Monday, August 28, 2017

When Turkeys Fight

Last week, around 7:50 a.m., I heard a racket on the other end of the house. At first I thought it was the washing machine, but I quickly realized it was not that. I went into the kitchen and heard a sound as if something was trying to climb through the stove venting into the house. I went to the door to look.

Two tom turkeys were deadlocked together, having a nasty fight, and caught in between my heat pump and the house. They'd stomped on the stove vent, ruined my water gauge, turned over and broke several flower pots, and were turning purple in the head as they tried to kill one another.

I screamed at them to "shoo" and "get away from my damn heat pump," mostly because I was afraid they were going to pull wiring loose. They finally moved away from the heat pump, but they continued to fight. I yelled some more and they paid me no attention.

The birds come up my chest and are huge. I had no intention of trying to separate them, so I did what people normally do nowadays.

I picked up my camera.

This was about as close as I dared get.

I shall eat you, you fowl bird.

Let's dance. Put on your red shoes!

Definitely not love.

Turkey waltz?

I am going to eat your face! Forsooth!

Let me have a taste of your upper beak.

Which turkey shall prevail?


There shall only be one Major Tom in this crowd!

A rally and a come back.

Give up, or I shall eat your face again!

Yes, we are taller than the heat pump.

Do I hear someone screaming, "No, stay away from the heat pump!" while I eat your face?

If I can't beat you one way, I shall body slam you into this garage door.

As if! I am going to eat your face again!

Maybe we should make tracks?

The devastation from the fight.
Thus endeth the rain gauge. The gnome survived.

The flower pot looked a bit worse for wear.

Most of it was salvageable.

Turkey feathers everywhere.

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Sunday Stealing: Art History

From Sunday Stealing

1. Do you look forward to the spring?

A. In the winter I do. We're heading into Autumn now. Spring is a long way away.

2. Which area of the sciences do you enjoy the most?

A. I think we could all use a bit more alethiology (study of truth) and kalology (study of beauty). I liked archeology and geology when I was younger but did not follow that route. I suppose one could say I have been studying linguistics (language) all of my life, since I write.

3. If you could own a classical statue in the form of any figure from myth, religion, or even modern fiction, who would you choose?

A. I would like a trio figure featuring Athena, Artemis, and Demeter.

4. Do you have a good relationship with your mother?

A. My mother passed away 17 years ago last week. I do not think we had the best mother-daughter relationship out there, but I tried.

5. What is your favorite mythological story?

A. I always loved the story of Persephone, and how Hades kidnapped her and took her to the underworld. She ate three pomegranate seeds and thus was forced to stay at least part of the time in the underworld. We have the seasons because her mother, Demeter, mourns during the months her daughter is away. That is winter.

6. If you were to put on a big feast, what would you serve?

A. I'd serve Cornish game hens in orange sauce, stuffing, rolls, green beans, spinach, fried yellow squash and zucchini, and chocolate cake with ice cream and/or whipped cream for dessert.

Fortunately, I don't put on big feasts.

7. How do you have fun? (What is your favorite 'Earthly Delight'?)

A. I don't have fun. I'm not even sure I know what the word means. I read for pleasure, I like video games, I enjoy traveling if I am well. I love to write and answer these silly memes and do other blog posts. I enjoy fantasy. But I don't think I have a favorite "earthly delight."

8. Do you often look for hidden messages and meanings?

A. I don't have to look for them. They generally hit me over the head and point themselves out to me.

9. Have you ever received an award or special position?

A. I received a dozen Virginia Press Association awards for my news writing over the years. I was appointed to the local library board and served as its chair. (During my time there we added on to one library and built another.) I served as president of the local historic society for a few years.

