Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sunday Stealing

1. Do you have any Pepto-Bismol in your house?

A. Yep. Always have to have a bottle of the pink stuff around.

2. Do you have a favorite flavor of vodka?

A. I don't drink alcohol.

3. Is your backyard big enough to fit a trampoline?

A. Yes. It could be an airport if someone wanted to do that to it.
4. When was the last time you had eggs?

A. I had an egg sandwich for lunch on Saturday.

5. How often do you blow dry your hair, and what color is your blow dryer?

A. I blow dry my hair every morning. My dryer is brown.

6. Have you ever gone to bed later than three AM?

A. Yes. 

7. Have you been to a surprise party before?

A. I have. My father had a grand surprise party for his 80th birthday.
8. What is your least favorite month?

A. January. It's cold, it's dark, it's snowy.

9. Have you ever gone to see a movie the day it came out?

A. Yes. I saw all of the Lord of the Rings movies (it's a trilogy) on the day it was released. I also saw Wonder Woman on the day it was released, I think, and maybe a few of the Harry Potter movies. I'm 100% sure of the LotR movies; I think so on the others.

10. Do you like movies/books about drugs, and why or why not?

A. Not particularly, no. I don't like to see people compromised like that.

11. Do you have scrap paper by your computer desk?

A. I have scraps of paper everywhere, so yes.

12. Have you ever kept a bag from a store because you liked it?

A. I have kept bags because I thought I might reuse it, but not necessarily because I liked it.

13. Was the last thing you drank carbonated?

A. No. The last carbonated drink I had was a ginger ale in October 2020.

14. Do you own any yellow clothing?

A. I have one shirt that is yellow. I don't wear it often because it doesn't look good on me. It makes me look washed out.

15. Last person you argued with?

A. My husband. I live with him. We're going to argue occasionally.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I didn't write about this but we actually keep our plastic grocery store bags and use them to scoop the cat litter box. If we have extras, we take them to our Food Share. They use lots of bags every week.

  2. I picked February or March as my least favorite month--winter feels eternal.

  3. I agree, January is a awful month! Have a great Sunday!

  4. I love egg sandwiches! That sounds so good.
    Yellow washes me out too. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  5. My wife and I went out to dinner last night. There ws a big surprise party there involving people we did not know, but it was entertaining to be there.

  6. I can't stomach Pepto-Bismol. When I was a kid that's all the school nurse ever gave anyone. Well, that and saltines. I swear someone could have gone in with a bone sticking out of their leg and she'd have given them Pepto. It was a big joke with us kids.


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