Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Happiness - August 7, 2024

I saw a friend at the grocery store this morning, and as we walked out to the parking lot together, she told me that she had witnessed an interesting exchange between the checkout clerk and some elderly patrons who were checking out in front of her.

The elderly folks were paying with cash, and they were a few dollars short. The cashier opened up her wallet and made up the difference.

Isn't that great? There are still people willing to help out. My friend told the cashier that her good deed had not gone unnoticed, and the cashier said she tried to help out when she could.

I am happy that there are still people in this world who care about others.


  1. This is hopeful for humanity.

  2. My husband has people do the pay-it-forward thing to him fairly often and he also pays it forward himself. I do little things like that, but haven't really been on the receiving end until recently. I had the man I do companion work with out for lunch on his birthday and when the server brought the bill she said someone had paid for our lunches. That was such a surprise and a blessing! Then later I went through the drive-thru at Chick-fil-a. I only wanted a drink and when I attempted to pay the woman who took my order said "It's on me. Have a nice day." Then she walked away. There are awful people in the world, but I believe there are a whole lot more good people out there than the media would have us believe.

  3. It is nice to know there are kind people out there!


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