Friday, November 01, 2019

Autumn Colors


Thursday, October 31, 2019

Happy Halloween!

Thursday Thirteen

1. The scariest thing that may happen to me today is I can't seem to load photos into my blog this morning. Yikes!

2. Black cats, bats in the belfry, pumpkins, ghosts, witches, goblins. Things that go bump in the night! What do you associate with Halloween?

3. In Wicca and other pagan religions, this is called Samhain. It marks the end of light and the entering of darkness, or the end of harvest season and entering winter. It is mostly of Celtic origin. It's a time when beings from different worlds can cross over into this one.

4. In Mexico, they celebrate this time as the Day of the Dead. It is a time to remember those who have passed.

5. This is my favorite holiday even though I don't celebrate it. (I like the candy. I'm a chocoholic.)

6. The Autumn colors turned out slightly better than I expected based on the earlier drought, but still, compared to some years, the colors have been muted. One must take the blaze orange and vibrant reds where one can find them, I suppose.

7. Of course, this means November is, well, tomorrow, and thus begins the colder temperatures, freezing rain, snow, and . . . and . . . Christmas!

8. I also have a marriage anniversary in November. It'll be 36 years. Dang, that's a long time.

9. We will be "canceling" the holidays this year. My husband is having an ankle fusion before the Thanksgiving holiday. No point in celebrating much of anything if he is "non-weight bearing" for 8 weeks. Although I am wondering if I will be watching reruns of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas a lot.

10. Speaking of Christmas shows, I believe Lifetime started showing Christmas movies already. They are all basically the same plot. Maybe I should write one. Ha.

11. And speaking of writing, tomorrow starts Nanowrimo, which is a month when people attempt to write a novel. I tried it several years ago and failed miserably, and didn't even consider it this year with so many other things going on right now. I am pretty sure guys set up the date for this "event" because a woman would have chosen some other time, like March, when there is little going on. Who tries to write up a novel right before the holidays? Only a man who isn't responsible for cooking dinner and buying and wrapping presents for the holidays would think November is a great month to attempt something major like that. Sheesh.

12. Still can't get my photos to load, darn it. I will have to change browsers and see if that helps. (Nope.)

13. Anyway, Happy Halloween!

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 628th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

You're My Little Buck

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A Flock of Turkeys

Monday, October 28, 2019

Autumn Does

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Free Talk

Sunday Stealing

1. If you were offered a job in another part of the country, would you take it?

A. There are too many variables to answer that. What does it pay? Is it in my field of work, or in a field I wish to pursue? Where in the country? Would my husband want to move, too? What kind of benefits does it provide? I consider this one non-answerable.

2. If you were in a bank and someone started to hold it up, what would you do?

A. Get out of the way and hide behind something. As much as I'd like to think I'd be a hero, I know I am not one.

3. If you found a suitcase filled with $1,000,000 what would you do?

A. I have always turned in money I have found, regardless of amount. I found $300 in an envelope in Target once, for example, and I turned that in. I assume I would do the same with that much money. For one thing, whoever found it probably obtained it illegally. So best to hand that over to the police.

4. If you had a 25 hour day what would you do with your extra hour?

A. Read.

5. If you had the opportunity to be different, what would you change?

A. I would be healthier.

6. If you received a lottery ticket as a gift and won a lot of money, would you share with the person who gave you the ticket?

A. I might offer them something. It depends on your definition of "a lot."

7. If you spoke two languages and your spouse spoke only one, would you raise your children as bilingual?

A. Yes, if I were fluent in the languages.

8. If you were candy, which candy would you be?

A. Well, this falls under the category of really weird, but I guess with Halloween coming up, it's a legitimate question. I would be a chocolate covered cherry.

9. If you were a toy, which toy would you be?

A. I don't think cellphones are actually toys, but I would be a cellphone.

10. If you were abducted by aliens, would you tell anyone?

A. Are they bringing me back? It doesn't say "abducted and returned." But yes, I probably would tell someone. I tell people I have seen ghosts. There isn't much difference, really.

