Thursday, June 30, 2022

Thursday Thirteen

Things to see within an hour's drive of me:

1. The Mill Mountain Star. See the star here and a link to a live cam here. The star was built in 1949 as part of an advertising campaign, and at the time was the largest such structure built.

2. Roaring Run Recreational Area has a trail that leads to a waterfall and a 19th century furnace.

3. The swinging bridge in Buchanan overlooks the James River.

4. Dixie Caverns is a cave that can be walked through with tour guides. There's a campground there, too.

5. Paint Bank store and restaurant. This is way out in the sticks and is a destination point. Drive a little further and if you're lucky, you'll see buffalo. The bathrooms aren't much, though.

6. Natural Bridge. This state park is on property once owned by Thomas Jefferson.

7. The Town of Fincastle. Had this been done right, this town would be thriving with tourists, but it wasn't, so it isn't. It's still a quaint walk through the past, and many of the older structures in the county are here.

8. Mill Mountain Zoo. It's a non-profit zoo. If one likes zoos, this one is on top of a mountain.

9. Humpback Bridge in Covington. The only covered bridge of its kind in the nation, it was built in 1857 with hand-hewn logs.

10. The C&O Heritage Railroad Museum in Clifton Forge tells the story of the railroad in this area.

11. The City of Lexington is an older community with a great deal of history. The graveyard is amazing.

12. The Hollins University campus. It's my alma mater and I think it's beautiful.

13. Taubman Art Museum. They have good exhibits, but it's an ugly building with a lot of unusable space.

There are lots of other places to see in the area, too, including the Virginia Tech campus, the National D-Day Memorial, and a variety of museums.

Come visit sometime!

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 762nd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Hip Replacement Update

We're now into day 9 of post-surgical healing.

Husband is still using a walker, and the physical therapist (?) person came and removed his bandage on Monday. The cut is about six inches long; the bruising covers most of the backside of his leg and some of it has moved down into his calf. I am keeping an eye on that.

The biggest struggle has been compression stockings. He is to wear these every day, and I have struggled so to get them on him that I have sprained my left hand (which obviously doesn't help with the situation). My fingers last night were swollen; I had to ice them. My hand is swollen today, too. His right ankle, the same side as the new hip, was fused together in 2019, so that foot is especially difficult as he can't bend any to help slide the socks on. What a workout every morning!

He has physical therapy exercises that he tells me he is doing, but I can't exactly see that he is doing them.  I can't see if he's sitting there squeezing his butt cheeks together or pushing his knee down like he's supposed to.

The physical therapist told him to continue using the walker until he sees the doctor next week, although I personally think he should be using a cane more, like for short trips to the bathroom. The longer a person holds onto a walker, the harder it is to get them off of it.

He is getting up a lot at night, and he can't get back into the bed without help, so I am not getting much sleep. If I can catch a day when there isn't much going on, I need a long nap.

It is too hot and sticky for him to spend time outside because then he'd have to shower again, and I can't handle drying off his lower legs but once a day. With my abdominal issues, all of that bending over is difficult.

The hospitals really should ask if the caregiver is actually capable of giving care, and maybe a nurse should have demonstrated how to put the damn compression stockings on before surgery. I think true health care would focus not only on the patient, but also on the immediate family, because it affects them as much as it does the patient. I mentioned numerous times to the doctor, the PA, and anyone else, that I was disabled, but no one cared nor asked about it. Had someone asked me if I thought I could deal with this, especially the physical aspects of it, I would have said no. I can fetch and carry and feed him, but these other chores that require bending and physical force are almost (though obviously not entirely) beyond me. The fact that I have hurt my hand doing these things is a good indicator that I shouldn't have been doing them, in my opinion.

I see my chiropractor to get my back adjusted, because I've pulled it out struggling with the compression socks. I'm not sure how long an adjustment will last under the current circumstances.

Anyway, we're still plugging along, and I'm doing the best I can, and that will have to be good enough.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Second Class Citizen, Reporting

On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) reversed Roe v. Wade. They did not have to overturn this nearly 50-year-old ruling, which became the "law" of the land in 1973. It allowed women to have the final say over their uteruses and made abortion legal.

SCOTUS was ruling on Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization in Mississippi. The case involved restrictions on abortion access. The ruling on the actual case before them was 6-3.

But SCOTUS did not stop there, and with a conservative majority on the court, they went ahead and ruled 5-4 to overturn Roe v. Wade. The four justices who voted to uphold Roe were Roberts, Breyer, Kagan, and Sotomayer. The former guy's three stooges - Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Gorsuch - were joined by Thomas and Alito.

The ruling does not make abortion illegal; it removed federal guidelines and laws concerning abortions and returned the issue to the states.

This means that a woman in Kansas could have more rights than a woman in Texas. Or not. It also means the laws could change as the winds blow, as conservatives take state legislatures, or liberals take state legislatures. Women will be twisting like windchimes in a thunderstorm trying to keep up with new laws as governing bodies change.

