Friday, October 25, 2019

A Handsome Pose

Sometimes when I am out taking photos, I know the moment I have a great shot. It usually only happens once per session, if that often. That's the photo I look for out of the 100 or so I may have taken during that few minutes in the backyard. That one perfect shot.

This photo was that great shot that I took October 18 - Friday a week ago. Of course, no one ever sees the other 30 that I took of this deer as I tried to get one good shot.

But this one is straight out of the camera, just the way I shot it:

I don't even know how I managed it. The sun was slowly sinking and I was losing the light. I kept waiting on this little buck to raise his head and finally - he did and I clicked.

There's  a little butterfly inside of me that does a small dance when I know I've taken a good shot. It's a nice little tickle.

Photo taken with Nikon P500.


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