Sunday, September 01, 2024

Sunday Stealing

1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

A. When I ate ice cream, which stopped when I was 12, my favorite was a hot fudge sundae. I don't think that's a flavor, but there you go.

2. If you could invent a new flavor of ice cream, what would it be?

A. Vampire Slayer Ice Cream. It would be covered with bits of chocolate and cherries throughout, along with little slits of pecans that look like stakes.

3. Who do you like to eat ice cream with?

A. I don't eat ice cream. My husband does, though. He likes black raspberry.

4. If you were a flavor of ice cream, what flavor would you be?

A. Neapolitan.

5. Does your family eat ice cream regularly, or just for a special treat?

A. My husband has it occasionally, usually after he's been to the doctor for his bloodwork.

6. What is your favorite treat from the ice cream truck?

A. I used to like ice cream sandwiches when I was young.

7. Does frozen yogurt taste different than ice cream?

A. I think frozen yogurt tastes different from ice cream, but it's an ok substitute.

8. If you could make a super sundae, what would it have?

A. Vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, hot fudge, whipped cream, a cherry on top, 

9. Can ice cream make a bad day better?

A. I suppose it couldn't hurt, unless like me you can't eat it without a lot of digestive issues.

10. Have you ever had homemade ice cream?

A. I have. It was very good.

11. When is your favorite time to eat ice cream?

A. I don't have a favorite time to eat ice cream, but if I could eat ice cream, then I would say that any time is a good time to eat it.

12. What is the best kind of ice cream you ever had?

A. Again, a hot fudge sundae. We had a local place called High's Ice Cream that made the absolute best hot fudge sundaes.

13. Do you prefer your ice cream in a cone or in a bowl?

A. If I ate it, I would prefer a bowl. I never cared much for cones.

14. Is there such a thing as a bad flavor of ice cream?

A. I have no idea.

15. They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. What does an ice cream a day do?

A. I guess it brings on diabetes and weight gain.

16. Is ice cream better when it’s fresh or slightly melted?

A. I always liked mine a little melted.

17. What is the craziest flavor of ice cream you’ve ever seen?

A. I have no idea, but at the moment I'm sure pumpkin spice ice cream is heating up. Yuck.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I said the same thing on diabetes and weight gain. I don't eat ice cream anymore either. I found out - by trial and error - that it is actually the sugar that gives me terrible digestive issues. I gave it up for Lent 2017 and when I started to eat cookies, etc. again, I realized that was causing the issues. I tried again a few weeks later and same issues. It is easier to not eat it.

  2. With Halloween coming up, I bet your #2 would be a hit.

  3. That's a very creative flavor you came up with!! Perfect for Autumn...or at leas the month of October hahah

    I don't eat cows milk ice cream any more either due to some digestive issues. Did you know that if you switch to oatmilk or almond milk ice cream that it is much better for the digestive tract AND has way less fat content. And for some reason I can eat soft serve but that's because although it IS cows milk based (usually) it has way less fat content and the filler is seaweed which for some reason makes it ok for me.

    Definitely can cause weight gain!!

  4. Growing up, it was almost ALWAYS Neopolitan. trying to get strawbery without getting chocolate was a challenge


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