The end of Roe v. Wade means that women no longer have bodily autonomy over their own selves and cannot make decisions that impact their life forever. 

Yes, I am pro-choice, because I don't believe a parasitic clump of cells should destroy a woman's life. I would never have had an abortion myself, but that doesn't mean I have the right to impose my will upon others.

No one has the right to impose their will upon someone else, whether that's a forced pregnancy or taking a living soul with a gun.

SCOTUS changed 50 years of settled law with no regard for lives that are already here. At the same time SCOTUS made this ruling, they enhanced gun ownership by knocking down a century-old New York City law that restricted conceal carry permits to people with need, so that not any ol' joe could waltz around with a .243 shoved up his or her ass. Talk about hypocrisy.

The federal legislative body has had 50 years to make Roe v. Wade into federal law. They've had a couple of years to make the Equal Rights Amendment a part of the U.S. Constitution, because enough states have passed it now - except there was a timetable that was missed.

I blame every single member of the federal and state legislatures since 1973 for not moving forward to place the important things, like oh, I don't know, women are human beings and have the same bodily autonomy as men, into law.

Additionally, we don't have the infrastructure in place to deal with (a) the effects of botched abortions (did you know that prior to 1973 hospitals in large cities had entire floors dedicated to sepsis abortion patients. They sure did. Guess we'll be seeing those back again.) and (b) no laws to assist women who are now forced to carry and raise a child they didn't want.

Unwanted children grow up being hated by their parents, even if the parents don't expressly come out and say that. It's not a good feeling. And everything becomes the kid's fault. It's the kid's fault if the parents marry. The kid's fault if they fight. The kid's to blame for every fucking thing that comes down the pike, until it's beaten into the child's head that he or she (especially if the kid is a she) is a worthless nothing who should never have been born.

So, what do these lovely young babies that the nation is now forcing to be born have to look forward to?

We don't have enough mental health care to care for the people who are here now, much less the ones that we are going to force to be born.

The government - the Republicans - did all of this without any concern for the realities of life. They did not pass sweeping legislation to ensure that all children have access to healthcare, affordable house, or emotional and/or mental health support.

They have been fighting for this for 40 years without putting anything in place to ensure comprehensive schooling for all children, regardless of need (special needs in particular) and instead are working to kill off the public school system so that education in this country becomes a farce. 

There is no legislation to ensure that these children aren't murdered on a whim by some idiot with a gun. Is that bloody, gory, heartless death more acceptable than an abortion of a bunch of cells?

No legislation is in place to support single parents, grandparents raising their grandchildren, or forcing the male - the other half of the pregnancy equation - to live up to any part of the deed. Doesn't the sperm donor bear some responsibility here?

We have no legislation to support women who must now face prediabetes, eclampsia, or other life-threatening illnesses that a pregnancy can create. We have nothing in place for women who have ectopic pregnancies, and apparently a miscarriage could now, in some states, result in a jail sentence and/or a felony conviction.

There is no legislation to support these women who must now give birth against their will. What if they were molested or raped? What if the pregnancy endangers the woman's life? What if a woman just isn't ready to have a child? But we're going to make them have these children with no support systems in place, nothing to help them raise these babies, nothing to ensure the women and the children will be ok.

States won't step up - they haven't stepped up, ever, so why would they start now? This is no longer a federal issue, so why would the federal government step up?

SCOTUS just destroyed this country, because, as 88-year-old Gloria Steinman said in an Associated Press article, “Obviously, without the right of women and men to make decisions about our own bodies, there is no democracy.”

So here we are.

There is no democracy. Or if any still exists, then, as 76-year-old Heather Boothe said in the same article, we are standing on "a knife’s edge in a contest really between democracy and freedom, and tyranny, a dismantling of freedoms that have been long fought for."

I'm a woman, a second-class citizen, living in an oligarchy that I never wanted.

And I bet when it all blows out, the people who fought for this new government, who are dismantling the progress of the 20th century, will find out they never really wanted what they end up with, too.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. If you were to be granted one wish, what would it be?

A. That I had never been born.

2. If you could spend one night alone with anyone in the world who is currently alive, whom would you select?

A. My husband. I don't care to spend a night alone with anyone else.

3. If you could spend one night alone with anyone in history, whom would you choose?

A. Cleopatra. Why not?

4. If you could physically transport yourself to any place in the world at this moment, where would you go?

A. Norway or Sweden.

5. If you could have lived through any war in history (without actually fighting in it), which would it be?

A. None of them. I don't like war. But if I must answer the question, I will go with the Anglo-Zanzibar War of 1896, which lasted 38 minutes.

6. If you could eliminate one type of insect permanently from the earth, what would you get rid of?

A. None of them. I'm sure they all have some function, although I am not fond of mosquitoes.

7. If you had to eliminate any single type of animal forever, which would you choose?

A. Sigh. These are such dramatic non-questions. I would not eliminate any animal. Besides, humanity eradicates enough of them as it is.