10. If a revolution was about to happen in your country, would you be part of it?

A. I think I already am. I think we all are, whether we want to be or not.

11. Have you ever planned an act of revenge?

A. No. At least, not consciously. I don't think that way.

12. What is the most dramatic thing you have ever done?

A. I can't of anything as an adult. When I was a teenager, I ran away from home for a day.

13. Do you care about your weight?

A. I do, but I am not able to manage it.

14. Is your life moving too slowly or too fast?

A. Some days it is a little of both.

15. Do you prefer to stay in the shade?

A. Yes. My medication makes the sun bother me and I do not do "heat" well.

16. If you could have any mural on your ceiling, what would it look like?

A. It would be something the Lord of the Rings movies. Maybe Rivendell.

17. Do you enjoy the countryside?

A. I live on a farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. It is the most beautiful countryside in the world.
The view out my office window.

18. Are you a romantic?

A. To a point. I also am well aware of the realities of the world.

19. What is your favorite historic subject?

A. My local history, which I have written about and studied for the last 30 years.

20. Do you prefer landscape paintings?

A. Actually, yes, I do. I also prefer to take landscape or animal pictures over taking photos of people.

21. Are you interested in social issues?

A. Yes, I am. I give to various charities/organizations involved in things I care about and read as much about what is going on in the world as I can.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Saturday 9: I Wish It Would Rain

Saturday 9: I Wish It Would Rain (1968)

. . . because Janelle recommended the Temptations

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song focuses on rain. Ombrophobia -- the fear of rain -- is fairly common in children. How do you feel about rainy days?

A. Rainy days and Mondays always get me down. They even make me talk to myself and feel old and like I want to quit because nothin' ever seems to fit.

2) Lead singer David Ruffin always wore corrective lenses. Are you wearing glasses or contact lenses as you answer these questions?

A. I have on (expensive) progressive lenses. Can't see a thing without 'em.

3) Those thick-rimmed glasses were David's trademark. When he custom-ordered a luxury car, he had the image of those glasses painted on the door. Tell us something that makes your vehicle distinctive.

A. Dirt, I guess. I live on a long dirt driveway and it gets dirty. Otherwise, it's just a white Camry. I don't put stickers on my vehicles. Oh, wait, I have the thing around my license plate that says Hollins Alumnae on it. I guess that would be considered distinctive. I do have that, don't I? Darn. Now I have to go get up and look. I'm back. Yes, I do have that around my license plate. I thought I did.

4) David also had a penchant for mink. Rumor has it that he wore a mink-lined hat and even had that car upholstered in mink. If you could really splurge on anything right now, what would it be? Car? Travel? Clothes? Jewelry? (NO responsible answers allowed.)

A. Let's say I had won the $730 million PowerBall. If I cannot be responsible with it, then I shall own a mansion with 52 rooms, five of those libraries, one full of arcade video games, another full of computers, and the most lavish bathroom this side of the rumored Trump's golden thrones. I would buy my own jet airplane and hire my own pilot. The plane would be plush, totally first class, with room for about 10 people. I would have four secretaries (excuse me, "personal assistants") to do my bidding, from writing up letters and emails to whatever else I wanted done. I would go to New York and go to some big clothing place (sorry, not up on designers) and have a full wardrobe made for me and my fat butt, one that would make me look like a beautiful big body and not a plunky f*cked up housewife.

5) He sings that he badly wants to go outside. What are your plans for today? Will you be outdoors very much?

A. I need to weed my flowerbed, and if the humidity is low, then I shall do that. Otherwise, I most likely will be inside.

6) The Temptations originally called themselves The Elgins because in 1960, Elgin watches were the high-end timepiece of choice. Today, in the age of cellphones and FitBits, wristwatches aren't that popular anymore. Do you often wear a watch?

A. I wear a watch from the time I get up until I go to bed. I have for as long as I can remember. My favorite watch was a Waltham moon and stars, which got damaged when a jeweler messed up the back changing out the battery. He gave me a new watch in exchange but I never liked it as well as I did that Waltham. That was around 1995. Waltham doesn't make watches like that anymore. It had a dual-colored silver and gold stretch band. It looked something like this, but not exactly:

7) This sad song was inspired by a real-life event. Motown songwriter Rodger Penzabene discovered his wife was cheating on him. Much to his own surprise, he didn't want to divorce or even separate from her; he just wanted her to love him and only him again. Tell us about a time when you didn't react as you thought you would. (Your story doesn't have to be as dramatic as Rodger's.)

