Thursday, October 17, 2019

Thursday Thirteen

1. The wind sure blew a lot last night. It howled, moaned, and screamed as it raced around the corners of my house.

2. We had rain yesterday. Hurrah! We've been in a drought and needed it badly. Now it needs to do it again in the next four to five days.

3. This week would have been my parents' 57th wedding anniversary if my mother had not passed away. This is a very long time. As it was, they were married for 38 years when she died of pancreatic cancer in 2000.

4. This is also the anniversary of the week when I first met my husband. Well, I knew him from riding the school bus, but this is the "official" boy-girl meeting. I was 19. He was 23. We met beneath the goal posts at a LBHS-JRHS inner-county school rivalry football game. We'll have been married for 36 years this November. Yikes.

5. My parents met when my father asked if he could catch worms underneath a tree in my grandparents' yard. My mother went out to help him and fell in love. Or so she always told me.

6. Yesterday I started drinking beet juice extract. It is supposed to help . . . something or another. Blood, veins, overall health? I don't like beets so I'm mixing the stuff in water and downing it as fast as I can. I don't suppose it can hurt anything.

7. My dental checkup yesterday went ok. I do have a new spot on the "watch" list - an old cavity filling that is apparently going to need to be replaced in the next year or so. For now it is ok. Go teeth!

8. Recently our local TV stations did some sort of tuning and if you receive the channels over the air, you had to reset your TV. I receive channels over the air in the bedroom so I reset the TV. I lost all of the NBC stations. I called my local NBC station yesterday and the very friendly tech guy said I needed to move my antenna. Unfortunately, my antenna is the kind that sticks to the wall, and when we tried to move it, it tore away part of the drywall, so we stopped trying to move it and left it there because otherwise we would have to fix the hole and paint. Apparently I need a new antenna (one that won't stick to the wall). I guess the one on the wall will just hang there like some kind of modern art until we get around to painting, which I don't anticipate happening for quite a while.

9. Back in the summer, I had a superficial blood clot in the calf of my leg. I still have a huge knot there and it is discolored. I don't know if this is normal. The blood clot occurred on July 11. So for three months there's been an issue there. (This is the main reason for the beet juice extract.)

10. I bought a Lord of the Rings music book because it showed in the "glimpse" on Amazon that there were guitar chords. Guess what. Only one song has guitar chords. The rest is for piano music and I've been reading guitar tab so long I don't really remember how to read piano music, especially the bass clef. Damn it.

11. It is 10 a.m. here. When you are reading this, it will be 10 a.m. somewhere else, maybe. Do you ever wonder what happens all around the world at specific times? And how can the world end today when it is already tomorrow elsewhere?

12. I eat too much chocolate. I need to stop but I simply cannot seem to give it up. I wonder if it's an addiction, like cigarettes or my husband's chewing tobacco.

13. The other morning, it was foggy when I woke. This would have been Monday. The moon was full so the fog was rather eerie. As it grew a bit lighter, I saw turkey after turkey walk by my office window. I got up and counted 25 of them. About 20 minutes later, I went into the kitchen, and the backyard was full of deer. I have figured out how to open the patio door very quietly and stick my camera out between the slats of the vertical blinds to take photos of the deer. I did this. I was clicking away when the does all stopped and looked to my right. I thought it might be a buck, so I went to the window in the other room to see. It was a pack of coyotes! I squeaked a little, and didn't think to take a picture. No, my first thought was, "there is a pack of coyotes outside and I left the patio door open!" So I raced back and closed the door. The deer were gone, of course, and by the time I got back to the window, so were the coyotes. Such is life on the farm some days.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 626th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Monday, October 14, 2019

How Guys With Backhoes Take Down Trees

We've been having issues with trees of late. We have dead ash trees, thanks to the emerald ash borer, and we have blue spruce trees that are over 30 years old that are dying from a fungus.

The ash borer came over from Asia; the fungus showed up during a drought around 2012. One of the blue spruce's blew over last winter and I have been concerned about the two remaining on the bedroom side of the house ever since.

I'm not excited about the idea of waking up to find a tree in bed with me.

One of the blue spruces was leaning precariously. When the ground was wet and the wind would blow, I would sit at the window and watch as the ground at the roots raised up, then sucked the tree back down a bit.

My husband had asked a friend back in February to remove the trees but he has yet to show up. Last week, husband took matters into his own hands with one of the trees. I still have one to worry about, but at least this one that was really leaning is no longer a worry.