8. If you could have an elegant dinner alone with anyone presently alive, whether you know them or not, who would you want it to be?

A. Hillary Clinton, so I could congratulate on her on being 100% right about everything.

9. If you could alter one physical characteristic of your mate, what would it be?

A. I would take away his arthritis so he wouldn't have pain.

10. If you could change one thing about your childhood, what would it be?

A. See #1 above. I wouldn't have been born.

11. If you could have any room in the world become your bedroom, which room would you choose?

A. Good grief. I just need a room with a bed in it and a place for a change of clothes.

12. If you could alter one thing about your physical appearance, what would it be?

A. I would not be overweight.

13. If you could have stopped aging at any point in your life up to the present, how old would you wish to remain?

A. About 38 years old.

14. If you could suddenly possess an extraordinary talent in one of the arts, what would you like it to be?

A. I'd be a better guitar player.

15. If you could have permanent possession of any single object in the world, what would you want it to be?

A. The Supreme Court gavel.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Saturday 9: Better Now

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Post Malone tries to assure his ex that he's better now . . .  but he's not. He's still hurting. Have you recently told someone you were fine when you weren't?

A. Every single day.
2) He and his girl were so close he introduced her to his extended family, and now his aunts and uncles wonder where she's gone. Have you remained close to an ex's friends/family?

A. I don't have an ex.
3) He sings that he never meant to let her down. What about you? Have you recently encountered anything -- big or small -- that didn't live up to your expectations?

A. Yes. The hospital never lives up to my expectations, the Supreme Court does not live up to my expectations, nor does any politician, for that matter.

4) Post recently announced he will soon become a father for the first time. Do you know anyone who is currently expecting a baby?

A. Not at the moment but give it nine months and we all will know someone expecting a baby.

5) Before making it big as a musician, he supported himself as a wedding DJ. Think back to the last wedding you attended. Did they have a live band or a DJ?

A. I can't remember the last wedding I attended, but I think it would have been a DJ.
6) Not satisfied being a successful musician, Post has branched out and introduced his own rose wine, Maison No. 9. Will you replenish your beer/wine/spirits this weekend?

A. I don't drink alcohol.
7) Post Malone has more than 70 different tattoos. He designs them himself and is so into ink that he has tattooed his friends. Would you trust a friend or relative to do your body art (tattoo or piercing)? Or would you go to a licensed professional?

A. I would not get a tattoo, but if I changed my mind, I would prefer a licensed professional.
8) In 2018, when this song was popular, Sears filed for bankruptcy. In the 1970s, Sears was known as the place "Where America Shops." As of 2021, there were only 23 Sears stores left. Did you ever shop at Sears, either at the store or through the catalog?

A. We used to shop at Sears all the time. When I was a child, getting the big Sears catalogue so we could go through and mark things we'd like for Christmas was a highlight of the season. And then to go into Sears to see Santa and all of the toys - it was overwhelming! So much stuff! So much jolly ho-ho-ho-ing. Such magic! They devoted the whole top floor of a three-story building to toys. It was a children's paradise.

9) Random question: What's your favorite way to spend an evening at home alone?

A. Reading a book.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  

Friday, June 24, 2022

The Husband's Hip Replacement

I have not said much about my husband's need for a hip replacement, because this has been his issue. While it affects me greatly, my input in how things went down was minimal.

I'm just the little woman, second class citizen and all, anyway. (Yes, I'm writing this after the Roe v. Wade SCOTUS decision. I will discuss that more some other time.)

Also, I cannot speak to his pain. I know he was hurting, and I know he was having problems, but pain is subjective. I've lived with what I consider a be a level 5 - 8 pain since my gallbladder surgery in 2013. Some days it's doable. Most days it isn't. Some people (generally women, in my experience) can withstand pain better than others. He has said his pain ranged from a 3 to an 8, depending on what he was doing.

I can't speak to anything else about this entire event except from my perspective. So that is what this is. This is what happened to me while my husband had surgery.

We've known since late December that my husband would need to have his hip replaced due to arthritis and degeneration of cartilage and all of that. However, before the doctor would operate, he required that my husband be off nicotine for six weeks prior to surgery. My husband does not smoke, but he chewed tobacco, and had for as long as I'd known him. I'd tried unsuccessfully to get him to stop, but the surgeon was able to do something I could not.

My husband quit chewing tobacco.

However, that took a long time, the weaning off of it, and in the interim my husband opted for a steroid shot in his hip, which also meant a three-month delay in the surgery. By then, it was spring and there were septic tanks to install, and the first cutting of hay to get up, and all of this other guy stuff that he wanted to deal with. He had his ankle fused in the winter of 2019, and we lucked out and had a mild year as far as freezing and snow then. Husband realized that even if he has to pay someone to make hay in July (which we will have to do), he'd be better off to do the surgery in the summer because the cows can take care of themselves during warm weather. They don't need to be fed and the watering troughs aren't going to freeze. They are giving birth, and we've already lost one calf to vultures, but generally speaking our cows are on their second or third birth and are good mammas. He would lose some septic tank installation work, perhaps, but since Covid and with a recession here (it's here I don't care what the economists say), work has been slow anyway. A cousin and a friend agreed to check on the cattle a few times a week.

