made it to Food Lion and back without incident.

You never know what's going to happen to you when you step out of your door.

While I was at the store, I saw my dear friend, and we talked later in the day (because who can carry on a conversation in the checkout line?).

Also, I got a great shot of a buck still in velvet but with the velvet starting to come off. I will share that tomorrow if I remember to get it off of the camera.

Monday, September 02, 2024

September Contentment

I enjoyed the August Happiness Challenge so much that I'm going to keep on doing it in September. But I'm going to call it September Contentment.

It helps me to remember the small things that bring joy.

Today I am content because I was able to get the house cleaned up this morning and most of the laundry caught up.

And I'm really grateful for the bleach toilet bowel drop-ins. They've become expensive but the off brands work just as well.