The tree was already leaning about this much, with that hump at the ground where the roots were coming up.

A few pushes wouldn't do, though. The ground is too dry at the moment.

A little digging to loosen the dirt around the roots proved helpful.

A big push.

Ally oop!

Poor tree is on the ground.
I really hate losing these trees. They were once quite beautiful. We sprayed with fungicide when we realized they were "sick," but once that fungus is on a tree there is little hope of saving it. All of our lovely blue spruces will eventually be gone. We only have two left now.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. Have you ever known anyone that’s been on tv, including you?

A. Yes. I have been on TV myself and one of my friends' husband is a TV news anchor. I met a lot of TV news reporters who were covering the same story as I was when I was a print journalist. I have also met several Virginia governors, who of course were on TV all the time, and our current member of the state House of Delegates, who is also on TV a great deal, hugs me when he sees me.

2. What do you find yourself buying all the time?

A. Chocolate and books.

3. When was the last time you got a real letter in the mail?

A. Saturday, sort of. I have a friend who sends out mass letters about her life on a quarterly basis.

4. Have you ever lived in a house/apartment that has been broken into?

A. No.

5. Did you walk to school with your friends? Take a school bus? Ever have someone carry your books home from school?

A. I rode a bus until I started high school. Then my mother dropped me off in the mornings on her way to work (she drove right past the high school) and rode the bus home. Then after I turned 16, I drove myself to school. I don't recall anyone ever carrying my books home from school.

6. Do you like pumpkin seeds? Do you carve the pumpkin and roast the seeds? Do you buy packaged, prepared pumpkin seeds?

A. I will eat pumpkin seeds but I don't go out of my way to do so. I haven't carved a pumpkin in years.

7. Does your car or did a family car have a name?

A. No.

8. The first week of October was National Mystery Series Week. Do you sleuth alongside Nancy Drew or Miss Marple? Fan of Nero Wolfe?

A. I was a fan of Nancy Drew and haven't yet checked out the new series but I taped it and am waiting to do so. Otherwise not a fan of the two mentioned, but I liked Sue Grafton's books.

9. Have you ever spent ages writing something on your computer when it suddenly crashed and you lost it all?

A. I have. However, I have my backup settings set to save every 10 minutes now.

10. Are you one of those people who can sleep through anything?

A. No. My husband can, but I cannot.

11. What type or kind of art do you like? And do you draw or paint yourself?

A. I like most any kind of art, even stuff that I don't understand or find weird. I do not draw or paint but I color. I like to color.

12. If you went to London, where would you go first?

A. I would visit my friend who lives in Bolton which is not London but it is in England. If I have to stay in London, then I suppose I would go see Big Ben.

13. What is one quote that you love to quote?

A. "Not all who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien.

14. Do you ever at times see the world in black and white?

A. My eyes are still working well enough that I see colors.

15. Do you believe there is life somewhere else in the universe?

A. Yes. It might not be life like we understand it, but I think that it would not be farfetched to find life of some sort. We will likely never get there, though. We're not that advanced.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Saturday 9: Live Like You Were Dying

Saturday 9: Live Like You Were Dying (2003)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) This song is about a man whose father advises him to live life to the fullest, to become "the friend you'd like to have." How about you? Are you the friend you'd like to have?

A. I try to be. I am not as successful at it as I had hoped, I guess.

2) The song lists several "bucket list" items: skydiving, mountain climbing, riding a bull. Have you done any of those things? Would you like to?

A. I have not done any of those things, nor do I especially want to at my age. I have been up in a hot air balloon. Does that count?

3) In the music video, Tim McGraw is wearing a white button-down shirt, blue jeans and a cowboy hat. Which of those items is in your wardrobe?

A. Blue jeans.

4) He wears a cowboy hat because he is embarrassed by the size of his forehead. When you wear a hat, are you more likely doing it for style, like Tim, or for protection from the elements?

A. I wear a hat now only when it rains, so I guess protection from the elements.

5) McGraw's biological father was Tug McGraw, pitcher for the Mets and Phillies. How did your baseball team do this season?

A. I don't watch baseball.

6) Tim McGraw and wife Faith Hill live just outside of Nashville. They enjoy inviting friends over to sit around a bonfire, drinking beer and playing guitars. Tell us about the most recent get-together you had with friends.

A. I don't have any friends who want to have get-togethers.

7) Tim likes his tattoos. He admits his silliest one -- a leprechaun wearing a cowboy hat -- was acquired during a night of drinking. Do you have a tattoo? If so, are you glad you have it and would you get it again?