As for me, my doctor insisted I get the fourth booster for Covid if I had to spend a day in the hospital waiting room, so that was my only personal preparation aside from attempting to strengthen my endurance and walk more, which succeeded only in making me hurt more. On Friday, June 17, the young woman who helps me with the heavy housework performed a thorough cleaning, and we removed rugs and obstacles.

Monday, June 20, was the big day. We had to be at the hospital in Roanoke at 6 a.m. My husband insisted we get up at 3:30 a.m. on Monday to get there, even though it's a 30-minute drive, especially at that time of morning. The traffic is worse after 6 a.m. He had to take a special shower using an antibacterial cleaner and some kind of cloth with an antiseptic wipe, too.

The drive to Roanoke was uneventful. We had to go to the North Entrance of Roanoke Memorial Hospital. Fortunately, there were handicapped parking spaces readily available there, and since I have a handicapped parking permit, we were able to use that, and I didn't have to worry about valet parking. This also put the car within walking range of the waiting room, so I was able to leave a cooler full of water in the back seat instead of traversing the entire length of the hospital (which is about two blocks long or better) to obtain a drink from a vending machine.

After our arrival, we checked in. We had on KN95 masks, and the hospital required masks for entry. They were handing out thin little surgical blue masks, though. More on that later.

We sat in a waiting room filled with chairs that I feel sure were there when my husband's father had a heart attack in 1995, and they were not set apart. The hospital did away with the Covid distancing on May 23. I was not happy about that, since I am still careful and wear a mask in the grocery store. 

I do not like hospitals, but I especially dislike Roanoke Memorial. It is the dreariest, creepiest, scariest place I can think of. I have never had a good experience there myself, not in any of the multitude of operations I have there. The facility is dull and uninspiring, with nothing to catch the eye. The place is absolutely, totally unremarkable, oldish looking, and in need of a face lift.

The outpatient waiting room is especially bad and was no better than it was in 2019. Old furniture, crowded - I think at the high point during the day there were at least 100 people in there - it's simply an unappetizing facility with no imagination or creativity about it whatsoever. Chairs lined the hallway near the entrance as well. They were spaced out better and that area was not so crowded, but it was also difficult to hear the nurses call out people's names in that area.

At 6 a.m., we sat in the ugly waiting room and waited for them to call my husband's name and take him back to pre-op. We waited some more, and my husband became agitated. They did not take him back until 7:59 a.m.  About an hour later, someone came and asked me to go to be with my husband in pre-op, but I couldn't go back until I took off my KN95 mask and put on one of their flimsy little blue surgical masks. I considered this to be among the stupider things I had seen in a long time, to have to remove a better mask to put on a worse mask to go into the bowels of a fricking hospital during a pandemic.

The volunteer led me down a long array of corridors, dreary even though they had stars painted on them. They were lined with gurneys (fortunately no one was in them), and it was a long, tiring walk.

I found my husband in a gurney, with tubes running out of both arms, his head covered with a little net, and an IV of saline running into him. He had on green socks with rubber on the bottom and a blue paper gown. They'd shaved his entire right side and leg. I watched him shove globs of iodine on a stick up his nose (to keep him from getting MRSA) and held his hand and said all the good wifely things one should say at such times.

The main reason they bring the family back is so someone can take control over the clothing and belongings. (I do not for one minute think it's because of empathy or sympathy for what the patient and family is going through.) I don't know why they can't stick the personal belongings under the gurney but suspect it has to do with their fear that someone will leave a tape recorder running and they will be sued for saying something like he has ugly feet or some such.

The operating room nurses came in around 10 a.m. and hauled him away, and I went back to the waiting room, which was two blocks away give or take a couple of steps, hauling his big shoes and his shirt and short pants in a bag with me. In the waiting room, I sat and watched an older gentleman try not to fall out of a chair that apparently was falling apart. Another man read Stephen King's The Stand, and a lady in the corner had a laptop with a very loud video on it. Everywhere there were clings, clangs, songs, and dings as people's cell phones alerted them to texts or phone calls.

Soon I felt claustrophobic as the waiting room filled with more and more people, so I wandered out to my car and drank a Boost and a bottle of water. When I came back in, there was a seat available in the hallway where the chairs were further apart, so I sat there and breathed a bit easier. In front of me was a long stretch of windows, and I could see outside. My Blue Ridge Mountains were in the background, the sky was clear, and a little greenery from the bushes and grass along the side the road made me feel more at home.

