Monday, June 03, 2024

Ridin' My Thumb to Mexico

This morning the news comes with the word that Mexico has elected a female president.

More than 100 countries, including the United States, have never been led by a woman.

We're supposed to be the leader in the free world, but that's just poppycock. We're so far behind the times in true freedom and liberty that it's a joke. We have lots of freedoms to do things, but not freedoms from things. Like the freedom to go to the movie theater and know we won't get shot in our seat. Or the freedom to be rid of advertisements we don't want. Or spam phone calls. Stuff like that.

I love my country, but the bass ackwards mindset of its citizens in among the more perplexing and aggravating things about it.

My state has never had a female governor. Other states have, but not mine.

My local Board of Supervisors has had females on it, and currently has one of five. Shouldn't that be more like three of two, when women make up half of the citizenry?

We have a female vice president and that scares a lot of people. Oh no, she might become president! She might do some good in the world! Horrors.


1 comment:

  1. "Ridin' My Thumb to Mexico" is a cool song. Hadn't heard it in years. Thanks for reminding me! Now I'd like to add some more layers to your post. People who mock Biden's age seem to forget Donald J. Trump will be a dewy young 78 on Election Day. You know what's WAY scarier than President Kamala Harris? President Elise Stefanik or President Huckabee-Sanders.


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