A. I do not have a tattoo. My father has one from when he was in the army, or did. I guess he still does.

8) In 2003, when this song was popular, the supersonic Concord took its last flight. When did you most recently board a plane? What was your destination?

A. The last time I was on a plane was in 1993, and I was going to Disney in Orlando.

9) Random question: When did you last walk around the house naked?

A. Not all that long ago, except I had a towel around my wet hair and my house shoes on. The rest of me was unclothed.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thursday Thirteen

1. Celebrate! I finished (more or less) a project that I began in late February - writing a keepsake magazine of Botetourt County for her 250th birthday next year. Still some editing and file arranging to do, but the writing is done.

2. My brother gives me the impression he'd like me to write more about him on my blog. But I don't see him very often. We talk on the phone once a week or so. He is a busy guy. I'm proud of him.

3. I'm not sure what it says about your life when you have an appointment to get your car inspected and the oil changed, and you're looking forward to it.

4. I belonged to a book club that I really enjoyed, but then it took a strange turn. New members, new locations (mostly in the homes of people with pets, and I can't do houses with pets), and a reading list that is cerebral but not fun. I haven't had time to read much anyway, what with working and taking care of my home, but I do miss my book club. I might have to do something about that in the new year.

5. My father wrote a song that I remember him singing when I was child, but I only remember two lines of it. I asked him to write it down for me but I don't think he can remember it, either. I am thinking about writing my own song using those two lines I remember.

6. We have lost a lot of trees on the farm to the emerald ash borer. This is an invasive pest that was first discovered here in 2015. The ash borers totally destroy the tree. Someone told me Hollins University lost a good number of trees to this, too.

7. We are having trouble coming up with decent dinners. I don't like to cook, which doesn't help, so it seems all we eat are chicken, pork, broccoli, carrots, green beans, peas and occasionally mashed potatoes. I need a cookbook: 365 different dinners for people who hate to cook.

8. Sometimes when the sun is just coming up, as it is right now, it reflects off the side of a distant house, and the structure looks like it is on fire. The glow against the windows is fierce.

9. After a big project, my office is wrecked. I guess a clean-up is on my horizon. I will put all my research in one spot and clear off my desk to make way for my next project. Know what that is? Working on the taxes. No wonder I put it off.

10. New moles itch.

11. What will you be for Halloween? It'll be here before you know it. There was a petition to change the date - people come out with that every now and then. Silly folks. Some traditions should be left alone.

12. The people of today are setting up the new mythologies for the civilizations of the future. That's a rather scary thought, isn't it?

13. Some of our literature will survive - there will always be a Frankenstein or a Dracula. Things that play to the darker side of humanity have staying power. I don't think that says much about us as human beings. We should instead have literature that outlives us that is good, like Annie of Green Gables, but only women of a certain age will even recognize that title. Maybe Harry Potter will be the mythology of goodness that lives on.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 625th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Sunday, October 06, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. List 15 things that make you smile.

A. That's a lot of things. Deer outside, seeing my husband happy, holding a baby, writing a good piece, playing a good song, hearing a good song, reading a good book, flowers, chocolate, my friends' voices, an unexpected phone call, a good meal, decent weather, winning a video game, taking a good photo.

2. Name 14 things that make you frown.

A. Can I just say "politics" and leave it at that?

3. List 13 things you see every day.

A. My husband. My computer screen. My cellphone. Books. My camera. Deer. Trees. Grass. Sky. Clouds. Sun. Darkness. My bed.

4. Name 12 things you have always wanted to try.

A. Going into space, visiting the pyramids, visiting the Great Wall of China, touring Scotland, taking a cruise, visiting Alaska, going after my Ph.D., driving over 120 mph., looking through the big telescopes at the universe, using a camera that costs over $10,000, panning for gold, flying a plane.

5. List 11 objects that mean a lot to you.

A. My watch, my wedding band, my computer, my camera, my cellphone, my books (way more than 11 of those), my house, my guitar(s), my staple remover (I call it my "little monster"), my eyeglasses, my Alexa.

6. List 10 places you have been.

A. Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, New York City, San Francisco, Madrid, Paris, Florida.

7. List 9 of your favorite foods.

A. Chocolate, blueberries, strawberries, watermelon, eggs, crackers, popcorn, Smarties, Pop Tarts.

8. Name 8 things you would rather be doing.

A. Sleeping, reading, playing the guitar, watching a good movie, dreaming, taking a shower, shooting photos, talking to my husband.