I watched passing traffic, and I could see my own vehicle. People came and went without anyone stopping them, and given the recent shootings, I couldn't help thinking how easy it would be for someone with a semi-automatic gun with a silencer to take out first the valet parking person, then the single secretary checking people in, strafe the folks like me sitting the chairs in the hallways, and then wipe out the other 80 or so folks in the waiting room long before anyone even knew what was going on. I doubted anyone would have time to call 911 before the shooter went on into another corridor, taking out doctors and nurses as he went.

So, I imagined that little scenario in between trying to read Lord of the Rings and watching the little screen with my husband's special number on it that told me when he was out of surgery and into recovery.

That happened at 11:29 a.m. I breathed a sigh of relief, since that meant he'd made it through the surgery ok. You just never know when a surgery might go wrong.

My cell rang and it was the surgeon. He told me everything went as expected, and my husband had a lot of arthritis in the hip that they'd cleaned out, and he was in recovery. Someone would call me later to tell me he was in a room.

I remained in the hallway and began contemplating lunch. I had a ham sandwich on ice in the car, but I didn't really want it. I called my brother, whose office isn't far from the hospital, and asked if he could bring me a sandwich. He said he would, but the nurse called and said my husband was in a room, so I texted my brother to abort the sandwich mission. Then I went in search of my husband, now on the 9th floor instead of the 4th, where I was.

The elevators stared at me like the monstrosities they are before I sucked in all the air I could and boarded one for the appropriate floor. I dislike elevators and intensely dislike these particular elevators as they come to a nauseating stop on every floor. (Many years ago, I walked off of these elevators and fainted dead away, so there's that.)

However, I made it to the 9th floor only to find my husband wasn't in the room I'd been given, but instead was in another room for whatever reason. He was sitting up and the nurse was taking vitals or something when I arrived. Also, his socks were now grey.

They brought him a turkey sandwich and a fruit cup, along with Baked Lays Potato chips, which he doesn't like, so I had his potato chips for lunch.

I cheered him on as he got up and on a walker. A physical therapist walked him around the hallway. He finally urinated, and that was all they needed to send him home. While we waited on the discharge paperwork, the hospital brought him an early dinner (it was by now 4 p.m.), and he didn't want it. I ate it since I'd not had anything but a Boost and potato chips all day. For hospital food, it wasn't bad, or maybe I was simply hungry.

Then the nurse came in and said he would be discharged at the front of the hospital and not at the North Entrance. It was 4:45 p.m. We'd asked and been told that anyone could leave from the North Entrance, but one could not get back into the hospital after 5 p.m. at that entrance. The nurse said ok, we'll take him out the North Entrance, but you'd better go get your car because that's not exactly what we were told. "We'll try to get him down there by 5 p.m.," she called after me as I raced from the room.

I hustled off to stare down the monstrous elevators again, and then make my way to the car. Once there, I called my brother and asked him to meet me at my house in about a half hour. I pulled the car into the patient loading area and the nice valet man said he'd put in a courtesy call to the 9th floor to tell them I was waiting.

At 5:10 p.m., they loaded him into my car. This took a little time. We'd both been concerned about the bucket seats in my Toyota, because his knees weren't supposed to be above his hips and my husband is tall. His knees are above his hips in most chairs.

I had brought extra padding for the seat to raise him up, and that worked. So off I went, driving home down the interstate during rush hour. (I dislike driving on the interstate during rush hour. Blah.)

My wonderful brother was waiting at the house when we arrived. I opened the garage door, and he went through and opened the patio door. I drove the car up to the patio and my husband took his walker from my brother and shuffled into the house.

And that was the doing of that deed.

We've been home since then, and he is mending. He has, however, worn me out. Since I can't bend and stoop without pain, this has been problematic for me and caused me to look longingly at his pain medications while I tried to tamper my pain with my normal meds (which are not narcotic). For one thing, the man drops everything he picks up. If I dropped stuff as much as he does, I'd have worn out my hip, too. I gave him one of those long doohickeys that people use to pick things up with to alleviate some of that.

He's needed to wear compression stockings. Getting those things off and on is a struggle. The pair they sent him home with were so hard to get off I thought we were going to have to resort to cutting them off of him, but I finally managed.

The next day, he called the doctor's office and my brother picked up another pair of compression socks for him in a larger size. I can get these on, but we are both breathing hard by the time I have them on his big ol' feet. I have to wash them every night.

He could shower on Wednesday, and I have to dry off his legs and feet. More bending and stooping.

I have not had a good night's sleep since Saturday, because he is up and down a lot and requires my assistance to get in the bed. I made a grocery store pickup on Thursday because we were out of a few things, but he had a visitor, so he wasn't alone while I was gone.

A shout out to my brother, who has been very helpful and attentive, and thus deserving of an A+, to my father and stepmother, who brought us dinner Wednesday night, and my friend Cathy who brought us dinner Thursday night. Also, a shout-out to my young cleaning help, who made a special stop by my house this morning simply to run the vacuum for me because I was in so much pain I couldn't do it and I am trying to keep the house clean, so my husband doesn't develop an infection. Additionally, my mother-in-law has been bringing us the newspaper and the mail. Many thanks!

