Showing posts with label Saturday9. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Saturday9. Show all posts

Saturday, November 04, 2023

Saturday 9: True

Saturday 9: True (1983)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, lead singer Gary Kemp tells us he's overwhelmed by his feelings as he and a girl dance "toe to toe." What song did you most recently dance to?

A. I am not sure. I haven't felt much like dancing. I was playing guitar to In-a-gadda-da-vida by Iron Butterfly earlier; I assume I had a little movement with that.

2) Falling in love makes him want to listen to "Marvin all night long," a reference to Motown great Marvin Gaye. What's your favorite love song, and who sings it?

A. I Will Always Love You, Whitney Houston version.

3) This song was inspired by Kemp's feelings for singer Clare Grogan. When they first met, they discovered a shared love of literature and for his birthday, she gave him a book she thought he'd enjoy. Who received the most recent birthday gift you gave, and what was it?

A. I gave a friend flowers a card for her birthday.

4) Despite the popularity of the song it inspired, the Kemp-Grogan romance never really took off. Gary was involved with another woman and Clare was seeing other men and reluctant to settle down. The timing just wasn't right for them. Do you believe luck plays a big part in romance?

A. I expect it does, yes. You have to be at the right place, in the right frame of mind, etc. For all of that to happen takes a little luck.

5) The cover art was created by Kemp's friend, David Band. David sketched it after seeing a man startled when a bird flew too close to him as he entered a pub. To Kemp, it represented how surprised he was by the sudden intensity of his feelings for Grogan. Band went on to become a world-renowned artist, with his work exhibited in galleries and museums in Australia, New Zealand, England and the United States. What museum have you most recently visited?

A. I went to the Virginia Museum of Transportation in September 2022.

6) In 2020, Kemp and bassist Guy Pratt launched their podcast Rockonteurs about the stories behind popular songs. Do you regularly listen to podcasts?

A. I do not.

7) Super Mario Bros. debuted in 1983. Without looking it up, can you name gaming's most famous siblings?

A. Mario and Luigi?
8) Also in 1983, for the first time, London's Abbey Road recording studio was open to the public. Visitors were treated to a multi-media presentation called The Beatles at Abbey Road. During the two months it was open, more than 22,000 tickets were sold. What's the most recent ticket you purchased?

A. The ticket to see the Barbie movie back in the summer.

 9) Random question -- At your favorite restaurant, a genie will grant you one of these two wishes: 1) you can eat whatever you want without gaining weight or 2) you can order whatever you want for free. Which do you choose?

A. Oh, #1, definitely. What a wonder that would be, to walk by a chocolate chip cookie and not gain 3 pounds.


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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Saturday 9: Spooky Scary Skeletons

Unfamiliar with this week's featured song? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Andrew Gold sings that these skeletons send shivers down his spine. Do you often involuntarily shudder or shiver?

A. No, I'm just always cold. I think it's my blood pressure medicine.
2) While they appear frightening, these skeletons are harmless and only want to socialize with us mortals. Can you think of something -- or someone -- that intimidated you at first but that you were more comfortable with as you became more familiar?

A. Any new job was that way. At first, I was terrified but then it eased up eventually.

3) The video for this song was originally created in 1929. Skeleton Dance was a short movie produced and directed by Walt Disney himself. In 2006, Disney Studios paired Gold's song with this animation for a Halloween DVD. Do you have any DVDs that you watch seasonally (every Halloween, every Thanksgiving, every Christmas, etc.)?

A. I watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy at some point from about November 15 to the new year. We also watch Jeff Dunham's Christmas Special on DVD, which is funnier than what was shown on TV. And we must watch Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer. We have that on DVD as well as on the DirecTV recorder. At Halloween, I like to watch Practical Magic.
4) You may not realize it, but you likely already know one of Andrew Gold's songs. He wrote "Thank You for Being a Friend," the theme to TV's Golden Girls. Blanche, Dorothy, Rose or Sophia: Which is your favorite?

A. Which is my favorite Golden Girl? Hmm. I think it's a tie between Dorothy and Rose.

These questions will help us get into the Halloween spirit . . .

5) Introduced in the 1880s, candy corn was originally called Chicken Feed. It was developed by a candy manufacturer who gave it the orange/white color and special name to differentiate it from jellybeans. Do you like candy corn (a) all year around or (b) at Halloween only or (c) never?

