Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sunday Stealing

1. My plans for December -

A. To get the holiday thing done, deal with the upcoming wintry weather, and try to keep my spirits up.

2. How energized I feel at this point in the year -

A. Today I'm having my holiday blues. Hopefully I will shake it quickly.

3. The best things about the holiday season -

A. When it's over.

4. Something that changed my perspective on life -

A. This month? Nothing. But last year my friend passed away, and that changed my perspective on a lot of things.

5. What I seem to get the most comments about -

A. I get the most compliments on my skin. Nobody is going to compliment me on being fat and old, so they tell me I have nice skin. I basically do, I've never been a sun worshipper.

6. The changes I’ve made to my style -

A. None, except I've let my hair grow out some.

7. What gets in the way of my success -

A. Myself.

8. News sources I trust the most -

A. CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, NPR, plus Reuters, the Associated Press, and locally my CBS news station. I read The New York Times, The Guardian, The Washington Post, and The Roanoke Times. 

9. Fictional characters that would easily fit into my life -

A. I need a cook and a personal assistant, whoever that might be in a book. One of those detectives who also has a bakery shop or something.

10. My relationship with spirituality -

A. Is my own business.

11. How I feel when I’m being retrospective -

A. Sad, usually. 

12. My thoughts on AI technology -

A. It is what it is.

13. The odd/weird things I do when nobody else is around -

A. Talk to myself? Adjust my underwear? I don't know.

14. What I do when I can’t sleep -

A. I meditate, count backwards, and if none of that works, I get out of bed and read a while.

15. The winter/holiday season tasks I enjoy -

A. I like buying presents for other people.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I have the same thoughts about Christmas as you. Glad when it's over.

  2. I have spent way too much time in the sun and I now have lots of wrinkles!

  3. has been raining a lot here for the past two weeks or so. I have noticed the kids at school getting cranky. We can't go out and the sun is not out. Well, the last two days or so the sun was out. I put the blinds up and let the sunshine in the classroom. The kids were so happy about that. It makes such a difference.
    I was just telling Roger about what we are teaching at school. #13 and talking to ourselves. I think we learn on our own to do that as we get a little older, but we are teaching it in Pre-K to help kids stay focused and remember what they are doing...they call it self talk and it is part of a social emotional curriculum. So, it is not weird, it just helps us stay focused on what we are doing. I "self talk" a lot. Most teachers do. I can imagine as a writer it is a must also. So many thoughts to write down. Anyway...Merry Christmas! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  4. I got an online subscription for the NYT. I love having it.

  5. I read news from a variety of sources, too.

  6. My favorite thing about Christmas is buying gifts for other people, too.

  7. Aw man, I hate to see the winter/Christmas blues hit you again. Have you ever tried light therapy or taking huge doses of vitamin D3? I used to get the blues every year once Christmas was over, but 5000 iu's of D3 daily seems to have kicked the blues butt.


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