We will see how things go from here. My husband is hoping to be back to work in six weeks.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Thursday Thirteen

If I'd wanted to be a nurse, I'd have become a nurse. But being married means sometimes one has to be a caregiver, whether it's weathering the flu or something more serious, like a surgery.

Here are some tips I came up with in regard to being a good caregiver. What would you add?

1. Be as physically strong as possible. If you're not healthy yourself, then you will have to find a way to overcome your own personal obstacles.

2. Have a support team. If you're not strong enough to, say, lift your spouse or whatever is needed, then it's time to bring in a trusted someone to help. That may be a family member or a friend or even paid personnel, but it should be someone who will deliver if needed. And it never hurts to have a backup.

3. Set goals. These may be daily goals (if you do your exercises, you can have ice cream!) or weekly, or even hourly goals (take a nap for an hour and you can have ice cream!).

4. Keep up with medications. This may require a chart or an app, especially if the patient is taking medicines at odd times or you have an off-schedule situation. Pill boxes are helpful.

5. Accept help. We're taught in the United States not to accept help, to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps, so to speak, and make it on your own. That's poppycock. If someone wants to bring over a meal, let them! If someone else can sit with the patient so you can go to the store, let them!

6. Take time out for yourself. Even taking breaks while the patient is sleeping can be helpful. Remembering to take care of you is important because if you collapse, you can't help the patient.

7. Practice staying in the moment. Worrying about the doctor's appointment next week doesn't do anyone any good. Just get through the day, a step at a time.

8. Try to keep things normal. If you and the patient normally woke up at 6 a.m. every morning, continue to do that. If you always ate eggs and bacon on Saturdays, do that too, if it's allowed in a diet change.

9. Dress. Both the patient and caregiver need to bathe and dress as they normally would when possible. Laying around in pajamas may be okay for a day or two, but it creates the appearance of abnormality and illness. Go for a healthy look and put on those jeans!

10. Exercise. The patient may have therapy exercises to do, but the caregiver also needs to exercise regularly and not give up any therapy exercises or other healthcare needs in favor of the patient.

11. Eat well. This is not the time for over indulgences or to change eating habits (like starting a diet). Having a patient in the house is a strain for everyone, so don't add to it by suddenly deciding you're going to lose 10 pounds, even if you need to lose weight.

12. Do the best you can. Sometimes this won't be enough, and sometimes the best you can do one day is not equal the your best the day before. "Best" is a subjective word, and while your performance may not meet someone else's standards, so long as the patient is not unhappy, you've been successful even if you don't think you've met "standards."

13. Give yourself (and maybe your patient) a pep talk. There's nothing like an "atta girl" to lift the spirits.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 761st time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Dandy and a Pansy


Tuesday, June 21, 2022

New Arrival


Monday, June 20, 2022

Doomed to Destruction

The photos below are of the current Botetourt County Courthouse. This structure was rebuilt in 1975 after a fire in 1970 gutted the building. The destroyed structure had been constructed in 1848, allegedly from plans provided by Thomas Jefferson.

The current courthouse is scheduled to be demolished next year. The structure has mold and due to poor upkeep by the county, it is literally falling down around the employees inside. It is also not secure given today's political climate, and it not accessible to the disabled.

So this building will in a few years be replaced by another with a similar exterior but a much larger footprint.


Sunday, June 19, 2022

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. If you could live in a house shaped like anything what would it be?

A. I would like the exterior to look like a hobbit house. Rather like this:

The interior, of course, would have to be human-sized, and the roof could be green solar panels instead of grass. I'd like to have a music room and a library in the house, too, while I'm dreaming.

2. What do you think is in outer space?

A. More planets and suns, more solar systems, galaxies, asteroids, comets, dust and debris. Maybe life, perhaps not recognizable as life to us.

3. Where is the most wonderful place you’ve ever been?

A. The campus of Hollins University, where I went to college. There was something about being on campus that made me feel better all over. It was a terrific atmosphere, incredibly supportive, and simply an overall good experience.

4. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?

A. I would do something that I felt was for the betterment of humanity that I otherwise could not do. I'm not exactly sure what that is at the moment, but that would be my lofty goal.

5. What is the worst smell in the world?

A. I'll go with either rotting corpse or vomit.

6. If you could, what animal would you be?

A. I would be a deer. Deer is my spirit animal.

7. What is the greatest thing ever invented?

A. The wheel. Without it, there wouldn't have been carts and wheelbarrows allowing human to evolve from a hunter-gather society to an agrarian one and then on into the industrial age. It really is the unbroken circle of civilization.

