Sunday, September 24, 2023

Sunday Stealing

1. What you did you do today?

A. On the day that I am answering these questions, I have suffered from jaw pain, made the bed, emptied the dishwasher, washed two loads of laundry and put them away, played video games, read the newspaper, read a magazine, talked on the phone with two of my friends and my chiropractor (who called to check on me, some of my doctors are fantastic), texted several people, sorted through paperwork, and tried to have a quiet day, since I am not feeling all that great.

2. What are the must-sees in your area?

A. The Mill Mountain Star, Roaring Run falls, McAfee's Knob, the Taubman Museum, the Hollins University campus, the Town of Fincastle, the old kilns in Eagle Rock, and cemeteries. Dead people are great to visit with. They don't have much to say.

The Taubman

The Roanoke Star
(when I was growing up,
 it was the Mill Mountain Star,
 so I still call it that.)

Hollins University campus

3. What is your favorite quote?

A. Not all those who wander are lost - J.R.R. Tolkien

4. What was the last thing you cooked or ate?

A. Chicken salad, which I made myself.

5. What is something you learned from your grandparents?

A. Always have a rag bag ready to put old towels, sheets, and clothes in.

6. What makes you happy?

A. Hugs and kisses from my husband, being safe at home, reading a book, playing music, writing.

The Governor's Palace
in Williamsburg

7. What is your best travel memory?

A. We had a good time in Williamsburg. I'll go with that.

8. What’s the weather like today?

A. It's a nice day today, sunny, a little breeze, not too hot or cold.

9. Share an interesting fact that you’ve learned.

A. If Thursday/Friday was the Rapture, an awful lot of people aren't living Christian lives. LMAO.

10. What is your favorite book, movie or band?

A. My favorite book and movie would have the same name, so we'll toss those and say my favorite book is . . . um . . . anything by David Sedaris. My favorite movie is Under the Tuscan Sun. My favorite band is Fleetwood Mac.

11. Write your favorite poem or haiku?

A. My favorite poem is Satan Says, by Sharon Olds.

12. What is a local festival or tradition from your area?

A. On New Year's Eve in the Town of Fincastle, people gather in the courthouse square. This tradition involves a bugle, bells, and a shotgun. You can learn about it here

13. What was the best thing you learned in school?

A. How to read and write.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. Sorry you're still feeling poorly, but glad you've got a supportive chiropractor. And I loved Colonial Williamsburg, too! I bet it's beautiful now, with the trees starting to get color. Let's go. Road trip!

  2. Love your favorite quote! We are rarely lost but sometimes we see some scenery we had not planned on seeing!

  3. I need to visit Colonial Williamsburg! I hope you're feeling a lot better by now.

  4. You were awfully busy for someone not feeling well! I hope you are better today.

  5. Considering how poorly you've been feeling, you got a lot of things done!

  6. How to read and write - brilliant. And true.

    Hope you are feeling better now.





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