Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. What is the most fun thing you have ever done?

A. I find it rather sad that I have to think about this. I don't do a lot of "fun" things. So I'm thinking. Oh! I don't know if it is the most fun thing but it is probably one of the most interesting and exhilerating. I went up in a hot air balloon and flew over Botetourt County. My husband was invited to go but he opted to stay with the follow/landing crew while I shot up in the air. Did you know that when you're up there, you can hear everything below you as if you were standing right beside the dog barking or the cattle mooing, so long as the heat isn't going "whoosh"? It was amazing. I won a writing award for an article I wrote about my adventure.

2. Are you left-handed or right-handed?

A. I am right-handed.

3. What is the nicest thing someone has ever done for you?

A. My husband married me. Ha. My aunts stepped in and helped tremendously when my mother was ill and dying. My friend Teresa hauled me to physical therapy for a while when I was too sick to drive myself.

4. What is the biggest animal you’ve seen in the wild?

A. A bear. I have some pictures here somewhere.

5. What is the smallest animal you’ve seen in the wild?

A. What are we calling animals? Peepers? (Those are little tiny frogs that make a lot of noise in spring, for you city folk.) Or maybe the question is referring to a mammal? In that case, it would be a mouse or a chipmunk.

6. Do you ever have funny dreams at night?

A. Most of my dreams are nightmares or night terrors.

7. If you could make a law for your country, what would it be?

A. Every person running for the Office of President shall undergo four (4) physical and mental health examinations, one by the highest-ranking doctor in each section of the Armed Forces, with said results made public in their entirety. Additionally, every person running for the Office of President shall reveal all financial information about his or her self, including but not limited to tax returns, credit score, net worth, liabilities, assets, etc.

8. What would you do if you were invisible for a day?

A. I'm a woman over a certain age. I'm already invisible every day.

9. If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be?

A. I would be the Goddess Athena.

10. What would you like to change about yourself?

A. I'm fat. I'd like to be un-fat.

11. What is your daily routine?

A. I am awakened in the mornings by Alexa making a warbling noise. I say, "Alexa, shut up," without opening my eyes, but then I take some medication and put a heating pad on my belly, and she goes off again 15 minutes later. I rise, go to the little girl's room, put on my robe, put water in my tea kettle and set it to boil, turn on my computer and check my email, go back into the kitchen to make my tea, drink my tea while I am reading the morning news. Take a shower, dress, make the bed, do laundry, empty the dishwasher, work on writing jobs if I have them.

12. What would your perfect day be like?

A. A handsome man (might as well have something to look at) would swoop down in a helicopter and ferry me and my husband to the airport, where my private jet awaited (my husband can have a sexy jet pilot to look at). From there, we'd fly to New York for an evening on the town, with dinner at a luxurious restaurant and then a Broadway play.

13. How old were you when you learned to read?

A. I was two or three. I learned very young.

14. What is the most interesting thing you know?

A. I know lots of interesting things. But the most interesting thing I know is that I don't really know anything.

15. What makes you nervous?

A. Wind. I really dislike high wind.

16. What is your favourite flower?

A. I like irises and roses.

17. Have you ever ridden on a horse or any other animal?

A. Yes. When I was a child my mother had a horse and we had a pony. Unfortunately the pony bolted with me on it one time and I fell off and either broke or badly bruised a rib. After that I refused to ride again.

18. What time do you go to bed?

A. I usually go to bed at 10 p.m.

19. What time do you get up?

A. My first alarm goes off at 6:15 a.m. and my second alarm goes off at 6:30 a.m.

20. Do you know how to swim?

A. Yes. I haven't been swimming in a long time, though.

I encourage you to visit other participants in
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. #6...your dreams...Josh told me the same thing. He says he only has nightmares. One of the medicines they gave him made the nightmares go away, but they changed his medicine and he is back to having nightmares. :(
    Your perfect day sounds wonderful! So does your hot air balloon ride! I did not know that you could hear things from the ground as if you were standing there. I think that is an interesting fact! Loved your answers! Have a great day!

  2. You wouldn't like it here today. We are having wind gusts up to 60 mph. I'm not really liking it, either. I'm not nervous, I just don't like it.

    1. One of my favorite movies is 「The Wind」(1928, USA, B&W, silent) starring Lillian Gish; the incessant wind becomes unnerving and drives her character to the brink of madness.

  3. Living near Albuquerque, city of the International Balloon Fiesta, we see hot air balloons in the sky all the time. Sometimes as many as 50, just on a regular day. I often think I'd like to go up in one, but heights are not my thing. I don't mind planes, because I'm enclosed. I'd love to read your story about your adventure!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I would say a hot air balloon sounds like great fun!! I agree about the president but probably not for same reason... I find that a very wealthy man worked worked hard all of his life at age nigh unto 70 decides to serve his country for free is probably so rich I couldnt count the zeroes at the end of his net worth whereas a man who comes into the job never having worked a day in his life but leaves office a multimillionaire and his college daughter is worth 275 million as well.. something fishy is going on!

  6. Hot air balloon ride does sound fun.
    Sorry you feel invisible.
    Sorry you never, literally, got back up on the horse. But I get it. I've seen people get thrown and hurt as a result. It isn't for everyone.

  7. #8 -- I could have written that! :)

    Now, about your magazine ... Do you have a UPS Store nearby? If so, give them a call. I have a friend in real estate who uses them for her newsletters and brochures. Her location has a graphic designer on staff a couple days a week who flows her content into a template she chose. My friend doesn't have a lot to spend, so I know they must be reasonable. If your UPS Store doesn't have an onstaff designer, maybe they can recommend somebody.

  8. How cool that you went up in a balloon!
    I agree with your presidential requirements but would add a bit more. I want a background check and proof of citizenship so there would be no question from anyone!

  9. They use to set the balloons up across from where I lived when I was in my apartment. I would wake up on Sat or Sun morning to "whoosh" "whoosh" as they filled with air. Then I would watch them take flight. It was a beautiful site to watch early on a quiet morning. I like your choice of Goddess and I totally understand being invisible... but sometimes that comes in handy! Ha!ha!


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