8. What is your favorite word? Why?

A. Serendipty. It sounds cool and I love the meaning of it. (the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way)

9. Who is someone in history that you’d like to be friends with? Why?

A. Mary Johnston (1870-1936) and Ellen Glasgow (1873-1945) both were Virginia writers who were also active in the suffrage movement (and they were friends). I would have liked to have been part of that movement, and friends with these two fabulous and yet now under-rated writers.

10. If your pet could talk, what would it say?

A. I don't have a pet. The cows would probably say, "Why do you take my children from me?" because we haul their calves off to the market. Or maybe they'd say, "Give me better quality hay," or "Why can't we swim in the pond anymore?" (We fenced off the pond to keep the cow poo from Tinker Creek, it was a conservation effort.)

11. Were there dinosaurs on Noah’s ark?

A. I don't believe Noah's ark existed, it's a biblical fairy tale. But if it were true, the answer would be no, as dinosaurs were extinct by the time human beings came along, unless one wants to count reptiles and birds as small dinosaurs.

12. What makes you cry?

A. Other human beings.

13. Have you ever played a joke on someone? What was it?

A. A very long time ago, when I was a young teenager, a friend and I picked up some sticky tar from a parking lot and molded it into long thin lines. It looked like licorice, and we offered some up to another friend. We stopped him before he ate it, but his girlfriend jumped down our throats. We defended ourselves by noting we didn't let him eat it. I suppose it wasn't a good joke, but it seemed funny at the time.

14. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?

A. Wait while my husband was in surgery in the hospital.

15. What is the most important appliance in your house?

A. The hot water heater. It is necessary for the washing machine, the dishwasher, and a hot shower.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Saturday 9: Yesterday

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

Chosen because June 18 is Paul McCartney's 80th birthday. 

1) Paul McCartney sings that yesterday all his troubles seemed so far away. Can you recall a time when your life seemed carefree?

A. Not really. I was born old. Maybe the summers when I stayed with my grandmother during the day were like that, carefree. I have always been a worrier, though, and I don't remember them as carefree, just anxiety ridden.

2) He has always insisted the melody to "Yesterday" came to him in a dream. Did you dream last night?

A. I am sure I did, but I don't recall it.

3) The lyrics were inspired, in part, by the death of Paul's mother when he was 14. Thirteen years later, he named his daughter Mary after her. Are you named after anyone? If you're a parent, did you name your children in honor of anyone?

A. To my knowledge, I am not named after anyone, although my grandfather, whose name was Joseph Eugene, took my middle name, Jeanne, to be in his honor. My mother said it was not, though.

4) Over the years, Paul has performed on bass, acoustic and electric guitars, keyboards and drums, but not the first instrument he owned: the trumpet. A present from his dad for his 14th birthday, he exchanged the trumpet for a guitar because, "you can't sing while playing the trumpet." Have you more recently a) exchanged a gift, b) donated a gift you didn't want to charity or c) regifted?

A. I've most recently purchased a gift, which isn't an option listed. I can't remember when I've last done any of the available options. Pre-pandemic, maybe.

5) Paul grew up seeing how much his dad enjoyed placing a bet and then listening to the horse race from his favorite armchair in the living room, so he took his salary from making the film A Hard Day's Night and surprised his father with a racehorse. After father and son proudly watched Drake's Drum win at Liverpool's Aintree Racecourse, the horse retired to Paul's farm in Scotland. If money were no object, what gift would you give a loved one?

A. My husband wants a red Ferrari. I have no idea why, but if money were no problem, I'd buy him one.

6) Paul is considered one of the world's wealthiest entertainers, worth an estimated $1.2 billion. This month, as he approaches his 80th birthday, he is winding up a 16-city North American tour, during which he performs 30+ songs in a 2-hour, 40-minute show. If you had all the money you needed, would you continue to work? Or would you kick back and relax?

A. I am a writer first and foremost, and I suppose I will always write something, even if it is only in my journal. But I wouldn't worry about money so much.

7) Paul first joined the Beatles when he was recruited into the band by John Lennon. They met as teenagers when Paul showed up at a church picnic where John's band was performing. Paul recalls pedaling over on his bike to hear them, his guitar flung over this back. When did you most recently ride a bike?

A. Years and years and years ago.

8) Paul met his first wife, Linda, at a London club and then again four days later when she was a photographer at a press party for Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band. Think about one of your romances. Where did you meet?

A. My husband and I met under the goal posts at the football field at the high school.

9) TV journalist Barbara Walters played matchmaker for Paul and his current wife, Nancy. During the summer of 2007, when Paul was vacationing in The Hamptons, Barbara repeatedly and intentionally invited them to the same parties and picnics. Have you had any success in a matchmaking scenario -- as either the matchmaker or one of the dates?

A. I don't try to be a matchmaker. Those things never work out for me. No successes here that I am aware of, anyway.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Thursday Thirteen #760

1. Last night while I was trying to fall asleep, my mind wandered back to the playthings of my youth. Do you remember Mexican jumping beans, sea monkeys, crystals that grew in the water, and the advertisement that said something like draw this picture in any way except a tracing and send it to us and we'll tell you if you have talent?