11. If you could go to the moon, would you?

A. Yes.

12. If you had a time machine, where would you go and why?

A. I would go into the future to see how mankind fares. If I go into the year 6565, will I find a desolate landscape devoid of life, or will humanity be thriving and flourishing? I want to know how we turn out.

13. If you saw a robbery, would you report it?

A. Yes, of course. Although I must say that in the past that has not gone well for me. When I was about 10, I was at the skating rink with my friends, and I saw this girl going through the pockets of people's coats in the coat room, stealing change. When she got to my coat, I grabbed her and hauled her to the management. He banned us BOTH from the facility. Sometimes doing the right thing doesn't pay off.

14. If you were to speak to a graduating class, what would you say?

A. I think I'd have to go with something like this:

15. If given the choice between being given great wisdom or great wealth, which would you choose?

A. I think I've answered this before. If I have great wisdom, I also want the will to use it, to take risks, to move forward and not stand still. Wisdom with those qualities would be magnificent. Wisdom alone, without desire to use it, is relatively useless. But money without the wisdom to use it wisely is also useless.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Saturday 9: Miss Me More

Saturday 9: Miss Me More (2018)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
Chosen because October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Learn more and spread the word that help is available.

Good cause. Never heard this song before. Women rock.

1) This song is about a girl who ditched her high heels so she wouldn't be taller than her beau. Tell us about the most recent addition to your footwear wardrobe. Do you need to go shoe shopping?

A. I do not. I'm good at the moment. My shoes are all sneakers these days, because I have to wear custom orthotics and those don't fit in sexy shoes. I'm a little old for sexy shoes anyway.

2) She sings that she misses the sheets on the bed she made herself. As you answer these questions, is your bed made?

A. Yes.

3) This video shows her in a ring. Have you ever worn boxing gloves?

A. Yes. Once I had a little boxing thing hanging in the garage. I used to go out and beat on it. I started having back problems so I ended up no longer beating on the punching bag.

4) This week's featured artist, Kelsea Ballerini, got married on Christmas Day in 2017. That makes their anniversary easy to remember. Are you celebrating any birthdays or anniversaries this month?

A. I am not celebrating anything this month, except I will note that my husband and I met in October, 1982.

5) Kelsea has been quoted as saying, "Perfect doesn't exist." She worries that we exhaust ourselves "trying to be something that isn't real." How about you? Do you believe your best is good enough? Or do you strive for perfection?

A. I am afraid so. Being a perfectionist is a curse. I do my best but it is never good enough.

6) One of Kelsea's tattoos is a square inside of a circle, aka a square peg in a round hole, on her left wrist. She says it's there to remind her that it's OK to "not fit the mold of what normal might be." Tell us about a time where you felt like a square peg in a round hole.

A. Um. Every day? I guess you want a specific incident. I don't have one.

7) In 2018, when this song was popular, French President Emmanuel Macron lowered fuel taxes. When it's time to fill your tank, do you shop around for the best price?

A. No. It's not like I have a lot of choices out here, anyway. I have three. Kroger, Sheetz, and Mama D's. I generally get Kroger gas because it has a higher octane level than Sheetz.

8) Also in 2018, Luxembourg made all public transportation free. When is the last time you rode a bus or train?

A. I have no idea. A very long time ago.

9) Random question: When did you most recently say, either out loud or to yourself, "I haven't got a thing to wear?"

A. Back in August when we were planning a vacation to Myrtle Beach.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Handsome Pose

Sometimes when I am out taking photos, I know the moment I have a great shot. It usually only happens once per session, if that often. That's the photo I look for out of the 100 or so I may have taken during that few minutes in the backyard. That one perfect shot.

This photo was that great shot that I took October 18 - Friday a week ago. Of course, no one ever sees the other 30 that I took of this deer as I tried to get one good shot.

