Monday, August 12, 2024

Happiness - Day 12

Today it's back to school for the little kiddies. My great niece is starting her first day of kindergarten. Her younger brother headed off to preschool.

On those slate boards that parents use now to show what the little ones are doing on that date, my great niece said she wanted to be a farmer.

The great nephew said he wanted to be a firefighter.

Me thinks the great uncle has been quite an influence upon these two little ones. Their daddy was like the son my husband never had, so no wonder.

It makes me very happy to know that these two little ones love their great uncle so much they want to be just like him.

(I do not see these children as often as I would like; the family has dogs so I can't go up there with my asthma and allergies. But they see their great uncle several times a week. I am happy that he is part of their lives.)


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