A. (c) never. Candy corn is nasty.

6) What candy will trick-or-treaters get when they show up at your front door?

A. We never have trick-or-treaters because we're so rural. I suppose if someone showed up, I'd have to toss them some gum or change or something.
7) Halloween was a 1978 movie by John Carpenter about Michael Myers, who kills while wearing a ghostly mask. In the original movie, the mask used was a $2 Captain Kirk mask, painted white. Both Halloween and Star Trek are successful franchises of more than a dozen movies. Have you seen more of Michael Myers or Captain Kirk?

A. Captain Kirk.

8) In 2022, a survey of California schoolchildren revealed that Buzz Lightyear was the top pick of Halloween costume. When you were little, did you prefer to dress up for Halloween as a hero, like Buzz, or a scary monster?

A. I usually went as a hobo, as it was an easy costume to put together.
9) Some long-time White House employees claim they have seen Abraham Lincoln's ghost wandering the halls of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Have you ever seen a ghost?

A. I have seen several ghosts. I saw many when I was a child; one sat at the foot of my bed for several years. As an adult, I have seen two ghosts. One was a Confederate soldier who walked down the aisle at the Courthouse in Craig County during a night meeting of the Board of Supervisors. At the time, they were discussing improvements to the Courthouse. The soldier walked down the aisle and turned right, going through the wall at the second story window. I sat there waiting for someone to say something, but apparently no one else saw him. The other event happened during the day. I was driving to Fincastle when I looked to my right and the housing subdivision that was there disappeared completely, and in its place was a field with trees, and I saw several Native Americans on horseback meeting with white men in what looked like buckskin clothing. I stopped the car and the image disappeared. (No, I wasn't drinking.) 


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Saturday 9: Something More

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) Sugarland's lead singer Jennifer Nettles describes a busy morning that begins with a cup of coffee. Do you start your day with a cup of joe?

A. I have never been a coffee drinker. I used to drink colas, then switched to tea, and now I only drink water. I have a hot cup of water in the morning.

2) When she gets home from work, she sings that her house is dirty but says housework can wait until she has a glass of wine. Is there a particular chore on your "to-do" list that you keep putting off?

A. I hate doing the bookkeeping for our various enterprises, like the farm, my husband's backhoe business, and the rental house. I try to keep it up, but I always get behind and then I beat myself up for it.

3) The lyrics tell us happiness is something we can create. Do you agree?

A. I think our attitude about things can make a difference, but sometimes life just tosses lemons at you and all you can do is duck. We can't control everything - or much of anything, really - and who's to say what's going to happen to you when you get out of bed? 

4) In the video of this week's song, the members of Sugarland ride along in a vintage Cadillac. Are you one of those drivers who has a nickname for your car?

A. No. Sometimes I call my car by a name but it's a different one every time. Mostly I just call it "car."

5) The group hitches a ride in a red truck. The auto insurance industry tells us that Americans favor vehicles in the grayscale colors. Nearly 80% of cars on the road today are white, black, gray or silver. What color is your vehicle?

A. My Toyota Camry is white. We've generally had white vehicles; they hide the dirt better.

6) Nettles achieved her dream of performing on Broadway when she took over the role of Roxy in Chicago. What's your fantasy job?

A. I don't know that I have one anymore. At various times, I've considered bookstore owner, college professor, novel writer, world traveler, cruise ship director, archeologist, geologist, and being the person who traveled the Bermuda Triangle until I disappeared so I could learn what happens down there (though we don't hear much about that anymore).

7) She wrote a cookbook with her mom called Sweet, Savory and Simple. When it was originally published, it was spiral bound. That way, it could be laid flat on the counter as the cook tries one of the recipes. How many cookbooks do you own?

A. Maybe three, if that. 
8) In 2005, when "Something More" was topping the country charts, Paul McCartney won a People's Choice Award for his concert tour. Do you have any plans to enjoy music performed live between now and the end of the year?

A. No, but I have plans to play music between now and then.

9) Random question: Who received the most recent compliment you gave?

A. My father was the last person I spoke with as I write this, so him.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Saturday 9: Goodbye, Cruel World

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) This week's song has a circus theme. Have you ever been to a circus? If yes, did you enjoy it?