But this one is straight out of the camera, just the way I shot it:

I don't even know how I managed it. The sun was slowly sinking and I was losing the light. I kept waiting on this little buck to raise his head and finally - he did and I clicked.

There's  a little butterfly inside of me that does a small dance when I know I've taken a good shot. It's a nice little tickle.

Photo taken with Nikon P500.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Thursday Thirteen

1. For a while there, I thought I might miss a Thursday. But nope. Here I am!

2. I know you're thrilled.

3. I am thrilled because NOW I can say, for real, that my magazine project is out of my hands. Yesterday it went to the layout/graphics/printing people. While I expect to be asked questions and called back for proofreading, the writing is done.

4. The magazine, for those who may have missed it, is a keepsake publication commemorating Botetourt County's 250th birthday, which is next year. The magazine will be out in late January 2020.

5. It was supposed to be 64 pages total but I had nearly 90 pages of copy and photos. The committee I was working with didn't want to delete anything, so this is going to be a little larger than anticipated.

6. Basically, I wrote a short book.

7. That is over and done with. My next project - working on the taxes for this year. Blah. No wonder I put it off!

8. My real project will be nursing my husband back to health after he has a surgery right before the holidays. At the moment, he's still working and all but he's limping. He's been limping. He is finally going to have his ankle fixed.

9. I did not take nursing in school. There's a reason for that.

10. Anyway, this year is shaping up to be a full one. I guess that is better than dull and boring, but only marginally so. The older I grow, the more I appreciate dull and boring.

11. It has been almost a year since my hairdresser retired. I haven't had a good haircut since. I had finally settled on a hairdresser at Supercuts, and she cut it twice in a row and I was managing, and then I went back last week for a cut . . . and she'd left. As in, doesn't work there anymore. I let someone else there cut it. Bad haircuts will continue to be in my future, I suppose.

12. I keep thinking today is Friday, which is one of the reasons I'm writing my Thursday Thirteen after 1 p.m.

13. I figured out it wasn't Friday, obviously. So here I am. I've come full circle.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 627th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing: Firsts

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?

A. I haven't looked at myself in the mirror yet this morning, but generally I think something along the lines of, "I'm fat" or "My haircut sucks."

2. Where did you go on the very first vacation of your life?

A. I have no idea. My first vacation with my husband was to Myrtle Beach, SC.

3. Open the door of your refrigerator. What is the first thing you see?

A. A bag of grapes that I picked up at the store last night.

4. Tell us about your first kiss OR your last first date.

A. I don't know when my first kiss was. My last first date would have been with my husband, the night we met. We went dancing.

5. If you had wings to fly about the universe, where is the first place you’d land?

A. I'd go to the Delta Quadrant and find some nice uninhabited Class M planet to spend my time on.

6. What is the first thing you do when you get in your car?

A. Adjust everything.

7. What is the first thing you ever said to your firstborn?

A. I don't have children.

8. What is the last thing you heard about your first love?

A. My husband was and is my first love. I had crushes. The last thing I heard about a crush was that he was in a bad vehicle accident. I never did hear the outcome.

9. If you had created the world in seven days yourself, what would you have created on the First Day?

A. The world wasn't created in seven days, for one thing. First you need the building blocks, atoms and neuron and proteins and things.

10. What is the first song in your IPOD or song list?

A. I don't have any play lists. I think Sheryl Crows' albums tend to come up first in my cellphone.

11. What is the first tangible thing you lost that you could never find again?

A. I doubt it was the first thing, but I used to have a black poodle bank that I have misplaced. We've also managed to lose several artificial Christmas trees and I'm not sure how one does that.

12. Who is your favorite First Lady of all time?

A. Hillary Clinton for trying to accomplish something with the title and being the most accomplished afterwards, Barbara Bush for grace. The rest weren't in my lifetime so I will only go with the ones about which I have knowledge.

13. Post a link to your first blog post.


Only this isn't my first blog. I had another one on AOL but AOL discontinued the service.