9. List 7 things you would take to a deserted island.

A. My husband (though he isn't a thing, I guess), packets of vegetable seeds, matches, a book, a signal flare, a satellite cellphone so I could call for help, clothes.

10. List 6 things you wish you never had to do.

A. Clean the toilets, fix dinner, wash dishes, stand in a long line, be angry with someone, listen to political rants

11. Name 5 people that mean the world to you.

A. Husband, brother, father, stepmother, mother-in-law.

12. List 4 of your biggest fears.

A. Being poor and living under a bridge, dying a long slow death, having a loved one die a long slow death (my mother did that and it is awful), losing my mind.

13. Give us 3 words to describe how you feel right now.

A. Tired, old, cranky.

14. Name 2 things you're excited for.

A. I'm nearly finished with my part of writing an entire magazine. I am looking forward to reading a good book.

15. What is 1 thing you want to say to someone?

A. We all put our pants on the same way.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Saturday 9: You Made Me Love You

Saturday 9: (Dear Mr. Gable) You Made Me Love You (1938)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) This version of "You Made Me Love You" is the teenaged Judy Garland's fan letter to Clark Gable. Tell us about one of your teen crushes.

A. I thought Shaun Cassidy was hot once, back when he was in The Hardy Boys.

2) Garland sang to this to Gable at a birthday party thrown for him at MGM. Who is the last person you sang "Happy Birthday" to?

A. My father, I think.

3) Thinking of birthdays . . . Judy received an engagement ring from the man who would be her first husband, David Rose, for her 18th birthday. Are you wearing a ring, or any jewelry, as you answer these 9 questions?

A. No. I just came in and usually the first thing off is bra and jewelry. TMI?

4) It's said Judy's favorite dish was steak and kidney pie. If you could have anything at all for dinner tonight, what would you choose?

A. Well, not that. I'd love to have some shrimp, but I've developed an allergy to it.

5) Judy was ambidextrous, writing with her left hand but playing tennis with her right. Are you equally comfortable using your right and left hands? 

A. I am right handed, but I have to use my left for noting the guitar and other instruments, and for typing. So it does work.

6) To relax between takes of her most famous movie, The Wizard of Oz, Judy read comics in the newspaper. Do you still read a printed newspaper? 

A. I do. Several of them, actually.

7) She could also knit. Judy was known to make blankets and caps for the children of crew members on her films. Do you knit?

A. I have tried. I am not very good at it and it is not something that I find calming.

8) In 1938, when this record was popular, the March of Dimes founded. Do you have any dimes in your wallet (or pocket) right now?

A. No. I have some in a piggy bank, though.

9) Random question: Catsup puddle next to your fries, or a drizzle of catsup on your fries?

A. Puddle. My husband drizzles, but I puddle.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. (#305)

Friday, October 04, 2019


I am so stressed right now that anyone who crosses me will be chewed up and spit out and left for dead along the highway.

You have been warned.

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Thursday Thirteen

1. The older I get, the less patience I have with people who put on airs or think they are better than someone else. Take that stuff someplace else. I have no time for it.

2. Everyday is an adventure. This is supposed to be a good thing that keeps you young. I find it tiring.

3. Trying hard to do the right thing is harder than doing the wrong thing. That's why so many people do the wrong thing. It's easier.

4. The easy way, of course, is not usually the best way.

5. There are right ways and wrong ways, and right-of-ways and recourses, but somewhere along the line somebody has to take an exit.

6. I'm thinking it's time for me to make my exit, stage left. My main project has worn me down and I'm ready to end it and move on to another highway.

7. Sometimes I look up and an hour has passed. I don't know where the time went or how it became later than it was. Those are good hours to lose - I must've been doing something I enjoy.

8. Hours that drag by are not generally enjoyable. Those are hours spent in doctors' offices, or caught in traffic, or standing in line at the store.

9. Today we are forecast to have record-breaking heat. I wonder what the trees think of this weather - drought and heat in October. Poor things. I feel badly for them. I really do.

10. I haven't learned a single new song on my new guitar, but I have improved my playing prowess on older stuff that I already knew but had not practiced in a while. Unfortunately, even though this guitar is much lighter than a regular electric guitar, I can only manage about three songs before I have to put it down. But it is getting better. At first I could only manage one song. And my acoustic guitar feels very light when I pick it up now. So maybe some muscles are strengthening.