A. I went to the circus when I was a child, and my parents took me. It was not in tents; it was in the Salem Coliseum. I don't recall much about it as I was quite young, maybe 5 years old?
2) James Darren sings that he's running away to join the circus. When you were a kid, did you ever run away from home?

A. I did when I was 16. Long story short, my parents reported my car stolen, and I was picked up by the police in a few hours.
3) While he understands intellectually that this girl is no good for him, he tells us his heart is stubborn. Do you have a stubborn streak?

A. I can, yes. But generally, I just give in to go along and not make waves.

4) Though he had three top 20 singles, including this one, James Darren found more consistent success as an actor. Between 1959 and 1963, he played surfer Jeff Matthews, aka "Moondoggie," in three Gidget movies. Have you seen any Gidget movies? What about the TV show, starring Sally Field?

A. I don't recall ever seeing Gidget in any form.

5) "Moondoggie" got his unique nickname because he enjoyed surfing in the moonlight. Looking back on Summer 2023, did you visit the beach (by moonlight or otherwise)?

A. No, we did not go anywhere this past summer. Or the past three summers, for that matter. We last had a get-away in September 2019.
6) While he was playing Gidget's teen dream, he was a married man. He wed Danish beauty queen Evy Norlund in 1960. They met when she came to Los Angeles to pursue a career and they were both working at Columbia Studios. More than 60 years later, they're still together. Tell us about the longest-married couple you know.

A. How about I just tell you I'm going to be married for 40 years in a month? That's a long time, although to be honest it seems like maybe 3 years, not 40. Lots of memories, kind of all jumbled up, and stuff can be broken out by time - did it happen while I was still in school, did it happen when he was at fire station X, Y, or Z? Did it happen before my hysterectomy or after? Before 9/11 or after? Pre-pandemic or after? Which newspaper was I writing for? Who was I working for? Was my mother still alive when it happened, or had she passed away? The big marker moments stand out, but the day-to-day stuff smooshes all together, so that time does not seem like 40 years at all.

7) James Darren also played Officer James Corrigan on ABC's police drama, TJ Hooker. Have you ever considered a career in law enforcement?

A. I thought about being a lawyer, which is part of law enforcement, but that's all. My father was a policeman when I was born and up until I was about 3 years old.
8) In 1961, when this song was on the radio, matching "his & hers" mohair sweaters were on trend. Do you have a favorite sweater?

A. No, I do not.

9) Random question -- They say we're all young at heart. In what ways are you childlike?

A. I still have a darned sweet tooth and crave sugar almost constantly. I also need a lot of hugs. And I still like to read everything in sight, which I have done since I was four years old.

I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Saturday, October 07, 2023

Saturday 9: Gloria

Saturday 9: Gloria (1982)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

(I have always loved this song. Thanks, Gal!)
1) In this song, Laura Branigan is advising her friend to take it a bit slower in her pursuit of a particular man. Did you more recently give or receive advice?

A. A little of both. I was out shopping with a friend, and we were both giving and receiving advice from one another.
2) Gloria seems determined to rush ahead, regardless of the consequences. Do you consider yourself a big risk taker?

A. I used to be, but I am no longer. When I was younger, it didn't matter what I had to do to get the story for the newspaper - ride in a hot air balloon, fly in a single engine airplane, fall down an embankment, risk arrest from a crazy sheriff - I did it. But now I don't do those things.
3) Laura herself seemed to be impulsive in love. She met a lawyer at a party in 1978 and they married months later. It worked out, though. They were married for almost 20 years, until his death. Thinking of your circle of friends, has someone more recently been married, divorced, or widowed?

A. I know several people who have been widowed recently.

4) "Gloria" was originally recorded in 1979 by Italian singer Umberto Tozzi. His version was a Top Ten hit in Switzerland, Belgium and Germany. Have you ever visited any of those countries?

A. I have not visited any of those countries.

5) In 2018, decades after its initial release, this recording of "Gloria" enjoyed a surge in popularity. The St. Louis Blues used it as their victory song whenever they won a hockey game at home. What's the most recent sporting event you attended?

A. It would have been one of my nephews' high school ball games, which would have been about 15 years ago now.

6) After Laura Branigan died of a cerebral aneurysm at the age of 52, her high school established a scholarship in her honor. When did you most recently return to your old high school, and what was the reason?