14. When was the last time you needed First Aid?

A. I don't recall.

15. Can you explain what a first down is in football?

A. Yes. It's when the offense gains 10 yards from where they started.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Saturday 9: I'd Really Love To See You Tonight

Saturday 9: I'd Really Love to See You Tonight (1976)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) This song is about a guy who, out of the blue, phones an ex. Have you ever spontaneously phoned or emailed a former lover? Has an ex ever reached out to you?

A. No, I can't say I have ever done that, nor has an ex ever done that with me. Considering my "exes" would all have been from high school, this is not a surprise.

2) He suggests walking through the park, taking a drive along the beach, or watching TV. Do any of those suggestions appeal to you right now?

A. I wouldn't mind a nice long drive. It's a little chilly outside right now for a walk. I'm not a big TV fan.

3) "England Dan" got his nickname because he was a passionate Beatles fan and would affect a British accent when he talked about his favorite group. Are you good at imitating accents?

A. No, but I do seem to have a knack for imitating certain people.

4) Dan met John Colley when they were high school classmates in Dallas. When they were still kids, they agreed that "John Ford Coley" would be a better stage name. Think back to your high school days. Which of your friends daydreamed along with you?

A. I played in a pop Top 40 band in high school. I guess the five of us all had dreams of bigger things back then.

5) After the duo disbanded, "England Dan" went to Nashville, billed himself by his real name -- Dan Seals -- and recorded country music. Who is your favorite country performer?

A. I don't listen to much country music, but I'll go with Dolly Parton.

6) Today John Ford Coley lives in TN. He performs occasionally and raises horses. Have you ever been to TN?

A. I have visited that state, yes.

7) In 1975, when this song was popular, Foster Grant Sunglasses had a suggested retail price of $5/pair. Do you buy sunglasses more for fashion or utility?

A. Utility. I don't see the point in expensive anything if a cheap version will do just as well. I don't need a Rolex if a Timex keeps time the same.

8) The most popular movie of 1975 was Jaws. Have you seen it?

A. No. I don't plan to see it, either.

9) Random question: Excluding anyone related to you by blood or marriage, what man are you closest to?

A. My two nephews, my husband's sister's boys. They are both grown men now. Oh wait, they're related by blood. My husband's cousin? Does that count as a blood relationship? My brother-in-law? Those probably don't work. Let me think. Hmm. I don't think there is anyone, really, except maybe my former news editor and we haven't talked in months. As far as I know I'm not related to him. There are other men I know and see but I don't consider them close, really.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thursday Thirteen

1. The wind sure blew a lot last night. It howled, moaned, and screamed as it raced around the corners of my house.

2. We had rain yesterday. Hurrah! We've been in a drought and needed it badly. Now it needs to do it again in the next four to five days.

3. This week would have been my parents' 57th wedding anniversary if my mother had not passed away. This is a very long time. As it was, they were married for 38 years when she died of pancreatic cancer in 2000.

4. This is also the anniversary of the week when I first met my husband. Well, I knew him from riding the school bus, but this is the "official" boy-girl meeting. I was 19. He was 23. We met beneath the goal posts at a LBHS-JRHS inner-county school rivalry football game. We'll have been married for 36 years this November. Yikes.

5. My parents met when my father asked if he could catch worms underneath a tree in my grandparents' yard. My mother went out to help him and fell in love. Or so she always told me.

6. Yesterday I started drinking beet juice extract. It is supposed to help . . . something or another. Blood, veins, overall health? I don't like beets so I'm mixing the stuff in water and downing it as fast as I can. I don't suppose it can hurt anything.

7. My dental checkup yesterday went ok. I do have a new spot on the "watch" list - an old cavity filling that is apparently going to need to be replaced in the next year or so. For now it is ok. Go teeth!

