Thursday, February 01, 2024

Thursday 13 (#845)

Here are 13 things that I think make life better, in no particular order. You may or may not agree:

1. Books. All books, even the ones I wouldn't read. They harbor so much knowledge! They make the world make sense, even in times when it doesn't make sense.

2. Word processors (not computers). I think the invention of a word processor that allows someone to write and rewrite without having to retype 90,000 words is one of the greatest things ever.

3. Quilts. Who needs a weighted blanket when there is a quilt around? If you want to feel cozy and snug, then this is ideal. Grandmas had the right idea when they made quilts.

4. Eyeglasses. For those of us who can't see well, they're definitely a necessity. For everyone else, wear sunglasses to protect those beautiful gateways to the soul!

5. Cameras. Now that everyone has one, all of the world is on record (though I have my doubts that future generations will ever see it.). But there's something exquisite about a beautiful photograph, one that moves you to inhale abruptly because it captures something extraordinary.

6. Musical instruments. Whether it's a bongo drum, a guitar, or a piano, making music is part of the heartbeat of humanity. Even early humans made music, using bones for flutes. Is there a more delightful sound than a musical instrument played by the hands of someone who loves it?

7. Pencils (or pens). What good are all of those thoughts bopping around in our heads if we don't write them down? I still use pencils, good ol' #2 yellow leaded pencils. I prefer them to anything else, though my favorite ink pen is a Pilot G-2 (05). 

8. Electricity. Just think of all the things made possible by the stuff whizzing through the power lines. Light to see by, heat to stay warm or cook - and to run those word processors.

9. Watches and/or clocks. I love watches and clocks. I prefer the old-fashioned clocks with a face on it and the 12 numerals, with a little second hand ticking away.

10. Clothing. Thank goodness for the things that keep us warm during cold days and cool in the heat of the summer! Plus, nobody wants to look at that without clothes . . . at least, I don't!

11. Chocolate. It really is a food of the gods. Can you imagine not being able to enjoy good chocolate?

12. A porch. This is probably foreign to most city or apartment dwellers, but honestly, sitting on a porch late in the evening, relaxing in a rocker and talking about the day, is one of the best ways to unwind ever invented.

13. Dishes and cutlery. Isn't it great to have a glass to hold your water? Or to eat from a nicely decorated plate? Much better than eating with your hands, right?


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 845th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. That is a good list! I would include medicines and essential oils.

  2. I love a porch but prefer a down comforter to a quilt or blanket. It's like a cloud but keeps me warm.

  3. I do love a good book. And while I might find some books not so good, I know that they have their fans, and they deserve to exist, too. I'll add contact lenses to glasses. Corrective vision is wonderful. I probably would have never started wearing contacts without being pushed into it (at 14), but I would never go back now.

  4. I agree with most of your list. I would need to have a swing on that porch, though.

  5. I agree with all 13, especially books, pencils, and word processors. I loved it when carbon copies were no more.


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