Thursday, February 15, 2024

Thursday Thirteen

1. It's another free-for-all Thirteen, and a late one at that. What if I'd gone 846 Thursday Thirteen in a row and then missed one!? My goodness.

2. The chronic laryngitis/sinus issue from hell continues. It's been over a month now since I've been able to sing or carry on a conversation without sounding like Jeramiah the Bullfrog. I do try to be a good friend . . .

3. The other day I thought a cow was calving in front of the house, but when I looked again she was gone so I thought maybe I was wrong. A bit later, though, my husband looked out and the vultures were around the area where I'd seen the cow. He went out to check on things and sure enough, she'd had a calf and quickly moved it under the trees where the evil vultures couldn't get to it. They enjoyed the afterbirth, though.

4. We received our tax assessments for real estate taxes in the mail this week, and my Facebook feed looks like a bunch of people who have no clue how things actually work are posting inane comments and baseless conspiracy theories. Oh, wait, that's exactly who is posting. People who have no clue how things actually work.

5. It isn't hard to understand how government works, but (a) you have to want to understand and (b) you have to be open to how it actually works. If someone has already decided the politicians are crooked, on the take, and out to do bad things, then they're never going to understand what is going on.

6. I'm looking around my office to see if there's something here that catches my eye so I can write about it. I have a book on a shelf called The Writer's I-Ching. I've never opened it and I'm not sure where it came from. But it reminds me that one time, a very long time ago, I wrote an article about a guy who lived in an abandoned church who had created a deck of new age cards, sort of like Tarot but not. He planned to sell them and become famous. I wonder what happened to him and his cards.

7. The I-Ching book is squeezed in between a book that identifies trees and another that is my favorite book on writing, Phyllis Whitney's Guide to Fiction Writing. This book was published in 1982 and is no longer in print. I'd buy another copy if it was. I'd even buy a Kindle copy.

8. The other books on the shelf include a guide to local mammals, several different thesauruses, a couple of dictionaries, an out-of-date AP Stylebook, the Chicago Manual of Style (also out of date), and books about writing memoir.

9. I need to dust.

10. Earlier, I saw a deer eating alongside the cows. They don't usually socialize.

11. Two of my three clocks in my office are not running. They need new batteries. Batteries are expensive now, and I only need one clock. So it's always 10:55 on one clock and 5:25 on another, now.

12. I wonder what time it is in Thailand. I ask Alexa, she says it is 2:25 a.m. there. It's 2:25 p.m. here. A 12-hour time difference. I learned something!

13. The other things on my desk include Chloraseptic sore throat lozenges, Halls cough drops, and nasal spray.  Which takes me back to the beginning, I suppose, in a roundabout way.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 847th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. Pick your time! When it comes to government not perfect does not equate to corrupt.

  2. Interesting 13. What a bummer that you're still sick!!!

  3. You can get that book on $3.99... with free shipping. Used, good condition

  4. My ear is bothering me more now. It hurts enough to have to take Motrin. I hope you get better soon!

  5. Your poor throat! I am still coughing like crazy, but I still at least have my voice.....and a constant headache.

  6. Your cough seems to be becoming an unfortunate way of life. I hope you shake it soon. Conspiracy theorists must feel constantly victimized. These days, among the MAGA faithful, grievance seems to have become a fetish.


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