Monday, September 09, 2024

Contentment - Day 9

We're also having much cooler weather, which is welcome, but still no rain. Our drought is not yet over and it's too late to save the hay for this year. But we could sure use some of those water droplets to help raise the water level for the wells and such.

I finished my 50th book of the year yesterday. When I was younger, I used to read about 100 books a year, but my older eyes tire easier. I find audiobooks compelling because I can multitask while I listen - fold clothes, listen to a book. That makes the chores go faster.

I am glad I am getting in more reading/listening time.


  1. Today is Lori's Birthday, wish her a Happy Birthday at

  2. I finished book 120 on Sunday. I've never read so many books in a year. Audiobooks have been most of my reading.


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