A. I surprised myself by the ferocity of my reaction to the November 2016 election.

8) In 1968, when this song was popular, a Pittsburgh McDonald's sold the first Big Mac (two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickle and onion on a sesame seed bun). Describe your perfect hamburger.

A. One beef patty. A bun with a top and bottom and not sesame seed. Cheese. Catsup. Mayo. Lettuce. No onion, no mustard.

9) Random question: When you catch a cold, do you soldier through it? Or are you a big baby?

A. I usually get really sick when I catch a cold because of my asthma, and end up in bed. So I guess I'm a big baby but at the same time I'm not a whiny baby. I just go to bed until I can get back up.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Our "Eclipse Party"

As I noted in a blog post on Monday, I had serious concerns about my camera equipment and my ability to get the photos I wanted during our 90% eclipse.

I had resigned myself to trying to use my Nikon D3200, which doesn't have a movable monitor. This meant that in order to see the eclipse through the monitor and line things up, I was going to have to turn myself into a pretzel or something, since I needed to use a tripod and the self-timer on the camera.

Inspiration hit when I went to the bathroom. No, not that kind of inspiration! I figured out a way to put the solar film over my Nikon Coolpix P500, which is a point and shoot and truly my favorite camera.


I placed the solar film over the toilet paper tube, cut the tub in a few places so it would slide over the extension/zoom on my camera, and viola! I could now use the camera with the moveable monitor and the one with the best zoom on it. All I had to do was take the solar film on and off.

This worked well, as you can see from the photos.

With that all set, and my glasses available (including some that Amazon supposedly recalled and said they would refund me for, but no money has yet fallen into my account), my husband and I, along with my mother-in-law, settled in to watch the totality on TV and the eclipse from our area.

My goofy husband models his eclipse glasses.

We went old school, too, and made viewers out of cereal boxes.

My mother-in-law with her ball cap and dark sunglasses.

During the 90% part, it was this dark. The world seemed more like a burnt orange color, which unfortunately did not show up in the photo. But it did grow rather dark. The rooster down the street crowed the entire time the eclipse was going on.

My husband takes a gander at the sun through his special specs.

My mother-in-law looking through her special specs.

It was fun to take the afternoon off and enjoy a Mother Nature show. For me, the best thing was that for a few minutes there, we were once again a united people, with a lot of us, anyway, enjoying a spectacle that didn't involve death or destruction and nothing but warnings to not look at the sun (which you shouldn't do anyhow). See, we can come together and overcome our differences. We just have to do it in the 2 minutes of darkness during a total eclipse.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Thursday Thirteen

Today is the anniversary of my mother's death from pancreatic cancer. This is also the cancer that killed Patrick Swayze and Steve Jobs. My husband's aunt also died from it.

Here are some facts about this cancer, which is one of the worst kinds of cancer to have.

1. Pancreatic cancer has the lowest survival rate of all cancers – just 3-6% of those diagnosed survive for five years.

2. During World Pancreatic Cancer Day, 905 people across the globe will die from pancreatic cancer.

3. Survival has improved for most cancers over the last 40 years but not for pancreatic cancer.

4. Early diagnosis is key: If patients are diagnosed in time for surgery, their chance of surviving 5 years or more increases ten-fold.

5. Pancreatic cancer has been underfunded for decades and receives less than 2% of overall cancer research funding.

6. Pancreatic cancer is the 12th most common cancer in the world, with 338,000 new cases diagnosed in 2012.

7. Pancreatic cancer is the 7th most common cause of cancer death across the world.

8. Pancreatic cancer is more common in developed countries but it is on the rise in developing countries like Africa and India.

9. Pancreatic cancer is nearly always diagnosed too late with 80% of pancreatic cancer patients having terminal disease with an average life expectancy of a mere 4-6 months.

10. The pancreas lies behind the stomach and in front of the spine. It works to help the body use and store energy from food by producing hormones to control blood sugar levels and digestive enzymes to break down food.