A. I went back to my old high school in 2019, when the school was celebrating its 50th birthday. They had displays set up to show how the school looked, etc. My husband and I both attended the same school and so we went for a little reminiscing.
7) In 1982, when this song was popular, the Sears catalog sold an at-home blood pressure monitor that ran on four C-batteries and sold for $190 (that's $600 in today's dollars). Amazon's current best-selling monitor is cheaper ($40) and smaller, running on AAA batteries. Is high blood pressure a concern of yours?

A. Yes. I have hypertension, but it is controlled with medication.
8) Also in 1982, The Compleat Beatles, a two-hour documentary about The Fab Four was released to good reviews. Do you enjoy documentaries?

A. I like some of them, yes. I don't like ones that show violence. Music documentaries are good. I like the Ken Burns documentaries on PBS, too.

9) Random question: Which of these chores to you enjoy the least: doing the dishes or the laundry?

A. Doing the dishes. I don't mind the laundry at all, but I hate doing the dishes. 


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Saturday, September 30, 2023

Saturday 9: On a Clear Day

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Is today a clear day where you are?

A. It is partly cloudy, but the haze from the fires in Canada has dissipated and my beloved mountains are visible. There is a slight breeze, but it is a lovely day.
2) Streisand sings that today she's "astounded." What has recently shocked or greatly surprised you?

A. I am shocked on a monthly basis that there are some people in my locality who think someone died and left them in charge of "community standards." They apparently believe their thoughts and opinions are the only ones that matter. That kind of bigotry and narrowmindedness continues to surprise me even though by now I should be used to it. I once thought people were better than they have proven themselves to be. It makes me sad.

3) Streisand's voice astounded people from an early age. She began performing in New York clubs when she was only 18, too young to order a drink in the establishments where she sang. Do you remember the first adult beverage you ordered at a restaurant or bar?

A. I don't remember, no.

4) Barbra has discussed the importance of her Jewish faith in her life and has enlisted the guidance of Reform, Conservative and Orthodox rabbis as she explored her religion's complexities. Do you enjoy discussing religion?

A. I like to discuss it in a philosophical way, and a way that informs, illustrates, or compares and contrasts. I don't like discussions that are Bible-beating or trying to convert someone.

5) Taylor Swift just passed Barbra Streisand as the woman with the most #1 albums (12). What's the last album you purchased?

A. Blue and Lonesome, by The Rolling Stones. I gave it to my husband for Christmas one year.
6) The lyrics to "On a Clear Day" were written by Alan Jay Lerner. He attended Choate, a private boarding school in CT, at the same time as John F. Kennedy. While JFK was in the White House, Lerner had two major Broadway hits -- Camelot and My Fair Lady -- running concurrently. Obviously those two Choate alumni did very well. Have you been to any of your class reunions? Have you been surprised, pleasantly or less so, by how any of your classmates turned out?

A. I went to my 30th high school reunion, which was 12 years ago. The folks who showed up didn't surprise me. 

7) The music was written by Burton Lane. In the 1930s, Lane worked for MGM Studios in Hollywood. After he heard Judy Garland perform at the Paramount Theater in Los Angeles, he brought her to the attention of his studio bosses and the rest, as they say, is history. Lane and Garland later worked together when Judy was an established star. He wrote the song, "How About You?" for her to sing in Babes on Broadway and received an Oscar nomination. Judy's best known movie has to be The Wizard of Oz. How many times have you seen it?

A. At least 20, I guess. We used to watch it every year when I was young, but my husband doesn't like to watch it, so I have only watched it as an adult when it's been on when he was at work.

8) In 1970, Glenn Frey formed the Eagles. What's your favorite Eagles song?

A. Best of My Love.

9) Random question: Which would upset you more, being trapped in an elevator or stranded atop a mountain in a ski lift?

A. Wow. I have an elevator phobia (I once passed out the minute I stepped off an elevator at the hospital), so I would have to go with that, but being stranded atop a mountain in a ski lift doesn't sound like fun. Unless I have brownies and hot chocolate. Then maybe it wouldn't be so bad.


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Saturday, September 23, 2023

Saturday 9: Answer the Phone

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) This song likens a relationship to a roller coaster ride. When did you most recently visit an amusement park?

A. We were in King's Dominion in Williamsburg. We went into the park but didn't ride any rides. I don't see it on my blog so it may have been our 2004 trip.

