Saturday, September 23, 2023

Saturday 9: Answer the Phone

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) This song likens a relationship to a roller coaster ride. When did you most recently visit an amusement park?

A. We were in King's Dominion in Williamsburg. We went into the park but didn't ride any rides. I don't see it on my blog so it may have been our 2004 trip.

2) Lead singer Mark McGrath reasons that his girl should answer the phone because he knows she's home. That was decades ago, when most homes still had landlines. Where were you when you took your last call? Were you at home?

A. I was at home, and it was on a landline. We still have one. I don't know for how much longer, but for now we have it.

3) He remembers the glow of her face when he gave her a rose. Have you recently given or received a gift of flowers or a plant?

A. I gave my stepmother flowers for Mother's Day, and my husband bought me flowers to hang outside back in the summer.

4) Sugar Ray's debut CD was called Lemonade and Brownies. Crazy Sam admits she'd prefer milk with her brownie. What about you? Does the combination of lemonade and brownies sound good to you?

A. The combination of lemonade and any kind of chocolate does not sound good to me.

5) In 2005, Mark McGrath was a guest judge on American Idol. At one time, Idol was the dominant singing competition show. Today, in addition to American Idol, viewers can also watch The Voice and America's Got Talent. Are you a fan of any or all of these shows?

A. We watch The Voice.

6) Sugar Ray is a famous name in boxing circles. Sugar Ray Robinson and Sugar Ray Leonard were both world championships. Are you a boxing fan?

A. No. I think it's a violent sport that should not be allowed.

7) In 2001, when this song was popular, the Leaning Tower of Pisa reopened to the public after more than a decade of renovations. Have you ever been to Italy? If yes, where did you go? If not, is a trip to Italy on your wish list?

A. I have never been to Italy. It would be nice to visit, but it's not on my must-see list.

8) Also in 2001, Liverpool's Speke Airport was renamed John Lennon Airport. Liverpool's is the first airport in the United Kingdom to be named after an individual. Tell us about something in your hometown that is named after someone.

A. The Auditorium in the County Administration Office is named after a former county administrator (at least it was, I guess it still is, I haven't been in it since 2019). Jerry was the administrator for at least a decade if not longer. We butted heads a few times over some things but overall, I thought he was a good administrator. He made himself available to me as a member of the media all the time, which I appreciated then and appreciate even more in these days of having to go through the county's publicity office if you want a quote or something.

9) Random Question: Is the screen on your cell phone cracked?

A. No, it is not.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  


  1. We still have a landline, too. I never use it.

  2. I remember giving up my landline. So many memories of using one . I remember my grandparents had a black on and I liked the sound it made after putting in the numbers. You should keep yours if you still use it.

  3. I went to King's Dominion with a friend's family back in the 70's. I remember it made me think of the Brady Bunch episode where they go to an amusement park with all the Hanna Barbera characters running around.

  4. We still have a landline but it will soon be history. We are tired of AT&T laggy service so they are history.
    I very much like the shows for new talent but can't stand to watch anything on TV anymore. Steam, yes but not networks.

  5. I agree with you on #6. Reminds me of the coliseum in Rome!

  6. #2 I have both a landline and a cell phone, I’ll keep both of them because there are a whole mess of people who only have one number or the other.
    #4 I think all of the Saturday 9ers said yuck.
    On your Thursday Thirteen, I was at the local orchard the other day and apple picking season has started here. In the middle of no place there is a traffic jam now on the weekend of pickers. The orchard added a new product… hard cider. I tried apple/blueberry and I just bought a bottle apple/cherry hard cider. I go there for their milk, eggs, and bacon, it is a farm fresh and the milk is pasteurized but not homogenized. The cream floats on top so you have to shake it each time you want milk and it tastes a lot creamier than homogenized milk.

  7. I love my landline. The reception is clearer and more reliable. No one calls it, though. Even though I ask them to, they go with the cell phone. Shrug.

  8. I think you might be one of the few that still have a landline... wow. I kinda miss 'em. Things sure do change. I remember when we didn't have these cellphones and had to use landlines, phone booths. It was futuristic to think of a "handheld phone" except walkie talkies.... it's sad in a way that all these things are slowly disappearing. Have a good week.


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