11. Pancreatic cancer occurs when abnormal cells in the pancreas grow out of control, forming a mass of tissue called a tumor.

12. Symptoms of pancreatic cancer can be very vague and depend on whether the tumor is in the head, body or tail of the pancreas. Abdominal pain is a symptom in about 70% of pancreatic cancer cases and jaundice (also known as icterus) occurs in about 50% of cases.

13. Pancreatic cancer affects men and women equally.

Information from

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 514th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Eclipse Photos

There are pictures of the sun/eclipse alone. I'll do a second post showing the things that went on to get this done.

The full sun around 11 a.m.

The eclipse around 2 p.m.

We had cloud cover off and on during the event. This was taken through some thin clouds.

About 2/3 gone, probably around 2:15 p.m.

At or close to the 90% coverage we were going to get here in SW VA.

The moon starting to move on past.

We had almost total cloud cover for the latter part of the eclipse.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Preparing for the Eclipse

Today is the big day for the total eclipse in the USA. We are in the 90% partial eclipse range, so won't see the total eclipse but will have a near-full partial instead.

We have purchased solar glasses (Amazon has told us not to use the ones we bought, so we got others, but they both say the same thing on them). I purchased solar film that I had hoped to somehow use on my Nikon Coolpix P500, because it is my favorite camera and I am most familiar with its settings, but there is no way to affix the solar film without it causing an issue with the camera. So I have decided instead to use my D3200 with a 200mm lens on it. The lens is not what I wanted; the Coolpix has a far superior zoom. Plus the D3200 is a more expensive camera and I'd rather not burn out the sensors. My other option is my Nikon D40, which is my oldest DSLR, but it doesn't allow you to take pictures through the monitor and I feel like I need to look at the sun through the camera monitor, not the eye piece. Plus it doesn't automatically focus anymore. It works fine with a manual focus but part of it is broken.

My husband has made two cereal box things that allow you to look at the spot and see the moon coverage, so I will at least have an idea of when to go try to shoot photos. I intend to also take photos of the area around us, just to see what happens. I want to go in the woods in the back, for example, while the eclipse is about halfway, just to see what kind of shadows are around me.

Wish me luck. This is all new stuff to me, and to be honest I do not know the D3200 as well as I should because I haven't fooled with enough, so I am having doubts about my ability to get it to do what I want it to. We shall see.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sunday Stealing: Something Different

Sunday Stealing

1. What is a normal thing that took you an embarrassingly long time to learn?

A. Cooking. I am still learning how to cook. We don't starve, but we do not eat gourmet, either.

2. In what ways are you old-fashioned?

A. I still believe that people are inherently good and I say please, thank you, yes ma'am, and no sir.

3. What is the best sandwich you've ever eaten? Where did you get it? What made it so delicious?

A. I think the best sort-of sandwich I've ever had was the chicken salad at White Oak Tea, which was a local tea house. It was great because the chicken salad was made without huge lumps of chicken, and it had things like cranberries and other little goodies in it.

4. What are you currently not bragging about that you should totally brag about?

A. How many steps I am managing to do on my Fitbit. It is not the 10,000 steps one aims for, but for someone with my health issues, I'm doing well. (Update: this morning I received a notice that I've walked 250 miles according to Fitbit since I got it, which was back in late April.)

5. What food have you never tasted and are most interested in trying?

A. Something French. I don't know what it would be. I've had escargot so it would have to be something besides that.

6. What history facts were you surprised to learn because it was never covered in school?

A. When I went to college and we studied the 1800s in the United States, and how the government stole land from the Native Americans and did not live up to treaties, I was, well, not surprised, exactly, but more like angry that I'd been taught the narrative that our government only did good things and never did anything wrong.

7. What is something that you waited entirely too long to start or stop doing? What made you say "Why did I wait so long?"

A. Going to the doctor about health concerns.

8. What socially expected thing do you hate doing the most? What thing about polite society really grinds your gears?

A. I hate to shake hands. I dislike germs. When I was working as a news reporter, I was expected to shake hands with every county official. I would do it and go straight to the washroom to wash my hands. Every. Single. Meeting. I also think that black tie is overdoing it for most things. It looks pretty on other people but I am not much on wearing it.

