Monday, September 02, 2024

September Contentment

I enjoyed the August Happiness Challenge so much that I'm going to keep on doing it in September. But I'm going to call it September Contentment.

It helps me to remember the small things that bring joy.

Today I am content because I was able to get the house cleaned up this morning and most of the laundry caught up.

And I'm really grateful for the bleach toilet bowel drop-ins. They've become expensive but the off brands work just as well.


  1. This is a great idea. I may join in. I love your cute graphic. What were your keywords? (I'll come back so you can reply to this)

    1. I made it in CoPilot on Edge and used "A cartoon of a happy older person enjoying an autumn day" or something similar to that. You have to say "cartoon" or it gives you a picture. I don't like the weird AI pictures, but the cartoons are ok. You can tell they're cartoons.


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