11. My office needs a good cleaning. I have papers strewn everywhere. I don't mind the clutter, really, because I can find things, but now that I am close to the end of my big project, I'm ready to clear that out of the way.

12. There are so many things going on in the political arena that I am simply closing my eyes and trying not to see the train wreck.

13. Actually, there seems to be a train wreck at the local level, too. We've become a nation that values incompetence and personality over intelligence and skill. No wonder we are where we are. With those kinds of values, we have we deserve.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 623rd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, October 02, 2019


Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. If you could instill one piece of advice in a newborn baby’s mind, what advice would you give?

A. Time is the most valuable thing you have. Give it away wisely.

2. What is the most desirable trait another person can possess?

A. Intelligence.

3. What are you most grateful for?

A. My husband.

4. Is stealing to feed a starving child wrong?

A. It is wrong but not something I would punish.

5. What do you want most?

A. To be content.

6. Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?

A. Doing the right things correctly.

7. What has life taught you recently?

A. That I am not a nurse.

8. What is the one thing you would most like to change about the world?

A. I would like for kindness and love to be predominate.

9. Where do you find inspiration?

A. Books, music, nature, other people, magazines, lip balm - inspiration is inside of me, it doesn't take much to trigger it sometimes.

10. Can you describe your life in a six word sentence?

A. She married young but lived well.

11. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?

A. Because we are creatures who dislike change, and learning implies change. Indeed, one cannot learn something and not change. So if we make a mistake and do not learn from it, then we have no change. But if we make a mistake and learn from it, then change comes.

12. What impact do you want to leave on the world?

A. I'd like to leave intelligent writings, since I have no offspring with which to burden the world.

13. What is the most defining moment of your life thus far?

A. The death of my mother.

14. In the haste of your daily life, what are you not seeing?

A. That I am stronger than I think I am in some ways, but not quite as strong as I think I am in others.

15. If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

A. Societal mores teach us that we must obey our corporate masters and be lemmings, one with the crowd. As social beings we need others to like us, so we work the job we hate and yearn for the trip to New Zealand.

16. What lifts your spirits when life gets you down?

A. A good song or a hug.

17. Have you ever regretted something you did not say or do?

A. Yes. I can't imagine living 56 years and not doing that.

18. Has your greatest fear ever come true?

A. Not for me, but it has for others and it wouldn't take much to put me in that position.

19. Why do we think of others the most when they’re gone?

A. Because we miss them.

20. What is your most beloved childhood memory?

A. I don't really have a "most beloved" childhood memory. I remember how much I needed school, though. It was my haven. Thank goodness for books and empathetic teachers.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Saturday 9: Shake It Off

Saturday 9: Shake It Off (2014)

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) This song makes Crazy Sam want to dance. What song inspires you to get on your feet?

A. Uptown Funk, by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars

2) Paul McCartney met Taylor Swift at the SNL 40 Anniversary special and told her he really enjoys playing and singing this song. What's the last song you sang along with?

A. Home, by Sheryl Crow

3) The lyrics tell us Swift "shakes off" nasty gossip and unfair criticism. What about you? Do you worry about what others think of you?

A. I suppose I do, but not as much as I once did. People think I'm kind of crazy anyway, so it's all good.

4) Her parents are big music fans, and were going to name their baby (boy or girl) "Taylor" after their favorite artist, James Taylor. Can you think of a singer that your mom and/or dad really enjoyed?

A. Any of the country music artists of their time. My father liked Merle Haggard and Hank Williams.

5) She grew up on an 11-acre Christmas tree farm. Do you get a fresh tree every year, or do you have an artificial tree, or do you not put up a tree at all?

A. We have an artificial tree.

6) Taylor Swift is 5'10". According to the CDC, the average American woman is 5'4" while men are, on average, 5'9". Are you taller or shorter than average?

A. I am 5' 2" on a good day with the wind at my back.

7) She enjoys good, old fashioned mysteries, especially those by Agatha Christie. Are you currently reading a book for pleasure?

A. I am reading The Lord of Rings trilogy again at the moment.

8) Her brother Austin is a freelance photographer who took the official pictures for her 2008 concert tour. Who took the last photo of you?

A. My brother's girlfriend took photos of me at a poetry reading on Tuesday.

9) Random question: What's your go-to comfy outfit?

A. Blue jeans, T-shirt, and blue thing. Blue thing is a fleece sweater-like thing. I have several blue things, some of which are not even blue, but they are all called "blue thing" after the original one, which I wore until it was nothing but threads.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Do You Need to Sit Down, Dear?

