Saturday, August 03, 2024

Happiness Day 3

This morning, I went to the grocery store and found a great-tasting watermelon. I am a terrific watermelon thumper and usually get really nice sweet ones.

My husband, though a farm boy, cannot pick out a decent watermelon. So, the watermelon thumping is left to me.

I also saw one of my friends there.

After lunch, my husband left to go look at some work for his septic tank business, leaving me home alone. I confess I reveled in that. I took my guitar outside and played a few songs to the storm that was brewing. This made me happy because I've had an impingement in my shoulder since February and haven't been able to play the guitar much at all. I have lost the calluses on my fingers and determined today that I would have to play for a few minutes every day even if it hurt to get the calluses back.

I used my 3/4 Yamaha guitar which weighs next to nothing and didn't have much pain from playing, though. That made me very happy.

Then the storm came, along with a close bolt of lightning, so I put away the guitar and picked up the camera. The storm tracked around us, as they have tended to do for the last two years. But I could smell the rain, feel the thunder roll beneath my feet, and watch the streaks in the sky. I could see the rain bands as they went down the mountain.

It was fantastic.


Happy August Happiness Challenge!
Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.


  1. I miss sitting on my Nana's porch watching the storms roll in.

  2. Watermelon is such a great summer treat and I'm glad you got a good one. Here's a sentence I never ever thought I'd write: Good luck developing those calluses!

  3. Hot days are meant for cold watermelon! I hope you are back to callused fingertips soon.


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