2) Lead singer Mark McGrath reasons that his girl should answer the phone because he knows she's home. That was decades ago, when most homes still had landlines. Where were you when you took your last call? Were you at home?

A. I was at home, and it was on a landline. We still have one. I don't know for how much longer, but for now we have it.

3) He remembers the glow of her face when he gave her a rose. Have you recently given or received a gift of flowers or a plant?

A. I gave my stepmother flowers for Mother's Day, and my husband bought me flowers to hang outside back in the summer.

4) Sugar Ray's debut CD was called Lemonade and Brownies. Crazy Sam admits she'd prefer milk with her brownie. What about you? Does the combination of lemonade and brownies sound good to you?

A. The combination of lemonade and any kind of chocolate does not sound good to me.

5) In 2005, Mark McGrath was a guest judge on American Idol. At one time, Idol was the dominant singing competition show. Today, in addition to American Idol, viewers can also watch The Voice and America's Got Talent. Are you a fan of any or all of these shows?

A. We watch The Voice.

6) Sugar Ray is a famous name in boxing circles. Sugar Ray Robinson and Sugar Ray Leonard were both world championships. Are you a boxing fan?

A. No. I think it's a violent sport that should not be allowed.

7) In 2001, when this song was popular, the Leaning Tower of Pisa reopened to the public after more than a decade of renovations. Have you ever been to Italy? If yes, where did you go? If not, is a trip to Italy on your wish list?

A. I have never been to Italy. It would be nice to visit, but it's not on my must-see list.

8) Also in 2001, Liverpool's Speke Airport was renamed John Lennon Airport. Liverpool's is the first airport in the United Kingdom to be named after an individual. Tell us about something in your hometown that is named after someone.

A. The Auditorium in the County Administration Office is named after a former county administrator (at least it was, I guess it still is, I haven't been in it since 2019). Jerry was the administrator for at least a decade if not longer. We butted heads a few times over some things but overall, I thought he was a good administrator. He made himself available to me as a member of the media all the time, which I appreciated then and appreciate even more in these days of having to go through the county's publicity office if you want a quote or something.

9) Random Question: Is the screen on your cell phone cracked?

A. No, it is not.


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Saturday, September 16, 2023

Saturday 9: Got My Mind Set on You

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, George Harrison tells us he's willing to devote his money, patience and time to his girlfriend. Of those three things, which can you most easily spare?

A. Time, I suppose.
2) This song had long been a favorite of George's. He first heard it in 1963 when visiting his sister in United States. He couldn't get the tune out of his mind and bought the record by James Ray. Do you have an earworm -- a song that, once you hear it, keeps repeating in your head?

A. (Don't Go Chasing) Waterfalls by TLC. For some reason, if I hear that song, I am days getting it out of my head. And now it's my head simply from writing the title. Sigh.
3) Months later, in February 1964, the Beatles made their first appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show. 73 million viewers saw them, and an astonishing 45.3% of the TV sets in America were tuned in to the show. In addition to the Beatles, Ed Sullivan used his show to introduce Elvis, The Rolling Stones and The Jackson 5. The Ed Sullivan Show ran for 23 years and reruns are now shown in syndication. Have you ever seen it?

A. I'm sure I saw it when I was a child, but I don't really remember it. I haven't seen the reruns.

4) While most of the best loved and most recognized Beatles songs were written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney, it was George who penned "Something." Frank Sinatra called that song "the greatest love song of the last 50 years." What's your favorite love song?

A. Longer, by Dan Fogelberg. My brother sang it at our wedding. (We'll be celebrating 40 years of marriage soon. Yikes!)

5) This praise represented a big change for Frank, who predicted in 1964 that the Beatles would be "of no lasting importance." Tell us about something you have changed your mind about.

A. When I was in school, I used to tell myself that I wasn't smarter than the other kids, that I made straight "As" because I worked harder or studied more, or whatever. I wanted everyone to be on a level playing field as far as intelligence, I guess. (This was a real problem especially in elementary school, where the teachers threw out my constant 100s so they could grade on a curve, which meant I ended up with papers that had grades of 110+ on them all the time. They'd use the second-highest grade after my 100 for the curve. I never understood - still don't - why I was the only one who could make 100 on a paper.) I did not want to believe that other people were that ignorant and incapable of learning. But I was wrong. People really are that ignorant and incapable of learning. And we're paying for it now.

