Saturday, October 28, 2017

Saturday 9: Monster Mash

Saturday 9: Monster Mash (1962)

Unfamiliar with this week's featured song? Hear it here.

(Just so my Sat 9 friends know, I DID visit your blogs last week and left messages supposedly under my google account from my cell phone. But when I look they are not there. Sorry. I don't know what went wrong.)

1) In your younger days, did you ever trick or treat while dressed as a monster or ghoul?

A. I think I was mostly a hobo, although there may have been a year somewhere in there where I was a witch.

2) Do you enjoy being frightened by celluloid boys-gone-bad, like Michael Myers (Halloween) or Jason (Friday the 13th)?

A. Nope. I don't watch those movies anymore.

3) When you were a kid, did you ever TP a neighbor's house or indulge in any other Halloween acts of vandalism? (Don't worry, the statute of limitations is up.)

A. Maybe the year I was 16 we might have tossed a little toilet paper.

4) Will you be attending any Halloween parties this year? If so, will you dress up?

A. No and no.

5) Can you see any Halloween decorations as you answer these 9 questions?

A. No, I'm afraid not. Well, there is the spider in the corner of the room that I can't reach with the broom.

6) While Halloween is most popular in the United States and Canada, and isn't really celebrated at all in Japan or South Korea. How would you explain our Halloween customs to a visitor from another land?

A. "We dress up as whatever we want in order to be somebody else for a little while, and stuff our faces with candy. It's a secular holiday now, though it once had sacred meaning. Mostly it's an excuse for Mars and Hershey's to sell candy. It's like Christmas - a consumer holiday, only with scary stuff instead of Santa Claus."

7) "Monster Mash" is one of Halloween's most played songs. Are you happy to hear it every year? Or does it set your teeth on edge?
A. I think it's a cute song, so I don't mind hearing it.
8) This week's featured artist, Bobby "Boris" Pickett, started as a stand-up comedian who incorporated his imitations of Boris Karlof and Bela Lugosi into his act. Can you impersonate anyone?
A. Not anyone famous.
9) Dick Clark was an impossibly young looking 33 in this week's featured clip. Are you often told you look good for your age?

A. Not often, no. Mostly I am told I have pretty skin, whatever that means.
I encourage you to visit other participants in
Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.


  1. Pretty accurate description of Halloween. I noticed, though, that the stores seemed to have a little less Halloween stuff this year and more Fall decorations...and a lot more Thanksgiving decorations when not that long ago it was impossible to find any. There were less big yard displays this year, too. Time to move on to the next fad?

  2. Loved reading here, and your responses to Question five and six are hilarious and so very clever!
    Good skin is a way of saying beautiful, and I believe that your wedding picture and the one on this blog say the rest.

  3. Be careful with #5. She might be Wilbur's friend, Charlotte.

  4. Having pretty skin is a good thing. Personally, I am glad to be done with all of that zit-stuff.

  5. I am not seeing as many yard displays of Halloween decorations, but there are a lot more parties for kids to go to--the local University dorms had a huge kid's party, the town's rec center had a big party, and a couple of local churches are sponsoring Trunk-or-Treat parties this year. I'm nostalgic for Halloween from my childhood, I don't like these changes!

  6. I love your description of Halloween.


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