Saturday, February 03, 2024

Saturday 9: Poor Little Fool

Saturday 9: Poor Little Fool (1958)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Ricky Nelson sings of a girl with "carefree devil eyes." Are your eyes your best feature? If not, what is?

A. My skin is my best feature, or it used to be, anyway. It was very clear when I was younger, free of moles and skin tags, etc. Some of those have arrived as I have aged. My eyes are hazel and look like cracked ice if you look in them closely. They also are expressive; my husband looks at me and knows if I am having a good day or not simply by glancing at my eyes.

2) "Poor Little Fool" literally arrived at Ricky's doorstep. A pretty girl knocked on his front door, and played and sang her original composition for him. Who has most recently knocked on your front door (or rung the bell)?

A. My husband! He locked himself out of the house and rang the doorbell so I'd let him in to get his keys.

3) That girl was Sharon Sheeley. A teen model in Los Angeles during the 1950s, she met many of the early rock stars at promotional events. Elvis encouraged her to follow her heart and start writing songs, so she did. Who have you advised recently? Did they take your advice?

A. That would be my husband again, and no, I don't think he did.

4) With the success of "Poor Little Fool," Sharon gave up modeling and concentrated on music. Her songs were recorded by singers such as Richie Valens, Glen Campbell and Johnny Rivers. How many different occupations have you tried? Which was your favorite?

A. News reporting was my favorite. Besides news reporting, in my lifetime I've been a photographer, a musician, a parts counter manager selling automotive parts, a secretary, a legal secretary, and a teacher. I also held a number of jobs working for temp services at various times, most of which I did not like. 

5) Ricky Nelson was the son of Ozzie and Harriet and brother of David Nelson. They began performing together as a family with their radio program The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet. They took the show to television in 1952, where they were referred to as "The Most Famous Family in America." What TV family would you like to hang around with?

A. I'm not sure being a member of a crew stranded in the Delta Quadrant on the USS Voyager counts as family, but that's what I'm going with. If that doesn't work, then I'd like to be Diana Prince's younger sister.

6) While Ricky eventually became the audience favorite, he wasn't initially a likely candidate for stardom. A producer described him as "an odd little kid," shy and small for his age. In those early days, big brother David was more outgoing and considered a natural actor. Thinking back to your preteen years, were you more like David or Rick?

A. More like Rick.

7) Ricky never got over his shyness. He often closed his eyes as he sang on camera or before an audience because it helped him battle his nerves and concentrate on the music. Fan magazine oohed and aahed over his beautiful long lashes and young girls fantasized about Ricky closing his eyes before leaning in for a kiss. Who was your big pre-teen crush?

A. David Cassidy.

8) In 1958, when "Poor Little Fool" was #1, American women were shopping for Italian-inspired footwear. Heels were lower, and the leather was textured and less shiny that the popular patent leather of years gone by. If you were to go shoe shopping today, what would you be looking for?

A. Sneakers. That's all I wear although I could use a pair of dress shoes if I could find something that wouldn't kill my feet.

9) Random question -- Which of these parties sounds like the most fun: a) one you host yourself; b) one at a friend's home; c) a surprise party in your honor?

A. (b) One at a friend's home.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. I find your answer to #1 so romantic. After all these years, your husband still knows you so well and still pays attention! Also, I know a woman who I don't think would let her husband back in if he knocked, so there's that.

  2. Dress shoes that don't kill the feet. It's become the Holy Grail, hasn't it? Sigh.

  3. Very interesting factoids! It is interesting to hear how songs originate. Funny that your husband locked himself out!

  4. #1 A lot of them arrived on me with age. I got them all! Moles, skin tags, and liver spots.
    #4 I’ve been on the other side of the camera, being interviewed. I’ll brag a little, I know the person who was the former news producer at the Today Show, Assignment Manager at CNN, and Assignment Editor at ABC News.
    #8 I only wear sneakers now because of back problems.

  5. I'm with you & Stacy about comfortable shoes. Lymphedema swelling makes it challenging to find something, too.

  6. #2, my husband did that this morning, but I was up. He does it all of the time, but I am usually asleep. I need comfy shoes too. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  7. (love your squirrel photo)
    I have one pair of dress shoes that aren't horribly uncomfortable. I almost never wear them, and usually just wear my Birkenstocks.

  8. Why didn’t Q bring us home from the Delta Quadrant?

    I really liked Captain Janeway.

  9. I love wearing my Sketchers tennis and they are so comfy! I end up getting the wide size option and so glad I did. I have boots I can wear when I need for church in the winter. They are comfortable as long as I have nice socks to go with them. I wear Cobain flip flops most of the summer.


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