6) Tom Petty, who went on to have more than 25 hits on the Billboard Hot 100, credits George Harrison as a major influence on his music. Tell us about someone who influenced your professional life.

A. In the mid-1980s, I took a noncredit class at Roanoke College. Monty Leitch was teaching it, and I loved her columns in The Roanoke Times. She taught me a lot and I was thrilled when she told me that I was the first person she'd ever met who wrote anywhere close to the way she did. I considered that the ultimate compliment because her writing was spritely and imaginative. Later, when we were chatting at a writer's conference, we realized that we were cousins. We shared a set of (3) great grandparents, so we were 4th cousins. Monty also helped me write a novel (which I have since thrown away, it was bad), and she was a constant presence in the background of my writing life even though I seldom saw her (she lived two counties away). We emailed infrequently but she was always happy to answer if I had questions or needed guidance. I expected her to still be around today, as she was only 13 years older than I. But in 2016, she was hit by a car as she was Christmas shopping, and she died from her injuries. I think of her often, and I still miss her.

7) In 1987, when George's recording of "I Got My Mind Set on You" was popular, a squirrel unexpectedly made headlines. The furry fellow closed down the Nasdaq Stock Exchange when he chewed through a phone line. Do you often see squirrels where you live?

A. We have squirrels all over the backyard. When we first built the house and moved in, they were constantly frying themselves on the electric pole transmission line, until we convinced the power company to put up a squirrel guard to keep them from blowing up the box.
8) Also in 1987, third generation race car driver Marco Andretti was born. Naturally the skills required by a race car driver are unique. For example, while we know he can control a car at upwards of 230 mph at Indy, we have no idea if Marco Andretti is good at parallel parking in front of the local post office. How about you? Do you struggle with parallel parking?

A. I am not a fan of parallel parking. I can do it, but I don't like to do it.

9) Random question: When you woke up this morning, were you ready to face the day? Or do you wish you could have rolled over and snoozed a little longer?

A. I get enough sleep, but I am not sure I'm ever ready to face another day.


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Saturday, September 02, 2023

Saturday 9: Workin' for a Livin'

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Huey begins the song by telling us some workdays feel like they will never end. How was last week for you? Did it drag or did it fly by?

A. Most of it went by quickly, although I generally look back and my day and wonder what I did with my time. I don't seem to be managing it well.

2) He sings that his car payment is due. Think about your personal finances. Do you pay most of your bills manually or do you more often take advantage of automated bill pay?

A. I manually go into my bank and pay them online. I don't like to have companies dip into my bank accounts and take money.
3) Huey Lewis achieved a perfect score on the math portion of the SAT. Did you take SATs and/or ACTs? Were your results anything to brag about? (If they were, go ahead and let us know!)

A. I took the SATs but my scores were average. I graduated 5th in my class in high school and made straight As in college, but I did not test well.

4) In his role as District Attorney for Essex County, MA, Huey's grandfather Hugh Cregg prosecuted high-profile murder cases. Do you enjoy watching or reading courtroom dramas?

A. I used to cover the local courts, and that killed any love of courtroom dramas for me. When you see how it's really done, the fiction version doesn't often hold up.

5) Huey no longer performs because he has an inner-ear disorder that prevents him from holding a vocal pitch. Of your five senses -- hearing, sight, smell, touch and taste -- which is the strongest?

A. I am not sure. I am one of those people with a few supersensitive senses. My eyes suck - I've always needed glasses - but I can hear things other people can't and smell things other people don't. For example, the jake brakes on a truck or a school bus actually rumble in my ears to the point of pain, but my husband can't hear them. My in-laws once had a TV with a high-pitched squeal that no one but me could hear (I was so glad when they finally got rid of that). I can smell black snakes and copperheads, smoke from distant fires, etc. I guess the rest of me is normal.

6) He is a fan of fly fishing. Did you do any fishing this summer?

A. No. I haven't been fishing in years.

Since this Monday is Labor Day, the holiday established to celebrate the American worker . . .

7) Approximately 10% of Americans are self employed. Have you ever been your own boss?

A. Yes. Still am. I stopped working for other people in 1994 and became a full-time freelance writer and farmer.

8) According to, 50% of workers have left a job to get away from a boss. Are you one of the 50%?

