Friday, June 12, 2020

A Day of Firsts

Today I baked my first cake completely from scratch.

I am no cook, and I have always used a Pillsbury or Duncan Hines mix. I'm pretty sure that is the way my mother taught me to make a cake, actually. Get the mix.

No mix today. Boy howdy, I went with the flour, eggs, butter and vanilla. I made a butter cake with buttercream icing. It seemed like the easiest thing to try.

It turned out ok. I think it will be dry in a day or two, though, and not moist, because I am keeping it in the refrigerator (do you need to keep buttercream icing in the fridge? I have no idea.). I have a feeling we won't eat all of it because by Monday I will be throwing it out.  But hey, I gave it a go and it turned out ok. There's also the thing that most of my ingredients are old - I don't even know how old. They didn't have bugs in them so I went for it.

I also tried out a new song this afternoon and I think it'll be one I can do, 'cept I need to slow it down a little. It's easy to play, a little more difficult to sing 'cause the timing is just a bit weird. I'll practice it a few times and maybe record it. We'll see. Nobody is watching those recordings anyway.

What else? I think that was it. But cake, icing, and a new song in one day is pretty good.


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