9. What is something about your city that I should know if I'm going to visit? What is the hidden "must see" that you always tell friends and visitors to not miss?

A. I think I'd send you up to Roaring Run to hike the trail and see the waterfall and the remains of the old iron furnaces.

10. What do you miss most about childhood?

A. Nothing.

11. What "fact" did you learn in school that is not true or no longer true?

A. That's a loaded question, isn't it? But I will go with Pluto was a planet. Pluto has been downgraded and is no longer a planet, but I think that poor dwarf planet has been short changed.

12. What's your favorite piece of useless trivia?

A. My county was founded in 1770 and named after Norborne Berkley, Baron de Botetourt and Governor of Virginia from 1768 to 1770.

13. What's your best go to homemade "lazy" meal?

A. A baked potato.

14. What's the title of this current chapter in your life?

A. The Criminal Got Away (I'm thinking of the doctor who messed up my surgery with this title.)

15. What is a habit or practice that you learned from your childhood that you didn't realize was "weird" until you were an adult?

A. I tend to roll my eyes at stupidity. It's a bad "tell" and one that I can't seem to stop. These days my eyes are practically rolling around in my head like a hamster in a ball.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Saturday 9: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Saturday 9: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)

. . . because Joy recommended it

Here's a Paul McCartney version of the title song.

1) The Beatles recorded this after they had taken a three-month hiatus from working together as a band. Do you find you're sharp after taking time off? Or does it take you a while to get back into the swing of things in your day-to-day life?

A. It depends on how good the time off was. A stressful time off does not do me much good.

2) During those three months off, John Lennon made a movie called How I Won the War. What's the last movie you watched? Did you view it at a theater, on TV, or from a device like a computer or tablet?

A. I last watched Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them on the TV.

3) Paul McCartney and George Harrison both used their time off to make new and different music. Paul composed instrumentals for a movie soundtrack while George studied sitar with Ravi Shankar. Ringo Starr spent those three months with his wife and their two little boys. If you had three months to spend doing anything you wanted, and money was no object, would you try something new (like Paul and George) or just kick back and relax (like Ringo)?

A. I would like to travel a little and see some new things. Actually I think a 3-month cruise that takes in Italy and Greece sounds nice.

4) Paul recalls what fun it was to dress up in Edwardian-era costumes for the album cover. When did you last attend a costume party? What did you wear?

A. I do not think I have ever attended a costume party.

5) Paul says he came up with the name "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" when Beatle friend Mal Evans told him about this great San Francisco band, Big Brother and the Holding Company. Paul hadn't heard their music yet, but he loved the sound of their six-word band name. Soon everyone would hear of Big Brother. Do you know who Big Brother's famous lead singer was?

A. Janis Joplin. Didn't have to look that one up at all.

6) Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band appeared on the Billboard charts for 175 weeks. Is this album in your collection?

A. I think the version with Elton John and the BeeGees (wasn't it the BeeGees?) is in my collection, not the original.

7) The Beatles are among the top-selling artists of all time in Zimbabwe and Ethiopia. Would you like to visit Africa?

A. Sure, if I were healthy and somebody could give me really strong sunscreen and somehow keep the bugs from eating me alive. I hear the drums echoing tonight; she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation. She's coming in 12:30 flight, the moonlit wings reflect me towards salvation. . . . I bless the rains down in Africa.

8) 50 years ago, when Sgt. Pepper was first released, the average price for gas was 33¢/gallon. When did you last fill up your gas tank? Do you remember how much it cost?

A. $1.96/gallon. I filled it up on Wednesday.

9) Random question: Are most of your married friends happily married?

A. To my knowledge most of them are, yes. What goes on behind closed doors generally stays there, as it should unless life is in danger. I can think of two married couples with issues, but most of my married friends seem happy with one another.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Thursday Thirteen

1. Molds are fungi that can be found everywhere. Thousands of mold species exist, many of which have not been scientifically documented. Fungi and other primitive life-forms go back at least 2.8 billion years. They are one of the oldest life-forms on earth.

