Saturday, August 03, 2024

Saturday 9: Ghostbusters

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

This month we're going to recall Summer Songs. These will all be records that topped the charts during August.

1) Number 1 on the charts in August 40 years ago, "Ghostbusters" was written quickly. The Ghostbusters producers originally approached Lindsay Buckingham to write the movie theme. Buckingham took a long time to say no, and the film's production date could not be changed. That left Ray Parker Jr. only a few days to come up with a song. Do you work well with a tight deadline?

A. Actually, I do. Deadlines stress me out, but I have been known to leave something until I absolutely had to do it and then cranked out great work. Part of that is I think I need a lot of pre-thinking before writing something, and I've basically written it in my head when the time comes to sit down, but sometimes that is not the case. Now that I am older, I try harder to stay ahead on projects and not wait until the last minute.

2) Parker recalls he got his inspiration from a late-night TV commercial that kept encouraging viewers to call, call, call. What's the most recent business that you phoned, and why were you calling?

A. The last business we called was the heating and air conditioning people. We called because they replaced the heat pump under warranty back on June 19 and they still haven't sent us the paperwork on that, and we need it for the warranty. I let my husband make this call because I would not have been nice about it, since this is the third time we've asked for the information.

3) The music video was directed by Ivan Reitman, who also directed the movie. It features a variety of celebs saying "Ghostbusters!" None of them were paid for this, they all did it as a favor to Reitman. Have you more recently done or received a favor?

A. My husband rubbed some stuff on my back to help it. So, he did me a favor. But after he did that, I helped him with a cushion he needed for a tractor seat, so I did him a favor.

4) In 2009, Ray Parker Jr. made the Ghostbusters theme available as a ring tone. What's your phone's ring tone?

A. My phone ringtone is the theme of the One Ring from The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy.

5) This song is so enduringly popular that a 2020 documentary about Parker is titled, "Who You Gonna Call?" If you were to write a memoir or authorize a documentary about your life, what would you call it?

A. The Fearless Bumpkin.

6) Early in his career, Ray was in demand as a session musician. He played guitar on the records of some of the 70s most successful female singers, including Tina Turner, Chaka Khan, Aretha Franklin, Gladys Knight and Diana Ross. Of those ladies, which is your favorite?

A. Tough call on those choices. I guess I would go with Aretha Franklin because I really like the song RESPECT, although Tina Turner is a close second.

Let's look at the summer of 1984.

7) Released in June, the original Ghostbusters was a huge hit throughout the summer. Have you seen it? Did you see the sequel that was released this past spring?

A. I saw the original Ghostbusters at the theater. I have not seen the sequel.

8) Beverly Burns became the first female captain of a Boeing 747. She was a pilot for People Express Airways, an airline which later merged with Continental, and Continental then merged with United. Do you recall which airline you flew when you took your first flight?

A. I'm afraid I have no idea. My first flight was in 1979 and that was a very long time ago.

9) Ronald Reagan joked about bombing Russia during a mic check for a radio interview. He was embarrassed when the comment was leaked and broadcast around the world. Have you recently felt embarrassed?

A. I was slightly embarrassed Friday when I could not remember someone's name, but that's become almost a personal joke because I can't remember most people's names. I try not to let on that I am clueless as to identity. It happens so often that I have to shrug it off and let it go. I know that I am supposed to know these people, I just can't remember why or how I know them, or who they are. Sometimes I remember hours or days later. Most times not.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. #9: I get it because my lack of direction is a joke among my friends. Always has been. I can't blame it on "senior moments." I used to get lost trying to find my classes during the first week of high school.

  2. These days I also have trouble with names.

  3. I went back and forth on #6--but I most recently heard a Tina Turner song and went with her.

  4. I feel like we have met a lot of people in life at our age and we could not possibly remember them all. I have run into people that have forgotten my name and I just tell them right big deal. I actually assume they do not know my name. Hahahaha. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥

  5. Forgetting names is annoying. I had to ask my friend the name of a person I was talking to. I know I am not alone in this. It can be frustrating. I do worry about it at times because my mom got Alzheimer's. The loss of muscle worries me more. I hope you have a nice weekend!


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