Thursday, August 10, 2023

Happiness Challenge - Day 10


I saw a buck in velvet this morning. He was like a shadow, moving quickly across the glen, but I caught a visual of him and his beautiful horns. My deer always make me happy.

Today I worked on an editing project, and it is nice to have work to do. Especially this kind of work, which I can pick up and put down at my leisure. And it's work I enjoy. That always helps.

Most of the day I was alone, and I enjoyed that as well. I like my alone time.

I finished a Neil Gaiman audiobook, Norse Mythology, this morning, too. I learned a lot about that mythology that I hadn't known. I knew a bit of it, and I could hear echoes of other mythologies in it, but it was good to learn something new.


  1. Alone time is the perfect time to recharge your personal battery, and it sounds like you did just that!


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