Thursday, October 03, 2019

Thursday Thirteen

1. The older I get, the less patience I have with people who put on airs or think they are better than someone else. Take that stuff someplace else. I have no time for it.

2. Everyday is an adventure. This is supposed to be a good thing that keeps you young. I find it tiring.

3. Trying hard to do the right thing is harder than doing the wrong thing. That's why so many people do the wrong thing. It's easier.

4. The easy way, of course, is not usually the best way.

5. There are right ways and wrong ways, and right-of-ways and recourses, but somewhere along the line somebody has to take an exit.

6. I'm thinking it's time for me to make my exit, stage left. My main project has worn me down and I'm ready to end it and move on to another highway.

7. Sometimes I look up and an hour has passed. I don't know where the time went or how it became later than it was. Those are good hours to lose - I must've been doing something I enjoy.

8. Hours that drag by are not generally enjoyable. Those are hours spent in doctors' offices, or caught in traffic, or standing in line at the store.

9. Today we are forecast to have record-breaking heat. I wonder what the trees think of this weather - drought and heat in October. Poor things. I feel badly for them. I really do.

10. I haven't learned a single new song on my new guitar, but I have improved my playing prowess on older stuff that I already knew but had not practiced in a while. Unfortunately, even though this guitar is much lighter than a regular electric guitar, I can only manage about three songs before I have to put it down. But it is getting better. At first I could only manage one song. And my acoustic guitar feels very light when I pick it up now. So maybe some muscles are strengthening.

11. My office needs a good cleaning. I have papers strewn everywhere. I don't mind the clutter, really, because I can find things, but now that I am close to the end of my big project, I'm ready to clear that out of the way.

12. There are so many things going on in the political arena that I am simply closing my eyes and trying not to see the train wreck.

13. Actually, there seems to be a train wreck at the local level, too. We've become a nation that values incompetence and personality over intelligence and skill. No wonder we are where we are. With those kinds of values, we have we deserve.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 623rd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. I'm less about anything epic than any other time of life. I'm trying not to read to much in your talk of exit.

    1. Exiting my project, is all. It is almost done, thank god. I need some down time.

  2. I enjoy clearing up and around my desk after the end of a project. Until the end, I keep the clutter. Never know when a piece of paper may contain that one missing thought. I'm keeping my eyes open for an electric guitar, because of you. :-)


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