Monday, April 03, 2023

My Husband's Garden

My husband came home from the dentist and announced he was going through with his plans to create raised garden beds.

He's been talking about this for a few weeks; he went to an auction with a friend who has raised garden beds and it's all he's talked about since.

The more he's talked, the more he's convinced himself that nice fresh garden tomatoes and the aroma of zucchini bread baking in the kitchen is all it will take to bring his summer to perfection.

I tried to talk him out of it. We haven't had a garden for four years and haven't had one that did well for much longer. I don't do well in the heat, I can't take the sun, and I'm allergic to everything outside. Plus, I have chronic pain and bending over to pull weeds or pick vegetables aggravates that.

"You'll thank me this summer when you're eating on that zucchini bread!" he exclaimed after he came home this morning with boards from Lowes.

"Oh right. I'll be so grateful because I was out in the early morning heat to weed, and then out in the heat again to pick the zucchini, and then I get to stand over a hot oven and cook that bread. Yeah, I'll be thanking you alright," I replied.

I don't mind gardening but I am turning 60 in June. I don't want to spend the summer I turn 60 working in a garden. I spent the summer I turned 50 in bed recovering from that stupid gallbladder surgery that left me bent over double and barely able to function. And now I'm supposed to spend the summer I turn 60 making zucchini bread?

Gadzooks. That was not on my Bingo card until he started talking about it. I know my man, and once he gets something in his head, that's it. He's bought the boards and he will build the garden. Nothing I say is going to make a difference.

Everybody who reads this knows I hate to cook. And have you seen the price of raisins lately? Who can afford a $6 box of raisins to make zucchini bread? Plus the spices are all sky high, too. So this zucchini bread is going to cost us $500 a loaf by the time he builds these raised beds and redoes the fencing around what used to the be garden.

Because this is all that's left of our former garden:

I can hear him out there sawing and banging away, happy as a pig in a mudhole. I'm supposed to be in here writing checks and paying the bills.

Seems like I get all the bad biscuit jobs around here. Clean the toilets. Pay the bills. Weed the garden whenever he gets it built.

I remember Howard Wallowitz on The Big Bang Theory told Bernadette before they married that she'd have to wash his clothes in special detergent, take him to the dentist, and all this other stuff. She said, "You expect me to have to do all of that?"

He said, "You don't have to do it, you get to do it."

So, I don't have to weed the garden, I get to weed the garden, and bake him his zucchini bread.



  1. His garden his dirt, his weeds. He can make his own zucchini bread, I drive to Heritage Market and it tastes better and cheaper!

  2. I agree with your brother, his garden, he can weed. You can bake but forget the raisins. You can do several loaves at once and then freeze them, so you don't have to be baking often. We eat zucchini often. I cut mine is small pieces and microwave for about 2 minutes. Then drain. I sauté some onions and then add the zucchini and stir fry. Sometimes I had fresh tomatoes. Then when it is all done. I serve with grated cheese. Other times I add a mild salsa like Pace, then use it as a side with fresh cooked beans. Hubby got the zucchini with tomato mixture and added some cut up steak meat and so yummy!


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