8. Recently our local TV stations did some sort of tuning and if you receive the channels over the air, you had to reset your TV. I receive channels over the air in the bedroom so I reset the TV. I lost all of the NBC stations. I called my local NBC station yesterday and the very friendly tech guy said I needed to move my antenna. Unfortunately, my antenna is the kind that sticks to the wall, and when we tried to move it, it tore away part of the drywall, so we stopped trying to move it and left it there because otherwise we would have to fix the hole and paint. Apparently I need a new antenna (one that won't stick to the wall). I guess the one on the wall will just hang there like some kind of modern art until we get around to painting, which I don't anticipate happening for quite a while.

9. Back in the summer, I had a superficial blood clot in the calf of my leg. I still have a huge knot there and it is discolored. I don't know if this is normal. The blood clot occurred on July 11. So for three months there's been an issue there. (This is the main reason for the beet juice extract.)

10. I bought a Lord of the Rings music book because it showed in the "glimpse" on Amazon that there were guitar chords. Guess what. Only one song has guitar chords. The rest is for piano music and I've been reading guitar tab so long I don't really remember how to read piano music, especially the bass clef. Damn it.

11. It is 10 a.m. here. When you are reading this, it will be 10 a.m. somewhere else, maybe. Do you ever wonder what happens all around the world at specific times? And how can the world end today when it is already tomorrow elsewhere?

12. I eat too much chocolate. I need to stop but I simply cannot seem to give it up. I wonder if it's an addiction, like cigarettes or my husband's chewing tobacco.

13. The other morning, it was foggy when I woke. This would have been Monday. The moon was full so the fog was rather eerie. As it grew a bit lighter, I saw turkey after turkey walk by my office window. I got up and counted 25 of them. About 20 minutes later, I went into the kitchen, and the backyard was full of deer. I have figured out how to open the patio door very quietly and stick my camera out between the slats of the vertical blinds to take photos of the deer. I did this. I was clicking away when the does all stopped and looked to my right. I thought it might be a buck, so I went to the window in the other room to see. It was a pack of coyotes! I squeaked a little, and didn't think to take a picture. No, my first thought was, "there is a pack of coyotes outside and I left the patio door open!" So I raced back and closed the door. The deer were gone, of course, and by the time I got back to the window, so were the coyotes. Such is life on the farm some days.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 626th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Monday, October 14, 2019

How Guys With Backhoes Take Down Trees

We've been having issues with trees of late. We have dead ash trees, thanks to the emerald ash borer, and we have blue spruce trees that are over 30 years old that are dying from a fungus.

The ash borer came over from Asia; the fungus showed up during a drought around 2012. One of the blue spruce's blew over last winter and I have been concerned about the two remaining on the bedroom side of the house ever since.

I'm not excited about the idea of waking up to find a tree in bed with me.

One of the blue spruces was leaning precariously. When the ground was wet and the wind would blow, I would sit at the window and watch as the ground at the roots raised up, then sucked the tree back down a bit.

My husband had asked a friend back in February to remove the trees but he has yet to show up. Last week, husband took matters into his own hands with one of the trees. I still have one to worry about, but at least this one that was really leaning is no longer a worry.

The tree was already leaning about this much, with that hump at the ground where the roots were coming up.

A few pushes wouldn't do, though. The ground is too dry at the moment.

A little digging to loosen the dirt around the roots proved helpful.

A big push.

Ally oop!

Poor tree is on the ground.
I really hate losing these trees. They were once quite beautiful. We sprayed with fungicide when we realized they were "sick," but once that fungus is on a tree there is little hope of saving it. All of our lovely blue spruces will eventually be gone. We only have two left now.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. Have you ever known anyone that’s been on tv, including you?

A. Yes. I have been on TV myself and one of my friends' husband is a TV news anchor. I met a lot of TV news reporters who were covering the same story as I was when I was a print journalist. I have also met several Virginia governors, who of course were on TV all the time, and our current member of the state House of Delegates, who is also on TV a great deal, hugs me when he sees me.

