Saturday, August 12, 2023

Saturday 9: Diana

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Legend has it that Paul Anka wrote this song about his favorite babysitter. In your younger days, did you make a little extra money as a sitter?

A. I did. I did not do it often, but I babysat occasionally. I did it for one couple for quite a while. I was too young to drive so they would drive me home. The gig ended after the man tried to assault me in his car when he drove me home one night. After that, I refused to babysit for them, although they may not have asked me again. I can't remember for sure.

2) Paul sings he doesn't care what "they" say about his love for an older girl. Have you ever had a romantic relationship that your friends or family didn't approve of?

A. Not really, no. I mean, that would have been over 40 years ago anyway, so what does it matter?

3) Paul was once a choirboy, singing with the St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral choir in Ontario. Have you ever performed with your church choir?

A. No.

4) When Paul was 15, he left Ontario to find fame and fortune in New York. He had $100 in his pocket, a gift from his uncle. Tell us about someone in your life who believed in you and encouraged you.

A. My teachers were generally encouraging. My math teacher in high school encouraged me to go to college more so than others did. I think she was disappointed that I took a long circular route to get there, but I did it, and obtained a masters degree, too. If I'd gone to college, I would not have met my husband and my life would have been completely different.

5) Paul seldom gets credit for one of his most familiar compositions: the theme to The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. Since Johnny retired in 1992, The Tonight Show has been hosted by Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, and Jimmy Fallon. Which of these Tonight Show hosts is your favorite?

A. I didn't watch The Tonight Show; I watched David Letterman. Now I go to bed too early to watch any of them. I've seen Jimmy Fallon on other things and liked him on those.

6) In 1978, Paul Anka hired Las Vegas' first female bartender for his restaurant, Jubilation. Where did you most recently dine out?

A. We are still doing mostly take-out. That's our new normal, apparently. The last place we ate out was Coach & Four back in June.

7) In 1957, when "Diana" was a hit, Wham-O began producing Frisbees. The toy was a massive success, even outselling the hula hoop. Do you enjoy tossing a Frisbee?

A. I haven't tossed a Frisbee in decades. I used to like it ok when I was a kid.

8) Also in 1957, the book Peyton Place was made into a blockbuster film. Book lovers often say that, no matter what, the movie is never as good as the book. Do you think that's true?

A. No. They are different artistic mediums, and I don't think they can be fairly compared. It's like trying to compare an oil painting to a knitting project.

9) Random question: This Saturday, the treat's on Sam. Will you have buttered popcorn, caramel corn or cheese popcorn?

A. Just plain buttered popcorn, please. Thank you, Sam.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  


  1. #1: I had a dad try to kiss me. It wasn't after babysitting, per se. They had a rather epic birthday party for their two year old daughter and invited me. I was 16 and everyone else at the party was in their mid-late 20s and I felt so special grown up to be included. The dad walked me home. My mom, her sixth sense piqued, came to the window and saw him lean in to say goodnight and called out to me in time. I truly didn't understand what was going on, I was that naive and buzzed (Harvey Wallbangers). The toddler's mom had no idea why I wasn't allowed to sit for them anymore. I hadn't thought of this in years until I saw your answer. What kind of a dad does that?

  2. I haven’t tossed a frisbee in a long time either

  3. How scary that the guy tried to assault you. I would not go back either. Math was my worse subject. The fear of it kept me from going into the medical field.

  4. How awful for you to have to deal with that man! The man I mentioned babysitting for was a real creeper. I hated being around him. I found out when I started dating my husband that he and his wife were swingers (ewwww!) because he asked my husband if we'd like to join them. Ugh!!!!!!

  5. I had a friends father try to assault me also. It happens to so many young girls that at times it seems like some sort of “rite of passage” for young girls. Makes you feel furious and sad.


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