A. Yes. I have had bad bosses and left jobs because of them.

9) Farmers feel the impact of extreme weather events. Have you ever had a job that required you to be outdoors most of the time?

A. My husband and I have a farm, but he does most of the outside work these days. I prefer to stay indoors.


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Saturday, August 19, 2023

Saturday 9: Michelle

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Paul McCartney sings to Michelle in French, "Sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble." Can you say anything else in French?

A. Par le vous Englais? That's about it.

2) Paul admits that, as a teenager, he'd perform the first few bars at parties to impress girls. It was John Lennon who encouraged him to "turn it into a proper song." Tell us about a time you were glad you took advice from a friend or coworker.

A. A coworker gave me the name of a therapist back in the 1980s; I took her advice and saw the therapist.
3) A big Elvis fan, Paul is proud to own the bass that was played on the 1954 recording of "That's Alright, Mama." Tell us about one of your prized possessions.

A. My most prized possessions are my wedding ring and my college diploma(s). 

4) John was also an Elvis fan and honored The King by naming one of his cats Elvis. Do you share your home with any pets? If so, let us know their names.

A. I have no pets in the house. We have cows, but we don't name them because then they are harder to sell. It also makes eating a hamburger difficult.

5) John was a heavy smoker who often attempted to quit. He tried hypnosis but that didn't work. Have you ever been hypnotized?

A. I have.

6) George Harrison fell in love with Hawaii and bought a 63-acre estate. If you could take off tomorrow for a vacation to any of our 50 states, which one would you choose?

A. I would love to go to the northern states in the fall, when the leaves are changing. So perhaps Maine in October?

6) While Ringo Starr quit signing autographs for fans in 2008, he will donate autographed memorabilia to charity for auction. Have you ever bid on an item at auction? Did you win?

A. I used to go to auctions frequently when we first married. I did win my bids on some things.
7) As a young boy, Ringo had a severe case of appendicitis and his appendix was removed. Do you still have your appendix?

A. Yes, I still have my appendix. For 20 years I thought I didn't, only to find out that the doctors didn't remove it during my hysterectomy like I thought they did.
8) In 1965 -- before Advil and Tylenol and Aleve -- Americans took aspirin to relieve pain. If we peered into your medicine chest, would we find aspirin?

A. Yes, I keep a bottle of aspirin here in case one of us has a heart attack.

9) Random question: You're at dinner with a married couple who begins to argue. Would you intercede and try to make peace? Or would you just sit back and mind your own business?

A. Mind my own business, unless someone became violent or abusive, in which case I'd call the police. Or at least threaten to in hopes of shutting them down.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Saturday 9: Diana

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Legend has it that Paul Anka wrote this song about his favorite babysitter. In your younger days, did you make a little extra money as a sitter?

A. I did. I did not do it often, but I babysat occasionally. I did it for one couple for quite a while. I was too young to drive so they would drive me home. The gig ended after the man tried to assault me in his car when he drove me home one night. After that, I refused to babysit for them, although they may not have asked me again. I can't remember for sure.

2) Paul sings he doesn't care what "they" say about his love for an older girl. Have you ever had a romantic relationship that your friends or family didn't approve of?

A. Not really, no. I mean, that would have been over 40 years ago anyway, so what does it matter?

3) Paul was once a choirboy, singing with the St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral choir in Ontario. Have you ever performed with your church choir?

A. No.

4) When Paul was 15, he left Ontario to find fame and fortune in New York. He had $100 in his pocket, a gift from his uncle. Tell us about someone in your life who believed in you and encouraged you.

A. My teachers were generally encouraging. My math teacher in high school encouraged me to go to college more so than others did. I think she was disappointed that I took a long circular route to get there, but I did it, and obtained a masters degree, too. If I'd gone to college, I would not have met my husband and my life would have been completely different.

5) Paul seldom gets credit for one of his most familiar compositions: the theme to The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Since Johnny retired in 1992, The Tonight Show has been hosted by Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, and Jimmy Fallon. Which of these Tonight Show hosts is your favorite?

A. I didn't watch The Tonight Show; I watched David Letterman. Now I go to bed too early to watch any of them. I've seen Jimmy Fallon on other things and liked him on those.

