Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Happiness Challenge - Day 23


I ate baked spaghetti and it didn't kill me! Or give me horrid reflux.

This may not seem like a big deal, but I have not had spaghetti of any kind for over 3 years. I had such a horrid time with an ulcer and accompanying acid reflux that I'm only now slowly trying new foods. Or rather, old foods that I used to take for granted.

It was so good! That first bite was like nirvana.

So maybe spaghetti is something I can add back into my diet occasionally. I know to eat foods that bother me before 2 p.m. and we had this for lunch. 

This is progress!

Oh, and my husband's year follow-up on his hip replacement (which was the reason we were out in the first place), came back great and he doesn't need to return for five years! So yay for that, too.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you got to eat something so good. I had to give up a lot of foods for a year when I had really bad acid reflux. I lost 10 pounds back in 2019. I gained it back plus a few pounds more! Glad you husband's hip is good too!


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