Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thursday Thirteen

1. The scariest thing that may happen to me today is I can't seem to load photos into my blog this morning. Yikes!

2. Black cats, bats in the belfry, pumpkins, ghosts, witches, goblins. Things that go bump in the night! What do you associate with Halloween?

3. In Wicca and other pagan religions, this is called Samhain. It marks the end of light and the entering of darkness, or the end of harvest season and entering winter. It is mostly of Celtic origin. It's a time when beings from different worlds can cross over into this one.

4. In Mexico, they celebrate this time as the Day of the Dead. It is a time to remember those who have passed.

5. This is my favorite holiday even though I don't celebrate it. (I like the candy. I'm a chocoholic.)

6. The Autumn colors turned out slightly better than I expected based on the earlier drought, but still, compared to some years, the colors have been muted. One must take the blaze orange and vibrant reds where one can find them, I suppose.

7. Of course, this means November is, well, tomorrow, and thus begins the colder temperatures, freezing rain, snow, and . . . and . . . Christmas!

8. I also have a marriage anniversary in November. It'll be 36 years. Dang, that's a long time.

9. We will be "canceling" the holidays this year. My husband is having an ankle fusion before the Thanksgiving holiday. No point in celebrating much of anything if he is "non-weight bearing" for 8 weeks. Although I am wondering if I will be watching reruns of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas a lot.

10. Speaking of Christmas shows, I believe Lifetime started showing Christmas movies already. They are all basically the same plot. Maybe I should write one. Ha.

11. And speaking of writing, tomorrow starts Nanowrimo, which is a month when people attempt to write a novel. I tried it several years ago and failed miserably, and didn't even consider it this year with so many other things going on right now. I am pretty sure guys set up the date for this "event" because a woman would have chosen some other time, like March, when there is little going on. Who tries to write up a novel right before the holidays? Only a man who isn't responsible for cooking dinner and buying and wrapping presents for the holidays would think November is a great month to attempt something major like that. Sheesh.

12. Still can't get my photos to load, darn it. I will have to change browsers and see if that helps. (Nope.)

13. Anyway, Happy Halloween!

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 628th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. almost nov 0 hundreds of treaters here

  2. You aren't kidding about the colder weather. The big nasty front that's been crossing the country has reached us tonight. The rain is coming down in buckets, the wind is gusting, there could be thunder and lightening before we are done, and we are under a tornado watch until midnight. The temperature is also beginning to drop from this afternoon's high of 75 to right around freezing in the morning. Rumor has it that here in the ridges we may see our first snow flurries of the year. I am already snuggled up in my flannel pj's to watch TV this evening...and being thankful I no longer have little ones that need to be taken around.


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