Saturday, December 31, 2022

Saturday 9: The Last Song

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
This is the last Saturday 9 song of 2022. 
Thanks for another great year.

1) In this song, the lead singer admits he leaves the light on when he goes to sleep. Do you leave any lights on in your bedroom? Or do you prefer it completely dark?

A. We have ambient light from the air purifier and the alarm clocks. We also have motion lights in a couple of outlets, so we won't be stumbling in the dark if we get up in the night. I prefer it as dark as we can get it, though.
2) He sings that he can't stop wondering where his old girlfriend is. Do you know whatever happened to any of your exes?

A. I don't have that many exes, but one guy I dated in high school went into the Marines, and last I heard he was in a bad wreck that involved a fire truck. That was maybe a decade ago.

3) He says this is the last song he'll ever sing to his girl. What's the last song you sang? Where were you when you sang it?

A. Well, I listened to this one and sang along with it as I sat at my desk. Before that, I was singing Sara, by Fleetwood Mac, in the kitchen.
4) Edward Bear was a Canadian group who took their name from Winnie the Pooh. As written by A. A. Milne, Edward Bear was Pooh's "proper" name. Pooh's favorite food was honey. Is there a food you can't get enough of?

A. I have a sweet tooth, so I remain partial to sweets. I try not to eat chocolate because it upsets my stomach. But it is the holidays, and we had such a horrible Christmas weekend . . .
5) In 1972, when this song was popular, Disney's Winnie the Pooh was quite a celebrity in his own right, appearing on the cover the 1972 Sears Christmas Wish Book. That year, kids asked Santa for plush Pooh, Tigger and Eeyore. Did you have many plush toys as a child? If yes, do you still have any of them?

A. I had several. The most treasured was a stuffed blue dog that my brother and I fought over. I ended up with it; a friend fixed Blue up (repaired an ear and replaced stuffing and his eyes) and eventually I gave it to my nephew. I don't know what happened to Blue after that.

6) Enough about 1972! Let's look back on 2022. What's something you learned or rediscovered in 2022?

A. I learned that it is the people who just go do things that matter the most. It's all very well to offer the usual "call me if you need anything," condolences, but it is the person who shows up unasked to shovel your walk who makes the difference. Or the person who responds to a request in the affirmative. I am going to try to be that person more.

7) Can you think of a moment in 2022 you'd like to do over?

A. Christmas was rather nonexistent given the lack of power and freezing temperatures.

8) What are you looking forward to most in 2023?

A. I hope we can take a vacation, but we'll see. We don't have anything planned.

9) Random question: Who received the last email you sent?

A. My insurance agent. I wrote him to see if burst pipes were covered in my rental property.

I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  


  1. I would like to start planning something for the new year. I need something to look forward to. Loved your answers! Have a very Happy New Year! ♥

  2. Oh, what a hassle to deal with burst pipes. I hope that mess gets taken care of smoothly.

  3. You certainly did have a trying Christmas. I hope those pipes are covered. You are so right. It is that person who does rather than that person who just talks about doing. A worthy goal for sure. Happy New Year!

  4. If anyone deserves treats after Christmas, it's you! Oy! I know you're careful about what you drink, but I think a Brandy Alexander might be in order, too.

  5. Sorry about your Christmas. I hope you get a chance for a vacation...even a short one!

  6. Love that lesson you learned in #6. What a world it would be if we all tried harder to be that person.

  7. We have neighbors who have gone the "extra mile" for us, and we for them. It's a comfort.
    And we have a lot of ambient light round and about, mostly from security lights of the neighborhood. Like you, I have no exes, only the one man who became my forever... I'm sorry about the burst pipes, sheesh, and hope insurance covers that. *fingers crossed for you*


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