2. What do you find yourself buying all the time?

A. Chocolate and books.

3. When was the last time you got a real letter in the mail?

A. Saturday, sort of. I have a friend who sends out mass letters about her life on a quarterly basis.

4. Have you ever lived in a house/apartment that has been broken into?

A. No.

5. Did you walk to school with your friends? Take a school bus? Ever have someone carry your books home from school?

A. I rode a bus until I started high school. Then my mother dropped me off in the mornings on her way to work (she drove right past the high school) and rode the bus home. Then after I turned 16, I drove myself to school. I don't recall anyone ever carrying my books home from school.

6. Do you like pumpkin seeds? Do you carve the pumpkin and roast the seeds? Do you buy packaged, prepared pumpkin seeds?

A. I will eat pumpkin seeds but I don't go out of my way to do so. I haven't carved a pumpkin in years.

7. Does your car or did a family car have a name?

A. No.

8. The first week of October was National Mystery Series Week. Do you sleuth alongside Nancy Drew or Miss Marple? Fan of Nero Wolfe?

A. I was a fan of Nancy Drew and haven't yet checked out the new series but I taped it and am waiting to do so. Otherwise not a fan of the two mentioned, but I liked Sue Grafton's books.

9. Have you ever spent ages writing something on your computer when it suddenly crashed and you lost it all?

A. I have. However, I have my backup settings set to save every 10 minutes now.

10. Are you one of those people who can sleep through anything?

A. No. My husband can, but I cannot.

11. What type or kind of art do you like? And do you draw or paint yourself?

A. I like most any kind of art, even stuff that I don't understand or find weird. I do not draw or paint but I color. I like to color.

12. If you went to London, where would you go first?

A. I would visit my friend who lives in Bolton which is not London but it is in England. If I have to stay in London, then I suppose I would go see Big Ben.

13. What is one quote that you love to quote?

A. "Not all who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien.

14. Do you ever at times see the world in black and white?

A. My eyes are still working well enough that I see colors.

15. Do you believe there is life somewhere else in the universe?

A. Yes. It might not be life like we understand it, but I think that it would not be farfetched to find life of some sort. We will likely never get there, though. We're not that advanced.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Saturday 9: Live Like You Were Dying

Saturday 9: Live Like You Were Dying (2003)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) This song is about a man whose father advises him to live life to the fullest, to become "the friend you'd like to have." How about you? Are you the friend you'd like to have?

A. I try to be. I am not as successful at it as I had hoped, I guess.

2) The song lists several "bucket list" items: skydiving, mountain climbing, riding a bull. Have you done any of those things? Would you like to?

A. I have not done any of those things, nor do I especially want to at my age. I have been up in a hot air balloon. Does that count?

3) In the music video, Tim McGraw is wearing a white button-down shirt, blue jeans and a cowboy hat. Which of those items is in your wardrobe?

A. Blue jeans.

4) He wears a cowboy hat because he is embarrassed by the size of his forehead. When you wear a hat, are you more likely doing it for style, like Tim, or for protection from the elements?

A. I wear a hat now only when it rains, so I guess protection from the elements.

5) McGraw's biological father was Tug McGraw, pitcher for the Mets and Phillies. How did your baseball team do this season?

A. I don't watch baseball.

6) Tim McGraw and wife Faith Hill live just outside of Nashville. They enjoy inviting friends over to sit around a bonfire, drinking beer and playing guitars. Tell us about the most recent get-together you had with friends.

A. I don't have any friends who want to have get-togethers.

7) Tim likes his tattoos. He admits his silliest one -- a leprechaun wearing a cowboy hat -- was acquired during a night of drinking. Do you have a tattoo? If so, are you glad you have it and would you get it again?

A. I do not have a tattoo. My father has one from when he was in the army, or did. I guess he still does.

8) In 2003, when this song was popular, the supersonic Concord took its last flight. When did you most recently board a plane? What was your destination?

A. The last time I was on a plane was in 1993, and I was going to Disney in Orlando.

9) Random question: When did you last walk around the house naked?

A. Not all that long ago, except I had a towel around my wet hair and my house shoes on. The rest of me was unclothed.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.