Sunday, June 02, 2024

Sunday Stealing

1. If you like art, who is your favorite artist and why?

A. I like art, but I don't know that I have a favorite. I have a Van Gogh print on my wall in my office, so I must like him ok. Most of the art in my house comes from local artists. P. Buckley Moss might be the most famous local artist. I have three of her paintings, one of my college and one of two children; one named after my husband and another named after me.

2. If you were able to learn any three skills or talents instantly and with success, what would they be? 

A. How to draw/paint, how to code on the computer, and how to deal with people.

3. If you were to live in Ancient Times, where - in what country - would you want to live in?

A. I would want to go all the way back to prehistoric times, since "Ancient Times" is not defined. I want to see pterodactyls and brontosauruses.

4. What is something you’re embarrassed to admit to liking? Whether it be a guilty pleasure show, or unusual hobby, etc.

A. I like animated movies, but I'm not embarrassed about that.

5. What is the worst job you’ve ever had?

A. I worked at bank for about two months and hated every minute of it.

6. What is something that you wanted to do as a child that you would still like to do now?

A. I wanted to be an archeologist or a geologist. If I were in better physical shape, I think it would be fun to go on an archeological dig.

7. What do you hate being judged for more than anything else?

A. How I look.

8. What is your life’s mission?

A. Apparently to mess around with my husband's head. Otherwise, I don't really know.

9. If everyone walked around wearing warning labels, what would yours say?

A. Approach with caution.

10. At what age did you first feel like you were an adult?

A. I think when I was 29 and received my bachelors. I'd already had a hysterectomy and knew my life was going in a direction I hadn't planned.

11. When did you not speak up, but wish you had?

A. Some things are always better left unsaid.

12. What is something that makes your skin crawl?

A. Snakes. I am not a fan of snakes. Or spiders. Creepy crawly things.

13. What was the last thing to give you butterflies in your stomach?

A. I get butterflies when someone tells me they love me.

14. What's your favorite type of media to work with? (Paint, clay, pens etc.)

A. I like colored pencils.

15. What question do you hate answering?

A. A whole lot of these, to be perfectly honest, but they make me think and sometimes I need that. Mostly I dislike the questions that ask how I relate to someone else. I don't know who reads my blog, so I seldom answer those types of questions directly.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. The vast majority of animated movies I've watched in the movie theater I watched alone or with my wife, including most of the Pixar films. NOT with our kid.

  2. I love Moss art! Sometimes the questions on these make me uncomfortable but as you say they do get me thinking. I am sometimes stumped as to how to answer.

  3. OH! Freshly sharpened color pencils are divine!

  4. Coding - that's what I do and have done for over 40 years now. It's not as hard as you think.

    Animated movies are fun. Mrs PM and I went to see Shrek 2 without kids. I didn't care.





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