6) In 1978, Paul Anka hired Las Vegas' first female bartender for his restaurant, Jubilation. Where did you most recently dine out?

A. We are still doing mostly take-out. That's our new normal, apparently. The last place we ate out was Coach & Four back in June.

7) In 1957, when "Diana" was a hit, Wham-O began producing Frisbees. The toy was a massive success, even outselling the hula hoop. Do you enjoy tossing a Frisbee?

A. I haven't tossed a Frisbee in decades. I used to like it ok when I was a kid.

8) Also in 1957, the book Peyton Place was made into a blockbuster film. Book lovers often say that, no matter what, the movie is never as good as the book. Do you think that's true?

A. No. They are different artistic mediums, and I don't think they can be fairly compared. It's like trying to compare an oil painting to a knitting project.

9) Random question: This Saturday, the treat's on Sam. Will you have buttered popcorn, caramel corn or cheese popcorn?

A. Just plain buttered popcorn, please. Thank you, Sam.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  

Saturday, August 05, 2023

Saturday 9: Linda

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Buddy Clark sings that when he can't sleep he doesn't count sheep, he enumerates Linda's charms. Did you sleep well last night?

A. Yes. I have to get up every night to take medication, so I seldom get through a night without that, but I sleep better than I did when I was younger.

2) In addition to singing with big bands, Buddy sang commercial jingles live on radio programs and was the voice of Carnation Milk. Can you think of a jingle that's stayed in your head?

A. This is a jingle for a local drugstore that for whatever reason I have always remembered. I can't find it online. I think it dates back to the 1970s. Anyway, it goes like this:

Evans Drugstore, Evans Drugstore, good prescription service. Intersection at Airport and Williamson Road. Delivery in the city, and in the county too! For drugs, cosmetics, school supplies, it's Evans Drugstore!

3) For "Linda," Buddy Clark performed with bandleader Ray Noble. Ray was classically trained at London's Royal Academy of Music, but much preferred big band music to that of Mozart, Beethoven or Chopin. When did you last listen to classical music?

A. It has been a while. Sometimes when I am writing something I ask Alexa for classical music, but not often.

4) Composer Jack Lawrence named this song after a particular little girl, the daughter of his lawyer, Lee Eastman. Without looking it up, do you know what became of Lee Eastman's daughter Linda?

A. I haven't a clue. I don't know who any of those people are. Ok, I looked her up, now I know who she was.

5) According to the Social Security Administration Linda was long one of the most popular names for American baby girls. It was #2 in the 1940s and 1950s (second only to Mary). By the 1960s it slipped to #7 and by the 1970s it fell to #68. Are there many Lindas in your life?

A. Not many. There are some Lindas who are friends with me on Facebook, but I don't know of anyone named Linda that I hang out with.

6) 1946, the year this record was released, is regarded as the first year of the Baby Boom, which lasted until 1964. Are you from The Silent Generation or are you Boomer, a Gen-Xer, a Gen-Yer, or a Millennial?

A. According to this, I am a Boomer. I feel better with the "Generation Jones" term given to people born between 1954 and 1965. I have never related much to Boomers as I was born at the tail end of the years used for that. I actually relate more to Gen-Xers.

7) In the summer of '46, hats were a standard part of any woman's outfit. Hats for day, hats for evening, hats for rainy days . . . The 1946 Sears Spring-Summer catalog devoted nine pages to women's hats. Do you own many hats? If yes, for what occasions do you wear them?

A. I have a few baseball caps and one railroad hat that my brother gave me, but I don't wear hats much anymore. I used to wear them all the time, but I think that was mostly because my mother hated them.

8) Also in 1946, the Mensa Society was created. The only qualification to join was an IQ in the top 98th percentile. Do you know your IQ?

A. I do not. I just took this test and it says I am smarter than 70% of the other people who have taken the test. I scored above average on every aspect of the test. It gives me an IQ score of 108, but I have no idea how accurate that is. There's a lot more to knowing stuff than being able to determine which number goes where or whatever.

9) Random question: Tell us something you admire about your best friend.

A. My best friend is my husband. He is loyal, steady, trustworthy, honorable, smart, and friendly. He's also a hard worker. I admire him for staying true to himself most of the time - he seldom slips. My closest female friend is an artist, and I greatly admire her ability to paint and draw, among other things.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.