2. My brother gave me eight bags of Baked Lays Potato chips for my birthday. He ran across them while he was in Ohio the previous weekend and bought them because they've been hard to find here. They seem more available now, but we can't find the "lightly salted" Lays potato chips that my husband eats. Things are weird.

3. While I don't doubt that there are supply chain issues, the fact that all of the major corporations are hauling in cash hand over fist, including the gas and oil companies, tells me that our inflation and recession (we're in a recession even if the experts haven't said that yet) are induced by corporate greed. Unregulated capitalism may be good for business, but it is hard on the average person.

4. The president of the United States doesn't set the gas prices at the pump, I don't care who is in office. Most of the economics that affect the average citizen the world over is created by those in power (political and corporate) who want more money. (And if the president did affect the prices, why would they be high worldwide? Think about it.)

5. I know we are in a recession because there are more Trustees Sales in the newspaper ads. These are foreclosure notices. When we're not in a recession, there may be one or two a month. Now there are 5 or 6 a week. They started becoming more frequent in May and really noticeable lately. Maybe if more people read the newspaper, they could pay attention to things like that and realize how things actually are.

6. A meme I've seen floating around says something to the effect of "what is wrong with not wanting poor people to starve," an idea which apparently makes one a socialist or far left. Empathy is not a saleable commodity, so of course it is unworthy. However, I think an empathetic human is one of the worthiest qualities of being human. Those who lack it are morally deficient.

7. I get called "far left" all the time although I am not. I'm what Republicans used to be before so many of them lost their minds and allowed theocracy, stupidity and cult of personality, along with infantile emotionalism, to become their guiding light. Yes, that's an awful judgment, but I've seen worse things said about Democrats and today I'm feeling judgmental. People judge me often enough, or so it feels. I think I can occasionally make a statement about something.

8. I am listening to an audiobook called Dolly Parton, Songwriter. It's not exactly an autobiography, as it's done more in a question-and-answer format, with someone asking questions and Mrs. Parton answering them. Sometimes she sings. She's written over 3,000 songs. That's a lot of songs.

9. This year I have been varying my reading habits, trying for a fiction book then a nonfiction. At the moment I have three things going at once. The other books I am reading are What Unites Us, by Dan Rather, and Zanoni, by Edward Bulwer Lytton. This is an ancient book that's supposed to be a morality tale; I read about it somewhere and downloaded it free on my Kindle.

10. My last fiction book was called Crime and Poetry, and it was about a young woman whose grandmother operates a bookstore, and books fall off the shelves to give clues about solving crime.

11. My husband's hip replacement surgery is coming up very soon. I am terrified for him and for me. We are hoping for the best outcome. Many people say it's a great fix for hip pain. All surgeries have risks, though, and they don't always have the anticipated outcome.

12. Someone came yesterday to fix the dryer door. He took the door apart but couldn't fix it and said he was going to order a part, whether that's a handle or an entire door I do not know. After he left, we took the door apart again and fixed it ourselves. I don't know how long it will stay together, but for now it's working. If it weren't for the warranty thing, I'd have used some Gorilla Glue on it, and it would have stayed on for sure. I wasn't impressed with the fixer guy.

13. We are fast approaching the summer solstice. The longest day, and then they begin to grow short again. The year is half over. Time goes by fast even on days that seem to crawl along like a snail on concrete.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 760th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Damn Dryer

In April, we bought a new dryer because the one we bought in 2019 was constantly needing a new timer.

The thing isn't even two months old, and the handle fell off.

A $1,300 piece of crap.

Monday, June 13, 2022

The James Breckinridge Law Office


This building is one of the oldest in Botetourt County's seat of Fincastle. The James Breckinridge Law Office dates back to about 1775-1780. The town was founded in 1772 and is celebrating one of those big anniversaries this year.

James Breckinridge (1763-1833) served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1809 to 1817 (back before that became a lifetime job). Prior to that he served as a state delegate.

He also served on the Board of Visitors for the University of Virginia.

I always knew this structure as a museum, but it is now slated to be torn down and then rebuilt just about 1000 feet away. The structure is making way for a new county courthouse.

Pictures before demolition are always good things. Reconstruction doesn't always happen.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

There are no right or wrong answers. Don't limit yourself to one-word responses; just say everything that pops into your head.

I say . . . and you think . . . ?

    Hurry! :: Speed

    Dumb :: as a hammer

    Fudge :: chocolate

    Sturdy :: board

    Printing :: press

    Itch :: scratch

    Creaks :: groans

    Paste :: glue

    Waste of time :: probably memes and/or video games

    Let down :: your hair

    Cancellation :: disappointment

    Suspect :: villain

    Fireplace :: poker

    Spring :: flowers

    Commute :: long drive

    Places :: to go

    Fraud :: the former guy

    Adoption :: option

    Election :: turn out

    Moving day :: lots of work


I encourage you to visit other participants in 
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.