Thursday, December 28, 2023

Thursday Thirteen #840


We are winding up another year, so I thought I'd take a look back and see what kind of stuff I was up to in the last 12 months.

1. I read and/or listened to 63 books. They ranged from classics like Catch-22, by Joseph Heller, and Tarzan of the Apes, by Edgar Rice Burroughs (which was actually very good), to books by Janet Evanovich, Debbie Macomber, and Louise Penny, and ranged in genre from fantasy to mystery to self-help to memoir.

2. I washed at least 720 loads of laundry. To only be two people we go through many clothes. This is because we live on a farm and my husband in particular can change clothes three times a day. The cow doody has to be washed off.

3. I cooked at least 365 meals, although I suspect it was a larger number. Usually I don't fix breakfast, but I do fix lunch and supper. However, I only counted one meal a day. Sometimes my hubby makes his own sandwich.

4. I edited one book for someone, and it was published in October.

5. I wrote and published 42 articles. I also wrote 330 blog posts. Not quite one a day, but close.

6. I returned to physical therapy for a couple of weeks to work on a chronic pain issue.

7. I began playing music once a week (give or take) with my father and a friend of his.

8. I made the bed 365 times. I stripped the linens and replaced them 52 times.

9. I swallowed approximately 24,000 pills (not all at once, of course). I take 9 different prescription drugs, some of them multiple times a day, plus a lot of vitamins. (I had no idea it was that many until I started adding them up.)

10. I lost six pounds and kept it off.

11. I walked approximately 1.16 million steps during the year, and that's at an estimate of 3,200 steps a day, which is about what I averaged when I was using a Fitbit before it died. Some of you walked 10 million steps or more.

12. I spent over 1,000 hours playing video games. (One of my new year's goals is to stop that.)

13. I answered approximately 1,400 spam phone calls on the landline. I wouldn't answer them except we have businesses to run, and some calls come in on that number.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 840th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. I lost 3-4 and kept it off but I think it's the medical pancreatic enzyme I have to take that did it. I wonder where the articles you're writing are being published now that the newspapers aren't paying for legwork. I got lost and thought this was Wednesday so was late in posting!

  2. The year in numbers. Those are quite the calculations.

  3. It's a very impressive year by the numbers. I'm glad you took the time to do this, and to pat yourself on the back for your accomplished. This is important. (I have a suspect losing those 6 lbs. will pay big dividends going forward. Good for you!)

  4. I call that all a win, except for the spam call one. I never answer those (not a business line) but I'm sure I get at least 4 a day.
    Happy 2024!


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