Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sun and Moon Flag

About six weeks ago, I picked up this flag for the garden at one of the local "country" stores that we have around here. I was flipping through the flags, saw the sun and moon, thought, "Oh, cool," and grabbed it up without thinking anymore about it (it was also on sale).

It's actually a little weird, now that I've had it out and looked more closely at it. At first, I thought the moon had a mustache, but I see that's just a lip. I guess.

The sun doesn't look masculine, and the moon doesn't look feminine. I know my Greek mythology better than other kinds, and the moon has always been feminine and the sun masculine in those tales. In Greek mythology, the sun god was originally Helios and the moon goddess Selene. However, over time, Apollo became a sun god and Artemis became the goddess of the moon, and they came to be associated with Helios and Selene, respectively.

However, in Norse mythology, the sun is feminine and the moon masculine. They were considered to be sister and brother.

It depends upon the culture.

Which is to say that these celestial bodies have no sexual orientation that we are aware of, just like Earth doesn't, though we tend to say Mother Earth. We could just as easily call the planet Father Earth, though that sounds strange to my ear. It may not sound strange to other cultures, though.

What do you think of this flag? I'm glad it's starting to fade in color because I'll have to replace it soon. I'm not sure it's one I will put back out.

I'm finding it a little creepy, to be honest. 


  1. The Indians had Mother Earth and Father Sky, and Grandmother Moon and Grandfather Sun.

  2. I think it's kinda cool. But I see where it might give creepy vibes.

  3. It's their lips being so close together that I don't like. Can't explain why I don't like it, but there you go. (So I'm guessing this won't be your August Happiness icon.)

  4. I thought it was creepy too!


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