2. Molds grow best in warm, damp, and humid conditions, and spread and reproduce by making spores. Mold spores can survive harsh environmental conditions, such as dry conditions, that do not support normal mold growth.

3. Here are some common indoor molds: Cladosporium, Penicillium, Alternaria, and Aspergillus. (They sound like a venereal disease, a cure, an alternative universe, and a vegetable, don't they?)

4. People who are sensitive to molds (which is probably everybody, they just don't react as strongly as others), experience symptoms like nasal stuffiness, eye irritation, wheezing, or skin irritation.

5. Severe reactions frequently occur among workers exposed to large amounts of molds in occupational settings, such as farmers working around moldy hay.

6. Severe reactions include fever and shortness of breath. Some people with chronic lung illnesses, such as obstructive lung disease, may develop mold infections in their lungs.

7. In 2004 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) linked indoor mold exposure to upper respiratory tract symptoms, cough, and wheeze in otherwise healthy people. It is also linked to asthma.

8. Molds are found year round and growth is encouraged by warm and humid conditions. Outdoors they can be found in shady, damp areas or places where leaves or other vegetation is decomposing. Indoors they can be found where humidity levels are high, such as basements or showers. (Don't kid yourself. Mold can be ANYWHERE. Last night I found mold underneath my chair mat (on a hardwood floor) in my office. No clue how it got there. My supposition: dead spiders and high humidity. It was the last place I would have thought to find mold.)

9. Sensitive people should avoid areas that have mold, such as compost piles, cut grass, and wooded areas.

10. To control mold in homes, control humidity levels and ventilate showers and cooking areas. (Clean the house occasionally. You may be surprised at what you find behind or under something.) Humdity levels should be no higher than 50% all day long. Air conditioning and/or a dehumidifier may be required.

11. Mold growth can be removed from hard surfaces with commercial products, soap and water, or a bleach solution of no more than 1 cup of household laundry bleach in 1 gallon of water. Be careful with bleach, and use gloves and protective eye wear. You may also need to wear a breathing mask.

12. Other hints: make sure your home is adquately ventialted, including exhaust fans in the bathrooms and kitchen. Add mold inhibitors to paints before application. Clean with mold-killing products. Don't put carpet in bathrooms or basements.

13. Other areas known to have high mold issues include antique shops, greenhouses, saunas, farms, mills, construction areas, flower shops, and summer cottages

Information from

This information is for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon for mold issues in your home, workplace, school, or other areas. See a specialist if you have concerns.
Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 513th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Symbolic Scarf

I made my third (and maybe my last) scarf not long ago. It is straight knitting, no pearling. I still haven't learned how to do that although I understand it is easy to do once you get the hang of it.

This scarf is solid blue and I used acrylic yarn. I made it for a close friend who recently completed an adventure around the U.S., hitting all of the four corners of the country and her 49th state. By four corners I mean the farthest places north, south, east, and west on the mainland. I am not exactly sure what those were for her as I found several definitions of what it could be on the Internet. But at any rate, she's happy and reached her goal, and that is all that matters.

I wanted to put buttons on the scarf that were shaped like the USA, but after looking at literally thousands of buttons on Etsy and other sites, I could not find what I wanted. I gave up and went with simple, putting red and white buttons on the end to symbolize the four corners.

The scarf in its entirety.

The end with two buttons.

The middle of the scarf

The bind-off end. I redid it several times but could not make it look as nice as the cast-on end.

I wasn't pleased with this but it was the way it ended up.
Knitting is supposed to be comforting but I do not find it very meditative. I think I am too much of a perfectionist, and especially if I am making something for someone else, then I want it perfect. This is far from perfect but it was my best effort. Sometimes you simply don't do everything well, and I think for me knitting is probably one of those things. I may try some other patterns - I have some cotton yarn and a pattern for making dish cloths that I would like to try - but I think I am done with scarves for a while.

I have turned to crochet for the moment, and we'll see what comes of that.