Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Hundreds of Birds

For the last several days, we've been inundated with birds. They appear to be starlings and grackles.

Yesterday, they pooped all over the house. My husband went outside and thought someone had thrown mud all over the garage door and his truck. I looked and immediately pronounced it to be bird doodoo.

He washed off what he could, but the house will need a good pressure wash when the weather warms.

Earlier, I stepped outside to get a breath of fresh air because it's 62 degrees out, which is quite warm for this time of year.

I was greeted with the mighty tweet of hundreds of birds in the trees about 75 yards away from the house.

I really like this shot.

Here's a little 20-second video clip of the birds chattering away.


  1. That audio clip of the birds captured the rapt attention of my cat, Roy Hobbs. I can tell he'd love to be let loose among them!


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