My husband is going to have to have surgery on his ankle.

This falls under the heading of BIG DEAL. He will be off his feet for three months and out of work for about five.

Somebody will have to give him blood thinner shots. The doctor looked at me and said, "You get to do it," when we were in his office Monday.

Yeah, right.

I am not a nurse. I do not deal with this kind of thing well. It stresses me and I can think of 100,000 things that will go wrong and not a single thing that will go right.

Yesterday the pharmacy at Kroger called and said we had a prescription to pick up. I had all my drugs but some of my husband's blood pressure medication is on auto fill, so I assumed that was what it was.

This morning I went in to get it.

The pharmacy tech grabbed a clear bag and tossed it on the counter. It was filled with needles. HUGE needles. Cow-sized needles. LONG needles. Needles from hell.

I knew immediately that this was the blood thinner stuff, even though we don't have the surgery scheduled yet. This little doctor fellow is in quite a hurry to do this, I guess.

The needles lay there. I looked at them. I started turning white. I grabbed the counter.

"Are you alright?" the pharmacy tech asked.

"Um. What are those?" I managed to ask. I clung to the counter, hoping my legs were going to hold me. Little black dots were starting to swim around my eyes.

She told me. Blood thinner.

"You don't look so good," she added. "Do you need to sit down?"

"We don't want that now," I stammered. "We don't even have the surgery scheduled." I paused. "And yes, I need to sit down."

She shrugged and said the prescription would be on file for a year, and pointed toward a bench. I hung on to my little buggy for dear life and rolled it to the bench, where I sat for a few minutes trying to collect myself. I did not pass out but I came awfully close.

I'm supposed to give my husband these shots. With needles that look like they should go into an elephant.

Hell will freeze over before that happens.

Anybody want to volunteer?

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Thursday Thirteen

1. Today I have so many things to do, I don't know where to start. So I am starting here, with my Thursday 13 list. So one thing down.

2. Other "to-dos" include paying bills, writing up a roster of the advertisement for the magazine project I'm working on, working on the magazine project, writing an article for another publication, making the bed, doing the dishes, washing clothes, and getting dressed!

3. I have to look at just the next hour - sometimes the next minute - sometimes or I stall out, freaking out over all the stuff I need to be doing but don't particularly want to be doing at that moment.

4. Take a breath and just go down the list, I tell myself. Go make the bed. Go get out of your pajamas.

5. Yesterday I was looking at Facebook and I have started skipping over political posts. Some of the comments on those posts are beyond the pale. Would you talk to your mother like that? Sheesh. If people are very vile I block them, even if I don't know them and would likely never see them again, because I don't want my mind wrapped around their trash.

6. My office looks like a big wind whipped through it. I have papers everywhere.

7. And I have about 20 wild turkeys outside of my office window. I've been seeing them for a while. I think it's a bunch of hatchlings from spring.

8. When I went with my husband to his doctor's appointment earlier this week, I almost fainted when I got off the elevator. I have actually done that before. I don't know what it is with me and elevators, but sometimes they make me lightheaded.

9. There is a poem in every valley, every hollow, every person. But finding it can sometimes be difficult. I'd like to think each poem would be a pretty poem, but in some areas all that one can see is rock and shadow.

10. We are in a drought. I was reading this morning that the water table is dropping and some people are starting to have dry wells. This is not good. Well, it might be good for well drillers, but not for folks who want a shower.

11. I watched the Country Music series by Ken Burns on PBS. I thought it as a little too glib in places, and it could have been twice as long, probably, but you have to stop somewhere. I liked the parts about the Carter family the best.

12. I don't listen to country music. I stopped when I was 9 or 10 - old enough to have a radio in my room and could twist the dial to Adult contemporary. That's what I've listened to since. I like the Eagles, the Doobie Brothers, Elton John, the Bee Gees, Melissa Etheridge, Sheryl Crow. I don't know too many new musicians, though I like Pentatonix. I like the song "Uptown Funk," which is by Mark Ronson featuring Bruno Mars (I know that because Alexa tells me so every time I ask her to play it.). When my husband and I play Song Quiz on Alexa, we fail miserably on the decades after the 1980s. There are new songs I know when I hear them but my ability to retain the titles and musicians seem to have gone away with my age.

13.  There is nowhere to go where you can lose yourself completely. But I think that's where a lot of folks are trying to get to.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 622nd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.